The billboard (Jan 1906)

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28 JANUARY 20, 1906. CORRESPONDENCE pace S.) . anthn, -BUBT B. Lester. QV ad BMbv yletmea wltb D'Alma ■ SI aaS HaakCTB W « tntore week 8. Simon OardDff. A. O. DUKmn, OurteU and BurU, a Brotbexs, Blans mnd Blnn* aad Tom Gu- 'Im wMt" 15; biwlneai flue. V 'SM^ 4k nrtiiinii'l ntstre (Nick NoctOQ. msA- Jba. T. KeUj. KlelB. Ott Brotben mad lillB&inn. itMJ Mnca. W. A. ilartlmer, WUl Bocen, HarrlgM, LUay Md »H.*'i_if!L2!' ner* »n« Mon' ijjlgl wwfc l. Jlt»_ ■O' fff' TeiT7 Cocw«3rr-MB "■WB week 15. Gmte Inn week IS. _ , Kccner's Diratre (frank A. Keener, mgr.) Loola Allen Collier Co.. Tttte's BngUsb Oamcdy Ou.. AUiamm Sextette. A<la OrertoD Walker. WtDCbeimaD'a Bears and Kookc/s ,ThTee Oert- 'Bella and otlMxs week 8. Alcmxar Tbeatie (IVrnjik I.. Blxbr. msr.) Kew Centmr Girl* irwk 8. Star TbeatM (Altk. H. BUa, ncr.) Bice * Bartoa Co. weA IS. Cajety TkoeadaSB Btl aa d i i i n t fbii. Obric I a. Bin laA (th naiipa, n«r.> New , . _.jk 8. Ampbloa ISieatre (Wte. T. Gorer. msr.) Six Musical CDttra. Bailey and Amtln. Grade Bm- mett and Co.,' Greene aad Wcmer, ftask Basil. Belcben's PeifaadBC Daci^ Haixr Le- clalre, Sabel Jotmaoa.. *Mn JMk Cnlqae Tbratre fftaialC' CM^-JBCTJ Xbe • fffJ-t^ Bablnaon, msr.) Dark HL.""' ' U. ^^ <»0. H. n.airTeR SBO BraaOmj-. M. X. C BISSHAJCXOH.—Stone Opera Honae (J. P. B. Clark, mgr.) Kirk Brown Stock Co. 1 and week; aood company and enormooa boaiJieta. Uncle Tom'a Cabin 8; large rettinu. A Mil- lionaire l^amp 8; Dora Tborne 10; Mra. Wl^gv of the Cabbace Patcb 11; ^Die Mnmmx and the Hnounlnsblrd 13. .BTITFAXO.—Star Ueatra (Sr. O. F. Cor- r.) Tbe.Prodlsal Son 8-10: nod re- 18-17; Haste Xlfiott 18- (JnoL T..«tKH« ncr.) Tht ^w»ik 8: pleased aatlslaetoix boat- Cbap week IS. , bba C. Peebles, mgr.y Swter Brown week 8; (ood bnalness and performanee. En^nle Blair In OUrer Twist week 15. Shea's Theatn 0£. Sbea. inEr.) Valerie Ber- sere & Co.. Frank V. Brjan. Xerof and Woag- focd, Qotnlan and Uadc.^ .Bowae'. aad BH. Howard's Ponies, and mcit^gc^tltmm wilik mi tvaaiiiew contlzmea Good. AcsdfDir or Uoatc (Caiai. Q. BteTcoa, mgr.) DoUy Keoper In Ttte Otvt Olrl w»ek 8; Jaa attendance. At ttie Wfldd's Utttj weak ""^^..^^w* 8?" JSt%mSSmi' avnen week is. - w^w*— Tteana (Obaa. \7. ^'-v****** Dcr^ ^^te OoMtn creek Co. week 8; excellent bod- 'bmb;'' The Dalntr Dadien week 15. ><Uin Haseam (Dr. D. J. T.lnn. mgr.) Boal- 'BlV'flM. Good bUlB cootlnoe the role. CHAS. W. GOBTZ. ISS Adams St ' COKOES.—Opera Hoose (E. C. Game, mgr.) 'Wlien LondOD Sleepa Dec. 2T; good perlormance and tklg boalnesa. ToseFs Mioscreis so; taiz- boslxiefs. Her Flzst Raise Step JTan. 1; capac* Itj- boslness Bnnnlns for OSce 2: fair bosl- acas and performance. BoM. llanteU 6; fine ifeMc aal CM& Iwiinf nxdmua eaiiaBe ' BttTgt ^tritei ^Sr*l: ^cood" boat- ~ peid'a Moriw Fletores »-10: Tbe ^ QIu U; I. O. U. 15; Kelacr and 10; Jecc 3ln*Bltire Stock Oe. wedc CSOBBm.—Opcxa Sooae. Uade JoA . toraeebr S: cood bnalnesa and perfbrmaaee. ■Si i Hit i tlo na of Becime 10; Hie Office Bor 12; Vltvra Tbome 13 . d^OVXBUVlLZS.—Darling Theatre (Will B. Oant. mgr.) Bobt. Vantell 3; excellent show and capadty boainess. Ben of Broken Bow 4; coed ttiov and Zalr retoms. The Glnserbtead Man 9. TucOr Tbeatre (P. P. Craft, mgr.) H. W. ■ - - - - 'Xuia. Farm. Mattle Kccne Jk St cood tbam and laiie Stock Ob. week 8; good bnalnen. Prbnrose BOnstrelB IS; Deserted at tbe Altar 18; Smart Bet 19; Peserted at the Altar 20. rESS TAH.—-Tate's X-TOenm Theatre (H. E. Sen. mgr.) Borneo and Jnllet 5: fine per- Aniaaee and good bnslneas, Lrman Howe's IBwIilC PlctnrCT. n nderllned. ■ SOTOHKEEFBIE.—CoUlnffwood Opera Boose fW. G. Millard, prop.) de Emma Bontlnc Oo. 1: bl^ bosliaesa. TamOr Tbeatie (Tted. DoBondr, mgr.) Good 1. Wtm Mn for week «, ~ -X0Maa «h*^ OC B. I M: 8. B. O. n: Tbe 'l>r BiTan and his Twe l » e GUa beaded good bill week 8; boalneia blc- Bafcer (W. B JfcCalliim. mgr.) Tbe (Htrl*- tiaa week 8: splendid bnslneas. Tbe Prodigal Dsngbter week 15. National (Qlax Hnrtlg. mgr.) Happy Hooll- lan's Trip Aroond the W«^ 8-10; lair per- fonnanee and good barikMa.. .Xb* MMte IMS; The Gypar Gld IS-H^-IIMBV'BA n# BM- mlngblrd 18^. Cbrtathlan CH. C. Jacota. mgr.) New York BtAi-m week 8; g<ood boaineas Bid show. Tlie Golden Oook week 15. OBAB. W. NmSON. SX&ACnBE.—Grand Opera House (Inlea Del- mar, mgr.) Watson's Farm Tard. CarroU John- •OD. Olftoa CtawfWd. Mr. aad Itis. Harry and Oarew and Hayes week 8: good boslneBS and performance. Bemos Troupe, Wood and Kay. and others wcdc IB. Welting Opera Booie (Am. L. Kcr, mgr.) Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patck 5-0; good bBSIiMoa. Flank Danlela 11. Bastahle Tkaatra (H. Hortls. Bgr.) Aae WdA 8-10; Sappy HobUgan u-18. TBOT.—•Band's Opera Hoose at. Bcis, mgr.) The Gingerbread Han 8; Darld Keasler 0; Eolb and Dta 10. Pioetor'a Grlswold (Wffi. B. Graham, mgr.) Jackson Family, Geo. and Hay Woodward. Ftre Colomtilana, Magkilne and Hmirti,. Irene Rank- Un, TrarailOi aad vthcia week 8. ~ ' Ota. U. .aaak aWM Bine t •• ' NORTH CAROLINA COHCOBS.—Opera Hooae mgr.) Bobln Hood 18; and fair bnslness. Rood company and Brown's in Town 11. DTTRHAM.—Academy of Maslc (J. W. Bar- roughs, mgi.) Conrlne Bonfcle Stock Co. 1-6; fair company and bnslness. John GrllBtli S; 9lendld tmalaess snd piodoctlon. Oveea fiooae (W. T. FMeland. mgr.) Bdwln Toong Btoek Oo. Dee. 25-30; fair company and boainess. BAL£iaE.^Academy of Hnslc (J. Sherwood Upchnrch, mgr.) Jobn Grlfllth in King i RIrhar d IXl. 6; good cocrpany and fair retoms. BATilBBUilY.—^Merooer's "nieatre (T. B. Marsh, mgr.) Britt-Nelson Fight Pictures Dec. 20: fair returns. Rose Oogtilan 3; exceuent performance and holiness. John Gritntb S; good boslncss aad i ti Pi irarT . Biowa'a la Town 9; Don waMsr ft mmmmlfm Ifliljuli 17: A Breezy ah» «; tlMA BMCi^ Iglib Ot Bhoog' 80. : - NORTH DAKOTA FAB0O, Be Opasa Bsoas (OL P. Walker, mgr.) The Fllnee of Pllaen 1; 8. B. O. and line performance. Britt-Nelson Fight Plctmcs 3; good boslncsa and performance. Bla^ Crook IS-U; Haa sgy and Hallo's MInstielo 80; Sem- inaxy 4BA Mt Coonty Ckalrmaa Bl| tto Cbl- lese 4FHnr ST. OHIO CnrCHBUTL—Grand Opera Hooae (Balnfortb * Harlln. mgrs.) The Sbepbed King week 8; ezeellent psodnetloB and boalneaa. Lew Fields and Ooh iif sh 18. Waloiit St. Theatre (M. a Andeaoo, mgr.) Checkers week 7; excellent pertocman^ and good bnslness. Tbe Old Homestead mA 14. Boblnson'B Opera Hoase (Geo. F. & 1,. F^me- paogh Fish, mgrs.) Tbe stock company In A Message from 3£ar3 week 7; bnaineAa and per- formance good. If I Were a King week 14. Colnmbla Theatre (U. C. ABdetaoo. mgr.) The Spook Minstrels beadcA a aaM MB week 7; boslness excellent. HMMM^' Hm' Cheat tops the bill week 14. Eenck's Theatre (Geo. Biadk,. MB) Atta Midnight week 7: good ahmr UC tammm. Be- hind the Mask week 14. liyceom Theatre (John ATery, mgr.) The Ughthoose by the Sea week 7; good abow and boainess. The Two Johns week 14. People's Theatre (Jas. Fennessy, mgr.) Wash- Ington Society £enes week T; excellent perform- ance and good retniaa. Tlcer UBlaa wcA 14. — to. B. " " ~ _ _ ■ Ti good. — c*. s". «Wk 15; . . _ 8: plaiaed good bnsiness. Voor HnnUngs 0: Eben WMai 10; His Highness the Bey 11; Clay Baker 13; Prin- cess Chic IS. CASAL SOTZB.—^Hardesty Theatre (W. H. Cox, mn.) Hoosier Girl O; good boainess and Bhow.^Bben Seldai 8; capacity bnslness. Ball- road Jack U; In a Woman's Power 20: De- serted at the Altar 27: Snerlock Holmes Feb. 1; The Street Singer 3. OIXVELAaD.—Opera Hooae (Harry Kline, mgr.) liKdbe ■fflM .to_B» Osaak -Bbteb week *; baaaw- aaaC - Ska tCMhBi- wUow —" - ' —" '"■ The Pi lneo. Cfcit * BM* aitm. na Press Agcat we^k 13. Keith's neatre (Hanr Danlela. wige.) Bene, Walsh and Melrose. Eatherine Bloodgaod. Oalla- gfaer and Barrett, B9w. OmA, Vemaga 'Bvs Trio, Dolan and I.enhair, Sidney Desne fiid Oo. and Die Four Nelsons week 8; business good. I.ycenm Theatre (Geo. Todd, mgr.) ]fe. Him and 1 week 8; good retnms. Joseph Murphy week 15. Lyric Theatre (Bdw. Lang, mgr.) Boolta Brothers and Voodell, Bd. Martyre. Goto. The Hsmltns, Osirie Mack and Fred Styler week 8. Clereland Hieatre (Arthnr Colnon, mgr.) The Smart Set week 8: good bnslnees. Dangers of Working Girls week IS. Bmpire Tbeatie (Caias. Denzlnger. mgr.) The l>alnty Dnehsoa Slxyw week S: good hoslneia. Claik'a Bonanray Gliia week 15. Star Theatre (Drew It Campbell, mgra.) Jolly Grass Widows week IS; csod letaxas. WaA- Ingtoa Society Gtrls w«* 18. Gray's Armory (O. B. BosMsrth, a«r.) Bowe's Mortng Pletnres PATH. C. MOONBT. ^812_ Csxton_Bldg. COBHOCTOH' Sixth Street Theatre (J. P. Callahan, mgr.) Erwood Stock Oo. 1-2; good bnstoesB and (sir company. Jane Dore 5: big bostnesB and good com pany . Bentfrow*a Pstb- ded si s 8.18: siood baataaaa aad company. The O n Waber H i Talk Slate Folks IT. OOKiUUIIB. 41IM1 Ha u a aia (O. V. Heir- ner. mcr.) Oblllmia 7«a. 8: mdlent bnsl. a aa8 mlbimaiiii The Uttle (Srer Lsdr 8-4: aae bvtaaan. His msbatai the Bey 5 8. Craad Oeara BaanF (H. If. Pmsiat. mar.) York Stat* VWbi M: Btad ba«HM. Xhen Hnlden 4-<l: fair TetBIBB. n* ahalaw' Behind the Thmne 8-10. Kmnire T^^-wtre fP. Mnrrfwrn. iner.^ Wranse Aea'"»t "Wrrmnn weplc 1 r enod bnslness. Belle of Rt<-bi"nTid 8- Hulel Klrke -"reek I."?. Tttub Afreet T^'estre frha^. N. Harper, mar.) Fi,«r T.'fe In Tf*w Tnrk l-St KorA h„Mn.-,«. ?STT>.»rt ?s*f 4-«? ,,^i>i,cl*-r hnsinesr I7oo«I„t ^TItI 8-10: r»t«l Weddlne- 11-13. W. C. tjO-^f.. UATTOW—V!»-(» Theatre (d C- M111»r. mtT.) Bncter Fr^wn JM): erowdefl boi*seR. The TTp'r tn t^'» Hoo-i»>, *Jml. 1; eSf*»eftT bAIMe. The nn<. <v» f>-. tihaipbrs 2- mte^Heat show and Cb^^nn 8; r» od Immw*. Smart Set 1-3; capacity the cross 4-fl; S. B. O. DSnnSOH.—Opera Honse (Geo. T. Bliss, mgr.) Brwood Stock Co. SS-SO; bnslness fslr. BaMiead Jack 18; Olzle Jabllee Siagen 80. good bnsiness aad 0; fair retoms. Black Crook 17; of Tra mps 20. TntiTiDBOBO.—Bell's Opera Hoose (W. F. Ayres, mgr.) Boas Crane 6: excellent perform- ance and fair boslnpas. The Two Jobns 22; A long th e Kennebec 31. KEHTOH.—Greed Opera Uotise (H. Dickson, mgr.) jioBter Brown 12; Fool's Bereoge 18; Slii»ple Simon Simple 28. LANCABTES—Chestnat Street Opera House (W. H. Cutter, mgr.) Van Dyke Eaton Co. week 1; pleased good boainess. Black Crook, Jr.. 20; oaice Boj, anderllned. lIcCOinrEU.STIIX£ Opera Hoose (Adsms & Bain, mgra.) day Baker 11; cood perfoim- aaceaad record hoslneas. BSWAJUL — Andltorlara (Mnasa * Mst- thewa, avr.) Sign ut the Crass 8; good bosl- aeas. Beat I^aaa 8; good liaaliiiaa aad par- fonnaaee. Cioai "■■""f 8; good hnalnf and ahow. His Htehneaa, the Bey 8; Hot Old TUne 13; Old Jo^^mcehy IB; uniam Blanrelt 17; In a Woman's Power 18; l^man Twins 20; Simple Simon Simple M; Shedock Holmes 2S; Porter J. WlUte 27. NEW IXZnrGTOH.—Opera Honse (T. H. Smith, mgr.) C3ay Baker 12; One perform- an ce and bns lness. Lyman Twins 16. TSTEW VH 11.A7>BT.PTT7A ■—Union Opera House (Capt Geo. W. Bowers, mgr.) Hla the Bey 4; good bnslness and Simple Simon Simple 8; E. B. O. Folks IS; Dor New Minister 23, NZLES.—Verheck Theatre (O. mgr.) Tbe Coy Stock Co. 1-0; | The Locke Ma le Qn aitette 8. oixs;—opcm Oi > QaF da. mgzaj XbBL^_ ^ ^ Hot wirTSwaB: 3fr «ice>« ftai^ ua. 8: good mmlBesa. BIp Tan winkle 4; Beaxt ot Chic ago 5. SAJtWUHKY.—Grand Opera Bonse (Slngler & Smith, mgrs.) . Blp Van Winkle 3; fair honse. The Tolnnteer Organist 4; rair busi- ness. glde-Tracked 0; fair booses at both per- t formances. A Hot Old Time 8; fair honse. i York State Folks 10: An Arlstoeratle Tramp '13: Porter J. White 16; Mr. Brown 18; The 1 Village Fool 20; Henry Dlxey 23. SPRTHGFIELD.—Grand Opera House (L. J. J Dalle, mgr.) The Fool's Itevenge 6; pleased t excellent business. Lyman Twins 13. I Orphenm (Gas Eon. mgr.) Mofgaa and Crane, Tom Hetron, Mr. and Mrs. mek Hagbea. Al. J}. Wesson, ItsimiTI Oroae, aad asovlng Flctarca waak l; baalaaaa e xc ellen t. Bryant aad flafOlik Xaae aad JAnsv Addison aad Ut- Ingaton. AL Wwf, and mrlng plctues w ett 8. BXamuiB m.Tilt. —Orand Opera Hoose (0. W. ICaxwen, aagr.) The Heart of (Hiicago 1; tdg boslaess and good atiow. Al. G. Field's Minstrels 2: espaclty business and s p lendid performance. Stanple Simon Simple 5; good show and performs nee. Texas 6; good bnsi- TIFFIN iKobles Oiiera Honse (QiBS. F. CA- llns, mgr.) Miss Bob White 23; One show and fair bnslness. Tbe Office Boy 26; good busi- ness and performance. His Highness, the Bey 29; plessed good business. Volunteer Organist 3; fair business. York State Folks 8; good bnslness. Fatty Felix 13; Howe's UorliW Fle- tmea 28; FochMden l4uid 25. ' t Theatre (Otte. Ettvea; 8: good baalaaaa aai per- anf soa IS: Babes In TgrbBd »«»: UmilSSas. JtaHM: The OM- lese Widow WB; TL_ "'r I^eemn Theatre (FXadk Bart, mgr.) Eight Sells 4-e; fair bcsiaess. McSaddeBra FUiS 7- 10: good business. Derll's Anetlso 11-13- ^ptre Theatre (Atie Shapiro, mgr.) 01axk*a Runaway Girls week 7; good boslness and per- formance. V^anity Fair week 14. Arcade Tbeatxe (H. H Tamkln, mgr.) Geo. W. Monroe. Howard Brothers and others week T; good business. Bart's Theatre (A. L. WlsweU, mgr.) Sandy Bottom 4-6; good boslness. Lured from'Home 7-10; Underlined, Missouri GlrL B. Q. IiUSTIG. VBMXCBSnVLE City Opera Hoose (Elrln A Van Ostran. mgrs.) Volunteer Organist 28; excellent bnslness. A Texas Sweethtart Jan. 1; good business. Boosler Glxl 0; fair busi- ness. Bbtn Holdtn 8; capacity busintss. The High Flyers 11; Dnde Josh Sprueeby 12: Clay Baker 16; What Happened to Jones 20; A Fool's Bevenge 24; King of Tramps ZT; Bus- ter Brown 29. - TJSBANA.—ailTord Theatre (Ed. C. CUfford, Braara. oagr.) The lOBaoiI SH 8; good boai- ness and ahow. Porter 7. White 8; good hosl- nese and line performance. ?3ie Two Johns 12. WXLJOHQTON.—Opera Hoose fDtm, OeVoss, mgr.) Jaaalta Boyatoa Oo. llz .BBm aC the PVior 18; Black Crook. Ic. l^SiiS^BH SS; Chicago Lady Entertainers 24. WABBEN.—Open Hoose (Dsns Brothers A Leslie, mgrs.) Office Boy 2; good show and business. Sonny Gonth 8; good show sod fair returns. YOTOGBTOWH.—Park Theatre (Lee Norton, mgr.) Wedded and Parted 1: S. E. O. Simple Simon Simple 2; good business. Heir to the Hoorab 3: good bnslness. Bonclmr's Daoghter 4; good business. Saimy Sooth Co. 5: fair bnsl. ness. Field's Minstrels 6; good bostness. It (Happened in Kordland 10; Uncle Joah Spneeby 11; Eebellk. the Tloilnlst 12; Heart of Chicago 13. ZAXESVnXE.—Weller Theatre (J. G. Bug- land, mgr.) Cradoc.Nerllle Co. week 1; good hoslBess snd performce. His Highness, tbe ncy 8; pleased fair Imslness. Simple Simon Mmple 0: Mg hostness and pleased. The Fool naape M: Baait ot Ihirlaad 11; ~ ' ~ OKLAHOMA _ _ . • IBt 1. PENNSYLVANIA PHILASELPHIA Lyric Theatre. Week 8. Sara Banhatdt; enormooa ^JOwd ^^^Wfdt IS, Week 8, llrat productloo ot with Elsie Janis and a big company. Tbe alay aude a kit. Week is. Bldiard MaaaSeld la repertoire. Caieatnot Street Theatre. Week 8, Babea la Toyland; good boainess. Week ISb OWW w-" in The Awakening of Mr. Pljp. Cbeetnat Street Opera Hoase. HMt 8L a^r Pearl aad the Pnmpkln: biataaw good. Sana ■tnaetioB week of 15. Broad Street Theatre. WeA 8, Tbe Ugh^ ning Condnctor, with Kelcey and afc^w^jr n la tbe leading roles; medlom bnslneaa, Week IS. Sothem-Marlowe. Wataiot Street Theatre. Week 8, Bobert Man- tel!; baslneBS good. Week 15, same attrae- ticm. Park 'nieatre. Week 8, Florence Bindley la The Street Singer; good bnslneas. Bsme at- traetloD week IS. Grand Opera Hoose. Week 8. Oos New Ida. istcx; good baabMaa. Wa* 18, Oaatse Biaas in Tba BMawaja. GIraid Tbeattc Week a Orawa of TbaiM8 medlom boslncaa. Wcdc IB, Tbe Bra ness. Blancy'a Arch Street 93ieatze. Week 8, Factory Girl; splendid bntfnen. Week How Baxter Bntted In. National Theatre. Week 8, Kerry Oow Shaon Rne; medimn boalneaa. Week 15, Qo ot the White Slaves. Elerenth Street Opera Honse. Damont'a ma* strels contisne to attract Urge crowds. WO* llam Bear; Rice, the old-time minstrel Is being restored -GiIb week. Keith's Theatre. With HoodlBl ag a lead- ing light, snrroanded by ' ' taining and tUgb-salarled aet% shore nocaal at tliia boose. reogla'a Tbaatre Waek 81 tlliipa. fair baalMaa. Wcifc I BePttM Than Seataed. Hkrfa Theatre. Week 8, On the Bridge at KUaight; good business. Week 16, Girl ot tbe 6tieet9. Forepansh's Theatre. The stock COmpUT It drawing well week ot Jan. 8, with Banished by tlie King. The Charity Bail week IS. Blaadsrd Tbeatxe. Tbe stock company is ea- Lyceom Theatre. Week 8. Wine. Woman and Song and Battling t7eIson as an additional fea- 'tnre; business Tery big. Week 15, Boble's Knii^erbockers with Jack O'Brien. Trocadero Tbeatre. Week 8, WllUams' Ideala to good boainess. We^ 15, The r.sllfmall Gtols. _ ^ Museum. Refined Taaderllle and a atraag ot cnrios In the lectnre halls Is drawing whL BOB WATT. 806 Walnut St. AXTOONA.—EHeTenth Arenne Opera Hooae (L a Miskler, mgr.) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyda 4; fair bnslaass. na Bab to tba Biianh K THirffrr «c Wotklag GIHs O; good shew |-| III ' llnd Mefier 10: nod . attend. GU Rom Xata 11: A JfSis Amerleaa Tramp 12; Texas 13: The Grafter IS; AL G. Field's Minstrels 16. ANITA.—Jefferson Theatre (J. E, Maginnis, mgr.) Next "Door 1; fair business; Bnster Brown 4; excellent company and business. Cook- Chnrch Stock Co. 8. BSASFOBD.—New Bradford Tbeatie (Jay North, mgr.) The iBMpbatlaa at. .B aglip tt fair business. Great lafVlMt 8; BMB BBMHB and performance. BEBWICK,—Opera Honse (F. B. Klt^e^ mgr.) KelgUboTly Neighbors 29; good show and bnsiness. Dora Thome Jan. 1; good show aad >ls buaioesa. Sidetracked 3: fait. taBlBM8> Two Little Waifs 8. ■ BBOWBBTILLE.—Opera amae (Ma. IW S b a f trey, awt.) Beal widow Bnwa S; tair sbew and bai&asB. Clay Baker'S: fair hns bi es s aad good ahaw. OnssF aad Usek Stock Oi. 8: good show aad baalaaaa. Cbampl<m Stock Oo. 8- 10. — Bosedale Opera House (Frank ShinabroOk. mgr.) J. L. Tempest Co. 2S-30: fair diow and bcsinesa. Baer Concert Co. Jan. 1; good buBlne'ss. Hi Henry's Min- strels 6; Sne performance and big basinesa. Eaerenth Hour 13. COBBY.—Messenger Theatre (C. T. Trimble. msT.) What Happened to Jonee 3; lair bnsl- ness snd excellent show. Wedded aad Farted 16. EAST ■rB O PI WB PBOt-^tew QaaA OpM Hooae (F. F. Bdler, mgr.) Lcoaaa BMl Stock Ok. WMk Dee. 25: good eaofakr "^^JBdnlght Flyer Jaa. 1; _ Gny Bitithera' Htaisbds 8; ne CbolT singer 10. TBTff "itr-**- Theatre (Jno. I,. Gllaoa. mgr.) Howe's MoTtng Pictures 4; good In^ neas. Eleanor Bobeon 8; good boslness. Unda Josh Spmceby 8; good hoslBeaa. Csslid By- ron's Profession 13; oaaeeled. Baceale Ualc 11; Prodigal Son 1' 15.16: Ladles' Irish Dors Thome 22-23. _ , HAZKLTOK.—Grand Theatre (Henry wU- ser. mgr.) Sidetracked 1; good house. New- twrly Ncli:bbors 2; good show and big hOSl aeafc Isle at Splcc 3; ercellent show and good MmiK Sjiangles S; Holy City IS. Family Theatre. Good bill and csMMaS houses week 1. BxeeOent bin tat weak 8L JOHN8TOWB —Oambria Thaatta (H. M. Sberer, mB.) Cltaatar OaToade week 1; btt business. Tbe Beir to tta Hoorah 4: line hosl- neas and perfttaaace, Baagers of Woek^ Girla 8; good boslacsa. Amerlan nanp 10; Spsoglea 11; Texaa 13; Glda IS: AL O. Field's Minstrela 16: Mrs. Wins of the Osbhaga Holden 18; Isle of Spice 10. I^AirCUSTEB.—'New Fnlton Opera Hoose (0. A. Tecker. mgr.) The County Chairman 5] good business. Our New Minister 4; goo* bnslness. Dr. JekyU and Mr. Hyde 0; fair business. When London Sleeps 6: good 1>M1- nesa. It Happened in Nordland 0: line wm and capacity house. Under Southern Skies 188 Isle ot Spice 12: Girl from Mars 13; NelghbaSr Neighbors 13: In Q*s Mew York 16. Family Theatre (BAw. Usaazt, aavt.) Taodemie htn wctt 8; ta /Kmct: BbsB