The billboard (Jan 1906)

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1 NEW PARK IN A NEW CITY Amusement Men^ HBRKW THE OHMIOB OFYMIR UPE UEitiinate Concessions of All Kindi THE ELECTRIC PARK CO, BALTIMORE, ! Will turn a part of their nounds into a modern Amnsamwit Parle. 25 acres of ground; room for all; 5 car lines run direct to the park gate; 5c. fare; 20 minutes ride from center of city; a park for the maraee; "WftlM^h B. B. station at park; 3 excursions weekly. Park when completed wlU represent a total expenditure of $300,000. Since the great fire Baltimore has been rehabilitated. $20,000,000 has been spent in new improvements, and $3^000,000 more has been contracted for to commence in the sprinsr. The new city Is 50 years ahead of the old city. A MILLION population to draw from. Bo oUmt amusement park in the city. NEW YORK OFFICE, 619 St. Jam«s Bide Address all answers to this ad. to the BALTIMORE OFFICE. THE ELEGTRiC PARK AND EXHIBITION CO., ! i ; A, FENNEMAN, Prss. LOOK! INCORPORATED $100,000!! Waeenir's Park AniHssiiisit Go's White City Opens May 30, 1906. This is Blnchamten** Lsadinc and l-araeat Amuaemant Rasort. oovcrInK 30 acres, on prlnclDal driveway and borderlDtron the boauMful Susquehanna lilver. Two large steam- boats, alirht-seelnfr autos and all manner of transportation. Btnehamton hasOO.OOO population, with 3 railroads. Park will bo billed like a circus. SOO miles around: with an excursion every day. Amusement devices are booking fast. Small tent shows and prlvlleee people will set big moneybere. as this Is the Urgest resort between New York Olty 'and Cleveland. NO OBAFT TOLBRA.TBDI Psrk oas hotel license and will be a Fairyland. All prlvileees exclusive. Can place the tollowinc at rlftfat money: Miniature R. R.. Parrto Wheal, Marnr-co-Bound. Hmm Of Trouble Hotwe that Jack Built. Small Animal Show. Rifle Banra. Slectrle Thaatra. Pennr Aieade. welgblw Machine. Hot Candy, Pop Corn. Ice Oream, Knife Board. Glaiw Palace. Photo OsJIery, This Biaortwillbaa hammer and will get the money. Writs to and get mr term*, etc WILL PAT TOP troirar fob two first-class EXOURSION men. BII.I.1B KBNDAI., City . BUlpoeter and General Manager, 168 Water St., Blnghamton. N. Y. :'<ar. aJ»ARK MANAGERS.. TAKE NOTICE Electric and scenic preductlons installed complete in your Park. Johnstown I1ood$, Ibrnb S«l$ea, Creatio m. Port Artlmra, and a lot o^te aimilu pio* Wot tenns, appi v HOIIIRT A. MMWItt, Builder ofBleotrleal Soenle flodnetions, Johnstown Flood Building, Conny Island, N. Y. 11 IIBUB BAB eil B ^t one-quarter cost of production, Original n.9V MMt rUH MLC JohiMtoimlloodMliistaU^atO(iMar&^^ with proscenium opening seTenty-flre net. Alio AtUmUo 01^ productlOP on Boardwalk, same size. The Bfflboard's SPRING SPECIAL ISSUE Marking the opening of open-air season for Parks, Carnivals, Street Fairs, etc., etc., will be ISSUED MARGH 18-^ ««-DATED HAROH 17 EIGHTY-FOUR PAGES Of valuable infoii^tioii, mggestioiw and news. A Yftir Bilk fir tks Put lliMpi; Ai Enqelopiiili fir tk PirhrM; A Me If RitiriNi fkr tki CiMisslimilri, A Guide Book for the Garoival Manager ILUMIMTBi COVnS SPGBUL lUOSnUTlHS Now Booking Summer| iSoason. THE MOST SUCCESSFUL SUMMBK THEATMB IN THB SOUTH SUBURBAN PARK THEATRE Vicksburg, Mississippi. naytncnrletly tba bast Kttrutlotu lo Optni, VaudaTina Knd lUlMrtoIr*. TtaMtr« aalnsed, r -MzIO,84high. Scenery fromSoiisMi.Lsadlssal ICC. 8jaaloOo. Flrji-oUu orchestia. Seat Two weeks' etud tor Rep. eort Opera. One week (or Vnutferllle. H>U wmj between Ilemphia Shews open OB Soadayalaht, t sassB opene May M, eloeee BeeS. U. Vor flaw writ, qalsk to nted. atnae ifasttr Ml iKa aa PARKMEN, SHOWMEN, Why no flet M amuUPCSH^ytn on a moWllllBTBEflPBHTTtor next 8 eason ?_3rt's * cl ean , meney-maklng. p roposition that ha^ pro ven Its pbpularfty at thelea dlng parks rod am usemen t resort s. __piaJ to quote intewetlng prloeTon'the glass. mtrroisorjuBet of our' composltio n^atal_aosa_<ihat_are farjhaaBjgaa<Lr " the same purpose. I ' " •--—i — ^We manufacture the otXf practical Doaes. mirror tor truvollnir pur- J. IM. NAUQHTON, Amusement Construotion ComiMny, ISO Hl«h Street, Columbus. Ohio. WANTED for the GOLDEN GATE SHOWS Forrormere In aU braneliea of (be olreua bnilneee. Klsbt piece band, rldere wltb stos^piaawt aMb MrtMrmlBK o&Ie;, buefclns mule, small troupe o( don, boss caansmaa, < and < boree drlvere. mUMyse MM* SlSfliaiit. tatetuiiparueaUrsaat lowaitlDarstlsnsr. addnuaU eommonleattonsto MAIIIIYLaTNOMA.OM.Att. iaa8WMtI«lnM.0UeaM. "TV.! Special articles on Carnivals, Street Fairs, Parks, Piers* Roof Gardens. Usual circulation doubled. NO ASVANOK IN PBICK OK AX»VKKTI8ING BATKS. Pa^es two and three (Inside pages) of the cover, printed in colors and page four (outside page) printed in three colors, win be sold to the person oOerlfl^r UM nii^Mtt pnmluai ortr tbe regular price of S105.00 per page. Make jonr oflets early, contest«~ I^bruary 20. Address NOTICE! The Billboard Publldiina Co.^ VORK SOMETHING NEW ELECTRICAL FIRE WORKS FOR AMUSEMENT PABU, ETCs Tte ZOtb'CMtunr Uitnl opinllif m Mt V lllwiHn • — - ••«• CuniL Two Exhibition SeU will be reaud for liw ession Sow be- ing constructed. Ready In June. We make electric elKne, smtko slgaa, alecMo erheels of amy dsaerlptlon. Americafl Equipment Cd. 123-25 So. ledzie Aie., CHICA60.