The billboard (Jan 1906)

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JANUARY 20. 1906. 51 CONEYl— ISLAND r = I Will sell with eveiy property necessary, including 830,000 canvas, the beau- ttftanvnie ana MDMttaMl ride. \7IXAGRAF*M 12 GREAT FILMS at 12 CENTS PER FOOT •TOURING EUROPE IN AUTOMORILES-* Ui^wloner InlMS, irttieheubedapUcatfldln niy Amasanaub Puric, or win seU 12 automobile cus, eanvas, drums, wcHm greus, motaas, dtaftlng, hangers, tmdra and bettfng, a^pizatety. See tt and maka lOA mule or part. Investdgate qniek If yim m nfc » nofvltj and money maker. Plfeaa I^8ht. FiutlculaTS on applieatfofn. ynu also entertain proposition to tana HELL GATE s^S^ And biggest of big winners at Coney Island last year. Speak quickly for your section. W. A. ELUS. DREAMLAI^D, Coney Island, N. Y. THEATRICAL DATE BOOK FREE! MaoagerS'-Open Time OPEN TIME l£„iSS!M Wtmm, Llk*«*ha^n^B«rl«aqae8bow. Also open lbwlBMM«k.AiiHluid Ibr. Adixtts T. D. JOHNSON, mgr.. Montleallo. Ind. ..AT LIBERTY.. ..Calliope Player.. FOR rOMllfG SEASON A. W£STOM, Care Billboard. LARKE & ADAMS Hevel EqidUbrfiila. Ttfch and Aersba-He B».ml J^ iwa pere Supreme. PercancRt Audrey-,. - BILLBOARD. Suit Avenue, Coney Ishnd FOR RSNT fbr the season of NMk a larse MMbiK aoxUO: next to Diesnland Vkk wltkaflneentraiieeoiiSart ATenne. on the side of the tMrtMedc on the Avenue. Bntldiiifr contains Tbeau* aad other hallsi ■ad floors. BIr moneT eowd be bad with the |)(ht kind ot a !>buw. U«ik vanr low. Apply. L. A. Thompson. Sceolc Baflwar CO., 3US Broadway, New Vork. OVING PICTURE AGHINES AMD FILMS •asortment of Inatnunenta* ^^•sortea, ana TIewa la (be eaaa* dlTeralOea and complete ot ^» In tlie United States. <lwr Pree Cataloe No. I D eon- 4eacriptlona, wltb prlee ~ larormatlon altoat Bbt« lienaaa vytlilni I axhlbltor. KLEINE POSE AND SERPEITIIE SUDES—S^.lTd iL L ■u* a.^STm St. oKin. ILL WANTED Performem and Mnslclan?. Stat^ all at once. Wire iMu CIRCUS. naca and Pacaa eC An A new comic pstrlaUs. artMiehtt. Tbe Green Gooda Blen, A howUng racc«n—rnll ol laogb. j*l>>n Wmntcd, ChvUe*. AdT«ottu«sM»aBmn«r HoM....... Vlie Newsboy, A MTlo-comlc etoiTSf»»»Ts*......„„„....l noTlne Day, or. No ClilldicB Allowed—* eOBisiiw Honslenr Beancalre, MfMt 790 feet .aw feet tfMt BImek and WlUte, Comla mlx-np of white and colored tr.Msa Tbe Becape nrom Sine SIhk. Tbe««iaeeittilllla«.raslliim.isi.irifnillMsf»«w» "^SraS^Sto^aSa^. JBM Ucenae Ifo. IS, or. Tbe Hoodoo Aotomoblle Xhe Servant Girl ProMem, Lsni^blns hit of the muoo 8 Bafflea, Uie Amatnre Crackaman, rre*lacea by arrengemeot with Kjrle Bellow end Uobler jt Co—A poeHtTo eeniatloa 1ft WfTAfiRAPH lie ik wm anrprlM too. ■ I* prodBcUons- _ for the asklnir* COMPANY OF St« Haw York. EI.EIIIBOraCAI.00u — - — — - io,nL K u Mats Sb. Cblosso,; WANTED QUICK I CLEVER DRAMATIC PEOPLE LIGHTHOUSE ROBBERY 60., Hayward, Wis. Ml WANTED FOR THE ..VAN AMBUR6 SHOWS, SEASON 1906. •Mia, 403 mttebaU St.. Atlanta. Ga. Vosel'i. John W. Vocel. agt.: Mdooe, M. X. 17; Cantaa U; Ofdcntfmts Ifl; Watertown 20 Os«tf» «: FbUm »: Wtctesct M; Pal- oijia S; Miilliia M; MJttm Tt. weya^^n fcH. , '"SSa' |ftaa!!i£'lp''L— M9f. VAUDEVILLE COMBINATIONS Onbam's ▼aaderllle <]».: Boston, Iffess., SI; Kastaua. N. H.. 22-23. LaTaj-ette. The Great, Sboir, T. G. Lafayette, mgr.: Mahanoy City. Pa.. 17: Slatlngton 18; Fieelaod 19; Lacsfocd M; SaiAwy »; Maa- tleoke 26. Oipheoin Sbon (Maitia BMk^; Zas Aa- Oal., 8-20. MISCELLANEOUS Augustine's ElecMe Miss., Indef. Carpeater's Setmol oC Palmistry: Hot Bpilsga, Arfc.. Indef. Crockn't Educated BteMa John C. Patrtek. OCT.: ML nrmrw, 300., 1TJ8: LaPeer 19- 90; niat IBM; FSrt Barai 2S 27. Case, CM. A, X.: BsSlaads, Cal., 14-20; San DIeco Sl-SS. Carter, maclfliaT DstIs Vendome lad., iDdef. Decorum's Dog & MoakW ShOirS laaMllS. Col., 13-20. Fasala's. F. H.. Meny-go-ioond: Lasranse, Ga.. Indet. Flints, Tbe, Herhert L. Flint, mft.: Bockford, lU.. 15-20; Madison. Wis. 22-27. Flffhtlng tbe Flames Louis W. Buckley, mgr.: JBCksonTlllc. Fla., 8-20. Haines. Frank H.: Syracuse. N. T.. 19. Herald Square Movlne Pictures (Haslern): Wor- cester, ^8s., Inder. Heynood. the Great: Greeoabora, Ga., 17-8; Monroe IS-20. Howe's MTolne Pictures: Tiffin 0.. 23. [/mtcb. rrol. L., FalmlitiT Co.: OanTlUe, lU., Indet. U&cennan's Samoel ft Loer, Jfaglcal & Tea- trlloaaltt BitertaisiBaat (706 Notfa 5th St.): PmitdelpUa, Bl. ladcL New Bdlioa Bleetile Theatre, P. B. Biown, mit.: (88t DakLIUSB Av«.): SBtiasflcId, Mo., inder. Pender, ata^daa & ▼caMtoontat (U» Allen SU: Ba&dSk H. T« WANTED for AITON St LANQ BROS, Dixie IMinstral*- " " rMa-isaS Sf ■lea. Opera HosssXaasgcis, scad las Tent eo rt , with two 50 middle plee(S|S ATTOa * l,AMe BBOS. Mgis,, Sbepard'B MoTlng Pictures. Archie L. Shepaid, mgr.: Asbnry Park, N, J., Nor. 19, iadef. Sbepard'B Coring Pictures. Archie I>. Sbcpard, mgr.: 'Atlantic City, N. J.. Not. 18, Indef. Sbepard's JioTlns Pletnrea, Archie L. Shepard, mgr.: Fall Birer, Mass.. Not. 19, Indet. Shepatd's Morlns nctnres. Archie L. Sbepard, mgr.: l4iwKnce, Mas.., Not. 19, indef. Shepard'a MoTlng Plctores. Arcble L. Sbepard, mgr.: Waablnston, D. C, Not. 19, Indef. Wood's J. L.. Mechanical Hippodrome, J. L. Woods, mgr.: Alpha, Tenn., Jan. 1-Mar. 10. TENT SHOW ROUTES Canada Frank's: dark's. M. U: Ms Mla(d .t»i CoTpns Ohrlatl, Tex., 14-15. Klzkland, Ala.. II: Brewtoa ~ itaa SO; OnibiT. Bla., Mtk B. a Patiaiey, agr.: Vt. . mL, IT: Beadctssa. Kr.. IS: Oaiy- don 10: SstoM lO-Sl; EtrUnctoa SS; Bopklns- TlUe 21. SllTcr Family, Swlas Bell Blngers. Bert SQrar. mgr.: Salem, la.. IT-as; Stockport 18; West rolnt 20. Sblpp's Indoor Circos, Bdw. Staipp, mgr.: De- catur, 111., I5-ao; Daonile 22-27. Shield's MoTlns Ptetotea: OMnaa. IIL, SO. Shepard's MOThix Pletona. C 3. Hayca, mgr.: Pblladetpbia, Pa., 16-20; Lancaster 22-24; ScrantoD 2S-2G. Shepard's MoTing Pletares (Sonthem): ArAle L. Sbepaid. mc*.: Bst 4>Hbcsl Art.. 17; Teiarkana IS: g tem m j. La.. 19: Dallai. Tex.. 20; CUhane S; WsTsharhle S; rt. worth M; Qsrstraas «; aiadfai M; Waaa XT. MIDWAY COMPANIES Alahaaa Chial*at Oa.: Haaalba(at. 20. • Barkoat Mtmmmt Mbt 1S-20. . • Bnrr^U OhUiBat Pa«..&- eroo. 27. Cosmopolitan Catniral Co., H. Snyder, mgr.: Lafayette, la... 15-20; New Iberia 28-27. Grayt>m & Bnshmer Amusement Co.. Crayblll A Roahmer, mgrs.: NoRiatomi, Pa., Oct. 1, In- det. Nlchol'B Amnsement Co.. Leir Mobida, msr.: OeBldder, iM.. lS-20. Royal Amnaemcnt Co., H. B. TSpps, a^^t nice. La., 1S4^ Bream BiMge ' BURLESQUE Andrew & Sommen, Hany Andrews, mgr.: Pblladelphla, Pa.. 15-20. Alcazar Beantle.. Oha.. Taylor, mgr.: Port- land. Ore.. UJ-20: San Frandico. Cal.. 22-27. AmerlcanB, Edwin D. Miner, mgr,: Spokane, WaA„ 15-20; Seattle 22-27. ATenne Girls, Geo. Ilale. nigr-z Cblcsao^ U.* ISaO; Milwaukee, Wis.. 22-2T. Baltimore Beantles, Sol Myers, mgr.t SOsMap- OIlB. Minn., 15-20; Dnloth 22-27. Black Crook. Jr., Botlesquers, Barry Hastlnss, mgr.: Dayton. O., 15-a7. Blade Crook, Miller A Plobn, mgia.: Flndlay. C IT: Lima 18; Canton 19: Akron 20. Bloe BtUboo GlrU, Jack Sln^. m^.: Sptlnc- -WANTBD For Small Comsdy (Jo.: Kaato pis/plai»aadw« aeis, Hakesalsgr low,asxoaastli. WepnaU. diia^ni mill OOiaDT iSO. Ilsas^ M. rflD 0aiV—^ne SS-ft. B. T. with rllK SALt good oondltlOD, with blocks, but wltboot poles; ts9.M. Wi bsgssicecsr. WbattUbTeyout Address F U. MTER8, Mgr., Corpus ChrlstI, WsBtei-jf^'*- BtO. ■akaW 1.1 mvmw ■—TTT w^0ww«_aiv ^i>rasssrs.* s.i wss^ aw ^v^^^^m dsposltwhsawnte, V, F. OroUi, F. °- -w. City Sports, III.. 15-20; CUesce, Bnf- Bnte, Held. Mass.. 15-17; Holyoke Babeauans, Barney Gicaxd. mgr.: acoat., 18-20; Spokaae. Wa^. »4T. Boa Tlou. BbA * Weber, aigia.: Beadlag, Pa., 1(^90; Bcnatn tt-ZT. Bowecr BadeMMta, Joe Sartii; - tigt.s New Orleaas, tm., Is ao. Brigadiers. Ohas. Cromwdl, - nse>t N. Y.. 8-20; Pater.on. J» Broadway Gaiety Girls. Deirrer. Cot.. U40. Bryant. H<ny CL. ■d- . mgr.: PhlMtlphls, - Ph.. 27. CaUforala GMi. O. B. TWaer. ncr.: Fhfla. delpbla. Pa.. 1540: Hew Tortiotr. Caalao OUt. 3f. M. Thelie. mgr.: Boaton. ^asa.. 1540: New Tork City, 22-zr. Cheny Btottoms, M. Jacoha. aicr.: Toronto. - H. X., »«. Phtt. Toledo, 0., - Colonial Belles. Obaa. Rtlke, mgr.: New aty. 15-20: Brooklyn 22-27. Cracker Jacks, Qaxry Leonl, mgr.: New- City 15-20; Pblladelpbla, Pa., 22-27. I>alnty Duchess, Rash A Weber, mgr..: falo. K. Y.. 15-20: Bocbeater 22-27. Dalntr Paree. Joe Barnes, mgr.: Jersey City, N. 10-20; FhUadelpbla, Pa., 22 27. Derere's Sam, Own, F. E. Fieemao, mgr.; PhUadelphU, Pa., 15-20: Mew Xock City. as. Feb. 3. Dreamland Beantles, Frank Francisco, Cal., 15-20. Ensure fiurleaquers, J, Fea ,, _ . falo, N. Y.. 15t20; Detroit. MIch., SZ-ST. . Fay Foster. Joseph Oppeabelawr. lagr.: . ^t- erson. N. J.. lS-20; Jeiacy City. SSrW- _j_ Gay Masaoetadeia..']atan 8. Bayncr. lagr.: Pmr^ idcnee, B. L. lB-»; Boatfa. JfSM, S-27. Gay Morning Gtariii. Saat ^A. SetBiaer, mgr.: TTfip,.. City, *3ia.« aav*'' - Golden Orook, Jaedba *"ldfms.'nsra.: Boeb- ester. N. t:.' 15-20:' Alhaoy, H.' I.. »7a. High Flyers.. Harry Easter, mgr.: OiBtoo, O.. 18; Stmrott Pa.. 20. — High BoUers, A. H. Woodhnll. iaitr.: St. 1 Mo.. lS-20; aicago. m.. 22-87. High School GlrU, AUttd Mayo. Panl, Minn., 1040; 3llaatmiH Howard, May, BMinigpsnii:fMak JVI mgr.: Ballliaiie,' Pa., 22-27. Ideals. Sim WUllim, mgr.: New York City. 15-27. Imperials, Jessie Bnins, mgr.: MUwaakae, Wis.. 15-20; St. Paul. Minn , O SSS. . . . Innocent Maids. B. W. OUonaa. av.: 'iHt Lake City. Utah. 22-27. Irwin's BUc Show. Fred Irwin, mgr.: sas City, Mo., 10-20; St. Lonls 22-27. Jersey LUllea, Geo. HoUer. mgr.: New City, 15-20; Drooklyn 224Feb. 8. Jolly Girls. T. B. MoCreary. mgr.: Salt CHy, Utah, lS-20; OeaTcr. CoL. SS-ST. Jolly Gia« WUar~ '— — PIttohnft . .la.. 9S-27. pUa. Pa.^ 1S40l Majestlea, Ikad Inrla. aucr.: Xiar. N. T.. tt- 20: SprlBgfleld. Maix.. TO-Tit Holyoka S. ZT, Maseotts. J. J. Moaaban. mn.: Brookljra. N. X« 1S40: