The billboard (Jan 1906)

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JANUARY 27, 1906. ?5 SIGHTSEEING AUTOS! Auto Tours of the World and ^ Siglitseeing in the Prmcipal Cities^ : WE MAKE OUR OWN FIUIS. OTHER PEOPLE RENT THE 01ilE$ THEV SHOW. IE Our Moving Picture Shows Are Original, Instructive, l^uy^ ■ Noivel and Amusing.. . •• ^oM'k ABOVE AtL,i|i iiGEST MONEY-MAKER OF ANY PICTURE SHOW IN Til WED Our plctftires, ^l^ji^'taken from automobiles In the principal cities of t&e world, and along £&moiis auto roatesoC both Che <>ld and the new worlds, are shown to the "wg'htseeis" from a Sightseeing Auto. The illusion of seeing the various countries and cities from an automobile Is produced b; ajpwontma of moving scenes attached to the wall beside the Sightseeing Auto upon which are seated the "Sightseers," and the throwing upon a screen in ^OQt of the Sightseeing Auto the moTing pictures which were taken from a moTing automobile, by this company, ana which are the property of the Sight- By an original and clever Idea the "Sightseers" are given a side trip which enables them to view a variety of moving pictures, thus taklDg ol sDltelait Titae l^a fading firm or^toatTftwyvis In CUca^ MHi wd patents are now pendli^. - s MANAGERS WHO DESIRE THE ''BIG THING" WRITE US. >^ PARK o„ , A_ny person , ao business with Install ■ yoiia Any person yttn can secure a conoeasglon for sbowlngjbe Auto Tours of the YTorld and Slghtaectog In lilie ?n ,.'^,H^|Des8 with us, and we don't wuft 16 aU. atUier. we will Install andnant the license to aganufor % \ uistaii iQ parks and give a percentage oCtli*gRMfor the privilege; or wa will Mil plana, givlas. v^pit to ep«rat% GIIAS.jr. JESSNA, nt the license to aguiwfor » peroonUcaaCliM gross receipts; or we wlli tell plana, givlas. v^pit to eparatow ftwwiiii fronts, and make iWal af •ISOl fUa yau wlU hava avary aiaath In SilM >>-■ W. H. UBB G0NSTRU6B0N CO., " !-:•' ••.-if*-*.* ,>t.-^' - . . <•?■ » .-i I- v.l-. tat ■H