Billboard advertising (Jan 1906)

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JANUARY iB, 1006. nrtie Billboard 17 UNITED STATES TENT & AWNING CO. 218 N. Desplaines St., CHICAGO, ill. 126-133 W. Randolph St. 63 Yiars Eipirimi :tents Monroe 162a, ,1 X E N X S ■flf ■!■¥ AWtljgggBB. Prea. I W^ F. PB IVKK i Vlce-Pre*. V mo'vr. ■>. NWnlAinit JB.See.-Treaa. I <<Amerioa 0ar Home'' Write Us Before Plaoing Your Orders for TiM World Oar FMd" Tents for 1906 Use. ^t^^p„^ mumm utisf/ict»i m doiveues m goitu»t daie IHTT HISE II THE WOBUiaSm^°!g^^ KIdd'a Patant Ll«hta. Sidaahew PalntiiiSa. Clraua Seats. Flags. Tarpaullna and He Blankets. CorreaponAanee SeUcIt The New Tent for Moving Plotures. ete. IBY AGAIN Quite a number of those who have been engaged in circus and carnival business have either quit, or are seriously thinking of doing so. In most cases the reason g^ven is that they had too much, worry for what they get in re- turn. We wish to call the attentioa <xf sndi to the old adage, **TIT JMMk** The pruidide thing necemj to the snccess of any amnsemeatettterpriMis^WlM^^ right, and the first move toward a right beginning to a; successful end is to buy yonr TMts* PaallaSi Flagif Covsrti UshU, etc.| from MKEt & mmm m, w,. ■.twammaMntt. uuim cnr, m LION and LIONESS FOR SALE! LARGEST ELEPHANT^-^^ DR. H. J. POTTER, 138 L 25tb St., N.Y. CITY PHILADELPHIA, PA. U the start of the Nevr Tear In tbe tbeatrl- CAl bnalo^M In this city U ahj IndlcAtloa of What 18 coming, this will be the blsseat year tbst onr maoagera hare ever had, and they will all be able to reUre with fortnnes. Never bAB anj- one day ahown so great aa ontpoor- lag of people at all o( our tbeatzes w tbe ■nt tt the year. It was •atticlr oa tat s ete d. »••.__ 0»r dtr coancUmcn kad ai fwu la lai |S,<M for prises for our New Tear aiusma dnbs of men wko paiadc Ike stieets in taa- taatlc coatames and clTe a Tcrr tslr Imitation «( the M«r Orlaam Maidl Otaa, and it was tkaigkt tkat ttds waoU bart tbs Masn at tkf ^ ttiaina^ tat It mir hdped. at alAilght wkcn th* igat taitlcaqae lionses ad- mtlied a "mldalght natlacc." Th* hooaca were to open at 12 o^doek and for an honr before that ttane the streets In front of the the.trea irere black with people. No tlckett could be sold nntU It was Monday morning, bat when the box offices were opened there was a wild scramble whldi took officers, attacbees and ererybody off their feet. Tbe crowd was ■o great In front of the Bljon that Manager nam Dawson made one of bis old-time circus ipeecbes to the crowd, telllna them that he did sot want their mosey, bnt they only laaghed at Urn and then swept down Iron gates as It tber wen made at paper. Ihcie was aa. awftd eroird at the Caslaok too. It took tmt a tew maments for the hoaae* to sen oat wd then ths doors were closed. Itta itgalar matinees on Mew Taar'a Say *<n']«at sa crowded, bnt on aeoonat at ~ •( tka seata being reserved In adraaee, Sia aat tkc asm* coatnsloa. na wcatbft was „ —iB- -.^ money ll fc— i K JliW i fmit f aWgJHMV theattsa naia ftst alatlsg IB ttni cny. Eelth'a Cbestnnt Stiact Thaatie. kavfac bad large crowds at all hoUdays. was batter aUe to handla tte oowds. iMt then asffsr had been of tb*>thsal*e wm Mack wtth pasplSk waiting for soma pHM la cams oat so they coold aqoccae la. Om woman said. "Oh, I wish some womsa wedM faint m there, so I ooold get a chance to get in." Manager Jordan and Press Agent Bams both anlte In declaring tbat they never saw as many people clamoring for admittance as on tbsi day. The pecollar thing aboot this boose Is that no matter bow large the crowd of people waiting no "chasers'* ere erer pat en the bill, bat tbe entire show 1* glTcn complete. Oor people know this, and yet they waited for hoars for a diance to get their noses In. All Hall to 1908. and may its opening day be only the forenmner of many more of Uie same kind. At the Academy of Mnale Ben Oreet'a Play- ers are announced for foor pertormaneea start- ing Jan. 11. TUe adrance nie Is Terr laiga. At the SUDS boas* the grand opera sesson Is In foU Istaa. Xhe lletntpoUtan Opera Co. come orer taa Mow TsA aoee a week, hrlnglns scenery and mwHiIng esmplsta. Ib^ Qneen of Sbeba was the attraetloe Jan. 2. and a matinee gcftamaaea oC Haenari and Oietel was gl*«a Jan. 4. Xhe FUladelpUa Orebeetra glTcs two oooeefts a wagk at the same hoose. Miner sad KsiABa% ■aasgsta of the Olr- sid and TOTCpsogb'a ttcalne, gar* their an- to employees, company and news- Dee, so. It was largely attended. big SBceess In every way. a. of tn* 0._g. Ob' ' city. Be has asnr , help bat ha phased with the aaeceea he mat with ataea he went to Mew Tork. flm Bonliatdt. who wOI plar a week's en- gsgcBcnt at Oe Ijrle; starting Jan. 8. Is being advertised In all cities and towns within a radios of fifty mllea. Special exeoTslon tralna Win be nin from many of these points. Charles Strlne, who wis fonnerly preu agent ot the Walnnt Street Theatre in this city. Is doing some sasctlve advance work for this star. It Is aan o u aeed that Flank Bow/e, it., has migaged Thomas W. Boaa for tbt leading part In Bias Grass, tbe new radac play by Paul AnaatTong, which la to ha prodneed in this dty In rebmary. As Mr. Boss was a big favorite here during tlia nm of (fleckers, he will no doobt bdp In swalllag the era>WdB that will attend the premier prodsctlon. Ibe new antl-paaa tegnlatlon pat Inte ef- fect hy the Pennsylvania BaOroad Is very sweeping, and has already affected a nnmber of theatrical men who formerly rode tree. When they dive down In their Jeans now snd pro- doce coin for railroad tickets bow tbey do aqalrm. As yet nothing definite has been set- tled abont 6tt transportation for drcns ad- vance agents. The tnneral of C A, Bradenborgh, owner of tbe Mosenm, was beld on Tneaday. Jan. 2. snd was largely attended by theatrical and dress people, and nnmerons aodetiea. to which he belonged. The Maseum was doeed tbe af- tenxxHi of the tooeral. It will be cooUnneU by his widow and sons, and the same maoage- ment will be retained. Sam Sanford, who died In Brooklyn on Dec 81, was barled In this dty on Jan. 4 from the residence of his nephew. 'The Interment took place In the Bias Best In Mt. Moriah Cemetery. Tbe fnneral was largely attended. Mr. San- ford Btartad the firat pcrmaasat minstrel oeot- psoj la ttis dtr. and at Oa same hoaae. tha Scventt smet Opera Boose. DBmant's atialik tha The apporaehlag com plf tVm, tm Saake, irtw wilT pot Ja Bert Andrews ftwnsdjr^th fleato- 1 ers, is lestlBg lor tha wlntsr la tbls dty. Be has signed ss genersl agent for the Wash- bom * DeAlma Gained Animal Shows next season. Sanford H. Boblsoa is stm ai ai r at manager ot die BlUpoatlng Sign Olb vBh new r The S. H. BoMsae^ Oa^ e tl dl eeatsrta the boUetln and sign haalaea «t tUs etty. is starting In on Its new ■ career with a delnge oC orders. Jack O'Brien, the cooqneier of FUislmmoDS, retsmed to this dty on Dec 81 for one day. He was received st the depot by a crowd ot 8.000 vt^fiit. m* dalecatlan was beaded y J Sunday here Mr. O'Brien left tor Bofctoa, where he Joins the Lonls Roble Show for ten weeks at a princely salarr- Tbe Collienm Skating Elnk here Is doing a nice tmslness, and It Is said that a nnmbec ot other places ot the asms kind wIU soom be started. Tom Hsisreaves wQl open a new vandevlUa hoose In Chester, Ps.. in a week or twoi. This will be mn In addition to the Grand Opera Honse, which Mr. Hargreaves also contiala. He Is now bnsy laying ont idana tor the en- tire rebnlldlng and repainting ot tba Ha igi e a iea Shows which will start from Cbeatar la April. BOB WAIT. ROCHESTER. N. Y. Cooks. The Ksttoaal and the ; contlsne to give Sondsy alght ee a eett ^ 'HhMh- are proving immensely popnlar. "When seen here the management at flaia Bernhardt denied that she was to travel nnder canvas daring her tonr through the sooth. Manager Bongbtoo, of the Batavla (N. T.) Opera Honse, la liromoting an amosement dr- cnlt. He proposes holding a meeting In Ba- tavla tbla month, when tbe managers from ralmyra. Ferry, Albion, Medina snd Waisaw will confer wtth him regarding the project, J. J. Ckilllns. for many years manager Of Ontario Bead. Fszk. has tendctsd his laalgBar tion, uia.:«ia 'w/lii«iir...kt.. cMMaMA. iviih tbls resort.^ ri'Bli;tg<H|Mr\.MB.'-aBt 'jat'r.'tMB named. ' ~' ■'■ ' • V.V.- - Slchaid P. Staler and .BdlextMlbaapbiCWM. llUed an eogagemeat at Ooofea #MlBS>aaMaWi week, arc speiiding the hOUdsys haie wMfc.' a e l r-' friends. Both ate BoChesterlsaa. Brothers Msssnd are spending a tew weeks here with their ftdks. They have signed with one ot the big shoers for Ibe comta CHA3. W. LOUISVILLE, KY. The grl n c u s Skating Rink, recently tnesipo- rated, has leased the Old Armory. AL Bellman sad I«ttle Moore, local pMpfc are pUylng at the HoiAins this week. MlSs and Morris have left to IIU dttet the PacUc Coaat. Edw. Stair, ot SUIT & Havlln. was receeHy In this elty looking op tbe bnalneaa of Us two bosses. Mstt Winn hss Jost retnmed from New Tork and he saya that many Improvements will he made on Jockey Club Park t>efove Its opening next season. The Lewis' have dosed their show, and aia spending the winter here. Harry Bnrke. ot Macaoley's Is looking UK.'ft' location tor a ten-cent vandevlUe honse. John Zoalwalakls Jiaa with SOI In CalUocnU.