The billboard (Jan 1906)

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16 Tt\^ Billboard JANUARY 20, 1908. Tent 3howiS Circus Museum WIM 1 RAYS PROM WM ■ROTHnte ■W«dd*s Pnnimlii Ball- a*ir (B «l&ter quxten at Sa- dPMd Otat (ooncean ■«•- WbUe tbe Ibow win not be enlarged (or the cmahig aeaaoD. it will be ImptoTed In every waj-* and It la «afe to saT* thmt wfaea tbex opaa Ib. March it will be one of the fisieat ahowa oCita alae. Sen. MmaoB will handle the FamllT Thea- 1n and Annex while Orrln HoUla haa bcca ca- aa principal Bcmersaolt rider and cqoe«- dlicctor. Walter Aabbnm will enter ida ecoAs action as rtntiit and poor OtMta witii tte *Mr /wn ne atue. and bar tigb acfcaal >a—; taunlwrto, win artiat: Hair Jafea IB&er, fleslbl* luBouiOau. Whnann, tamBag aomemnlt xope; wlUted Mailaa. liand eqaUIIinit: Du ~—'HI, piinctpal clown; Bokt. u. Pierce, asA eoDcert ioeeialtlca; Chas. luoie^ Pro£. SllTcn, ponch and immgSct Ota. Son, tc- pony rider and two bone eanr- tnc ut, aaalsted ij Onlii HOIUb; Mlaa Baae Hollls, _prlnclj^_ lady ridw:^Sm gnU iera, t"*- ilnfs, 'ISD. Tlie adraace force win consM a t ga ta an, aneral asent and rmUxoad mnfrartar^ O. S. Clarke. coatactlBK asest; OcOb B. , and tte ftOowlBK _ Obaa. Piika, Attbax Boaalv C T. itawm,_3Utm Daaadi. T. Siattge. Y. Chapiaan. 7. B. Badctr. Banr KUkbt. B. A. aapaoB. 7. tu Bock, and Ja^ Bcllair.. thfOttKUm nw podlnr «aa •! tbe lazc- eat tmoA uigana CTcr naed under canvas. It will be med ia the ramllr Tlieatie. Xoe Qolnlas win handle the bl« casna^ rtmnk W. Weill win aare the alde-ahow can- Taa. X D. Sinideterrx wOI act aa boaa prop- ertr Dr. V. A. Bmmi. wUl he Tetennary aorgeon; Bin BandolBh win tare diarse of tbe Ting atoek; Len WUUama, wUl be train loaater; Tdumr Baker win haTe «» prlTllegea, and Ack Scnaoo wUl take care of tbe ward- Brerythlns U eomfiirWUr tanad, nd 7. 0. a«!3. to i«„^3» .««_JS» J^-^Ji^Jg^ UNSOLieiTED PR/OSK The United Statca Tent * At Chicago, reeastlr l eea l wd tte ' Oa.. ol letter «« « : flv tlia Intwaat^aC Ua nwt •ftaUa* States Tent Jc Awnlnv Co.. "GUeago. "OcntlemeB: Ton wUI kindly enter my order tor my entire aide aitow painting for aeaatm IS08, as per prices glTeo. As to the dealgnt. win anbnut them to you in not later tban tn days' time, bnt In the nMantlma jm I aliead and mak^ np and bare tban. alB tat tte painting. Am >Ieaiea to plae aBdK wn JOB, Mcanae X aee by Tte Bmboaid ttat tew* air. Wm. T. tee, foraedy of SMtaB' . doliir jnar burner p a Tn tiny , and It la 'Wttii tte mdetatasdlng that he do my tt work in placing my order. I am In- pkaaed to say that aU my last tanners ■ painted tty him and ttiat they were tiie tleat paliilTiili ttet I hare erer had or aeen, tebv BMat atttaetlTe and bSTtng glren excel- lent wear, and hare In goMcal gtrcn taftctlon. I know In placf you. tbict tlwie wm be no being entirely aatlsfled. "Wialilne joa eTtcr joo wm we that 07 ftinn, I xcmaln. AN APPEAL Tbe Bmboard Is in receipt of tte :MtoadV letter whlcb la aelf-explanstory: IBrotlMX StMnnnen and Performeza: /Ttatnbriilge. Ga.. 7aB. S. 1908. "I, Cbaa. & Baymond. aerial perftKmcr and high direr, .was recently azTested and convicted <m a charge of whlcji I am not gnllty. I was lined f3T5 Inclndlng coats, or two years in priaoo. I pawned sU of my rigging and per- —cfEecta. and ~wlt3x what -money 1 had. paid two of my Une. This left a balance of $75, or alx montlis os the chain gang, and as I luTe Jnst reoorered fcwa a levere caae of yeUow fever, six months wUl pat me tn a bope le ea . condition. My wife and child are dwllfli, <ir I woold not appeal,te akailtr. X UaMr ask an wte can to m» mt of ny nedlcamat, t : jMdtamnt. and tettere me as : I beg to lemsin. <.-■?. > ' **S]nccEtiT juuis, v;^v "cxua, B. Mtxuom." Stt:''. CwhMllHilBtt In k stm mtftag MALL BOma FINE 'Bmy" Hall'a Gircna is now tn snag winter onartata at f^ncaater. Mo., and an animala are doing well: ooat ot tte anakes from Oopical eUoMta ate dead,- TMr mif attifted hr SMmth. pmhalily caoacd 4te oaU weaBwr. Some forty or nttr aaaa an tetslted ta look after the «nim«i« dariac Ite wiDtct, aad to attend to other work lialeat to tte i f Vu tl' ' period. Mr. Ball expcrieDCCd a very aattstac- tory aeaaon, and will atart ont next ^itog with a clrcns larger and better la every way. Ibe Cook & Barrett Show, wliich la alao In winter qosrten at Lancaster, will be added to the BaU Clrcna, which wlU sweU the ontflt to aboat thlrty-flTC cars. During tbe entire tonr Mr. BaU waa In llie market for horsea, and did the greatest boslneis of bis life In tbst^Une. 'Mow te Is ahipplas oae bandied *a Ma.Balfc. llHaaa a5WM eoatr two eiReiM We clip the following from an ex- change: BrldeepoTt, Coon., JTan. 8.—A light fingered penoa "jimmied" Us way into the elephant- nonae ot tte Bamnm ft Bailey winter clrcns daring tte alght aad aztnetad aa elepbant. Twcatr-«I|M alailMails tbtaan aboot la Kofeo weighed a trifle over three It was gone, tons. Conklln, expecting to get word any mo- ment that a tnad elepbant waa loose in the steceta of the dty, sent tlie alarm tiiroOKh tte qoartera, and in five mlnates a cavalcade ot bonemea was started oot after the thief. Oonklin ran to a telephone and began «^i""g Dp peraana on tiie oatsktrts of the town. '^Snre. we law a man with an elephant go by here," aald one voice. Conklla and liia aiea atartcd «o the tralL Half • like « Koka, Tte eavaleade deiftaat brvcy. elephant keeper, dlaebargcd aeveral days ago, Kate teav blm aad that waa the only saaate te Ma aUve. Oonklin might teve tdM M&ntf tlA to town, bnt let him gOL ' "Harvey thought «• MM .aMMrt** nald Conklln. *'and lie evMBBfl^ wantaA as take H out la Kbko." A member of the M. Li. Clark Com- biaed atewa xrrltea as followa: Tlie raembera ot advance car No. 2 were tendered an ele- gant banqnet at Nonsa. Fla., Christmas, by Major E. S. Pontly, a gteat friend ot General Asent NcUo J. Gunpbell. Everybody had a most enjoyable time, and It was with regret ttet tte fesUvltlea came to as end. Col. M. ti. Claik and bla aon, L/ee, were among those pzeaent at tlie Sella & Downs sale S'C Birmingiiam, Ala. An elephant, camel and a female bengal tl^er have been added to the menagerie of Mr. Clark's show. Tbe roster of the advance car No. 1 is as follows: Amos W.- MIcKteney. mgr.; W. S. Wasblmzn, Hony tonan.^nid. ^ doaky. Kennedjr'fl Wild West. Indian Con- gress and HlBpodrome wm open its season at Wonderland Park and Comity Fair, which is being constmcced at Bevere Beach, Boston, 31asa. The ahow will constat of sixty people and forty head ot atoek. and notiiing vriU be left otaa la mate It tte tmt Mow of Its size. Xte atav is wtolcriac. «t' Mrt, Okls., wltem It -wm te pot t og s ttar aad shipped to •Boston tikfr fizst of May, ^Die aliow waa for- moly known as Kennedy Brottets' Wild West. The Milllcan Minstrels, under can- vaa. are now twaWttg one-day atanda and doini; nicely. Doc Hadley, formerly ot the Sells & 2>owna GlrcDs, ]>as Joined the Aow and la in advaaee dafag coat work. ^Oe umieaa Mln- attds are aald «» te tte boat o(. ttdr kind In tte eonntry. Ttey etealat ot aome of the best colored performcn. R. J. Parvln, Jr^ last season press agent with the Wm. P. Hall Show and for- merly advance agent for Elsie DeXoomey, has Jnst recovered from an attack of^ la grippe, and la resting has had when he big shows. In a recent Issue of The Billboard It waa stated that Mr. and Mrs. Lano closed a thlrty-fonr weeks' engagement with the OrtOD Show. We wlalx to make amends by statins that these people were with the Wallace Show twenty-six weeks last season, and were this tan with the Orton Shows. H. Stanley Lewis will have charge of the advertising prlvBegea with tbe CoL Cnm- mlna' WUd West Show next aeaaon. Mr. Lewla is also *.».'i,n«j- tlie decoratlTe work of tbe show at tte Geneva, Ohio., beadqnatteta. He can 1>e addresMd ttere for tte aest foot weeks. CoL Cody. (Buffalo Bill) nant the better portion oC laat wade m^bigkm, in tte latcnata oC teatsriac «• .yta *r arferal telaatlak ad. add laada te lBim>« OoL OitrM^m yafrliam ^lfffmmm^. agitate. C C. 'Vniaon. has again been en- gaged as aaalataat tialBce manager to Mr. John BlngUnc vte teadlcs bott Bl^g^j^Btothen* uvereu uum an atiaca vl ja Knppe, rest^C^i^^to bwn^la^^^^io. He SIEGMAN &WEIL. 77-81 WMSTEI STt (Bet. Sp ring and Btawwe), Kew Twfc. Thi atrical Suppl ies, Tights, Wigs, & Grease Paints, IH CATALOGUE No. 4 . Goid & Sliver Trimmings, Spangles, In CATALOGITE Mo^ * , Stage Jewelry, ete. I n CATALOGTE Ko. 5 . askn FUR cataioodb to«at. flm wmti «so4a C.0.0. «l|Ml • bol impilra a d a p a rt l — all i CIRCUS TENTS Our Specialty SMKKi TEIT 60., .ARIMSXRONG CC. WM. ARMSTRONG, Mftr. , _ ManntaetoraiaolBhow Uaavaaca ot aU Kinds. Black - - ■Obt" " HOW 8. F. TAYLOR, 318 Randolph St., GHICA60, ILL. yon BOt get late cob- te tetero yon boy yoor so^ we aie aaw aacaged In dlsmastltng tte Bt. lanlB World's ralr. Here's sone ttams of fe- cial lateicst. Tbe Eleetrlc Ttower 800 ft. ■teeL need aa tte DeXorreet station. The finest amnsemest delivery t« be bad aaywl>tre. Two complete cheodeal boas bosses, Uankets, etc Ajk np-ti teetlve ayatem for any large patk ac ami ■nent catcrpiise. Two eomidele electric light plaata, ttx of one 0x10 eamter crank, hasvy doty "Ball" llxlX miliT caaak ■aU'catag fbr any' pstpoae^ AM • ggB .ad. J LdH. DOBlnationa 3, 8, W dM ' pllmentary. Pilca te ~^ " "' aand, 13 coits. mi 120,000 I^pa Itet van ased at tte Mzpe- altlon. Iliey teve ■sea aetiloe, hot ara Is good CBDditlon and teve beea tested. Ttey are Edl- am Baae, IM vOKage, OaDcral Bectnc l£aks, 8 candia pow«. We are offadag tbea la late of 600 «c aaotc, price each S atW.OW Hew Inesndaaee-^ ' Ocneral raecDric Maks, • voltage 100 te 110, ~' as.OOO New Ooleied ber, Greei. Opal aad Baby. ISO KegiataflaK Tmaattea ai eellng Uaehtnea, laads by B. tnatiitn* te •gnlppad wttt Vataait BaeiHe at- tadunent, nslElBg a dsaUe caglster. Also ITO eiasa Tsp Oteppcr Boxaa. lee BcgnlaT Psttaca BaglataTttig XtonstSca. tSO «itt Tnmat nea. nUKJSX B03CBB 1,000 «3«IvsBlxed Irsn ncket Xeaelvtag Bexes, also Coin Boxes, etc. CLOTHTHO, SWOKM, BTO. SO* "Efaakl" cmforma, o.isl a li^ e( esai aad pants, 200 Bpeeial Overaoata, atada Im Ito JMtaM Soarda at Ite We^'a lUr. Ptions 2S5I. Eata.bli«h»d IMS nonsen & VaniKvoor NAirvrACTVRBRa or CIRCUSTENTS TENTS FOR RENT. 81S E. Pearl St., CINCINIf An, O. BARGAINS! Must Be Sold Xsslo. Pslntlnjn. FVonui. Puarh aad Ventrlloqiilsta SgBK*. Stamp far list. Write today. S. SLTOK S32 Freeman Ave., Cincinnati, O. UNIFORMS BAND, NlllTAtY, MINSTBEL WmiS CABNIVAL COS.. ViM" And All Utters Seiii tir UTAUC. latte Ol Special AttcitiM Cirei Ue PnfeuiH Western Uniform Go. 214 S. CLARK ST. CHiCASO SUb SImw Paiitiigt United States Tent & Awninf Co. 3-tt N. Desplaiaes St., CHICAGO. ILL, .SHOW TENTS. n ft. with as tb mJddiM; sSzSOaai 197 B. Canal St. , ia Witt M: U tc with two m ~ i FOB BAU casar. ro., CHICAQO. rr r. SUE SHOW PAINTINGS SIEGMUND BOCK, 62 BfaM ItbRd Avt., • Cliiea<«, IH. CIRCUS Portable Grand SUnda and Folding Cif» cus Chairs manulactared. EBtfanitn furnished and plans snbmltted to pn» pectlve pBiobaseis. SGEMEIY SHOW -PRINTING. stock Hangers, Posters and Cats on hand for adver* ~'—every braacllof tfa«Amaa«mcDt Baslneaa. Bettdtor 1oene (D> of Dramatte and Show PriatiaC iogoe (O) Fair and Carnival Printtagt lojao CB) Billpoatera, Commercial nalaa> Tliat nlass PrCuag of all kiada. GREAT WESTERNT PRINTING CO.. eia ELM STHttT. ST. LOUIS. MO. rOR. TENT LIGHTS CIRCUS SEATS, LOOPS, Lighting Systems