The billboard (Jan 1906)

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JANUARY 27. 1906. Tne Billboard 17 UNITED STATES TENT & AWNING CO 2-18 N. Desplaines St., CHICAGO, III. 126-133 W. Randolph St. 63 Years Expirisiice AH iMi m UNI TENTS WlliIilAin IiKBPBBt Fiva. J CIRCUS. CiMNIVAl- CIreua SaatB. F!aiB< Tarpaunns and H< Blankata. CorreaponAence SoUdMAa Lrnia DiBtanoa Tri aph—a £Dcr:B.l.lTZlNGER. Monrooiea*. "America Our Home'' Write Us Before Plaoing Your Orders for •The World Oor Field" TOBtS fOT 1906 Use. -n^u^^Pr.^ aiMMITEED UnSFAITMM W DEUVERIB ON eORTIUCT DATE TENT HOUSE IN THE WORLD ^KZ"^^^^^^^^^^^^ I'll /<^:;„.,;';:.-Y ; ■ The Reasons Why = ARE MANIFOLD == The principle ones are: Ist. We can make yon TmIIi Htrry-ge-laMi Ttpti Ftags, WagM «ii Caga Savara that will satisfy yon and meet with your approval, both as to durabiHty and appearance. 2nd. We can aave yon money* Weare not rnmiinir any get-xich-quick scheme. We are satisfied with a small margin of profit. We make the best tents at lowest prices when durability and appearance is a consideration. Get our prices. Give us your orders. BAKER & LOCKWOOO MFB. CO. KANSAS CITY, MO. CIRCUS TENTS Our Specialty 20 YEARS BPERIENSE SMKIKII TERT §0, CS & 68 WMnrd An., '■f DETROIT, MICH. .ARMffSTRONO CC. WNI. ARMSTRONG. Msr, irmotShow CkoTase. of all kinds. BUck I Mg^fc UooM« aD«cl«ltT. No. t Market St., near . All sizes tor saie or rent. Send for Catsloeue No. 60. •MU TUT MO AWniB GO. OMAHA, NEB. TO MANA6ERS OF PARKS, CARNIVALS, SIDESHOWS, CIRCUSES, Fairgrounds, Etc., Etc. The beat xnoney-iBaker, erowd •ttrmetar mn/k hmXtr- hoo known In years. Wrlta for tall pftrtlculArato «lia lUBiE MURPHT HTIi ■. 1.1. CIRCUS ttOSSIP The following is an excerpt from the Oolambus (0.) Dlspstdi of recent date: "Otto BlngHoz, one ox tbe owner* ot ttc Sells-Fore- ntoiii OlMn. was la Od—tWi Batnidari oon- inma irlfli tki nmhwm «C Ike iiMv qoar- ters o( ttM *am. B» aald. at tta OUttcBden. irbere- be Momd. <aiat mnir InuftOTementa are contoaplated vr abeos ownea, boni in tbe piodactloo and tli* iwlntcr qoarten at fiells- ▼Ule. Tfae^ liava bean leased for another year, and plana are laada to provide better accom* modatlons for tbe men and the animals, bnt tber are not In Sbape to talk aboot. be s^Id. Next year, Mr. Blngllnf aald, Uie cItcqb -wUJ tiave a big attraction or feature, bnt, like tlie ImjjroTeineots, be said lie coold not annomice 'n-bat It tronld be at tUa tiM. vBa-ada Hie circus is to remain a OBIaBMbai laMSIatlBBa as far as lie knows now," H. C. Wilbur has closed with the Enropean Amusement Co., and with C. C, Sog- ers be iias oivanlaed a sood mt-ttot drcos witb wblch tkcr ifin toor McKloOb teatnrina Meia, tbe ooBtoittoalat. Tliair oacnliis at Basle Pais. T(Zm DMtad ■nsr caeoacinB. and vmmeeta for a CMB Miaoa are MiiM. The raster Is: O. C. Bocen, owner and naaaaer: H. O. WUbnr. treasorer and adjuster, aad H. Ii . Jj i n asr ia adranee, with four U|mMk "wa atfMr> Use xrbat tre bave aal'lna aAat m adfcr. tise," Is tbelT motto. A member of Canada Frank's Vau- derlUe Clrcns -vnttet: "We IiaTe imt dosed a TeT7 socccaatol aeaton vt tldrtj-alz -weeks, and wfU laiy onr a fcw weeks In CSorpus Chrlstl, Tex. Soma repabine and palatine vUl ba doaa. aad-TC will wad our leisure time In ^nB^*^ aid. fldiiac. Brerytiodr la well and happr. na xoattr or tbe ■how ia tbe same a* wlien wc sp sa e d Is Ike Wrinc. We will add a aeeond oar aboat. MW M." HaiTT Hodge 'nrlU ba.v* tha aida ahow with the iTiaBk A. <BiMilaa ShMr tta eoa^ season. Brerybodr Mw at to be wffl WonM wltb the Idea and picdletlOBa aie QOtM flat(«- ing. Mr. Hodge 1* spending tbe wlBtar at bla bome In Fort Blcbmond, Staten Island, itbere be bas been too busj snperlntendlng tbe erection ot anoilier dwellU« to glre Foartecnrtb street any attention. The Sells-Downs Shows was sold as a whole after aU. Mr. Darbam bid $30,000. Tben Ur. Thompson bid ^,000, at wbicti price It waa knocked down to bim. Tbe Impna- slon preTaUed tbat Measrs. Downs * nnrtam were tb* real parchaaers. It Is aald tbat wnc on repairs and rellttltie will be started at once, and that the show will open early In Marcih at Blrmlngbam. The United States Tent & Awning Oo. of Chicago are mcetlas '^1* wondertol success. Tbey have Btrcadj ontgrown their old ouart«ra. and hare remoTed to No. 1. 3. 8 7 and 0 S. Union Street, where tbtj baTe secured over twice the floor space tney for- isHlr bad. Tbe new locatkm .Is only a Ho« Bob Campbell and U. J H. rrmann, of the American Posting Service of Ohlcago, baTe come to tbe assistance of F. C Cooper in a noble manner. They bare adranced all moaMr needed for bis defense so far. Mr. U. 3. Hcmnann is treasnrer ot tbe Cooper Defense "Wenona and Frank, tbe well-known rifle fiSiots, are not playing TaodeTille this winter as bas been their custom for elebt years, bat tbey are resting at Maiden. Mo., where tbey will remain nntU Mardi. They closed with tbe Pawnee Bill Show Kot. 4. Arthur Howe, of the team of Howe and Decker, is wintering at bis bome In 624 S. Foorteenth street. St. Josepfa, Mo. Mr. Howe states that Mr. Decker bas aboat recov- ered fmm Ids attack of typhoid ferer. He wooM like to hear from friends. Albert McLiaughlln dropped into Xenla. hla old home, last week and spent a tew day* looking over tbe place ittien: be spent ilia boofliood dwa. : Ba left Jan. 12 for Bara- boo. Wis., fei^BijIfBaiv wltb flie BlagllBC Bhow toe aaiBt. .aMan. Wm. BdaaH, formerly eleiiliant man nataaa * Baaey and otha ebowa, tat now located ta Oolra, K. X., was easadted sad badly injured in a cafe in tbat dty last wcab^ smB stltdiea being taken In bis face. ■Walter J. Ashbom, trainer, and Mrs. Aabbom, manager of .tbe -tralDed pon^, Bex, have sitned iritb the Snn Brothers Show for Ae coming season. It wm make their third year wlCh that oreanlxatlon. After spending a vacation of eight weeks In Jackson, Xena., Ctaaa. Lafayette will Join the Frank Adnas BaOnad flksK.s-'.'ae. wm play tbe robe clowB wkUe Us .wiatilMB «o rings and liaps. :.■•>"•. ■ L. C. Gulnter. the well-known side- show talker. Is wintering In St. Loals, Mo., at 10 S. Sixth street. He will be Identlfled wiai the Rlngllng Bioe.' Sbow season 1906. Frank A. Bobbins, jr.. Is hovering between Ute and death. liaTing developed a ae- ■m ease of metimoaia. At tida writing the damccs nia.aboot erca for Ua teeoreiT. win. S,Bi<dcett tvrites that ther wIU «a a btg Male aatma and doatia aasttac act iidr'sininer. tudBx ten vMple. He ava It wnr bfe the blgEcst in America. Walter T. Murphy, contracting agent. Is patting in the winter with the Bres- laner Blllpostlog Service of Minneapolis. He bas sot yet dosed for next sesson. Fred. Markel has returned from a fow waaks' s ojuutn In Tosonto, Claa.. aad baa tcsnmad bis work at tbe Bkank A. asbUaa* a 3mmw OUr. Rube Newton writes from Hot Springs ti^at he is getting along Sine as clerk in the Howard Hotel. He Jnst recently left tha hospital at Memphis, Tenn. Nat Reis and hla partner, Kr. Boreb. hfeve pnrebaaed from Noola A IMn tta.OiM Dor and Pony «i<nra. Tbe caariteaita la'add to have been ft.SOO. It is said by persons who know that the mansion now being erected by Mr. Al. Blng* ling at Baraboo, Wis., is little Ibort ot a veritable palace. CoL J. C. O'Bilen letnmed to Gbl- caga last «Mk.alHr'icBaaaetla(E3«HM^at'4k*/ winter < iuan e ia ot tbe Osaipbd Biulhua flboir at mrnny, <Neb. Anita. Faber, late of. tbe Wallace Show, Is resting at ber bome in Cdombos, Ohio, after undergoing an operation at tbe Protestant Hoepltkl. Fighting the Flames and almUar er- bibltioas Ud fair to be aamooos as attiae> Dong tbe tent aboaa aezt aeason. Walter L. ]Ialn-> wu' In ^Clneliinatl An. IT. He ptaert^aa aalv'^'ai wa g ons with Hte (Bode WafM-.(■.;> H. S. Howe and WattarJ^- trsveled all the way from the sale of the Sdls-Oowns Mile. Amy bas engaged witb tbe Ha-; genbeck Sbow tac Hie coming season to do her xDarreloas awoM swallowing act. Much chagrin and disappointment was expressed by sbowmen returning from Qia Sells-Downs sale last week. The Tounger Brothers Greater Wild Wert^gosr,; hsa: aaCBHd,^a tswatjrtfsse baad^ llnar on Oe great World's Mr UH at Loadoe^ - B, Peri has been reengaged as bal- let master tor the RlngHng Clrcns next aea> son. The ■wnii Hugh Harrison, accompanied by his wife were vlsitora to CtocUmatl last week. B. L. Brennan is wlntertnc at Ids home la (PuacDS, Ban. ' y ^ ; . The Wm. Tod Contlnoital BkOir il stUi tonring SB HBtt. Francis FbRBH B t tn aed tk*