The billboard (Jan 1906)

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JANUARY 27, 1906. 17 The O. * M. Baric»ln CM- losua tor thirteen yean the HONBT MAKBB and a HONET BAYER. Write tor It to-day and he coDTlnced. ISI-MI E. HKIlH Stnil, CHICAGO. Sole acenU for "RaynoH" Watckea and the celebrated "Hamilton" Baxora. FREE SPACE Fm- III Fint'Olats AttraotloBs Lumina Park Tlito U the AtUatlc Ooaat. with a floatlac pofa lai w ef 3.000. and lUUat ■■■iMlly lu mm IMM «- cunlenlatt flMi all Sttta of Vmm Mt laMi Ctronna. WVaUagtm haa a tnflatf 39.000 u aolj tUttr mtantaa^ die ftoa I«- ulna Park hr a apeaA ti^lv «at«B. «rtUeb e»*tataa ttna ear tratea tnrj half hoar. One attraeUoD tt ea<k daia onl7 wtn be al' lowed, aad 00I7 attiaetlaBa with fint-cUn wt- crencrt wni *e cooildared. Flou 01 croomi wUl be fiiral«t»«d on a^pUeaa on to .a. B. m. a n voitk Street Fair Attractions Wanted For Stratford Old Boj^' Be^wkn, Aug. 4th to 8th. Address, S. J. MALUON, $tratfonl. Ont. Can. AIRSHIRS Gta BtUoooa. may ■ha{>e XDtde. Place 70ni order acm, as it takes eooslderahle thae to tnKDuracture and treat Oaa Bm^ properly. We are makers of the "C^amoiu" WUte Oity Bagle Balloon. PmcUcally the only sncceaafDl Gas Bmt; ^ In uiw today arc made bj- us. WESTiaiil BAIkUWS CO., Cticago, HI. UUSKZOnSOW TODS VOICE. Ventriloquism lanfas. THal laaaon md foil p«rtlciilAr« 10 o«nta. HlOr.IJBOEimAX. 706 N. 6th St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Queen & Crescent ROUTE TRAVERSES Keotucky, Tegnsssae, Alabama, Mississippi Aid Uiisiiii. Maigr food toms te eunlval tnd tbMttleal 'wpurtrt SpMial wb- taotlon given to MHB*. ::::::: ror niM taA taftwantloa. Addnw: W. A. SMREn. W. t. MKUMI. luagMr. etMnI Hmmgf 10. OIHOINNATL OHIO. ATTENTION . ..IBITIMATE INVESTOU... Wtt Otf*r For Sato PENNY VAUDEVILLE No. 2 Oqnalatln* of Waspn Ineladlocan AHD8EHENT AKCADEof Flfrr New andUiMo-Oat*Pannx Slot Machines. Ylz: Machlnaa which famish MCSIC. Tocal and Inatmmant*!: itaaciililea for welgMng.^t<Mtliig»trenKt h.^rt^ traelc and altogether iMHMllas MOiviac ' tares. Till (totm I* H EdlkWM «l 340 SlibSt.Cklcaia. NOTE: PEKVT VAUOrraXE Ko. 1 baa bean vlth tba OonaopolltBB Amnssmaat Co., tor i —ptarlaB to nenjMBhHMMjg^^j^^ PENNY VAUDEVILLE NUMBER 2. SAB VFAIUIU AJUB. 340 State St.. C HICAaO. lU.. DIRECTORY AhUmhtmmHymtnMSmi of A4«Bta.Ba Miiaic Pskllahara and a ia TkealriMl. Or«M aad Park Saypliea. H iliai llaaiiiaiils nat exe«*dlac one line Is lenrth, wlU he rtiliimiiti, proyerlr «laatfflt« U thl» njr»«oiT. at tlia «at« at «ie tor <ma rear (B iHiw*), jronM Um7 sis at as aeceptaale oatora. Me* iasladea en* reaia* aakaarlptlan CO l%e Blllheard. Bs«n1ar adTsrtiscts, who oaa la •zsass mt tSO warth af spass aaansHr ace aaitWed ta aae Una ttte et Aatf* Or cacl attr dallaia or ftaetloB thetaaC, eercied Vr their osaftaela. The Oltsetacr ia letlaad aad weiMr, iliMi^n "Sv teeelTad. AlWiAI. ADVUmtINO Silas J. OMtyas, AERONAUT8 Bslmont 61st<n* Balloon Oe.. Rsed CIt7, Uleh. Nerthw'atn BaDscn Co.. Tl rnlIertoaaT.,Obleaso Plot. Ohaa Swarts, Homholdt, Tnu. ANIMAL DEALERS Wm. Bartela, ie» ecvcaiwlcli at., K. ¥. C. Oteas, Wild Beast Merehaat. Llrerpool. Esc- Carl Bacehhaek. etelllogeB-Hamtnu*. Germu7 Urals Bitae. MS Otaad St.. Mew Xodc Q^. SchUltaTe 8o«k » OMvet af.. Mew Xett Oltr- ARTIFICIAL FtJOWCm Botule^ Dm:. O*.. SH Wabaah aM..-Chkaso. ATTORNEYS ■ rh***'*^' Law7si», Who Bpeoislise la Thaahrlcal and Cttons I>aw. Manrlee B. Boaaoiweis, 9S Kaasao st.,N. Y .0. BALLOONS Oaew A. PMassl A Co.. 41 Warren St.. K. X. C. RAND INSTRUMENTS naak atnn * Os., lOr K. Uadlmat,aucaie. Ljaa * BMIVt Wahaah arc. C M o y a . BATHS Pset St. p-—~». an Post St., Saa Fcaadseo. BQOKINa A9ENCIES nwBsas Os..Mi BUTTONS, ETC. St. Lools Bntton Co., 416 LDcaa are.. 8t.I«oU CALCIUM LIGHT o«o * jmn'tiP CANDY FLOSS MACHINES Blectrle ' CANOV AND COIira«TIOII8 Vaite I OenOa., 3for — ^ ^ Wtn. r. MaMsB A €a.A*^ Kiir XlNk Oaofsettca ahedfvn Mts. Oa., Idf caNes and whips I. Btseasteln. 44 Aan at.. Naw X«fc OtB'. D. O. BiAlSts. » Ana «•» Statatf B«is.,Tb Bewarr. Msrw Ye* City. Suted BUtesFlag Co., 2gia_ Ollhert. d aelmiag. — BsrfsiB Booss, t72 ilallasa,. Ckfiaae CARS (R. R.) CIseaa aad Mhaa trln a l Ansa Falaec Botes Osr Oe.. OMsace. M^TmM oar Co.. Mt. Tood. Ul. S 'taSn nusvoitatlsn Co.. St. liools, lie. CIRCUS SEATS Hsw and leoond-Hand. B a M^uta. SB-«1 Obaplln St.. Olerslud. 6; a. Stat A Awn. 00.. 10 N. Desplalnes, Chrgo CIRCUS WAOO NS Ca^sB, Dans sad Mad ttartida. .- .. SoUlTsa A Bails, P«rt. M. CONFECTIONARY MACHINES Lanier A Drleabach, TS8 Faaten at., MempMa. UnseiT UCr. Oo.. 106 B. Peetl at. OtaelaaatL W. S. Lac BBrtmiialA 0. CONFETTI St. Lonla Confetti Oo., St. Lcols, Mo. n. S. Viieworka Oo ..St. Lools aB< Uemthla. n. S. FUg Co., 2Q«B Clftart ars.. Onelaaaa. CUT5 TTimiaia^ COark S^., Eaaz Enc. Ot., Stnts iti. DANCING SCHOOLS Pi«f. p. J. BhlK*. Uff LaSalla at.. OUsaca. DECORATIONS On oaia'al?'! u. a. Bias oa^ mm FESTOONING NaU. Tlasne iltg- Co., Ml fvlton sL, BrooUja n. a. nas Oo,. saa aiUsrt are.. obtdaaatL FILMS XamfaotBrars, Dsalaca in, American Blofraph Co., 11 >. Peter Badsslopl, TM Mission at.v - Mia Bs.. UB 8.'01aik at.. Chleaso. OHae * da.. B W. 14lh et.. M. Y. C. IOk. Ool. si Union aq.. New York Oltr QastOB MSks SMH E. SSth St., Mew York. KleUe Optical Oo., 92 SU te St.. Ohlcace; UT- » W. azd St.. New YorrtJIty. S. Lobln, 23 S. Sth St., PhUsdelpida. UcAllUter 48 NasssQ st. Mew York 0117. Ulles Btvs., 10 E. Mth St., New York City. MUea Bros.. U6 Tnrk at., San ~ NaCl. Flhn Reatlsf Oo.; OS M. 4. Patke Cinematocra»h Oo.. 4S M. fbt.^niSh? 0»k, •|taiai2lBSBShC*'a FLAGS Annln A Co.. 80 Fnlton St., Maw York OUy. National Fiac Oa ..Otadnaati. Ohto. U. ■. nan Oa, a» aOhait aTe...Opa< MiM. u.a. «S• AaEOa.. 10 H. StpgiaiM cm» GAMING D EVICjM i^ladias. Clab HOoaa Italian, SiS Barr & Oo. 56 nth aTe. Obleaca. B. V. dark. 0 Wsytwaaet St.. Prorldenea, B.I. Oowper aitg. Co., 108 S. CUotos St.. Ohlesce Deane, lOGT OcBtial are., Otttdimatl, O. a. C. Brans Oo, las B. Olarfc at., Ohleac* Jesse Jsmce. »ort Scott.. Ksh. KletakAli^lM. 4> LsewTst^Jlew Yea OU7 BIS ^/ftUft, kaa. Ottr^o. PAINTS. ETC. laCBsdMeter, N.Y. HAimeM. 1 SiMviBcs for Obeas^aad Aif. Vm. noae Co.. 612 netrop'n aT.,Btoaklr^ US W. HadMB. 19th A Stata. r. Mth an* SUte ILLUSIONS Onriesltlss snd SIdaBhsw Ooods (Kaaofsotaxeia of sad Ssaisn hi.) Sf. Bottabe, "DtcamlsaA" Ooatr lalaad, N. Y. Prof. Ohas OatiBle. 308 BleondMd are.. Blssa flsld, M. J. Chae. B. Wi ef. 4 J. W. \|KWELRY ror Btase Vm. Bennett Jewsliy Os., JMT Pegar. nOMOm Ifiilaiieii A Alter, ITS B. MsiMsw st, CBMaC^ MB A Oa.. les WakaA. Ohlss«e. as BaiwaiT. Mew Ysrk Olty. JUOfiLERSr QOODS TO LEASE—Seven catces of aulmalsrcoDalst^ Inrot Hons. leopards, bears, hyenas.birds and monkeys. One Derformloc den t<St thla acu Flat car that will load the same. Addrein COL, e. W. HALL, BTansrUle. VTla, MAGIC LANTERNS 'Aaraeptloona.'sto. McAUIslsr, 4B Maaaaa at.. Mew tak CUf. MFRS. MECHANICAL AMUSBMENT ■ DEVICES • » -= ^ Caroaaala, Balla WhaslB. eto. .VrmllsKr-Uerscliell Co.'. Xo. Tocawanila. >. Y.. CasDcy LocsneUTs Works, «74 Wmj; N. X. V. W. B. Condrmnii, BamsUsrUle. H. Y. U«T«ebcU-SpmmaB A Co.. M. IVMWoads. M.T. t Inaaralin Ua atk ani. nil I ■ ^ W. B. -^•HOMWD ORGANS ORGHISrmONS, J. B. nihhardt. aoat'tawztaee at., PhUadai|felh MOVING PICTURE MACHINES Chicago Film Ex., 133 S. Clark' at, Eugene CUne & Co, SB Oeartora m Alfred L. Batata A- Co.. U8 K Baltach A ODl. SOB FUhert St.. KldBe Optical Co., 32 Sute st, » W. ttd St.. Mew Work. S. Labia. Bl S. Sth St.. BhllsailaMs, M. MoAIUstsc 4S Maaaaa at, Maw Ottr. lUlse Sioe.. 10 B. Mlh at- Hew XsA 01^. MUes Bros., lie Tmfe at.VatB ruirmaLPM. NaU. rum BenOnc Oe, aS M. Otaik, Alaaaa Not. Mot. Pic. drcnlt. MaikM^r Paths Chiematosnsh ~ — - CUaco. Pathf ClnenatWVh Ok. « at SL. RM Yeik dty. Scl^c Polyscope Oo., 41 Peck Ooart, "■'-rSTi MUSIC PUBLISHERS Xto Maaks riima wUl u claA «a 1 et Saa Seoca to - _ " " " frf the Intm Alturaa Mosle Pab. Oa.. §W feteweU at.. Sh Ftandsco, OBL Leo Felat. lU W. STth at.. New Vacfc Oltr. Nat'l Hoale Oo.. 41 W. 28th'at, N. Y.' C; JerooM B. Bcmlck ± Oo., 4fi W. IMh. M. Y. C WlU Boealter. 2B Waahtastaa afc. ~ ' TlKHUjTMKi ^uaic COk, ^ J. L. Voo dcr llihSM. Jr;,'« Saa Frandaee. NOVELTIES Amerlcao Pearl iltg. Co., BtT'N. 2d. PhB. Boaa Curio Oo., Laredo, Trzaa. ' Uaadj Tliin«a Oo, 00 Bawe T ' Trtfllastsa.Klrh The Mi ilk.. xUmm «. SMT.'te. BRUSHES For BlUpaatea.''dfeMS aad "r*-**^! Elder A Jcnks. UT M. Btb st.. PhUaddi PHOTOGRAPHERS Whs catar T^eiifsWr te the Xh KNIVES Barer L. Welabaam. MO B. Kadlaaa at-.Chloaca LAUGHING GALLERY MIRRORS J. H. MMMaa Ok, UB 8. Hlsh, OMmBs*, O. LIGHTS Bsaooos, Torchsa for Ciionsas snd T«at Shows, Bolte t Wejcr. 223-225 UhMllcan at.. Chicago. (isa. T«rl<Tr. f>7 OUlf at.. New York City. C. 8. Tciit i .v^Tu. Co.. 10"N. DeapUlnen. i;:il'so P. Wcadt. Phots.. Itssalse'. K. ). WUson Stodle^' StS-MS Stats -at,' OhtaHh. J. W. Wllsoa. 1« SUte st, AlteyM^ PLAYS AND MS8. Baalais in, Anthots, Acents sad Bnkaca. Ohas, McDooald A Co., (T Wasbloctoa. Ohtesce, Blsa Bllsabetb Maihsry, 1430 B'way, H.Y.O. WUl Bossttcr, 206 Wasblaston at.. Chleaso. Ssascr A Jsidsn. USB Brsadwsr. M. Y. C. Wtaaatt Way aaiiaik idlB -B'aar. II. T. & Basaa A. White. MBl B'war. K. X. C PRINTERS Of pictorial Peatara and Bir Trpa Stands. Btraamsn, sta. Ackensan QoisIer Lltbo Oo,' Kaa. Cltr, Ma. American Show Prist Co.. ItUwsokas, Wta. BeU ebow Print Co.. Slsooawr, la. Cblcaco Sbow Print Oa, 140 Sth are, CtceecDt Ens. A Prtc. Oe, SB M St., nile. Ind. DooaMsoo Utho. Oe., Kewfact, Ky. Pargoa Pitc. Oa, 32 lAks st. Ale Srsat W. Frt^Co, SIS^ at., St. : Heaaecaa * Oa. Claela MaaslEon BI«m A Sheer _ Pens Pna. A PMk. Oh,