Billboard advertising (Jan 1906)

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14 JANUARY 27, 1906. FDJIi BARGAINS Aoflual Cliaranci Sale of Exhibition Reels. H'KKT. HO. t. At Bricht<n Beach 100 Tack Jan* ^ Ooaeiiliis on AatzkB Ooaat 19 BatsrdJLT Bhopvtnc «.~»»..' lU anake In tba Gcaw ..._.'...'.....* M - '■"--^ - iqp SO. s. ^bontntnc In Otftf«1 » 368 A Uttle Te« 35 WflUc'* Camera ................. SX I^plaixdeTa at Home > ......... US •••• wt •••• SIT . ISO .ISO ■M*. l,OM teat. TfTPT. VO. 1. BUilr of Uf* i.... lUS QaeeiuUiid to Kllraot 7S Tbe Monster ITD Tlie LQCk7 Klrtna OS Down tbe T>rmhno SUda SB PMh B«n m HEEL BO. Cake iwaUc In Oar Alley UtttelU^ A TlcM In the Ooraater.. nt &)T Tat Tbe Cook'a Lartr ......... TIw S. 6. Battle ......... ^» Sa^flhot nod...... SfatiliGn at Luna Pnk •«. funi •••••• I feat. US ITS ISO 1^ US SKZL >o. a. An Iclaii Ceeancty ................ 1S5 Sodi la Iilfe 70 Pan. Lakes of KBIanieT 75 Power of ATithwltT 91 Tbe Mooo BaU Ballway 180 Tbe Old Maids' Portma ........... 80 The Dntameable Whiakam IM WMbc Kka ..... Vt A TUtt OB tbe Cop Mi Oar DMt Mead Tfiity — 01 Xcntn^^ SqbIr U8 Meny 'KSt ....................... As iBngHsii OiKkca Una ........ Let Ustde Boba KEEL aO« vnir Pit* foe tke : Beyond tlie Pan. of r »Wl BttUO ISS uo 48 «S UB 081 feet. 88 200 TO MS MS «• 1.087 feet. 19» U3 193 180 100 SEEL ao. •80, •BTTT, SO. 18. ChiMaiiber Odambn... ' ~ *; IB. tiia IjDdartMr ......a^. jjK X uy .........Mv^.. OaUcse Sportr in Br » T]ie,Poatnian "Wlilte' n*i>. 2nHlana £tt n«^OBee Bor'a BeTeoce 73 120 1S5 ra 8SS t«et. 850 lae .^OOO.'SaeU tSS. 088 feet. BEEL BO. 87. Tke Bmtlar and t>« OM» ........ SOS Tile 37est Soti OCiO 104 Tlw Midget aCyatev .............. 18S Tba MoBfrnent «U 870. "155 gTTT. 50. SS. Soap Btdibles 85 Decojed 216 - - - at 42B «eet. BO. Tbe Tliree Bkmermoaoa Pan. mm Tower St. LooIb Bzpo- ■Ition, ......•.....*.............. Tbe Serrant Qocatlaa Sba noeal. £na4e A. C ........ tor. ^>^*^- BO. 89. Bolbbet; 887. WTTFTi BO. aOb Vojage . • BTXT. BO. 8B. Btory tlie Bloenph Told ........ Japanese Imperial Gnardi Nerer IMcbed Blm IMp to Paxla... 981. HOl St. nstasUc FlalilDC WUk the ~ ' LOU feet. 1.0SO feet. 200 394 lao 1.024 feet. 98 200 731 80 880 US •66. 1.029 feet. Bace for a Klas .. Tnttiog Up Swiss Over 4faa Scds« ... Klcbt Doty 848. B» ttet. BSL BO. IT. A Backet of Cream Ale...... —... 80 Haaa Hade TnrWah Batb 81 Two Bottle Babies 80 Tbe CoBBOtttee on Art 71 ~ ' BOO 143 •M. 0a4teet. 1,084 feet. n« otter Bnat 998 Paris rnm tbe Belne 180 Bain Duee Voqal Indiiaa 120 Ute oC a Bace Som ...» 888 " " ~ ,i lis 078 «et. PLAYHOUSES G. W. Holt of Red Oak. la., has had armtcct rxamtne bis tmlldlncs on Seed ■ Ueet , with a view of baring tliem altered Into an open booae. It is «ald that this can be easily dooe. A seatlof capacity of TOO wni be airanged. It U Mr. Holt's Inten- " B te tern a atsck eoogaair, aad bis plana leptaacntattve of tbe flbubcrta^ Mllwaakee. Wis.. laoUns ercr tre. Be Micd Dtot te_ opm lt m_tm-^ tof perfbflvHnee flMir be Happyland. PhlUp B. Rosburs, of Marion, Ind., and D. W. liaatlce, <tf A li dei si i, ladl, bare Nixon & Zlmmennan will shortly erect a new timtr^ in Wasblti^on. Pa. Tbe bolIiUnc irlU iiATe all awdczn canTcnleDCes and L!!*^!u!!af?yf 11 y muS\ I ScMSt'aBHLwo aad 8tB0i088k Watk wIB be ataetsd at «Me iB order tbat It may be eoontleted for next seaaoo. The people of Uhrlehsvllle, Ohio, arent a new opera bonse, and It ti said that IndlcatlODS are faTotable to a new enterprise of this nature. DbrlctiETlIle Is OD tile main line of -the PesmaylTanlA Ballroad, and Is also on tbe B. A: O. Tbe PemtsrlTsna shoiw at tbat place are working full capacity. A persistent rumor which seems to be well fooDded li tbat WUUameport Pa., la to bare a new Taaderllle tbeatre with a big seating capacity and an modern coovenlences. Measia. I/amade & Fisk. of tbe I.ycoiniiis Opera Boose, are now In eastern cities con- soltlng architects. Manager H. E. Root, of the Opera HoDse at Latamle. Wyo.. writes tbst bostoees la better tbls year than last, tbcmgti lie Is not booking so many tdgh-gr^de attrsctloiis. One good tiling for Mr. Boot is that the op- poaltlan tbeatre hae closed, aad be bas all the patronace. Work on tlie Ellc Theatre at Himts- ilDe. iU„ H proSMOiax niedy. and tbere ta CTcry pn«ect tbat tbe new ptajlioaae wiu «( ant atMon. Managers Smith & Barton, of the Oaiaty neatre, BprlngSM, IB, dpsM t s d t» tbe - - departoeat ct mt Wy '^' TTnder the management of Wm. Oaronn, tbe Garman Open Hoas e; B idlefWite. Pa., has tieen a aocccsa. gilliMlis bapsore. menu are bdac aude the jwajr a( aaoy additions. Tbe sctauj k ako taOw re- paired. Mrs. Agnes Barry, owner of the Gaiety Tleatie, Albany. N. Y., has Jnst com- pleted azrangements tor tbe erectloo of a tnirlesqae theatr* in S^cnectady. N. T. Tba new bone will be known as tbe Elcctrle. Harris Rosenthal, father of Jake TtiirKiillMl s saaage r of the BUoa Tbeatre. Do. boqae. la, of l>w Bose. of tbe team of Boae and Serems, and of Utimij Itnuntbil. trcss- orer, died in Chicago, BL. Dee. 081 Manager Carl_a_Caittaii. ot the V. Z.p la SBafclBg • asat at bis Utile portrait. Charley Mooney, better known as "P<^." bas feslaaed as atw manacet at the Ljcenm Tbcaiotk jMMoTBWi^ .to take char^ of the OB^Mlkv vsaat with tbat theatre. The Wood Opera Hotise at Sedalla, Mo., lias been ckaed for some tine, owlii« to a disagreement between the msnsgement and some of tbe perfoemen. S. Hanauer, manager of the Lyceum Theatre, Bearer Falls, Pa., has opened a Nick, elodeon. and Is doing a nice business wlUi tbe extra attraction. Tbe j»w .op^rai^lravuMa ^^I>^^woad. The new opera bouse now ondar conetnetiaa at^laataat Ii«_i8 plrtlon, apr The Duncan Opera House at Las Tegaa, M. M., bas been supplied wttb a» — nalsla Keir a xu e iy wlB drop Manager C. Mehlanbatcher, of the Open House at O nu ss o . Mich, bas leased Us tbeatre to W. Btott for tbe balance ot tbe Mr. EL C. Davis, formerly manager of tbe Peo^'a Tlteatre. Parsons, Kan., ■ad win " win be sneeeeded by 3. B. WcQs. New Tork capitalists have been ex- amining eereral alts in Ameterdaxn, N. Y.. wttSi the IntentiAa of erecting a randevllle theatre- Fred Beegle has resigned as gallery doorkeeiwT at tbe Lyceom nbeatre. Bearer rUli, Pa. Jobs Senmcr sncceeds him. A new >1ROOO opeia bouse 1b A new tlwBtTo IB bdnc MIt at ROUTES (.OcatlBasd fnoi pace 8.) Bcrlbi. OCT.. Wtb. OHppIe Cteek. tML. Mendltb Slat era (A90II0) 1-28. MerrlOs Tbe Xtaae: M derf. Mlddletoo. GUdys (ram): Aog. 14. Indef. MUton, Cbas. W.: Iki note wttb tbe Barknr Minstrels. See Sfbiatid Bootes. Milton. Mr. & Mrs. Geo. W. (Sliar) Ga.. Indef. MitcbeH, J. T. (LaBaUe): 25. indfi: Mitchell. Uada (Iknw)! def. MoBtairae's of Mexico, Morris * Oet_ Ob Motodri ai. Mathieoa. joggUns (FamQy) HI.. 2S-27. Mannings. Three (Btjoa): Qolsey. 27. Millard & Harker (Majeatle): ai-ST; (Majestic) Ft. ^ MeGnlte. (E. J. (I«ile): Mortoa. IM W. VKcin (Orrln Bpoa.'): Olty 30, Indef. Titt): Olympat, Waab., B. St. Iioalab m.. * Ktaner (Ijrle): Clereland. 0.. 2247; (Otpbenm) MaasOeld SB-Feti. 3. MelTiile * AseUe (Family): Sloox Oltr. la., 32-27; (C*TSttl) Joseph Mc. 29-Teb. S. Mallory Brothen, Brooks ft Hilllilay (Poll's): Worcester, Mass., 22-27; (Amjitkloa) Brook- lya. N. Y., sa-Ttt>. a. M«ee. dem. C. (Katlooal): Kansas CKy. 3fo.. 2X-2;: (Ibmlly) S. St: Lools. 111., 20^ Vtb. 8. Manrvo ■<O ulH BS>t Met^c * Oant (Bljan): 22-27: (BUon) Haseoek 20-Teb. 8. MtSlnley. Mabel (dmpbloo): Brooklyn. M. T, S-2T, Msginleys. Tba (Bennett's): I<ond«n, Ont« SO-reb. 8. Metrop(dltan Oomedy Fonr (Bljea): Jersey (aty. N. J., 22-Z7; (West Bnd) New Totk OUT. 2S4'et>. 8. ' Marrelle & Oleasoo (Family): PottaTiBSL M« 22^: (Family) HsseUnn SO^ab. 8. M«Rtn ft DeelT miiilii—1 mab, 22-27; |« > " ' Feb. 8. \fsrisa * Seaaa (Haseoek): , 3S4T: (OUaaset) Oalnuet lO^fab. 8. Mack. Bldle (EHOfa):. PUIadelpbla. 2Z-2T; (Eeltb's) Boston Ibas, 2».|leb. McGloia A Smttb (Sotbsm): Brooklyn. H. a2». MacK & Dngal (Idea): O^sh, WU.. 29-0; (Flam's) Madison 2e-Fcb. 3. MsFhieUas^ Great (Crystal): Detroit, OUchM Babies Bathhtg ...........Ma*... A Day at Brlghtnn .......... The Incubator The Nanghty : 88 ' ■ sso 2S0 275 142 "o^ tmt. . BBEL aqu .40. "•md^iii' Ne« ^Zeal's Pande .. An Afkiirae Ante ... Tbe Big Foantaln Tbe Obaollear's Btral WddlBK tbe Big Bbig Mllili..«lfv Nsw Yirfc City.