The billboard (Jan 1906)

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•PROFESSt^NAL;* Tl\^ Billboard JANUARY 6, IMS. OPENED ON KEITH CIRCUIT, NOV. 6, UTTLE ..ZENA KEIFE.. S years featared with oiitrinal FATAL WEDDING CO. UUERS, THE OHLY WOUH FIRE HIGH DIVER OF THE WrORlO. A BLAZJMB WT. Sonsation of the Century. ~' with Nat. RaiBB Soirtharn Carnival lOjMte. Hare fine Uthos. For terma M6.addr«w Obi* the BIUROABD. Chicago. JOE. BfYRA and BUSTER Tla^H Ihromi in for good aaMIM «MailCA'S BEST ECCENTIIIC COMEDY ACTS. OEKMANFUN MAKERS. MUR H. KHKftMS AND aaa HA COI-K:::: 1S1 ffiMiic An.StaUoi R.. ClieliiiU. 0. PROP. ANTONIO OLIVETO. TOR Compl«t« Buds far Xu-L, -~T7 i ik^ — ilTmJOo. AMzKm,SSn lit JOHN MORRISON Tlie Great Irish Singer. Per. Address. 609 AnHagt Aie., CHICAGO. *'Mask8lffl8& OeiaRt's Mystoriss" MAX STERLING Sole eeirtrol In VaudevOta. Car* B. Mwlnelll, New Yorfc. .....THE THREE KOBERS..... IntrodnciDK a new combination of Gymnasttc aad Ooatortlon. : : : : .... A HITONKVERY BILL .... ^ CfilC WBAT. as DuBj- Bllla„ SEATTLE, WASH. 'THE IRISH LADY^ Eva Thatcher Swentr weeks on the P&cif If; Coast. Offered Addre<s Billboard. Ghicaso. SPECIAL VAUDEVILLE FEATURE laMOUNT AMD PAULETTE. The Escaped Lunatic. SAML. LOVERICH, Saeratary and Ganaral ' Novelty Thaatraa* Company. Inc. Pmrali and Ellis SU., ISAM FIMIICISCO,CAL, GEO. IH. FENBERG FSESEKTS iJAt Cycling Millard Bros.. ' tta Vr kreun from the West. VTT.T.AHn BH08.. Per. MM. 3M Bowen Atc., Detroit, Mich. CHAS. H. CANTOR IB km DANCING CHARAim Diatoct Comedian Excentrlcttles." Address, care Billboard. AT LIBERTY Family Orchestra iTbaiOf^YVUa, Coraet, 'nDmlmieatid Brums. ILLlNGWORlli. Augusta, Ga. T.IWKB'I'ai—A aew Condermsn F. rr!s Wheel Would like to book with tatce kikxI CamlTil Contpaiv tbls season. Write B. L. SASTL£X, Worthinston Av«., CbArlott«, li. C. J&atwa "2'ie JJittboanP' teiot aaMterin^ <u2» SIX FLYING BANVARDS World'5 Crcilti.-5t Act. Address Bllltionrd, Chlc;igo. THE OKABE FAMILY Unrivaled Japanese Artists. Address Billboard, Chicago. OdI) the BEST Sketches, Songs, Comedies, Dramas And mwmrj dM CcA ptlon of th w frlw i l wortc WRirTKM TO ORPRB. MooolociMSMd Fwodtosa ipMUlty Com- BOB WATT. 806 WilHt Strut. Philadelohia. Pa. EARL- THE GIRDELLERS—CECIL Equilibrists, Acrobats and Head-to-Head Balancers. Adflw, TEM BUJiBOABD^' OBIOAGO. BILLY HALL ANO -mLr JENNIE GOLBORN i> Olson The Coal Man lAMran. SffiPMB al n. MMN mjii Iri til Ml Thb BaiMAJCD, ChfcsigOL rnop. T. STiRK. MR. AND STiRK FAifflLY, MRS. T. TIRK. Of XHm Ortt«« IMik Rmtlltit if SEASON 19O6-07 jack: doivov^an ugADiNo OONOVAN STOCK CO. r. WARD MARIOM, Cure BUIboud. »« THE BERNSTEIN «^ HEFINEO SIN6ERS AND DANCEaS. Address &11 Agents, Billboard, or 333 WbOdlaod Am, GisvBludt Olda THE GREAT SANTELL THE IMODERN AMERICAN HERCULES. Thfi mnrt nnnnBlimiil art nf tta IrlnilIn thfi Tmrlil Now on tbe Pa^i-Iflc Coast. AddreM Tbe BUlboard, Cincinnati. ...SPRING AND SPRING AND ROSIE CARLO... Cbamplam AU-I for grrti .'ill— Vyidaiig | j< ^II a a pi Ens.. At Ukerty iJtacAA HENRY LEONE and ANNE DALE.... BIG SUCCESS IN VAUDEVILLE Addreaa. As Per Roiite. VARDEN, PERRY & WILBER Original Ragf-time Trio A slncrlnr. Danclnr and musical novelty. Now playine tbe Consldlne Circuit. Address. Care Billboard. Clnclonatl. Oblo. THE ZAT ZAMS AT UBERTY Fol aiealM. BxtMArfllBMv only. ITow bookbir MS-T. Vtndevlllel nent address, P. O. Box 681. Peoria. Tll. I LMor Perau- AT LIBERTY For Season 1906 ..JENNIER CHILDREN.. Principal BaietMtKk BMinir At*. Two Pony or Pony Manace Aet. Doollle Ttspece Act, Madam Jennlra—Concert tan. P. S.—Have For Sale. Foot JmsIIiw Ontllt, Banal. Table andpedaatali also Acrobatic Pad4za0ft. Address. HBS. GEOJENNIEB. Sr.. Giwensboro. Ga. & K, Dl No. 2. rOR COMIINIG SEASON ORGANIZED BAND OF TWENTY MEN INCI<irOING DIKBCVOB ———^— All doable Orchestra U necessary. Members A. F. of IL We ptar .H fitaMW at ■■rttf, tart we feature popolar arrancements, raff-time and novelties. ALBERT HAYES, Msr. 5M Elm St.. Cincinnati. O. S£mUon"!Re Billboard'vheaiouwari-m adM. Meatum '^Vie BtUboard" tabaiantwering tuU PROF. D. BII.YCK*S TramMl Sea LloK m m; OpceUl Veatwe OctIb Bros.' M VERSATILE COMEMAN MISS HOVirLAND •aesesllramatlc Wvltar-— ELINORE SISTERS Direction Geo. Homans. PUlC I CACQADIA CionuiOkinctir bllAa. J. oAoMlliA) iBptrtoi.tir. Perm. Ad. 121 CaxBonSt.,Plttsl>iirK.Fa ..THE D'ESPAS.. A Trio of Useful Circus Performers Ground and Aerial Acts Open time after Jan. 31. 413 Lookout St.. Cbattanooea, Tennessee. DOING WELL: THANK YOU JAMES B. DONOVAN.. TBE KINO OF IRELAND ...JkllSS KENA ARNOLD. or TtanKoux. AT UBERTY. GLASS BLOWER Join at once. Address WM. MYERS, Gen. Del., A^rkausun Clt^i, Iia.Da am a Good addrea. Edison & Adelle iB Tbelr Tanitilt^F SocceaKS: "Sttst Door JtkBiy" ail "WaiM « Mj Matrlmalillr ' iidliM." jiQTftn.lIgM' .iMi rm, TW Blll>e«ra. ta Caaten W * . , Thnliicriitollllai ..Hotel Rendolpli.. 309 Mason Straet THSATMCAI. CBNTER 8an Franoisoo, Calif. prlTSte taChs. (tl.Ofl PER DAir. HentiM "2%e BiOboard^' aAoi ojuHensf <