Billboard advertising (Jan 1906)

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JANUARY 27, 1906. 21 JPARK MANAGERS.. TAKE NOTICE Electric and scenic preductlons installed complete in your Park. JohnstowQ moods. Mont Pelees, Creations, Port Artiiurs, and a lot more c<m«M pro- da^Ds. For terms, apply HERBERT k. BRADWELL, Builder of EleotiiMl Seenlc Productions, Joimstown Flood Building, Coney Island, N. Y. >■ *A Uiur BAD CAI C one-quarter cost of production, Original ALSO nMC rUlt dALC JobDstown flood as instsOled at Coney Island, witli proscenium opening WTMlT^'TO fast. Abo AtlntieC ity prodnetion on Sojudiralk, same size. ^ 19 WUW««IIIM«9 ^Mbraatlata* flcuMviUi xm on « lAVftHDn BAJJtMBX tor Mrt MMoaf It's « clean. mao«r>n«ltliir p w xii lM oa ttet bas proven ita popularity at the Ieadla« parks and amosement resorts. QIad to quote Interesting prices on the elass mirrors or a set of our composition metal ones that are far cheaper and answer the same purpose. We mannUctnre the only practical mirror (or travellns pnr- JL ML liAUCMTONt AimiswMnt Construction Company, no S. Mtfi 8lro«t TAMPA, FLA. ORDER SLOT MACHINES NOW gf T«n Want Tbem In Time for tbe OpenlnK of tlie Seaaon or 1906. All of Slot nacIilneB and Sopplles, Stero. Views, Sons Slides, etc. ACCW new nVPIv "Crack Shot Pistol." "Hercules Shoalder and Arm Test." "Samson rtlf BCn wllt« Automatic Puncher." "Blrdophone." "Calloscope" Picture Ma- i*tiM» , "Olooaa Gas Strenjcth" Machine, "Qet Harried" Machine, and dozens of others. New aweiwfewiiitfce time, write tor prices an^ printed matter. Wben In New Toric call on ma F. 8. ZIMMERMAN, 5 E. 14tli Street, New York. otto Anderson, one of our best known and most popalAr young -men. is In bis sixth Tear In the t>ox.otBce o( tbe Tampa Bay Oaslno. Be is aUo assistant casbler at tbe Excbanse NatlODal Bank. His friends and acqoalntances mmmz tbe profession are unlimited. George France. late of Ocotfs M. Cohan's original Little Jotmny Janes Co., iyM< at tbe Metropolitan Theatre last week la aa act. entltM A. Mack OasM. A<Hr: <k* ant pertorMaaea hs wai 'kesM Jir tcajvMks. The Tampa -Boaia «C Stade is IbtIIJbc the bis orcanlzatloin to hold tbelr conTenUoos In tma city. The railronds are backlnff tbe Isthmian Canal EiposlMon moTement rlRbt np to tbe Umlt. That means success. President moo. J. L. Bronn, of tbe Florida SUte Fair AasoclaUon Is sUU at WasTtington, D. C, in behalf or the moTement to secure a ^oOO.OOO appropria- tion. W. A. Elks, father of Harry Elks, the one time the six day champion bicycle rider of the world, bas opened up an athletic club In con- nection with a ecbooi for pfaysical colture. He la being assisted by -Adolpli Sldof. the cham- pion wteatler of 'the saath. Jimmy Beynolda aad Bart Perry, alnslns and dancing cbara d CT ewtcdtaas, avw in tbelr twenty^erentb weak at 4lhe SfoMpglUaB, hare been booked for the laaaladec M the seaK>n. Jessie DeWhite, tbe Aocrleaa nightlacale. closed a foorteen weeks' eugagement here last week. She wlU enjoy a Met rest with rda- Ures at SprisgtMd. in. -The most popolae eoait 1_ _ conntry Is Keep a- Utile OlV' Heart For ile. Tbe Tampa Bay Casino was dark Jka. 11-13. because tbe Joles . Foreman Mnslcsl Ooi.. tellcd to pat Id an appearance. Ttvo performers who came here with the Flf^btlng the Flames Co. got Into some diffi- culty daring tbe Florida State Fair, and are now acrrlDg six aiooUis in tbe eonn^ JaU. ^nn. Lynch, ona aad manaccr of the Metrapotttaa, Is sto Iks awaar o( Ow cz> positloa h a lMl i a * .nsr GU7, when he ope- rates <h» ■ awiChewMi^K' ■.sihjrs' .«ad penny ar- cades In thaiSMMl. ■formers desiring Inform.- part of tbe conntry, should ■-led. UANXT NATABBO. ROSELLE KNOTT. STAKBING IN "Whu KoisUM Was In Fliwir" ...ELECTRIC FOUNTAINS... For Parks, Public Grounds. Lawns, etc. Made In sizes up tx> SO feet diameter. We also make Portable Vonn- talos for indoor use, such as Halls, Beoepcions, etc. where dflcoratlYe effects are desired. 0"BtiIl«itin ISiK 10 deeerfbes IVMmtaini. AWNCMKHIPMENT CO.. 923 Si. Mil Aw. OltlCAOO. Wanted... ...Wanted Flrst-Class Musicians to play all Instruments; Prefer those that can double. Ccolc. good poney men, one good doc: man, drivers, wardrobe man, announcer, can-raszren. Only the ▼ery best people need apply. We want industrlouii. sober people. Boozers and dlsoisan- uers save somt stamps. Wanted:—! Lithographer. 2 paper and I cat. Taylor Trunk. 3 prop- erty men. FOR SALE Tableau and Show Wagon*, also ailSlfctBea Ml., Drnpertj at rock bottom piieaa, Bl. mMmMT varft For further partlcolan addrasi. _ ncred cow, rery small and line; and other Show IS bone Plondorm, tlie oalj one of tfae kind In tta* V. 8. SeiBEL BROTHERS, Watartown, Wis. WANTED--VAUDEVtLLE ARTISTS Buihilo's New and C(^. ^ Theatre will open Feb. 19th; devoted entirely to HIGH GLASS VAUDEVILLE 'B.W BOOKING The-Best ATallable Talent. Send your open time and full partlcn- iMBOt act. IP YOU HAVES'T GOT THE GOODS DON'T WRITE. Address. W. D.UeCttlT. Mrg. Tanpfs Theatre. Williams aid Jefferson Sis., BUFFtLO, M. T. VAUDEVILLE PERFORMERS WANTED....... At all times for runUy TheatM. 3 Shows daUy 3. No Sunday worlc. EMPIRE THEATRE. • OL J. .W. HcCOBSIICE, Bellevue Park. Toledo. O. JOHN W. HoCOBiaCK, S32 Superior St., Toledo, O. WANTED .WANTED l» li _, .btTe.saie Addieae, and erter that Is ot Meritb can ate o plaee M. and Curious, and must two, providing you Biver been shown I w d to iiapoHa, Ind. THEATRICAL DATE BOOK FREE! Jnat drop OS a Dootal Solo Manufaeturara of 2«l IIERBY-60-ROUtlDS Aad LOUISVILLE, KY.. ..MINIATURE RAILWAYS... AMUSKMENT OUTFITTER B ii i HERSCHELL-SPILLMAN CO.; 78 SWMUT SL, NORTH TOUWMOA. R. T. MiHitin lulnad Gib, 74 Breadwiy, 21me. Gadskl wlU appear at the Woman's Club under the auspices of tbe Slualcal Art Society, Jan. 19. The 7<ew York Symphony Orchestra will bold the boards at Macanlef's Theatre, Jan, 22. L. H. Cohen, a local boy with (be Uarla. Band, Is sntoosly ill at Waahlngtao. D. C Lany Gero is the new iiiBe>ilj..—:at the ATcaae Theatre. =-;. >. ' i ■- .>i_ ; J. a mdMtls. the earaMl'BaB atatas Ifeat' he win hMT9 BMny new and hotH nupdaes tgt: dark Broeonrt. the dog and pony man has accepted a position wltti a local business house. Robt. K^an Is back trwn a long trip south wtfh one of Alley's productions. A new feature at Douglas Park next aea- 6on wUl be an artificial lake. Thoa. Dixon, Jr., author of the now famous play, Tbe Clansman, came here from New Tork to witness his show w^lch played at Mscsuely's last week. Murray Allison, lepresentatlTe for tbe Sbu- bert-Belasco-Fiske Syndicate, is In the city, and eays that final arrangements have been made for th. big «2SO.O0O theatre, wMcta will be madded atter tbe lanie ia Mew Totk,^ St, Ma and. LdMw ;:«.• are with Tb» yiT. Oooley Oo.. were htstlWy lecelTed dnr- lag tb. aboiw*. engacMMot hex.. Vbelr ■wt^ It aotlceaUe Jhnwghont tiie p ifUnrn ia W . The eicat CuiDll la home fix a tew days shaUas hull with Mods. Our .zmlns ar« moosy^ashsn aatf tb« attimctlT. f«.%. ura in all tb. Ursast SSlha hi th. world—DrmaaUad, Luna Park; SiMpleohaaelB Oraey Island; SarlConiL Crystal False and Alexandim Parka, Loadon. Fleaae DEVIOB ON EARTH. I> mam in operatkm at The Pooltrx I 7th] SAM SCHWARTZ, <OT Sefcool St., €hlf KO. SEATTLE, WASH. In discnsstng tbe closing of tbe Selasco Stock Oo. at Portland, Ore., Manager Mayer said: *1We li.v« closed tbe house for good and if anybody wishes to Invest In the property he can readily enter negotiations by addreaalnc Senator Josepb Sbnon, of the firm of Dolph, Malloty, Simon * Gearln. We are closing foe the rery simple reason that we hare lost 914a00O In thirty-two weeks." A Fight for MlUloos. - which recently ap- peared at the Xhtad imam Thea tte, prorred a strong d aa w laa canA. BmM WTItWata. eisdy. BsRleUw sadlMlle Saadawete aaang those who lltMM. . ^ -- ^ •ne^maggtmmtt *ti1tti:9mt XMaoe has Uon to bill wlilch _ Tony Elder's XaA9B top B tractions at the QCpbcam, Tbe CoUege Widow opened 14 for four per- formances and prored imanensely popular. Dor- othy and B^ederick ^^esdale In tbe leading roles are extremely clever. Business Manager Frank C. Payne, of the Savage English Grand Opera Co., was In Seattle recently to arrange with Manager Oort «t the Grand 0i>eEa House for tbe appearance aC the former's rwogany In the TORONTO TOPICS- Maxlne Elliott tetaaed to ctop at the King Cj-.v7ir<i Hotel dnrlnff bar aiiaat.iiM iil at tbe Princess Theatre, owing 'to tM fact that the managemeDt woiild not tpxiw her to keep a pet bulldog In her apartments. She took apart- ments eilsewbere. Miss Elliott In Her Oreat Match attracted packed hooses at each perfotmanee. Her aap- port was splendid. 'Way Dowa Bast^ with Fhochc OstIs, Btvrcd 1 exceOcat taal^ ajM at the Oniad last week. liaJegQc Uat week .'s Theatre opens J. A. ssPark Managers,. NOTICK- I would like to place my Glass Show in a flrst-class park for next sammer. Prefer one that can f oznlsb boUdliu al wt Stxtt. city of not Im than aoaiSriMVI MERRY-GO-ROUND FOR SALE Co., Md. 5000 DODGERS $1.90 ^KxW^. Wwordfc c ash wi th at&t. Otbcr pelatlac m^rlew. asadtariMeMi - - - ^.WANTBD J. BOR9, in Kortli 10th Stnet, PhllAdalphla. ..AT LIBERTY,. .W. H. Collins and Wife. (COIiORED) Mg^ C o M to^^^- - Se ■ad OrcKeeta Address Port Street, Atlanta, Oa. Addreaa milkoard. Clneiiuiatl, .» .. A. A, T E U R S .. WaoMed for Slaows In all parts or tlie United StatM. TBE XHKAXKICAl. STAB, IB Park. Bow. New York City. EAGAT^^S BAND