Billboard advertising (Jan 1906)

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JANUARY 13, i9M. Ttie Billboard 9 MUSIC NEW YORK rUBLISHBRS' NOTBS leiK«. Therf Is « tre«t ta store for tte Sttth IMltTODS. The EMpnore Slirt^n, irtio ar« pte/las tbt Keith Circuit, nrc maklns a teatoi* •( tha new Iriah soiiK, entitled Larry. The Blrnore 8U- ters are at Uje top In tbelr line and deservedly Ko. as they are alwajs on tte look-out for novel- tIeB and good aonsn. ProfesBlODal copies of huts Can be bad on appliestlfm; there arc do ^HB nrw prodnctloii . Ifi* Vnm Agent, wbldi la a musical comedy tMcknoand wlUi tte talenta of Peter Daller, 1* •t T ■ noiv runalng to lats* endlcneee * the 'Ltw FleMa* neatM. Dnrlac the actios of tbe flnt lecne « Tctr ae«*l dittr. en- titled I Think It Itatt bo l|1>UnaBted. eoapeiv* vho fCDolf A VM ntUtiiit thine la eeoBcetlHi SSSrm tb. atadns of U W | «h» «ta think up mort «igutk whm orer nlsbc tbtn tbe •▼tngt ttan In the CMt ot I TblDk rir CtD In a month. _ _ Moat be Liore, Mr. Dnrnslde ha* ocltliiatcd an epUMMle In atasecraft that caasea a tremeo. 4o4ia aenaatlon, for be haa cut ten trap doors la the ataae. and at a given signal tbese fly «|)en. ditcloaing an eqnal Domher or crimson bearta. ta which presently appear the faces of ten pretty glrla. This remarkable and strlk. Ine Ulttstratlon of tbe text of the sonic, sdded to tbe rendition by tbe varlODS artists of ' verse cscb secures for tbe song as many tirenty enoorea at a alnsle pcrfonnanee, a fact vhlek Mriua tk« mat tb ftMna at Om ttum. U waa writtM ir — yW A. mnmt. AVOTXn BU>OX VOTZ A aireet voiced vocalist, who la very popular la Greater New York. Is MJsa Joale Antoinette, WHO poMeflvrs a voice of great power, beauty and rmnee, and who has In addition a very win- vme personality. In her work sbe makea i specialty of tbe songs of Sol. Bloom, Including RaymvDd A, Browse'* Oood-^e, Olgle Dcu; Uarry Clay SOUtVa. OM* H. Peon's I've Look at Yob. T.m.mrnUm Katbiys Hil*T la singing Jont • I/lttIr nock bg Ohalr aod Yon, Tlie lyt-ndiT of tlie <;erraan ■and. Starlight and Daddy's Uttla Girl, and UiM an all going great. U. J. Bord It a&cinf Oaddr'a Uttlt OM and SlaiUghl, lllnstratcd. PiBkar WUUana, Mar Slaeeaa aad Ulaolt IDitlMr ala» lepoct ' tntt ul ffUh tb* aaa* loafa. Wtekir and Mar flod It* LcadCT of tbe Oaimaa Band aneh an immenaa bit tbat ther (eatoie It on all Ibelr billing. LUy Seville, tbe great KngUab oomedlcone, la immaaaair aaccaaatul la a m» tkatah bv Jesnnette Dupre la slnglag. ■•Br vanee ot Waj^ef- f'^.f^i'If J^* gett^a>U( SlBfb. John Xouas_la dolag Uttea ailMlB la (bla loag aara it li ika ktacaoMig^aSi iM^ffiwlad. wmcABX wnrasas ■Vngela May, dramatic contralto, aad J. Lonia MicBv<T, author-racootean write from San Francisco that their appeamnccf In artlatle conreru over the Pacine coast have been unl- foniily and legitimately succesaful. Promlneot bi tUelr repertoire are Good Night. Beloved. Good .Mgbt. Star of My Life, I Love Yon, Dear, Une la a 'Trrant, Awake, Mr Bctored, Airake, and otbera of almllar character and merit. Ttieae orcbeatral dance nombera were played at ne ball given at the Annual Grand Masque snd ureas Carnival, which took place Thursday eve- •lag, !>•«. T. at Central Turner BM. Ctncln- ^ ?!S2ISW» »«!!• »a!kJSLSf-?t»'«j Mwdlaad. One of. the el to Jlmoir Mia) good, as naual, with a Mack and White. ta eaadeelBa . mm Um 'Itaark amaber. In FROM mri.T HAOEH .I'll Be Waltlnjt In the Gloainlng, Sweet Gene- ■.nere, J. Fred HelTa big balUd hit. bad another I aaaaer. weak taccat^, it being tbe feature song ':1tJ!'V VltntuiM theatres ot Ctaas, Falke. Ira ■JJMK^lIltCliell and Marron. Tommy Bur- SSr-T!!S9!t'^l!!'4*k ^li* Oraham*. Baataa Quar- '••w'-WBi»iBtM and otbera. BTERK * OO.'I Maater Jahimy McGulre. the youngest song Ulastrator In the bnslnras. la booked In a cbalo ™stem vaudeville bouses for many weeks u I'""'' Where Uie Sllv'ry Mo- nank flows. In tlio Golden Autumn Time. My Sweet Elaloe, My Ilearfa Tonight lu Tennea- 2*- Stem & Co. claim tliay can hardly supply rae demand for these populsr numbers, Janes e>T)e», author ot lllawaiha, lias handed »» JOi. W. Stern A Co.. what be calls a new IMIaMique. It la entitled younc .Kotelope. ua M. certainly catchy, novel nml chnracterls- 'i!i-'"_5T*.''' '«»Pec«. Mr, O'Dra bear.l tlie luel- aor, wueb mm written by Anna Caldwell, and naedlatelr. eagamd hlmtelt upon the lyrics. !■;«">• »MBlt to aiat Vonac Antelope is a very happy ineplrallM. aad a. aON ftv^t. Manr Stem aoBfa Cor tbe BMr^earT They incjudc the great Boaton tong farorlte. No- K,i Trootile Than Me, with an "orklng up to It. Ills other niun- hera win includa You're Graar wlib tbe Heat -.JJte.-^m'lolte Ooo^w a aew eantsalto la th» ^»^tTliip Arid. Iiaa been reeeWlait tarorabia J»«tmt ceo In FaU Hirer ami Lawrence, for tier beaniifui rendition Ot the new song. Dream .„! which sliows her beautlfnl 'o great advantage, aod ahe meela with unbounded auceeat aad applaoae (mn her aud- MUSICAL The Irina Opsra 06» ms royally •ntertalaed by the matugeaioit Ohrlstmas Eve at Palrbory. Neb. A hall waa rtatad and a large OiTlatinaB tree and a samptnona apread were prepared. The featlvltlea opened with an ex- change o( presents, after which dancing, mirth and muale prevailed antll a late hour. The company vlalted tbe winter quartera of the Campbell Brotbera' Circus, where a most en- joyable afternoon was ipent. Among tte gneiitii of the company on thin occasion were Chas. WriKht. of Seatfle. Waah., Ohas. Wahl and IflM Vorla, of I'eorla. III., and Fred IlalfleM and C. E. Whitney of the Campbell Brothers Circus. Soy, wltb It* lb Billy B. Van. of The will lay oS week Jaa. Prof. Samuel C, >a■■a^ • of Missouri will CO ea a Indian Terrttocr, Missea Carlia and Sbirlle Baaaatt are now pUrina tot etallaa wltb IMaUa'a tepe- OMbaafia. at^ttt ItoaaiMMr nMna^Oanr, of aiia. aaif'wapSnaaaauvfflfflSE* The Oua Edw.ards Music PublUhiU 0*1, 1312 Broadway, .New York. wlU b* iM to lend coplea ot new songt to reoogalaad wai- hers fl( tta a A Dtamond for a Valentine early ebl l dbocJ uUI thaa ., boor wbenlEaji a bluihlng ffbnuty U Offea CaUed "Ci»ld's Month" ftj^ VMS, every woman looks back npon St. Val;Btla«*a Dar mm SJiadi- » "row mapr Umea. Write tod^ Ibr dO-pue Cii«lieri.«i'oiriT.riili«"^~"' ladT";.'J'b!SJL'rS u'SSf '5IV «™iJ»ken ot lo«" »?w li tuo awSSpVite t^^^^ dar^wbaa Uttla 8Ir CDpid sped teraor Our MtfBificntNMr Catalan. sfe-StfSSi^^t'"^^^^^ MUSICAL COMEDY The Tenderfoot Co. made merry at tba Botal Delavan in Cedar Baplds, la., Cbrlat- xsaa hr erecting a tree upon which hong gtfli tor all the memhera ot the company. A awell banqaet gare acat l» Ika. aaaaiton aad good cheer paaralled llii niilbaat . Ska popular manager, Wte. B. Onllen, caaM ta Cor a heavy, ahare of the glfta and good wishes. Mrs. Mary Nevins, mother of Marie Nevlns ot The Bam Tree Co., attempted sui- cide New Year'a Day in New York by entUng her throat with a bread knife. She was taken to Urn J. flood Wright Bosplul, whcta aha wUl recorar. It Is thaagbt Ibat Mta. .Marlaa waa ^ _ ; __ anar . ftana bar only danghter. Miss Emma Janvier, playing the wardrobe mlstreaa with so much buccesn in The aiayor ot ToLlo in New York, has signed with the BIcbard Carle Amusement Co., to etar next sesson In Fnmlshcd Booms to Let. In Etc Ufa Ulaa Janvlar ta the wlfv of David nee. who playa Lord Spoteaah In Tbe Tree. The roster of Cohan & Sutherland's King of Tramps Co. la aa follows: WUl H. Dalrymple, manager: Oacar Oahea, Dave Der- den, Fred Armstrong, C, C. Roberts, J, H. Pratt, Clyde I^on^. Klnsel Poarce, Geo. El>el. Ofaas. Ewlng, Harry Sutherland, Fred Henley. Hazel Bourne, Ustber Krana and rtiyllls Thorn- ton. The Royal Chef Co. spent Christmas Bve in Sioux Falla, 8. D.. where they at- tended In a body a performance of The For- bidden Land, and then repaired to the Cararact Hotel, where the chef abared bonora with the royal one, A Cbtlitmaa tree wrred to la- creaae the merriment, E, Z. Gardner, formerly private sec- retaiT (or A. L. Brlanger but now in Chicago at tba baad of aa aatomoblle company, re- newed aoqaatataaaa wltb the Bembent ot The Ham IHa Co.. aaw.riarlBC arcqr .paaaMfM engageiMBt at tba .Oilailal InaaM ta Obl> caco. Kaate Brlckson, who was featured ta na:8Nataatr OlrL alopped ovar ta Gbkago few dara aa bla wa7.«» Mew aoaaon Ua*-'Mnahaaa: wUl'ataa ta _ under tba aaaadfamMt af SMTHIa mond. Miss Elfrelda BuslHft 'ttae noted con- tralto, is in Chicago. TUillaff her bualwad. rorreat Huff, the Emeat BnMttt ~ Tree, Mlsa Basing will rem ~ ' ~ tlr« Chicago engagement. Ada Blauvelt, of The Son of Rest Co., was nearly anSocated by smoke from a arc tbat broke oat In the Kirfcwood Hotel In Dea Moinea. la,, ncentlr. Sbe waa out of the cast aeveral dara. Owinc to poor buaineaa the Shooting Hia Chatca Ok, waa farced to eloae at Ban Clalra. Wla., recently. The eompamr will he reoisanlsed for a aoatbam toor earlr ta tbe aprlng. Albert Straaaman. bnaineaa manafar iiataa Malta, be a apw- iretalalt,pajlaff ona-flrthoQ aGcep.juioe and tba rri " —., " ■ ' a '■■ .""^J rmj mmiu m . a ww_wiM aos aslsa she amall pavmenta from yonrlotxnna, DiamOfluS as an InveCtlUMIt aronecortnan a aavlngs hank account. Tbey bars Inraeased In »i5,^lISJJ?« "4_!rTrTH55?* J!dnainorsthan»perccntdiirlnKth«p««ttw.fv«monthjtllISS l*a laading Onancieis antarssting their money In DlamondsbacauM of thiirJapJdiy lna?i53;Jv55S IpjrIiGrade Udies'and Gents' Watches SSr^:IiJSS;%^^f'^SJS^»"i!SJ ■ApVI^ Diamond Cutters Mvr 11^ aig,»j^^ • "w«tu.s.A. "V"! TAG RAPU ^ FILMS—12 CENTS PER FOOT, * * AH Hllaas A" Originals. Mo "Class B" OO TO BAMUERSTEIX'S VICTORIA AND BgE FLAGS AND FACES OF ALL RAGES A jipiendid Film with a Ho* Vlaiik. aad taUoC mw title) aa feet. OHIUINAI, I tmUk ..THE ORKKN Eierfuoe is lalklnK about it—it's REAL Comedr. MEN .. Lenrtb 730 leet—all sure. wtchter POSTNO^BILLS[ f>o BT nn yitMHfll&SiSl9 op axhiioa. ) Al Write for ctrcnlani Of VITAORAPH HITS. THE VITAGRAPH COMPANY OF AMERICA, Itt iMua St BPRCIALSeLLlNU AOl KI.KINK (IITICAL (H) . ^tai itLmtMi. •nriTMiin" BKUS.. lis Tnrk Bt, .11 hraiiriiHVj, <:^L er ID voicago t^iSfer SS ma B. 'Bar- oC Xba Ham BcnictlDg OM plarcd aftaa to 8. for did date R. o. Miss Helen Irwin, a member of The Itnni Tree Co,, was taken serlouslf 111 wltb aa attaak ot heart troobia Jan. S. Her phy- alataa aara aba wUI ba aU Hfbt ta a taw daya. . iniM BOM WaaAtirltli aapnDa last ..aaaa.' aaaw: ftata-.'Mli wa aB w' : ta wend laat week wltb Bella Ohld ot Tbe Haai Tree, now playing at the Colonial Theatre In Chicago. Jos, Cawthorne closed in Fritz In launaar.Ball ta BL Lonlg, 3fo» Jaa. 18, and tt la saM - tbaC ka w« i«tan> ta Hear Xork to taegln tahaaiaala M Tba Jaaltar. MelvUle B. Raymond's The SemU nary Girl dosed lu season Dec. 30, In Mil- waukee, where the company played to raoord buaineaa at tbe Alhambra. Stella Wllmot, of The Ham Tree Co., reoBvcrcd froaa her lllasaa with that companv In C ened with tnberenloalB. Richard Lambert cloaad'tw leading man ot the Snphle Brandt A' ~~ ~ Oa. it Hot Springa. Ark. SONBS FOR WEAR and EVERYWHERE "Ughtt if Hone" Of deep d M s H amter. a aa an a f aled lB baaut "JratiPletinotToa' Vlo- . -J" at "My Sunbufit U||" A nialodle Sunny luva plaint. *miaiiiiiodmiiryoi' Mora htsL Ccmpoeed by Al. Trahen and t«e Oseaa Bmith- aaoasb said, Px«feaaioiim] eoplaaf tm ta neOfaiaadL aiagais. Bagnlai fO-oant plane aeplsa hsaullftj tWea, waadaaadsMMiaaUaata aaab, psstpaid- tOl Fatenair lat aalr. OnbeatmUaas of aU tear Ifa (aaUlBgexpeaaaa). Bead tar saw list of popu- lar inatmnental numbaia. SanAlalalepraitam tor ptotMaUnial coplea ofoar iat« aanMe. Oall oa na wbea In FriMco. 411 poBBlar aoogs taaalit tMe. Arranging ■aatvooMb 8oiicBpabUiMi«iMysltir< 2IO Fowell 8t« S«n Franolsoo. Cat. M ■ «i w|up—I CMebnc>tl]n« And arUvno ayn- M AIIm I IHt copfttlonl^ntallornoMjiwfoad ■ ed. How to conv«rt any picc*. at •Igbt. IntocmptlTatlng r«K-()n»- If you play piano, a«Bd for fTM book. ClarlsCeifcMn School of Fopaubr Ma»to. 917 8. Western Are.. Chloniro. 80NQ HITS FBEE!! PBEEIl KBEEll "^ACH LOUIE.*" eomle DaWh M^i«<TBa MAH VIKHI THK COUNTY CORK,** comic Irish aonjr. MalllTir P"-<■«-■!! J T n(TlS VON DKR MKHOrv, JR «f 0'K<irrt ll Htr.-. t. Sah j-'rani^lBt'tK ( a1 BOKBXSJHO •uivMAinir lu |M«jm» «»f •cnmr :rATlOSAC XCSK} OO. bne a tot «C hits. Can aad aaa aa. ~' Aaa. Naw Tork—U W. IIOSKN FIELD _ COIN bI.OT MAI maker* nC aU sa, Hadaon attaea, NKW VOKK tner. We Have the Best Adveriiser TET IBVm T Bl) BOB (^rensea. Shova, Bn Steamers, KloatInK Tbeatres. SpeclaltiM mt aU We takvosold ttaem toadverllaa aven Soapand~ TEOS. J. HIGHPL * CO., 8. X. Oar. Ii Iindlew Bta., Cuoaaati, 0. THE 'UNION" Malleable StNl Ortir low. Uilti Einitor STAGE SCREWS S1.2fi ptr te. SMI fw te. rnoptSUpMd. ftHicUuCi. OPEN TIME At Franklin. Kj., Op«ra Booh. Popniatloa 9M^% hmrff ♦eai.nir capacity iOO Wb bt^we JuKt takt^ rbanr9 and V,an: .""mm- ^■■■■■<\ .>nr- iJuia hti'i• B iMirv'. Addrcaa TWO LUBIN M. P. MACHINES Lata aoodals. Beivlvr doable laatcra, DarloS IS B SSa. Mk- OOOtaat aim I ISS alMaa. Tcnr abaan. Stamp fDrUai. B. C TATLUR, MS So. Mthtt.. Omaha, M.