The billboard (Apr 1906)

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APRIL 7, 1906. Xiie BiIII>oarcl 5 By C. C. ,BARTRAM. M f OW about the hierh and nlgtaty l^k I Ix>ndon critics, who trhlnk all cr«atl<m I tremMes when thej stoop to scrstch I tlielr baclre. Not one ot tJiese proud pencil posbers la a propbet or a aon ot a propliet, f<» a lot ot the plays they hare been "roaaUng"-.lately are eettlng there with Iwtb feet. It -would iseem that acme thlnga are made to he enjoyed, not crltldaed. As mr- caatlc Byron, wrote: "Mao moat aerre hla time at cTery trade, SaTa cenani*; «rltlca an att xmdr-iB*'**" Witb entaln'Ugb-CUM ««pUoM Hbrn 'tm- doa oltlas »ai»-t»-h» a diqiw: • tot ot astc- ceopinn who- dob tocaOMr aad. dtcMe to- Mtlia. One wbo ■klms'erer. ttw daily mm Sn oneo mtliM'itrange -points ot Tefembunee ^mmu tUe >n1ooB wrlte-npa. An ecctntrle BOtt «( maikcd Indlvidnllty la Tery rare In- deed, for thcae critics all foUoiW each other Ukt a atrlns of ge»Be in a entter. They are "l^IUh, qnlte .Eogllsb, yon knovr," and ivben anytblns American comes along they prick np their ears to the foil and pointed helsbt, and ten yon bow a thin^ tbat might do for New Xotk It not sood enough for London. CraODWIK AUS TH£ CRITICS When Nat Goodwin came here with A Gilded Fool all thete nngUded foola got after It and ittbbed It .tlU tbey brake the polata of their pens. Nathaniel changed the drama Inat to bnmor them, bnt aren tben tbey conUnocd to damn It with faint ptalac. They tbongbt tbmt Qoodwln was a "good one," bnt tbat tbe play was not. Of coorae, as Shakespeare says, "The plsy's tbe thing." Now the great London imb- lle Itself la qalte friendly to Americans, and disposed to be mncb amnsed at oor amaaing eccentricities. There la always a bit of fair tamong tbe beat ^J^* I****' ■■><' ■ wilter OB ttie Sntr'acte, a neway railety abcct, says this: **lt la entirely not of my provlnee to deal Mtb tbe "legltlmat*," but I can not get away team tbe ebaaee of speaking on the "package" whlA baa been banded to a popniaz American eomedlan orer bete. If tSie critic* at aeTentecn ahllllnga a week think for one moment that the aboTe mentioned actor docs not know Inat where the aotagonlam came from, tbey are greatly mistaken. "If those gentlemen write }nat wliat they are told to write, and wboie fear of losing "tbe oeatly. teTONd maaaga'a" iidTertletngi .eaoaa press ■gtataP adraaee eepy. will M&r Mde a while, tbey wUl sea tbat tto MBtaMated AsMneaa piodnction of m Tiooden aneoess wui with tbe same treatment aeeatded tbe etUaen who came orer b m only Tbe robber ball will bonnce back, and bit tba man who threw it Jnst as sorely Ohrlatmat Tnkey lan't a Spring TRB flElXlUS mUD Somewhat flushed from th* trouble tbey gsTe Mr. Goodwin at the ratbar onlneky abatteibory. tbeia knlcbta of foelsoap next tamed tbelr gooae-^olfia oo AU-of4-Sadden Peggy, another- American Inraalon. Bnt this time tbe playgoera wonld not be led by tbe ■noRO. and AO sr«>fit is the mrti to the Dtike of Tork'a tbat they had to pot the orchestra under the stage to get In two more row! ot aeata. Hr. trrohman canceled The Lion and tlie Uoote aad impDiaive Peggy will be tba drawlat nag- bet for many mootba to eome. .^Kt iu eHtlea ■oocad-m* Brigadlar eiraid, fl**4lft.jP M* itiUnm. aad aMettav at tbe ■MSHa* tee i aa a t. OC tba caMnet with tbe rapad an taaUe. Bat -tha jplaj la drawing big ctMrti ta Iba Tiwarial «a/% many nun id . tt Mfl-ha .BMkkiit-tbeai' agna i telTes. Now cornea another piece from wild- est America,' Ib« Bdwol for Hnsbandn. at the Scala, which la rfeh picking for ttio wIho men of UindDD, as It baa an old English setting. It helonga to tbe Oeorglan era, ot which they ny we know nothing, tbongh 1 think oor Foarth of Jn-Neiw. Year's belonga to tbe daya of the Georges. jTcnle Mlllward, who played the leading role moat delightfully, woke tbe honie to thnndecoos sccOamatlon, aa abe Is an old farorlte here, and baa been away about eight years. No donbt the place win bare a alee mn, when tbe papeta get thwngb tbelr gnmbUng. MIowiag thla came a eiawleal- peodneHaa at tbe Court, a rerlral of-the Blaetxa ot Entl- Mdei. with the enltnaa and «Ut«d Ulaa Bdlth Wynne Ma tblaoD aa HMtiai .The ferthcoalng Baaaty ot Bath, at tbe ~i wOl latradBee tbe twelTa Batb Bona, nefa aaana aa "Spie Ban." etc. At .TeRy*B. tiiei near play.' Tba Jadge'a Mern- «7. thiee acta nuudac unaa bonn,. Is .rather e{ the Jadge'a a Blanooer. aa It la. the wite that makea. ttoaUe. ,'Tbe play ends with - a complex, strlne of In- cidents, wliose details are too Tatled to re- in fact, the plot Is perfaapa a bit over- At tha flnUh tba aatbar. Brandon . baa « Tspy kcactr oaU hafore tbe eutalo. . ' At the Ckimcdy, tbe Alabaster Stair Caae. Is followed by A Pair of Spaetades. Tba piece made a great bit In London Hfteen man ego. and Its TCTiTai wai a bnge anecen. Tebn Hare played tlie role ot Benjamin Goldfinch with many delicate tonches, while Mr. Charles Otore was etinally happy aa Dnele Gregory. B. B. Irrlng la aeeklng a title for Jeimeaae. which tranalated means xontb, a tlQe already bied by a Omr Lena Aaau. Ba'aMaa at the Lyric'lijieh ll, aM It ii Mw adaiw coald have had Ha . _ ^ CAIBE WILL WKITE DBTTaY LANE PLAY -Axthur CoIUrs has Just returned from tbe continent, and has arranged witb Hall Calne to .write tbe autumn drama for Old Drury. He will base It on bla noTel. The Bondman, bnt 'WHI depart from tbe orlgliial plot. Ybcre Is mncb red tape and olllclal formality comtected wilti tie preaentatlon ot a new play in I^don. A topy, either typ«d or In" the Tery plainest anlpt, most be aent the Lord Cbam^erlala a fall - week ahead. Tbe fee np to two acts la £1, If longer £2. If paased by the offldal reader. George .Alexander Bcdfem, yoa gat a-aobUme doenaiant tba alas ot a stiort comedy In which he Is the centnti Dgute, in tbe spring of 1007- Mr- Galenzl. formerly of Galenzl and Sher- ek'fi Agency, London, is at Cairo, Egypt, plan- ning to open a fltat-clasa rarle^ theatre In the city ot (Pyramlda. It will donbtleaa ane- nfe' dSiSESu.^ .aamhUMMMa. aia SMt* BBBxamxi BBnoan. sxe. At tlie Oxford Arthur Roberts ap- pears In tta iMdataMtna barleaane. Nangbty Nero, whose flahh la not tbe bnrnbig ot Borne, bnt that ot a twice nightly rarlety lialL It Is qnlte aa elaborate takcolt aad Is flnely mounted, with tbe usual '"-g"*'' weakneaa for labored and ezcmelatlng pnna. At tbe Palace, the sketch. Madame Lin- gerie, baa a milliner's shop tor Its baekgionnd. with models and bonaeta and tznnpeiy. A sketch aow aplaa tha seonda la Bbtbcrt l)amdl*a MailM^ni'^ and niin aada vt a- ~~ era. " : wal Plnk^ lataat Jkillfc.ia A son ot tha lata company. " • ■ Tbe latest acblCTement «C:. .Wliailan Will ETsna Is to play tbe paallpiiMk Boblnson Crusoe, with the aid ot a the wreck THRCK HVLAND8 The above la a charaeterlatle pose of the Three Hylanda, Tarn, Lotta and Maater Cllf- ford, who have been playing the weatera houaea for the, paat two yeara. They do a comedy alnglng, dancing and musical act claim ic to be tbe 4ilgge9t hit and Clifford Is the original and only be is claimed to bare no equal. veateru aouaea lor me paai two years, xncy oo a comeoy that la hard to cqnaL Kasagera who have played tto act the jnaatast diainis caidov Inn mrj^MT .^ww ' chlft dtaia-Horla ika wadd, aad aa a WMMaHMatar sniboard page, with a huge, three-Inch red seal, to glTc It tone. Any anbscqnent change of tltla or alteration ot text moat be anb- mltted and approved. In Sbakeapeate'a day tbe naaal itcenae fee tram tbe Uastea ot the Bseela was fla Sd. while to eopnttht a play seat twaair aoblca, ee Us 4d. It dedicated to « patfea be ciommonly eent a present ot forty shUUaga. At present tbe Lord Ghamberlaln'a nie eC playa la said to be one of the most com- ets edlecUsn of modern dramatic literature XXBSOHAL imiT^H Mm. ]>wUi Waller U iU at Algtera. snftering from aeata nereooa break dewa, aad is naable to ttayel to England. Sha icanlres Mottoe varfeoa Is oat ot the Uttle Ghemb. and doing aa well aa peaa lMa . after , aa opera- ........ . ....— hava bla room fliled ertdi flowati;' been kept 7. L. Toole, the Tetetaa aetWi ..mMmIM hla T»tb Mrtbday March »r zbcit waa a onatant stream oC eallata. « mat lot at .BawaN. many preeeata «»d.eagaa».Miiliamaiae»,tha beat pcotla. Bis haallk la ftUFiaad. Clyde rttCh.' tbe Amerleaa anther and play- wright is an nata to Borope to meet Mr. Froh- an, for wfaem he Is witting a comedy. George Grossmltb, wbose single recitals on the concert hall atage. Introdnelng Piano and Z, hava won aneh cztanatTo taTor, will BOTXS The stand and up-to-date new nndetgniaiid llaa fnm Baker atreet to Kenning- too road, laa( ciaat th eat ric a l I gpoctaa cat pais- lag aaa* a'jMM.'taiBa'eattlMtBHia .and being aspeiilaHy asBTeWsnt t» tto la u do a Pa- Tlllon. Walter Gibbons has dropped bla three ebow a day Idea, except for two daya of the week. Thursday and Saturday. His new Holbora Is a dream of beanty. A faked Looping tbe Loop baa eome to light through flie suit of an injured girl against Msdellne Barber, who baa been ordered to pay £2S0 damagea. This will seem big money to a poor girl whose weekly wage waa . £M a week. It took English attlatr a fcit wUt tp-wake op and oigantae bat jaBt :a«ir ibiy ate Mww- Ing tbe ^ekleat sttribBtea .«t .7oba Ban, and not only aaaiblal^ bat aH«lblna to tbelr gms. On Uareh IS. la Bneland. US meetlBsa were held at Tartona eentres to promote the Variety Artists' Federation and oppose tbe barring clnnnc whicb inaaes elgned artists reUnqulsb their right to work on .soch bits of free Sng- land as the msnagera forbid. There are mmors aa to three new eatabUsh- menta for Berlin. There Is a big chance bne for someone with a Urge capllal aad SoMolaat bnslnesa Integrity to eommaad ttfe' eOMMt of forelm perfarmera. At Moscow the new Annant Theatre la Short on salarlea aad Tarlona unpaid artists now to laaSso Holy ' «. I. PAftTRIMiE there axe nnahia ht" ^ when Jaa G. I. Partridge, plctDred above, la said to be the oldest active musician In Nen- England. He was born at Franklin. Mans., hla preaent home. July 23. 1822, wtalcb makes bim elgbty- foora yeara old his next hirtbday. He Is atlll leader of Partridge's Fife and He^d Band which Isst seaaoa did long marches la Uie Tsrloiw dtles where It played. Mr. PartrUge b^iaa playiag tto dCe aad cUrloact whaa to waa thirteen and was often eacagad Mr tto old military paradea. JTMrn IMO to "aO to waa connected with soaoe of the- best ~ PTOTldenee and Boataa, amang them American Brass Bead of Prorldence, Oreen, the bogle player, was eonsH. to Ned Kendall. In '01 Ur. Partridge was ap- pointed by GoTemor Andrew to Instmet and tske charge of the Held music for the IStb regiment, then recruiting In Beadrllle. He shortly afterward helped to recruit the ISth Maine. Keal Dow'a tatnoan r^glmeat- FoUowIng Tarlons engagements of Imporlanee. Mr. iPartrldge was in 1882 engaged with tto Bamom * Bailey Show, with whlA to ie> . malaad Ca» six yc«r«. tala band holaa r ^ In llatdi. IttB. tba saUaat at thto i caaa maaeger ef tto Staw Opara TraafcUa. wkMh jMltln r —*-*^ ntteea years. As a ccanlt ot his long aad Tarled ezpetlenea and ot bla genial peraooallty Ctfr. Partridge poa- sessea a wlda acquaintance and aearcely a traTCllng company comes to Franklin bnt ttot aome of Its members are trlenda ot tbe mn* sldan. Re dellgbu In entertaining bis trlcoda In his cosy little cbttBge. ai ~ ' them orer tbe country, tor Mr*. lOTer of outdoor sports. Hla ' be says, is fifty yesra old. A reporter asked Iwen Hall, antbor of TM, Little Cherub, and other like ereatlona. It wa had too many mnalcal comedlea now. "Nowl" be thundered. In his Olympian way. "there's a public for them all—It they're good. Bat Into my word tor It, we've had ent ^ The old cehams la played oat. Wa thing different. SweetatnCs deaet*' A move tor a Hattaaal Bepottolre Theatre, part ot CGO.OOO yearly to to goaraateed ptl- Tately, baa Uroagkt (ram tto Ohsntsngr ot tto Exchequer a stall■■iritot.ltoto aaa number of objeeta «C MA'l tlonal Importance.' t AJfERIOAB FESTOBIIEB \ I^natz Bucher, a jiiember of the Ain>^ crlean koocfc-aboats. Tbe.Karataa, waa i *~ killed while doing a aomcraanlt at a a ball on the Continent, having "Cast" ' on his head. . EVANSVILLE, IND. Mln Talbort, the popular adTCrtlalng agent ot the Grand and ^Peoples theatres, baa joat re- covered from serious Ulness- A stock company will begin an ladeflnite en- sagcment at Peoplce AprU 2. TaadevUIe wm be featured between tbe acta. . - HendcraoB. Ky.. la to bava a honse. Tto old Oabaa Opna Hoosa wm opcMd aadcr ite ■aiMitiimt of Y. A. oC KOhomOi 'lad. . K. 7. Cansback; Ike aeeale artlat of St. t>aal%' 116..' la doing aaow azaelUBt work at the Oraad and.PeopIea .ttoattea. wbcia be Is deeoratlaB" the asbestos enrtalas. Tto late controversy totween A, A. Pedley. ot the Grand, and Baaaey Morris. Is receiving mu4^- eomment In tto leading papers of the oonntcy. Mr. Pedlay requested bis patrons to stay away tcom the Show owing to the tact that Sothem and Marlowe produced The Tam- ing ot tto Shrew against tbe wishra ot tto local management and tbeatreitoers. EDW. SCHTJELIE..- .JIOBi e .ILL ; :W.- • Leola BoMe, tto wcO-kaown watogef ot Bo- ble*a Kalcketboekers. and wtoae photo ap- peared on the front page ot Tto Blllbeard dated March SI. Is recovering from a severe atuek of PDenmonla and waa able to leave tbe Strat- ford Hotel, Chicago, this \veek, to go to hL« home In New Tork. His koo is managing bla show Aarins his UIdms. 14EW THEATRE FOR MILES M. B. WUUama. manager of Oa ▼acbaek .: Theatre. NUea. Ohio, closed a deal last w«ak-^ whereby to gets possession ot Mrs. O. B. Oa>;^ bora's uigp e ity on Main atreet tor a t^atxe ■ •auxfSMmuC*