The billboard (Jan 1906)

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JANUARY 20, 1806. Xfte Billboard 19 TICKETS Good stock. Good perforations. Accurate numbcr- Ia(, All Unda of tiek«ta inad« tQ order for Parks, RteH Md Am— W«yp—WakMpa YsrlMy crMllMMlaMMkMMtomt "Oaadtergsla Trade/' "Good for One Rid* OD Miniature ftailway;" "Good for Oaa Rid*;" "Admit One:" "Merry-Go- RouBd,-" "BBlUag;" "Skalei;" "Check Room." Any of itaasbOTacubaihlppcd same day order is ROLLS recelvad In any quaatlCy of s,ooo or mora. Spodal pHc«s Id largo qumatltloSa All oar stock tlckotft ore pot up io rolls of aooow MHica tickets are printed to order, we caa pat tbcm ta rolls of s^ooo If preferred. Tn AacmoAW Ttoa ROUTES M.) iMMr, OM. (Otali. OOMCU BlDlTa. It., 14' aO; (CrjstsI) St. Jowpb, Mo., 21-27. Bhcnnaji A De FiTrest (Poll's): Bl^ldcepo^t, <-..iiiD.. 15-20. mmrt & Shorty: OlarkAorg, W. Vs., IB-ao, Kinion-Gardntr Oo. (OotbUD): Brooklyn, N. X., I'o-'M. SplsMU Bro*. * Maek (KclUi'i): OUrcIaad, O.. 18-00. •t. Falu Artm ICmIoiWi Mnr XMt Ottr. u-so. ■win ft Bncktey (Oiflieinn): Cttea, H. T., U40. ■rlran A OWcal (Family): HaaaHao, Pa., IS-SO; (Family)- Orboodala 2»«7. SylTciter, Jones & Frlogle: Sootli Bend, Ind.i is-ao. so. Bllrano .■traad as-ao. m„ u- Taylor, Bnna (Oapltol): CI<ns Fans, N. Y.. tadet. TboratHHi, Honrd: Toortoj Aaslra'Ja. XJr-BcU Slstar* (QMn Bros.'); Urxlin City. Mex., Indet. ntma, JAM. (Temple): Detiott, lUdi., l»- ^••» SUM UMt * Sagan (Hrde * BafamanT*) i BMok- ^^It. T.. 164D; (Otpbenm) Baadlas, Pa.. ar Trio (O. H.): Hartford, Oono., Trolley Oar Trio (o. H.): U-SO. TsjB. The Ui M-ao; (" " Aslnor, CI 18-20. To To (Keith's): BoMon. Maaa., IS-aO; (Keith's) Phllsdelphla. Pa.. 22-27. Taylor ft Dalley (Binplr«): Portland, Ore., 15 20. ' Tliorue, Mr. A Mrs. Harry (lloliawk): Bdie- Dcctady, N. X., 15-20; (Blekmood) North AdeiBei Mass., 3S-fl7. Tewlata Trio (Hopklna'): LoalarlUa. Ky.. IS- aoi (Bo^lu') Memplila, Tenn., 8S9. tluafr ft OUbatt (Family): Haaeltoo, ~ U-Wi (imll*) Otfbaadaia 16- It. JUeta... BMoUgra, a. X. Spokane, tboopeoB ft TMoaq (PeU'e) Cban., 15-M. Tiw.Ti[>soD Slaters (Coenr dlAIene) ■Wash., 8-20. Ttoniba, Leon (aoplie): BOboiMa, N. it IB- jXainr M» (HotcUf)! tnttj. Mr. ft.Mn. Dick (Oiyttal): Frankfort, lad.. U-90. IMa, am*. (IMnt): Trenton. N. J.. lS-20. - Mid^ Price (Proetor'a): Newark, N. J.. g eaae ' , Janea (Bljon): Ontaa. O.. 1B40. ''ir{07J!^)*'ssft*«sr**^ ~- *^ Talmore ft Bortoa (Ttrw): Oape Town, 8. A., _Dee. 18-Jan. 27. Vance, OtrUtlne (Standira): Ft. Worth, Tex., lodef. Tlda. iSUt. (Boward): (ailcaso. III.. Indef. Von Wenxl. Mbzl (Orphenta): Denrar. Ool.. 15-ao. Vernon (Orpbenm): UUca, N, X.. »•». Volple'a Dogs ft BcaNt ■ BOMOK- JtHk-M^' Van Gobe A E. OeMr (lra««Hr>t 'ViMn, Kan., 16-20. Tan ft Alden (Poll's): Sprlngtleld. Masa., U> - 20. TlTlana. Two (Grand): JoUet. III., 15-20. Vrrera, UUe. (Olympic): Chicago. III., IB- • ^I1i(°'0' ^o'- (BUon): meeUac, W. Ta.. waieii^ Jobs 3. (ualomV* 9mk. Ona, CO., Ward A Oosta (Family) i > SHt flt. iMda, Indet. Vhalen ft West: Tonrlng aoaUl AMra. Wtlber. oiUer (Oryatal): :,IMMtt. Ml«b.. !»• trilllama A Padra (ttfr)! OiUbala, Hlaa.. Sept. 25. inder. WilRona, Aerial iPan<lly): Kast St. LuuU. III., Inilef, -Walters A Prouty (Poll's): Worcester. Mass., 10- 20. ■ Willi ft Haasan (Batbairay's): Lowell, Mass., •_lB-aO; (Faator'i) N«w York City 28-27. ' Sl** * '*^''* (Vandette): Clilcago, III., 15- .. Wilson Trio. The (Orphenm): Kansas City. Mo.. 8-20; (Orpbenm) Omibt. Neb.. 22-27. Wood 4 Hay (O. o. H.): Syraenic, N. I.. i9-|0i (FMctw'f BStb St.): M*ir Xock Ot^ WaUli.'vnak (XaU>a)t flUr. U- WarUniwrK Bros. (Bopklns*): Memphis. Tenn.. 11- m; (Q. o. H.) Indlantmlle. Ind., 2Z-ZT. Wlley-Otela Vclo (HaraUr) 15-20. Woods ft Wood! (DoatDioB)! maa^tf^ van., 15-20. World A Klnsston (Orptaetim): Baadlnc. Pa~ 15-20; (Orpbenm) 0tlca. N. T., 9B-8T. World's C!amedy Four (Hopklna*): Jiemphlf. T^nn., U40i (OrpbeoB) SMr '■■ - weiia Brea. (1M«M)t miaiM. aaok. »• WeUs. DoUy (nnlqae): Winnipeg. Man.. IB- WUltc ft Lurklit (OtpheoD): Fgctaiaatb, 0.. Welsh A Malttaad (Oeshaom)! Htm La.. IS^. Wragland, Florence (Star): ST. Woo<rford A Marlboro (Orphetnn): ManaScld. O.. 10-20: (Orpbcmn) Sprlixgfleld 22-27. Wlcbera, Hie Three: CoVmao Springe, Ool., I»a0; (Bon Ton) Salt I<ake City, Ctah, OVl. Wtner, gtaaaa (Onhesa): Loa Angeica, OU.. ^1 (OiphMBO SeBTar, OoL, 2S«««. S. — (SUtt): OtTopvt, U.. AUanU Gt.. 16- Wantwarth. Boas (Keltti's): Prondanea. B. I- 'UMU; (Kdtb-e) Boston, Vaaa., 2B4T. Wtieon, Uu (Temple): Detroit, 'Mlch» IMO; (Oook'a 0. H.) Bocbester. N. X.. 2S-Sr. WlUte, Bd. B. * BoUa (BIJod): t<aaalag, Ulch-, IB-aO; (BUon) Battle Creek 22-27. Wilson. George (Park): Worcester, Uaaa., IB- 20; (Bathtway'B) Lwell 22-27. WUion Trio, The (Orphemn): Kansaa Qty, Mo., 15 20. Watson, UntctilDgs A Edwards (Hammcrateln's): Naw York Olty. IS-ao; (EMetaa'a) ABiaay. 23-37. WaUcr. KMt aM«M)t Sn OUlNh Wti, 10*wO. W^o^^g Xtaopa (ImpailBl): KoaUya, H. Wlkoff, Biir Irma. ft Oo. (Oiyatal)i Lqiiua- port, Ind., 1840: (Cfeyatannhtokltet sEsT. White^ft Stmrazt (O. O. H.): FtttAacf, Pa., Watson'a Faaa XmA Mk 0« &)! HMOBaL I'a., 15-ao. • — Welsh, Ohas. • nun (dOMIDl tMAMt, Ind.. 8-QT. WUUama ft Melbnm (Peopla't): Oedar Bap- Ids. ta.. 16^20. ' ' . - Willi ft baaaa (Hathamr'a)* Lowdl. naaa., 18*20. Wood BtM <BMadiMr)t WtnUb, Obna- U- 20. Woodward. Geo. ft May (Proetor'a BSth St); New York aty. 16-20. Weston, AI. (Orpbenm): Bprlagfleld, 0., In- das. w^ ft Sena (OHtMt UnlinilM*!*, VL, 92- WUjiea ii HMoHa (CWanbU): Oneiaaatl. 0. wSehTjamia ft Oecalla (Crystal): Kokamot Ind., 1840. Ward ft Onrran (Proctor's): Newark. N. J.. IB-SO. Watson ft 31orrlssy (Olympic): Chicago, ni., 1520. Xeaser A Taacar (Folles Uerge.-e): Paris. Fr. Jsn. 1-ai: (WlnteqiarttB) Berlin. Uer.. Fel 2-May 1. Xoung. OUIe. ft Brotbar (Oilla Brea.'): Mexico City, iMex., Indet. Xoangs A Brooks (Family): CailMmdale. Pa. 15- 20. ToDnK A OcTole (Orpheom): BrooklyB, N. X., 16- 20. Zeno. Jordan A Zeno Triupe (XuralOi Town, S. A., Dec. 23-Jan. .".l. Zimmerman. AL ft Paul (Oaa): Snpartor, Wla.. Indet. Zanciga, The (Bamamatala'a): Iteir Xoik City, 18-20. zltnBMRaaa, WlUr (■k^tia>t Babahl% M. X, Zlskit ft lS-20. TOLEDO. O. THE JOHN CHAPMAN CO. ^ olnnatl and Baburba. TsUpboiM BU, 17 Opera Place. Oontiaataea fli Ckaada. PopolaUoni OtCy M,OOOstSBabOTbanTownsn.e00L HOBBISOII P0STII6 SERVICE, piiiiiiii— ProdJgloiis Prodoeara. J. K. MORKISON. Pr*i CHICAGO, itaHol ftWMirBi - - - ~ ' ~»W&TIBIliau Locatlona beat la the elty. DISTRIBUTIIfr-^^ Voated — ai« RaQoaat of tb* AdTartiasr. SHADY GROVE PARK, Uniontownr Pennsylvania. Drawing^ population of 75,000. Admission free. Only park in fifty miles; thirty acres of shade; unrivaled in the beauty and grandeur vA its surniuiidbisB; located between Oomrallsville and UDkmtowBf on the West Penn. Street Railway, the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. The management is now prepared^ to make Ubenl arnmgvmeiits for 1WW attnMtiona State iriiat yoa hi and write for particulars. B. 8. OOYLEp Managoiy Ohapleroiy Ponn, 1906 PARKS PARKS PARKS 190i FAIR aRINNIDa TmiTTIMO PARKS Olive Swan's New Yerk Equestrienne Gombinatien CnptdBIgh IKInui HajorHi nttai (t) naat Blgb Jumpers, ridden by ladles: King Fail, recordTtt. ilay. raeeid art. Uin-i Imp. ThslllsbMtJamp Pony Io tba World, u hands lilab. rveordaft. I fll) Thoroughbred Rnnnlnv Boreas. (») Han" " - re on atrenirth of her ... .rom the top of a loofu . In tbl> act: tblsdlsUaea «ar nsTsr attempted or seoompUsbed by any llTioic person but I ~ ifllie past season In Europe, t-'rauce and Italy, iuaa awan t« Uia ehamp Un.! (f) Fast Fkcars, (If) Thoroughbred Rnnnlur Boraas, (3) Handsonie Yosng Lady Ridera. A STAR AfTF, woman stakes bsr lire on atrenHTth of her teeth. Hlw Minnie Flsbar, In Cull oTsnlaw eoatam*. will makaaudafor Life by her teeth from the top of a looft. pole to the center of the park—X of a sula elidei ataf I. of wire la ussd was so snooeeefar tMlse Flsbar, whan aba trleone ni iTTf a f1nff '*-g h..ii«i^ rsi aflft\a»lrt«t tn Wda any ladF log horssa at She aadaCeacb mlla without any assistance to mount or dlatnqunl. The aboTO t r »~^~»aaa,.«.ddg«joyigo^bj™j^^^ eHhai^VawVaefe' VlUud. JXm aicat (Otplwiim): Bt. Pm^ ^niagMka, HUOm OHJOB)! ommt, m. (CtoaaWt waaimtaB, n. a. lTmiMr.°*|iff'ISfariSijtatlt : StSiHSoT m.. 18-10. ASDITIONAI. E. J. (Star( DATES fttaUsoD, Kan.. 16- Appleby, 20. Apdalea Bears A Dogs (AmHb A' SItM'a): Beaton, Maaa^ 18-20. AwrttD, Oeo, & (BUon): Dotaqaa, la., 18- Blaeit ft Josea (FaoiUy): Paeaale, N. J., IS- 20; (Family) OloTeraTUia. N. T.. 22-37. Burt, Frank (BOward): Chicago. 111.. IB-aO. Bmchard, Mile. (Eknplie): Fresno, (jtH., 18- SO; (Gnlque) Loe inmUm BS^BT. Bayrooty Bros (0th ft Mb OliMfM)!' fUU. deiphu. Pa., lofo: (ftaataaaSM) Boa> ton. Male., 22-27. Barbonr, Nina (Tem^)i rt Wayaa, IBC 15-ao. Blaaonnette A Newman (Berete Beoea): Chi- cago, UL. 15-20: (Orand) Marlon. lad., 2247. Christopher. Chris. (BUon): Appletbo, Wla., 15-20; (BUon) Green Bay :B-27. CarroU Troupe Ben (Qaxden): Bnflfalo. N. T., IB 20. DeOEtoasett ft Etxeela (Family): Bntte. Mont.. 22-27. Dolan. Boiger A Belle (Bljon): Marinette. Wll., l&W; (BUoo) OUomet, Mich., 22- ISIOXICE My Large Carrousel will be for sale after the close of the Ja(dcioaviIle Tood Exposition, Jan. 20. Also will sdl Out- right or half interest in Conderman Ferris Wheel- Addres.s, C. SVITH. Smith Amusement Co., Jacksonville, fla. notice:' EMPIRE THEATRE, Lxtrain, Ohio Will open ancl be conducted as a FoUte yaudsnrfUe HboM on Jantiary 22ad. 1906. 88bowsdattr> WILL Nst on the Babbatli. TUn weak Is na flllsd 0. w. iwoeoiiMicKi - anaMritTDLEDo, ono. yet. SUtafMtimfln&lectinr. .0. w. ■ir.MHMPM, PALMISTS :GOOD PROPOSITION: Work All the Year 'Round for Two Good Palmists i'.\i.7ii>T, NewT<llfcOawalTa>BOIl»0ftia.l4<0BH)ftdw»r. e.e.WHER m MR nuwciseOse. Oall on MRS. H. JACOBS. See h«r line of 8TAOB GOWNS. Fancy Dreasea. Sealkstc Jackete and Furs, some allcbtl; used. No. 257 auth St. Tel. South—207 ■AaRETIO nOK HAINERS. Jort tbe tbmc for tSn and cudboard i^fiu Brenr dlatrtbutor Btaoold haTo ooo. Vrtcmi witl doable oxtoaalon handle, SS Inches long, each, tt.00 triple extension luuuUe. U Indies lon«, each, ttsH Bond aosar with the ovder. Hone sent C.O.0. BlllMttlae PUat For Sal»-^^< fa? l«m)r popniatloa U^OOBl Orowine rapidly; center of a^.. a ^ Stale InaUtutloos lo- „_JBVlUcatlone to U.Oni^ Block, Salem, Ores. acrlcultoral distrtota immaaukToo. CIR'SUS CANVASBie FoleamndStskea, SEATS, .Flaca. Kte BLACK TENTS, MDE SHOW PAINTINGS. PronM aiBft BaBBen for Street Palra HOD'S PATEIT CIRGHS LNHTS $»4I WaffsBifaKI— StsCMCACO. OX.