The billboard (Jan 1906)

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•PROFESSIONAL' Tlie Billboard JANUARY 27, 1906. UUHS, THE ONLY WOUH nilE NieH DIVER Sanaation the Century. 1 wHh Nat. RalaB Southam Carnival . Mate. Have flne Utbos. For tenna le. not, addnos MIME. ULtJENS. Oar* THE BILLROABD, Chicaga JOE, MYRA and BUSTER SIX FLYING BANVARDS A«4al Art. THE OKABE FAMILY ObIj thi BEST Sketohesy Songs, Comedies, Drainas And vtxrj dMCTimion ot tbwwic a l moA WBIREII TO OBOEB. Moaotogawud FandMa «MlalO^0«- mawilal«aM«lllBafe*y««raclalMMIaaaB*l*«ka*7Mina*. TMfatMkiMb BOB WATT, 1':roV° 806 WilDut StriBt, Philadelphia, Pa. lb UMUTlBClw thrown In for (rood ncnnm. OP AMERICA'S BEST ECCENTRIC COMEDY ACTS. GERBfAN FUN MAKERS. ^ AWTMUR H. KHKRMS Aim M :::»MKDORA COLK:;:: iB TniuleTllU MM per Bontn. UM Mum 131 WTMlil in, SUtln L, CllcUliU. 0. ANTONIO OUVBTO, Anu% nw TOXX. JOHN. MORRISON iSii.,' *'llaskBlfn8& DevaRt's Mysteries" MAX STERLING Sole control In Vaudeville. Cara H, B. Marinaili, New York. Introdndiiff a new combination ot Oymnaotlc and Contortion. : : : : .... A HIT ON EVERY BILL .. WcK^-rii AK'-nt t"H.\.S. WllM-, ^ITPHE WM UW "Evil tluiMiOT Twenty weeks on tho Pi'-'"'- c^-rc* Offpred more. AddrCHS Ki..i.i.i A:.i', L;.li ato S«er«tBnr and Ooneral Maia^ar NovaKy Thaatrsa' Company, inc. .The Cycling lOnanl Bras. »A»a, CHAS. H. CANTOR sinin MO DURM cuuuBin can Bnnwwd. AT UBERTY 'noUo, Gmniett Tranibaneiikl DrnmB. itUNGWORTH. ADfusta. Ga. »Le GRAND HEATONa. AKBIAL AK-riST. Feats of 8tren<rth and Contortion Sensa- tional Balanciar Trapese, Spanlsb Web Com- bination act. Band Stands: Swlnglnc Cbalr Balanciar. CorresDondence solicited. - ■ Address cara Billboard. Cincinnati. Ohio. LARKE & ADAMS Nov«I EquUlbriste. Trlek And. Jvmi EivRL-THE GIRDELLERS—CE<">- Equilibrists, Acrobats and Head-to-Head Balancers. Address, TKE BILLBOASD^ CHICAGO. BILLY "SWEDE" HALL AND JENNIE COLBORN In (Hson The Coal Man 69 Menominee St,, Ghlcaeo. Permanent Address. SHEPARD and ST. AN6M0N S?r"^ The Jew and the Biddy Permanent address, The BrLLBOABD, ChlcJ^o. 8KASON I9O6.07 eJACK OOIMOVAIV {m^n"""^ DONOVAN STOCK CO. •i Management, F". WARD MARION, ' are !5i!llxiard. THE GREAT 8ANTELL THE MODERN AMERICAN HERCULES. ...SPRING AND SPRING AND ROSIE CARLO... ClumnpIOD All'Sonnd Acrobatic Barrel Jampersa Mo» Totir. En?.. At 1/lbertj for flrsr-class VanderlHe Flouses. Travellntr Companfps or Cir;'usf^ from Mrirrh 5. l^>i, IVr. addruiis l*a I in era too St., StocL-loii-oiiXtf, L^mdoii, I'.us MISS HOWLAND ..^Dramattc Writer—.^ 597 LexlnetOB Awe.t NKW TOBK cm* ELINORE SISTERS Dimtioii Geo. Homafl\s. eUS.J.SASSARIA,r^^ Perm.AA. 1«1 «lar»on gt..PIWattnrg,P« ..THE DWAS A Trio af Useful Circus Perfomrt QnNind and Aerial Acts 412 Lookont St.. Jan. 31. Ohattanooea. Tenne DOIN« WEIXt THANK YOU .^AlfjgMkJBONOVAN— ..JMIISS^RENA ARNOLD^ THE qnSBN OF VAtJ»BVXLL«. Donovan &■ Ajrnolcl Edison AdeUe '«!(> DMT M«r a" "OuM ALa<i MfelMtftfi FOTOpMltlBI ■.•■■AT LIBCRXV* ROUND'S LADIES ORCHESTRA AND SPECIALTY CO. 10 h 50 LADIES 10 to 50 H»ve ia»t nnlshed a 30 weeks* tour of tbo ] some t\Tuf- open for next nummor SAd wltttcr* FiTHt-ClAM ParkB, Tlieairee or Besom only. Beer dens don't wTlt«. H. O. ROUNM. I>*Crolt,MI AT LIBERTY ...An Experienced Union Pianist... WanttoMeXawh— wn il n ycataMy he I»d In eon- FLOYD < .... HENRY LEONE and ANNE OAli.... BIG SUCCESS IN VAUDEVILLE VARDEN, PERRY & WILBER Oriflnal Rac-Ume Trio ifawaad ntiisleal Borelty. Now pUylnr the OmuUHM ClndiiiMtl, Oblo. THE ZAT ZAMS only. How WtaKlrlaiw aaA tUn- im-r. VandeviUo Ronte List or Parma- hl FOR COMING SEIASON ORGANIZED BAND OF TWENTY MEN nWa.OTIWO DEBBCXOK An floulilu pRllialu If liOfWHTj HemtersA. F. Of M. We play alt classea of mnslc. but "~ raff-time and novelties. ALBERT HAYES. MUr. 5» Elm St.. Clnclniiatl. O. PermaneBC Address. - BILLBOARD. AT T-lniflfl-T— A. Ooodmun IMxxU WbMl. Woold iSkr to book with Mmc aaod OaMral Oootpuij tlils aeuon. Write B. £. Bi WigtMattoa At*.. Oariott^ ». ft - IS IT A SUCCESS? Not I«M Ouut UUTM calla mnA two caeoraa ■« awrx pcxConaaaca. umiL naaiiw a _ - - 8tli mat. m 4 Theatre. The Great MILTAIR ' Novelties Ote^n ot tvrenty-MveD we«lts< booklnea In Amertea; aeTenteem weaka In Londoti uid on tbe f!ont>neBt, with one aoUd TMur In ItaMV** la the reanlt of ttae New York ensasement week or Smmmmxg SOl as Keltb'a Tbeatre. IX IS al success WH. fflOKRIS, e W. 2Bt1i SC., BooklnE Aeent, or permanent mjAAnmrn^ A. R. CARHINGTOW, r«ntli!. r.f n 1 II.>f , 1, -joth St. and Broadway, N. T. Lake City. Iowa. ..AT LIBERTY.. In a few weeks For vaudeville or specialty shows. MaKlc. Fire Act, Llybtand Heavr Ballenclnar, Trapeze (teeth swlnfr). Trick and fancy Blfle SbootlnedSmlnate act). Doable 1st comet In band: double violin. PKOF. CASSELLE. Lakevllle. Oakland Co.. Mlcb. AT LIBERTY ! SIOK SMOWttt .JONG COLEL TkUdac nana.. ■Wie.PBBakaadJadr and laMMK (Wonld teke diancv ^od run mull Bide .hov.) REDUCED TO S3.00. Medical Spiel U DeTOt«d to the MedJdne Ajectorer, Scml K*d, Csmsn DocCor, tlcUUk. Cnibsstone Seller. moA to ftU ■elUuK Medldae. ToUet or enimtlT* (ooda tbiovsa speech. TeUwhattoaeytohoM i " •mase, InstrttcC and mterest loach the pocketbook. Ton \ wlih It at %xiy price. Bent pu_—_ _ nr send Ci deposit and will Matf & 1 vithextminatloo prlvttec* FANIinCO., ^ r t u»| w«toi ma tor TteatrlcalHottlSMBurdiiiglloinM ..HaMJWMph.. San Francisco, Calif. HoEt elegant furnished rooms with private baths. S1.00 FBR SAV. ^-