Billboard advertising (Apr 1906)

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NEW VAUDEVILLE THEATRE FOR RO CHESTER , NEW YORK The Week's Events in San Francisco of AfUts Tknitiical fn BnoUyn—ExplodBB at Ehetrie Famr Hmm Catues Confosion at Baltimore Theatres— Stnmg Oppodtion in bst St. Looit-- Smmiwr Stock at Seattle—-Taiiipa Teaien Hoidica Ovstiea. . ■ xcot. ■ .■ .to h HE mmor tUst bw ■» liM been eor- Rot. to tiie effect ttat Jndwtter li bavc ■ new tbesnt few at iMt Star Om1(. ■Mtta: wltk Ifea J. H. •MatacA tw«I*e year Icaae ea the iMlIdtac at tt* eetaer of Xaln at. Baat and Nortii Water at., mai work wUI b* begun at oacc ttaaatoim- tng It into a Orst-dais tbeatre and arcade com- ' 'Wned Tbla ome la on^ of the uutnr that will be Btade by tbe Moore company in tbe line oC aatabllablns a clrcnlt or Taadarllte Uiealxn. Flans are already cofli^ated-:Si^vtlMf*.aBMtt0n at aiimHoint honae* In Tlllllla— 'aalhlai Soa- toQ and othec dtles. Tbe new booae ia to be opcMt .Midr In tbe taO, and Hanafer W. B. XcOdtan wHI be In cb aia* - Tb» gooA Jadcm«Dt q a id' by M a na ycr MeCalbun In itUotloE tbe dMtialea af Uv Cook and Baker theatrea haa proTcn tiiat lie la well aftle to baodi* « ttalid on* to good adrantasc. .■■ la t id a ad tbr agbt ouu la ibt xMlt plaee. >V''Ala-i>'A'.wlw aam^aa' tba'patt m^Omw in- tnasM la tta ■mar hoaw. aa it teaatalto tbe "T—''*y of s tea-cent randetUle booae bere. audlat tb'tlioae In tbe weat. aa it la known tbat an aseat representliiK a ten-cent dzenlt luB been here recently trylns to locate a alte bat with no anceeu. around haa been broken (or the erection of tbe new flO,000 innuner theatre at Glen Ha- ven. It win iiaTe a ecatlnc capacity of abont LdflO, and la to b« comi^ted by May 81. '. BIsb-elaia Tanderille wiU rale wllb a xcaaon- able price- of admlaalon. There will be no ad- ,'Dilialon chareed to the parka thla year, aa the '-tea cate waa found to be more prodtable for all eoncerned. Tbfr B. B. CSnb held their annoal banQnat on of the Corinthian Theatre Uaieb 22. -ila.-eaBnascd ol nreacnt 'iC'tb»'.« aa'aajotri '■bla affair lasted eata tba '«M:kBaIt boon of tba inriliMr 'I'fMadc xalcalm ana. IMMOT Hairol recently the Moore stock 0».| tbe -former to play ' ta, the Utter for soobrettei and ]n- Both m^t with Inst^ntAneotia fATor- DelzaroB are resting at their home after s TciT aacceaatnl aeawa In tbe eootli. They win reenma tlMlBitMB shortly wltb a new don- bla tiapcsa'MCt.'MUah'. tbey. ai* at preient r»- Imnliil . ' ■mtbrn!'' awrjbabda '-hMft^.'biaB.'- apMad.' Im mum Ian. t. ; - CKM. W. 'SataOM. BOehester, iN. T. - ^all SAN FRANCISCO, CAI_ - : . te<jf)mbr9V ;tba'.uUieaaar Theatre eatebmtad M> BOOtit. anil reealea.iwek aa a atoek tuMoe^ a Koocd onparaneled In tha hlatorx of later day ■tock booaea. The Dlctatoc. leen tot tba flrat ttma In atock, was the bill laat weak. Belaaeo * Mayer opened . the . booa* and arc atlll Ita Kpnatata. On tbla oeeaalsa B. D. Maa aala- ted bla laOtb eonMcntiTC weak - aa manacar of tbe Alcaaar. Since the mtrodnetlon of Tauderlllc turns be- -Iwisii tb« acta ac tbe Central buslimv has been ■ot* than dooblad. Laat week Sheridan and Waam, McCI ooa aad'MalWIla MA'-.-Tkt Onioa not oB.ttw -apaeUtin. 'r.ii - ■ pcaaa -woelf-'suida- foov-bnslMoa at tbe laat-week' wllk,>aootlv,i-'tba' Hero of DtaU t Tallay ai tb»(bt!L ¥^^tat-8eoM la fca- luied.. ^ nacbcfa. tbe IiTceiilB, tt*''Empire and the KoTcliy report bUr hnilneia Tba Orptarum bad a banner hllL Uanaser Gny SmlUk of tba MOwallT. Oakland, rrpocti that Hit. Tom Thnml» * Oo. biok* tha record at bla booao'laat wecfe. -ttrtia pertaa- ices were iniliiiij r'-'>'-- .NelUe Stawit il«ii)i:k>K>yifapa. aiisa«anient 'at the mjMOl tT.:tl»^lflt:W9SilPf'. '>»»t two "'film I«wtl aad «iC*<'aiiii«t»'jtaw membcra me tbe -UtUa Jobaagr' Jbav.^l3KlfeS£!*' remark- able escape ftoa dcalk :wUI»'nlaiMbllins re- cently. The bic "'«'•'■«'«» miaiT (uiUa and the aatlie party waa fantted oadB; lb -'' Blanetie Slmmoly'a tatlMr bas' b(m4ilit anit acalnat Belasco & Mayer tar 9^0,000 on aeeoont ai personal Isjorlea allcgad to bare been ana- talned by her wbDe emplivtd by tbe defend- aatik Wiuir ataadln; on a platform on tbe atue It brokv and Mlu Slnunwly (en ten feet, aaaralnlng spinal Injuries. Ada Lerlck. actress, alleges that -Barney Her- aaid, the comediiQ. owes her money for pro. . feasKa is I serrlces and bas Instituted sarnlsb- BMBt pmcccdlnss against Nankerrllle & Friw. of /Cbe' Blaeplna Baanty and the Beast, wltb I vUek Bernard u connected. - BBJly . B awi TI . aa Biqdiak actress who waa ■— ■-^-|s=.;*»:i* th* Aetoca' hO* ear Oe paae own w«- •wa^TltMiranaa tooosbt «10;W0, which added ^tbe^vatt'-aedeca amoonted - to ^71,000. f Oambold and DaTis. Inrentors of the "wet BOecn." especially adopted for -Hale's Tours ■ and almflsr purpoaes, report rery (arorable re- > anRa ftonr tlKir ad.'. Id Tbe BHIbcatd dated ,■ jfazds-!: 8..^Oadaas .awfi i imtin Jn --ftaas " i:ot tb»:iciBmbitr^f:'^^^'''''> .:, BROOKLYN, N. Y. . Hie aew Jlontank and tbe Sbnbert maiuure- aeBB* aaaoonce capacity tmslness. Lev Fields omctf'them, away at tbe Broadwcy. -:4KUe>' H. SlUa haa l eooa er e d from, bis re- The Tod Jndge Family were aa traction at the Star Theatre dnrl^ t of Irwln't 'Bnrleiqnera. tba eoartaar of Jamea A. BallCT, tbe _ nOboard aoizcapandent recelT^ an llTllaUOB to atttad the opcalns of tbe Barnnm ft BaDey Bbow. Ibere are maar aanialliiinl and blcb-mlced acts la addition fo She Umlt and The Dip of Death. Tbe ' ' orer with aaraltlah. n* Mb Is the laiBwt aM'VMt <i3 erer pradsert.- Se' enlarged. uooel E. Lawrence and tbe Blalto Olds bk- Mno^s At lo A. at Babearaal, woe the BU Mtt *t H yde * Bihmaa'a last 'weak. The show Sa toanlas ■ ew .to a preotloaj fall Tlew of the andlence. At __n»e of the patrons l>ecame ex- cited and aome left bnrrledly. A -word bom the suge quieted thlagi. She tnoUe wu canacd by the exploalaa .eC a Wlladv bend at the power-hooise. .• Clara Wbltefocd of Tbe BUa Srce la a Bal- timore s<rl. She 'waa formc^ with Waybnm'a Minstrels and -with Bnmptr Doaptr. MclDtne and Beath- an both actlre Elka, and tbdr Ttttt to Balttiaote la alwaya a algnal (or a Riaalna good time •nonB the orda. Marie DeCamDl. who .paired tta part of tte poolPiMm qaeen In Chinatown Charlie, closed with the company laat -week and wOI retire permanently. Miss Mettle Bower snceeded her. Dnrlog the engacement of The Clanaman bere Miss Georgia WelleB was taken ill and she ts now to a precatloos condition at tbe General " • - - ^ -■ - 'Kew York, where she was appendicitis. SYLVAN SOHBNTHAIi. ! EAST iBT. LOU W ILL. Mr tbe first time In tbe history of tba elty haa tw* theatres presented tbe same play. Baat tvnaa waa glTen at boSk tba Family aad tbe Broadway last week. The BuakaU-Bsaaciata msi Klghto in A Baa ■ean at «| In BeOatllK HL. Saada*.- BaSMSS waa cooo. It iH ilBMlifl that Oa deal hr which the, BlnakaltSSdecsoB Stodk Oo. -was to open a atoek and TaaderUle theatre in Kanaaa City baa fallen throoab. In tba olio at the Family are Eddie Sawyer, aerlallst; the DalzeUe Sisters and Chaa. Klng- "ai'the olio at the Broadway la Han? ' Dick Bu r ro ag b a, oeaw dlan aad tbe SSmulb ■HuminN. Now America's Greatest The circulation of The Billboard is still growioff at a moit phenomneal rate. Ill t^ ^i^^ Ouiada, tha We«t Lidia* :taA.]is^^ had rmbiA tha VioSk two years ago, yet onr weekly inereaaea Jiira latsor now than they ever were before. It ia in the foTcign sale, however, that the most . raiwrlDable srowth is evidenlL Tboiiii^ still relai^ lively small as compared with our domestic circula- tion, the percentage of increase is so jireat as to indioate an even greater sajl^ alnraad^ -^^ heiibetMot 1^ onjoir at. Soon The World's Greatest and they aia nalac mote billboard apace. Herbert A: 'BsaoweU, of the Anaten. Bmd- weii, McOtcUaa Co,, Is Tlsltlnc Ohlcuo on bnalnesa. WbUe on bla trip he win rtsit MU- wsokee to llgnre on a big brewery park scheme ttLSt Is beluK prr>jpcled by bis company. Prof. C. A. IHiHtwlck states that the com- ing summer wlU be Lot and dry with severe electrical atorms. DreamlmDd at Coney Island Is being rapidly pnt into Shape for the opening abont tbe middle of Uay. Mnr. Mary G. Spooner will conttnae her stock company at the Bljoa another seaaoa wltb Sdaa May Spooner as the star. Byan and Blchfleld are """T a tremeajeaa bit In Mag Haggerty's Beeeptlon, one of Wul Cressy's latest sketches. Percy 6. Wil- liams Is mnnaglng tbe act. Mrs. Mark 3Inrnby la abtglas Good-bye My Soldier I«d. pabUahed " iPnMlshlfiff Boaaa. . :.' BALTIMORE, MD. The grand opera season -was tbe t>est erer known here. TOia total receipts (or Marts were «e.O0a for Lohengrin. $5,000; for Die Wal- knere. $5,200, and for Faust, «U.00O—total, «30,e00. The lights In the theatrea went oat during tbe performance Friday erenlng, March 23. At tbe Acmdemy- tbe gas was lighted and tbe performance proceeded amoothly. At tbe -Mary- land and Aodltotlnra theslMS the ennent from a pmaie ptant was tniica a. I wu at Ford's Opasa Bsase that ereafew; :. At ant tte dart- ncsa was thoaght -to be a part of the 'business, bnt tbe aadlenea soon realised that M was not. Wax candles were aecnred for tbe emergency and placed along tbe footUgbta, and atage them to the wlass. Becsnae of jl^^waa .-lswessMa'.t»4l>w«f-.-aie >;^|#l.|Ht SEATTLE, WASH. Both tbe Seattle and Grand thMrtlM ariU put on ponnlar price stock companies thSs sonmer, and there will be plenty o( tbeatrleal amuse- ment for those who stay in town during tbtf bot speU. George Baker and Calrin Helllg are ari-an- Islog a snmmer stock company for Portland, Ore., and aome of tbe oames atreadj' aa- nonnoed are John SalimoUa, WUliam DUla, Boy Bernaid. _Oot BgMU^: fSSff^ ^^Simm^i Bowles, Bdsar Bowafd BaaaeU. She aiaeplas aeaalr aad the Beast haaatUall7 stsaad. the eostaoMS wsxe flm iODie oC ttae - SalMa were decidedly plei was and plaaalng. that made a hit were tbe —ila Band, Barney Bernard tFaflst annul {.EM. A- SHOBTKCDOB. TAMPA, FLA. Liiiiaa BsfOesfi UManaM at the Tamps Bay Csalae, March fl( waa oeeaalon for the greatest demonstration erer glren an acttcsa to this section of the country. Hnndiada of peo- pie were turned away. F. H. Bradstreet, of Denver, Col., Ie(t Tampa March 20 for tbe oortb. He will manage a park at Coring ton, Ky.. this snmmer. Charlie RofosoD, of this city, and who for sereral seasons bas been principal stogtog co- median wltb WaU and qnlolan's MiDStrell. will probably Jotn wltb Ed. Jordan, aloo or this City, In the manaeement of tbe Star Theatre, Augusta, Ga., this summer. Next seaaon they Joto a bnrlesqae troupe. ™*^E,*" """s'as, who caaie to Taaipa with Flgbtlag -the Flames, aad-Mho. attanraid Jotaad the eltr dre departaiaate .haa xeslnsd. the ta^^ IN PARIS Three Premieres Make Things Uyely gJi; All the New Prodactioiii Subject to Ffaif iMitBad 1 Billboard Bnreao, 22 rue dc Dooal. Parla. N spite of tbe fact that we liare bad ttiree premieres tills week, it can not be said tbat there bas been much to l ^ ti mt . theatre-goers. The three new pndMttOBa might be labelled stopid—cr—eat. M. Oermaln's play prodoced at the NoaTeantes Theatre, March 7, Is certainly tbe dollest of the three. Tbe author calls his piece L'lrrealst- Ible, bat I (ear it Is so In name only, and not In fact, as It bas already been takea on. It la all about a gay and gallant oOeer who in the eyes of the fair aez la qntte slsUble. There U notUuc In It mttt jg or tememberliic, m Duw u. replacea It Wednesday. Tada is tbe aootb at France to play tha part. -the - dnc de Valmonta. The prtTloaa araalBa wUbsm The plot of Sacha. which Is melodramatic effnaloo, la weak, bnt the anthaP>; aaa, baring some knowledge of stsge eSeeta and aituatloDs, bas bcvn able to redeem it from failure. Sacha (this Is a nick name) la tbe aon of a flery-tcmpered Busalan lady. HIa mother la devoted to him, but auxIouB tbat be ahonld marry someone of her own aalacUBS.' Baetia, boweTac, being a-wlllfal ;JM« ' la tore with a Mead tt hla saatMn t _ stormy by name. The lady Is annoyed at hari plans upset and Sactia's enraiea BliUaA. IMOti her. Sacha arrives on tbe secae, aaS' loala dies in liljt amui. Cortoln. - - The tlilrd new play of the week la- Sooa L'epaolette, a drams Ui flve acts hr M. Arthur Bemedc, which was produced at tbe Theatre de la a'arie saint Martin. It Is decidedly tbe least bad of tbe trio, and bad it been com- pressed into tbrca acta It would baTe played better. i: It u the story of the-tteaUfs aad-nltimali' trial iiy coort martial of a yoaag oOeer, Idea* teaaat Far bach e( tbe "Dcagons.". who being pear, aad. asoceorer the aon of a Protestant eletgyman, who after tbe war baa ts. .«de with Germany, baa rather a bad time oC It In bis regiment. He also makes matters worse by wlsblng to marry a poor working girl wltb whom iie lives. The girl Is heautKuI and excites tbe admiration o( another officer la the regiment. Then there is trouble. It ends in a scene In which Ferbacb finding hla love' In the arnm of this olBcer—a superior ont^ strikes lilm. lie la arrested and tried. The offleer will not speak tbe truth and owa np tbat be forced bla attentiona on tbe aa- wllllng glcl, and .tbiaga look bad foe IMtaeh wben at last hla aUsttess. eaiafed bejead en- durance at Ihe other's Ues. mum a Tstdrai and moob mm. Then the Mni iiui em* aelenoe stricken .captain apaaha «M tnth, bags Ferbach's forglvrnesa In a powerfBl scsoe, . The play was well received, and 3L. Maria da Isle had a great success as Ueotenant Frrbaeb, as did Mile, Flore -Mlgnot in the role o( Jennie Morin the pretty alsaclenne -auarlere. The play Is Interesting. Inasmuch as It rabM.**! many military qnestions that are now before thfr public. Aa a change from Ihese somewhat dramatic pieces. It Is pleasant to look on and smoke a cigar at Borrasford's Albambra where there la jtiHt now an exceptionally good program to be seen. Uur old friends, the Three Kragga, are here again wltb their (ymnaatlea, IfORls sad Morria are very droll In their tailaeqae aet. Tbe Biz Brothers lack are "ttt a foMright only" doing a luet aanat —- tiued The Oeim of ttt-' The era an- —„ — _ applause, and 1 hope they'll stay (tar some time. Is that pctmUd bgr jj..^— sight Idaeaahhw Ladik an gised slat* 1 one dog dancera, are wlanlag bdoi Another Mile. CiSBl Ing -volse. vantage. And yet ^ _ who is by toms betUeae er tbe audience. There Is also some clever shooting to l>e seen on the part o( Alice and Nina, and acrobatic (eats o( no mean order by tbe Brothers Hart- bert Orelly, and many other good tnms: Aitliouab It Is a capital abow, and, ta spite of tbe fact tbat It U so far anray ttoat the center at. » !sttj, tt e Alhaajtmi la crowded b||M^ ''ne aSafi'SeaSS'l* Seeedagaln, bati- iNvr tbat another bold aad bcaTC man. In tbe per* son of M. Clement Bannel, Is aboot to tempt fortune by reopening It. Anyhow Mr. Banael does not lack experience, for be waa for some time tbe aeeretary at the Follea Bergere. and tlietefore knowa something aboot mnslc.liail management. 1 tmst be wUl i tide at Ul fortune that bas snallsg eM*.. popDiar resort tbat we all xmA tt THtt ltll moment we arrived lo Paris, Dmnen, tbe beast of "Comlqnes," Is back again at tbe Eldorado after his accident, wblcb happened on M. Brlollet'a allnpary atalresse, a» had sach a KeeptloB fMm oa puiiUe wteii be stepped ea . the stase, that he waa qalte aastnn^ It waa.. a'leeeptloa ee theteWhV. " - that he::wia .aanr ■ {fl ual l a'a ed ea page a,)!-