Billboard advertising (Apr 1906)

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Votame XVIII. No. 14. CINCINNATI-NEW YORK-CHICAGO April 7. IIHHK. BOSTON LINE m* ShowsiSome Good At- tmetioiis / He Sodal WUrl Drawine Big Btuintos To the Majestic—Bnsy Times . at SMDBBBT pcodocttoiu seldom leare aBjttalag to be desired aad Tbe So- cial "Wtiirl, ^eir newest moslcal of- ferins. Is dellKhtliK bis booses at tlie Majestic Tbe atorr of tbe com- edr Is vsrked out on broadly farcical lines and Is a (md aatoied satire of the aodcm locletr Jsansls lks« ksTe bcea M aoak IB Ih* pobUe •fc latclT- 'sacph CoyB«':aBe.'JJiM''BHMt mnr amy tb« IndlBf b«Mn uA Btrn'tut ~ ~ 1 Mloir doiclr with their wholcaoaie fim- mt9 BIsncbe Dero daneea ber way hearla «< tb* froat lowa. The Social ~ to be fol> •C at 1 tba andlenen, that 'this Is the — that this tfarllllm drama has been Ifr. Belasco has stated this year's production Bacnllloentlj and Is offering a cast that Is trpleaUr Belascoan. Odette Tyler plays the part of Maryland Calvert In a most con- Tlndng skanaer. and she Is ably supported by Bdna Wallace Hopper, Orrla Jobnson, B. D. UacLeaa. and Jobn B. Kellard. On April 9 James K, Baekett and Mary' Uannerlng open at thle hoQjie. Once BMre we bare Mrs. WIggs of tbe Cab- bsKe Patch with ns at tbe Boston, and that empress of optimism Is jTSt aa dellghtfnl as erer. Madge Carr Cooke In the tlUe role Is «oe of tbe few actresses who can make ber aodlences langh or cry at will. She la ably aopportcd by Charles Carter and Helen liowell. In Old Kntoetar, onslnally pradneed In 1890. Ii aim fCOftaKlta popolarlty br Oiling the wska at each pcrtgnuance. Tbe cast this sea- asa larln i lt s Wtmok t>ayt<ia. Bart Clarke. Alice Wdte and Hay Anderson. Williams and Wal- kSLli AbynlnU. toUow. ■■tart Lonloe la Uaa and Sopeiman at the IW ii l i l la aim mm capadtr falMg. aa aai laa BiimWI ■! liiTliillli nd WUbB Mtett th* Fuk. in thica of thaaa hooM ■I reeotd-tireakinc boslness and tnra- ■f BHi away nearly eyery nlgbt. AT TEE STOCK HOUSES atoek houses are certainly gettlne tbeir MM at the boz-oOees, too. When Knight- hood Was In Flower Is making good at tbe Castle sqnare and to Jndge by the houses It wonld trtm that erery one wbo Toted for tbia p ty In the recent contest has been there to sec bis Choice produced. At the Empire The Wife is the attraction, and It la doing very well. On the Frontier at the Bosrdoln Sqoare la s ■elodrama of the wcat Itat In — and iUiaa Charlotte HOBt as' Ife la *Ky cfaarmlne. statatida ot the Grand Opera Honae ar» "S* *»■ MIttentbal Bros.' great scenic and elec- nM aclodrama, Tbe Honse ot Mystery, and Uholds tha aadlenees spellbomid. Bis boxl- ■KS. AiraiTERfiAKY WEEK AT KEITH'S This Is annlTersary week at Eeltli's, and there u an ODHBiially big array of good things of- fered. HoDdlnl stlU holds oyer, and this week 'Kaplng from a keg that Is placed In a «U oo tbe aUge. He Is truly a winner and U picking this theatre nntU It seems like a sardine can. Rose Coghlan, CUfton Crawfofd •ad Ethel MacDonald. "the Fadette dmmmer «»" are also among the topllners. The Trans-Atlantic Bnrleaqnera at the Pal- ace^ the Lldllfteta at the Lyceam and Sam. De- Wes OWB Osl at the Colombia are dranlng' wtu at tka bmrleaqse boosea. OETTIHa IH SHAPE la still -msbing down at Wonderland, M new pleasnre park and Shea tc Ald- an, the eontraetots. say that they bare 75 per cent, of tbe taUUnga completed. Founda- tion, tfi tbe mimiMtli Bboot the Chntn are aoiT eompiete mat mck OH the Thompson Scenic SaUway. Clrenl«r Ssriuc aad Japansae Village la well under way. Jaaaana QlhasnaaB aa- ■omeea that tc hu (kutMilte ailHi Cidct ■and and Poole'a orcheattn t» AnHh tte mn- ■e for the Park and the -taMMb-'' St big MSte^aat has been i s .a- iMt— m the ««U-taiowB Baatan «atn«B. "— T~r WrtiaiilM innwiMai tkat a eiailiaet between tbnaeU aad Amca K. HaActt tea signea by wMeb the Utter wm mipb the • ttTsctioBs tor twenty-ilTe consecntlTe weeks at 'f'', Tremoot. A farther daoae In tbe contract tatea that tha ItoaMot'a baoklBB wUI be at Now Flaying Tita, CHRISTIE Mac DONALD In Hexicana, at the Lyilo Theatre, New York City. the ezdnslre disposal of Messrs. Hackett and Sarage after next season. It will be no troable for patrons to get to and from Paragon Park thia sommer, as tbe steamboat «MVar has not asdr added a big new boat. bBt Ii dW llwilllK • neir nonlng scbednle. Carl Victor, "the perfect man," wbo Is at Keith's this week, was one of tbe few se- lected to poie for statnei at the World's Fair at St. I<aiil8 laiC sammer. Beginning Koaday. AprO 80, TiMnapaaB * Daady'a Mat Blppeaoaw peo Jaetl en, A Vankae Oh wg ej> M ew; wUI yeB A.liwt Mgagemat at *'^e are to ican ttiit Cdward Smith Is to be retained as local manager of tbe Ma- jestic by the Shnberts. "Charlie" Waldron has a handsome new offlee oTCT the toMv .and to the right of the Palace In OBfler'to citepleto the company ot twenty midgets for the Midget City at Paragon Park, Manager Dodge has sent to Germany and signed contracts with six little people. Tbe Three Keatoas at the Howard this week .ire cert.ilnly making good. Their act Is fall of snap and ginger, and Bnster Is snrely a "kid that's all the candy." Geo. B. Alex- ander, tbe leading element In the borlesqae at this honse. Is still keeplDR tbe crowds In up- roars. He 18 one of tbe best men In bis line that Boston has erer seen. Snnday nlgbt concerts are still being ran at tbe Majestic Globe, Bowdoln Square and Colnmbla. and that the people want them Is erl- denced by the big boslnesa beUig done each week. Each botise Is sold out two hoora bcfote the cnrtala riaea. Twelre yean ago, on Mardi 28. Keltb'a Thea- tre was first opraed to the pnUlc and yet the interior looks as freah to-dar' It did tben- Tbla theatre has held tha place of honor aa America's handsomest playhonse for orer a decade and no expense has been spared to keep It jost as good as new and perfectly com- fortable on both sldea of -the footlights. On Monday. Aprt 21. the new Empire Stock iCo. will ze^ea tha one now at that theatre. MlaaU 8dlgMa.wUI be leadioc ladr aad WU- Uea BnmMD mn giar jmoaita.. ibcr win pnaeiM ne'War •( the Wodd., On Apm Sth wmiam OolUer -wm ctre a inatlnee of Oa tbe Quiet In honor of his narmcr leading lady. Ida Conquest, who la heta now ' ~ llsbart Zinlae la Man aad The Social Whirl closes at the Majestic on Good Friday nlgbt and bustles to New York on a special train In time to open at the Casino with Saturday matinee. Tbe lEarl and the Girl leares tbe Belssco Theatre in Washlnston the same nlgbt by special train and opens at tbe Majestic Sunday afternoon. This Is goln;; some, let me tell yon, bnt tbe Shnberts are always oa the move when It comes to hnst- llac FBASK a TOOBHIES. NBW -PbPULAR-PRICED ATTRAC- TION Next season the Morgan-Peeple Co. will bid for patronage in the popolar-prlced honaes. The owners will be B, D. Morgan, of tbe Morgan Brothers Comedians, and T. Dwight Pepple, now boslness ssanagae o£ Macanley A-PattM*s LIttl. Bomeatcad Co. Vhe fompany wUl play the larger ettlca o( the ecnttal aad Mmthcra atatea. A apedal ftatna irtU.he • Inale .QtobiwUeii wm fnmMi iha ariate baMMB tha^adi^ ttak- Ing the pl aee «C ;jttif.atgiiatBit i pROPbin HOVBL :AiiiiiunMeiN^ • HOUM ' Tni. IC'EaaadCk awncr o< the-I^eomlng Opera lI oBai. wmiamssort, Ba-Zhaa^apHaaa .ob sereral iltca hi that air, '«8niae'.cC' wkkk:'1ia ptopoiea to eteet a novel ylaee'of Mhaeeanat The aula bolIdlnK win be a thcatie where hWi- dasa Tanderille will be glren. Mr. Laaade pTopoasa to open a roller afcating riak In the Iwaement. jnataH aa Mlaonia In the eaiaised fsfir aaA; anaita the mIb Soar ;m that,'It Ba]r,'ha McS^ilgr daactoK iHUje ae a ; ^- ^^HiMnr RE BU miBD Tbe Andltorinm, Wobnm, M«h.. was com- pletely destroyed by lire, ai^ch IT. Ttae Are started during a 'St. Patrick's Day performance, when the honse was fliled to Its capacity, and a panic waa only aTcrted thmngh the efforts of seyeral members of the eoapaay .-who reassured the departing andlenee tram the etaga and ao maintained order. TIBAE FILLING For Next Season in The One Gossip of Plays and Flayen i« tke, THE time In'the ' idly filling- op tor -aaat aa aas a . a great many new' attcscttona will he launched aad tbeae. irtlh the saeccaaea- of the present seaaoa and the old stand-bys, >wlU make a formidable array which will llne-np against the dollars la the smal towns. Already the time la pretty wcU filled up for the flzat half of next sesson, and were the smaU town managers not expecting the ubual numlier of canceliations, it wonld be dllBcnlt to book a route this snmaier. The greatest trouble the local-manager runs against Is the booking, and atlU he deems it so tan- porunt that he hcaltalce to tie np hla Una n-lth aay josrHbalar'beeMag aaasay. HanT UOd) Jtailaaa. adfartiabiK anat U Luna tiA^;.Wtma0m,/p. .a,^.^^KIai.; -Mande aarttaft' Bjjtojieg W .lly -Iftlhaijgj ■ rng&^ib£^*Mr^uit''MTMii& city. . . . . The leadec of Oi coloicd. was not venalttcd cbestia at Ba l tl n w r e last wcck. .aBd the leader ^ of the I^ecBis, In WUmlngtoB. took' Ua gtaaei.^-^ tor the week, aad the ahow '.waat afcac ^ri(Hl<'.'.«' Ita eaatomarr araoothneaa. The Sitart Ht' b .' attracting capacity huslneaa ererywhetc. " ' Charles r. Gllmore's New York By Might la V' doing a nice boslness In the oue-nla^ts. He ->' goes on tbe Stair A Hariln Clrcoit In April. The bnmlng of Jacob Halsh's Opera Honae'at DeKalb, III., leares that town with only a r Tery small ball—a place entirely nnsuited for attractions. H. E. Beise recenty purchased a site In tbe business portion of the town and has succeeded In -iaterestlas loctl a new m a fcta ^^totatto^la-ato ui ad . has opera MaseaT'to'aanHl''MponaM~.'liHaeto'- towns. J OBOABIZINa FOB NEXT SEASON A new yeatnre nest seaioo which Is anre to be aaccttoyol wm be the Thaddena aaf StoA Co., aadcr, the aiaaagcment of D. B.- Benn.' Mr. atar will be anpported hr MtaB' Pearl SeSoalMK (aoahaette). : Ulaa Aaaa !«<■.- and a atnmc eonpiar.' The opera honae at Hane deOcaei. Vd.; la closed and will undergo repairs. It will be-; open again next season. . Fred. Tolrer. who was ahead of Uncle 7oah Sptueeby, which clneed Feb. I. Joined Dora Thome three days later, and la itew pnottns tbe company throogb Kentuc^ and Tennessee. Gordon Grey will hereafter be known aa Hugh Barper. on account of other Gordon Oroya In tbe business. - wnuam 'Bockey closed as second agent at Tbe Missouri Girl at Wilmington, Del., March 83. "Dee" Gardner la doing aome good work ahead of The yudnlgbt Flyer. 7. R. Oldaeld. wbo managed the Cnmmloga Theatre at Fltchbutg, Mass., tor sereral sea- aoas. is now dianagliiK tbe thea t s a . at' -ltow.- Bocbelle. N. X. W. A. Weaby ■ la to dbaiaaj of the theatte at Flt^orx. . . . ^ Charlea W. Xdtaiaer to at his hone at wn> nlngton, IMi,'Oit,aclbU(e At JOdnlght hav togctosedat StaBd.Bapies..MIA.. Varefa St. Hi SallMCT: aMsad-joT Bapnr BoOUgaa. to the cdllnr «f .FIat. a preaa sheet derotod to Ona Bnra atttaetlsas. Ferrla ClUes. manager ot SheUpot Vaift,; at- WUmlngton, Del., win likely offer UgU^^pMa? or flsnalGal comedy at hla theatia thto.'aaastoar iastead «f. vandc*flle., v.! ■■-■'■i FIRE DESTROYS SCENERY A diaastions llie which recently visited. the Armory at Camden, N. J., deatroyed secnciT tor three Why Women Sin companies, and for Why He DlTorced her. Why Girls Oo Wrong and - Grimes' Cellar Door. Tbe seenery was OWaOB;^.-r.-: by the U. W. Taylor .\ma!i«m»nt Ga_ and «IS-:'.^.i Talned at between tS.OOO and flO.OOO. - Three firemen lost their llres in tbe are. Their families -were glTen a benefit by th* Taylor Amusement Co., the proceeds amounting to $1,<S00. ^^^^^ ^ JOHNSTONE BENNETT SINKING It Is reported from Bhwndleld.' N. which place JUmtone Bmrtt ^ moTcd frato the tntt, that.the Ui|^tapldlr> aad to