Billboard advertising (Jan 1906)

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40 Xtie Billboard JANUARY zr, ISflSi MOVING PICTURE MEN AMD 11 .VAUOEVIUE MANAGERS Our SUPPLIES are bs Good as Our F ILMS. OXYLITH GAS OUTFIT We have decided to manufacture and place on the market In this ootin- try our Frtneh Medal OxylKh Bas Outfit, produclnar from ether and ozylith, poie oxygen gas. It gives, next to electric U^l^the atrongeat l^t for Stereopticon aud Moving Picture MachiOMi ZTodangW QCtTOIuSlA. It woriCB automaticaUy. Price ■mi 41-2 to. hipMrltd two Condtiistrs to MtMrit . - ■ : . >' $2i50 10 to. REEL, Vtry Siroi^ - :'-m:-:;:'iCm'.'' - 86e UHES, P«r Tto of 12 ■ - SOc Our New Model Rheostat, giving^ 50 amperes at 110 volts, or 25 ui^res at 220, does lite wo(irk.v v Coott^di' with all fire regulations, and to the bett idUMldl on the : market. Price $9.00. ' XVrUm for DaacrlptlT* C*«aabcne> PATHE CINEMATOGRAPH CO., 42 l. m St.. NEW YORK. < 35 Randolph St., CHICAGO. FILMS FOR r .. ,* ilGiliO HEADQUARTERS FOR PICTURE MACHINES 59 Dearimm St. THAT NAPOLEON O F VAUDEVILLE Managers, Oscar Hailillier8teill» the wisest of ' the bunch, may be seen outside of his New York ' ,. Vaudeville Theatre on the opening night every week, with hat drawn down and coat coUaj^, . turned up, mixing with the audiences-idner^ittj|^ from his Theatre, listening to their comments, ^ YOU .Will do tho Same Thing Outside of any theatre whose moving pictures : ' i^' are furnish^ by MILES BKOTHERS you will --"^ hear such remarka as these: "Splendid,'* "Great,** "Wercn*t those moving pictures fine?" "The I iM thing on the bUl," ^^i^^^ « "^mii well." - ■ Hever enjoyed .anything so Write to-day. Quick action. Qtt in touoh wHh MILES BLOii 10 E. 1411 New York City rMILES BR0THERS,S4| -FOR THI THE ONLY ORIGINAL High Grade — Fire Proofi MOVING PICTURE MACHINE FULLY aUARANTHtO. •EVER'VTHING IMEW HERE 20th Century Optiscope Co III Mnomeis, 91 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO. PKSK OATALOOOB. Ill ■MNCN ornon, 2 Wi MIH Stmt. NBW YORK.