Billboard advertising (Apr 1906)

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6 xne Billboard APRIL 7, 1«W. PBLIX PBIST FelU Fflst. tn excellent likeness of wbom appears abure. wrote the worOa for cbe late and saccefisful tton^. My flllly Buy. wblcta Flor- Blndlej is (Inslos In Tbe SCiret Slncer. - ....... JO i,^. FLORENCE ROBERTS (See First Paicr.) . Florence KiiberlB, who Is in, prlTSte life liewls Morrlsou. bcr. huaband being' be of- i» facraett. oat otfrtbe moat p«pn* lar aetiMM*th» Paclfle aimk>- «/.^{ Ite ataat-'ama ■MMnib.'iU.TlBL to SUT'OO Mr MB' ' fecCD -«M*tlas"wtUi~;that .ott <«lv:lb» moMt aid*' oC.tlw Bockjr V telnf ; tb«- Miiji' vnt- «r<''tli« . A* Bad* 'a blte£- (MR lOr . tM ';.irMt aa u csMcHaantk'* 'SaftOB bacn sipMt .tMCI*«d,-mn. Bcibcrta -!■ ■naastna Am an If itrii iMiiii next acaaoo;- when abe itm atCB IB Tlie Streneth of the Weak.- wtiich i-Su bean cntliaaiaitlcallT recelied In itue we«t :'!aBd nocDtly enjoyed a * moat proapertma en- Dt at tlie Colambla Tbeatre in Sea Wmb Boberta has been, wen at Tarlooa time*> tn til* Iradlnc rales of niGb (xaetlnc plara aa Zaaa. Sapbo. Coantrr OUlvItaa at tka- D'm* batrUIaa ana Oanflto, and baa-alwara ' d(s^' Bonnie Gaylord. "the gtrl fromi Po- ser OMmtx." la eoe ot tbe .btlikti atatr Daw on tiie niiibaaiM niiiiiill la Itaiiiaa OpL, Uat week ttay-r—ilt aat^aiiaar. tm<dt»tmm tb* BOB AND BERTHA HYDB CELEBRATE Bob and Bertba Hyde, ot Uie DiOntr Paree Co.. cclebiated tbelz Orst weddlss anolretaarr. Mareb 22, Jay sItIdc a banqoet to tha aaem- bets of tb* aompanr at BHUnss' Hotel In Qtaad Baplda, Ulcb. Amongr tbose present wen Ifau- ager J. H. Bamea, SUtbel Baniea, Leaale Bjan. Mr. and Mrs. Frank MUebaU, AlUo WUUrd, Orvllle and Prank, Uia. Cbas. Orrllle, BUI7 Cook, Powley and Dnno. Mr. and Mrr. MUo liagse. West and Hnshes, George MackeTi Law-rence i:;arle, Harry Yonkers, tne MarlOW Sltitens. tbe Uall Slstcr3, the Deimla Slatera, i^mlly Queeoa, Rose Little, Marme Mooce. Alice Uoivard. Minnie Wilson and Dora Bdwarda. Many toasts were made aod maslc waa for- nialicd bj tbe orchestra from Smltli'a Operm doBse. Mr. and Mrs. Hyd* emiiMnne wltb tba Dainty •Paree Co, BBtU.^tta " so eaat «a piar ithar. MORRIB AND KLLIOTT ARE PARTNERS . fic Ova Tears connected "lavlll* and tbe Samnel Bdwin A. wim the W Morrla attraatlwa, and Wa. BlUott. tta waU<kBom aetor. tdti sisaad partaanhtp papcia. and wfll hetcafter transact Jraaineaa aniler tbe Arm name ot Mor- ris & GlUott. Bcslnnlnn In tb* tall tbe new arm will pat ant «oQnbtr «t dcaona aad Carta caaadla a . Mr. XtUott MttaUiK ta-tfet '■MMM Ma. «Ula Mr. JMRia <MDrl«nt' to tka tatfoM tf> cam.- ■ • • ■ . THE ENGLISH WAY Decanse tiie specUIcatlons in tbe lease npon tbe ATenne Tbeatrc, London, England, did not aDtlcIpate tliat the the&trc would be cmabed by the falling ot Charing Croaa Station, the court has decided that UM lessee* miut pay T50 poanda. qnaitarlr. toe all the time tb* honee haa .beea lylns wrecked. '. "-Tbeir most always have m precedent In MOyiNQ PICTURE SHOWS '..' it waa'.iaeebtlr'xept^Tttak W. S2 Bavnatdai'- .or<: JUnalda, was . scTetair bnmed abont tte Head'and tianda wbUe attempting to eztlnsnlsb flKmes'tbat 'were destroylns his picture maclilne at'St-.v Booltaee. Can., March 5. Mr. w«-f'ft« callfSd at'Tba BQlboaid offlce last waak^iuC reposed that Jhe. was allTc and well. aM 'ttit THB RBPOBT 'VTAS BBBONEODS. SUMMER THEATRE FOR EMPORIA FiTd. Coruett, manager ol the .Wbltaer.Opera Rooae, Boiporla; Kan., haa completed ananse- ments wltb , tbe Alrdooie Snmmer Tbeatre Co. of- Topeka. Wlteielir tliat company will erect WILL .pPiN .MAY 1 . ' ' bild reUows Temple and Tbeatre at will tie ftmnallr opened May wba irtt nanaa* It mta ^JOBL''eORIN '<^:'';M:''vii;i»'":' To Joel F. music for My boud, and whlcb 'nw: Street Carta 1>eloo(s tbe dlatlartlon BiBr Bw. 'wbMfe_ Palls rattt 'naeaaa* baring Iter la PLORBNCB BINDLBY She la Mlsa Florence Hludlcy. wbo Billy Boy, written by relix ' ladMpocataA (be i anasai* ear sba li laat week introduced tlw new aonf Fetet and dedicated to Old Billy Boy. ROBHL RBBIONS After' manattnt Dnbnqne, ~ ' ' •is tbe Orand Opar . In:', te atzteen yeara, W<n. T. Boal bas realgned.' and on Joly 1 be closes a very snecesstDl career aa manager of that prosperons hooae. Mr. Bcobl Ifas not decided upon what be wiU giro bla attantlaB la tba tntate, bot his many MMB ■ " " " ' be wlU " ■ cooHdm ' to:ftft^Kl^SSlSt8f'lll 'jSlSitriaal tha Qraad aast BBNNBTT QBTTINa ACnriVB O, W. Bennett, wbo to back bim In Ml baa arranged tor tbe {NdUUng af i.1 *■- tbeatre In Montreal, Oiia. _« .Cor sites tn other ettlaa^B . PARIS LBTTBR ' ioaarUnaed tea'pas* 4.) .^brset ■UMKUtt" ^'Cttada |B;fela At itba and. waacavaa. . inn o<>«oniedr and snelodraBa, ^*a^ra^~t play. and tboogh ^■nr. dnmaUe or partlcnlarlr it is '.WtU'wrltteb and reiy tntetasOiig, and contains a aooaldatBbla amount of tood tat tbooght. Tha.iiafal viot nma tboi: m. Udatierran. a ildi politician, baa been elected to the Cham- ber ot Depotie* on the Socialist tlckeL He 'ttta bla wife in favor of an actreaa, Julia, the wife takes her 'inalden name of Le- Oraldler and lives wltb her annt, Cesarlne. Mareacot, a tKMkblnder, la Montferran's' lieu- tenant. 'Mme. LcGrandler t>ecomea one of bla costomers. Mareacot haa a son, Lazare, who talla Jo lor* wltb the supposed widow. There la an otplian niece, Lecile, who lores Lazare, nioagb be Is blind to tbe fact. Lasare comes to Aink bookbinding la not good enough for bim, so Us fa tiler manages to get him barth aa aailatant aeerebuy to Monti A NOVBL PR8S8 SHBBT The Kowland & CUtTord press sheet, forth tbe merits of Thorns and Orange soma, way by that It it Is a departure that lowed by others who proi tbeattlcal attractloiia. haa been worked np in aack a aSNl r tbat elarer -nnaa aaant, HaMtr ShL is bonnd to atstet iuantlaB, . CH ATTANOOOA'B NBW THBATRt Tbe preliminary work Qbattaaooga, Tar LEO FEIST Jtm. aa aai l ata n t aeerebuy to Ifontfenan. uontrerran Oedilea to tUTOtn Iwr bni- tmt he, because ot the approiau^ Uac- tloo. endearors to avert the proeaadlBga, A leeooeiliatlon la effected. Lassre beeomca annr end in a dlaenaalon be ahoota Ifontfer- ran wooodlng bim. Qniek to see tbat be can make capital oat ot the affair, HonUetran bas Iiaaare tried oa an anarchist. He la acqaltted, and. tiie election lielng now over, the two make friends, and Lazare marrlea Lecile. A play by Capns in alwaya attraettra bate, especially wheo Coqnelin Ulla tb* prlDCipai role. This great actor la great as MontCerran, and Jane Harding payed Mme. Montfetran ad- mirably. Mme. Lergy waa excellent as Jnlla. The first night was a brilliant one aoelally. Attentat will nrobablT bare a long ran. To-nunrow nigbt will wltneaa tbe first per- (annaace ot Oatall* Mandea' new play, Olatig- njv at tba Odaon. It la la Br* acta and sis tanltan, tut la ot tha oailod 1850 and 1855. Ur. Mandta la tha. pavnar dcanatle cntic ot the Journal, and It ts nstnral tbat the premiere ot bla plw b* an Intaraallng arcnt. Director Albert Carre a< tba Ofiera Contlqne baa decided to glre the proeeedp of the open- ing performance ot Apbriaite to the fond for Of Tictims of the minister disaster. The per- formance to-nlgbt at the Casino de Psi^^ will also aid the uuns fnntL -Floranee Vaymant. the Ameiloui ebuteiiM eomIqn», aud tha Con>;iier- ots ot tbe Xnla, a troupe ot Japanese, 'will aa- -.-^ " 'formanre. »h« Parlalaii^. ia again UOBDON WINTEB. m tbe Ota ot tbe Xnla, a troupe )tt BUI-.. . . slst In the Casino pcrfor PaOr'-'iB''-' I LItUe Tlch. tbe Idol of tl '.'',. .'-'it.V'V':.'I at tb* Albamfara. ' : . « '/('~>5'-'*'V»""S'''''ipi^ '.' ■ "' He 1b tha pnbllaher ot the late aoBg hit, My BUly Boy, 'n*lcn ' Ing so snccesstnlly -n-hoae author lias song to Tha Blllboazd. ser ot toe laie song iuh 1 Florence Blndlar la ab«- in Tha BIMat WM ant resDeattaUr iidlaat** *b»