Billboard advertising (Apr 1906)

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APRIL 7. 1906. Xtie Oillboapd 7 MUSIC (CHICAGO PUBblSHBRS' NOTBS aiSgf ot ae. »—tan« v«o«laim • iroMerni Tghmw Of nilnHn. •»< despite the tact tbat fSTm acaaoa !• scneralljr (apposed to come iianUed 1w > perceptible decieue In toI- m« ol borineea. ItSm year, bmreTer, tbe trail- la OB the aaoendener, ntber than on the deeUne, and on CTery band the bnsy content- jsxemt which predominates Is eBcoaraelns, to U7 the leut. "Our ptodoetlon stall alone keeps me on the lamp." said 7oe Harris one dar this week. ••EspecUUr' Is this trne ol the nnmbera oom- EtUlns tke uore ot TIm Umpire, which has Id nek a lonx and praverou cuter ct tlie I^Sallc Tbeatie. Sneh aunheis aa Xra Look AwMUr flood to. rather. Oroe*.~Zow Beart, 3ke .naniro a UOet UnliaMj Vta, I Vast a Otrl iSSTjm, Or Maa Tk^Ubtee* on IMxle Land VuFaadaaa JUfeMaT^lBnee After the Ball. uiuOwtiwil people aod aonc lorere to try and writa^aaotter aooc like It. Of eonne, it was to aak far It. bat anotfaar thins to wtlM ose. CbarlM baa departed ttom bit rale, wtaldi has been strictly adhered to, and that Is ncTCC to follow on the lines ot any song he has written that has been, a hit; bat In tills instance, as It will be observed, althooifa It Is another 'Ball' sook. It U an entirely dltCerent story, and is set to a l>eantlfnl. hanntlns and dreamy melody that wlU compare faTorably with any aooc be lias ever written—and yon know be has written some bis ones. Hers is a copy ot The Sella of the Ball. Bead the story orcr cuetally, play orer the maslc, and yon wUl bare to acknowledge'that it la aarely another ot tbe old-tUoe Harris waits ballad successes." ' joe'a cntbnslaam does not surpass tbat of the other Chicago pnbllsbers regarding their par- tlcalar wares. Homer Howard' Is swearing by 'WlUIams & Van Alstyne's cleTer cowboy dlttr. .CheTenne; the Chapel Oo. axe placing big money, oo Chapel's snmmer' wallat. Oat oa tbo Bine; Oonn and liseha ^are saaiUIaf tkair npnta- \tlon on'iTied. na^ei^ original mnur-con- IcmBw. It's. Otest' at a BaaeMO Qaae: tke aBSer. OOk' are dippy otct Bob Adann^ Hot ^■oUwe'Toar BUr Is Onrly; Hany Staler. Is iMfla*'0*er Oola ft Johnson Bros.' new coon .agdnns Ain't No Ttnie For An ATgoment: WUl Hosalli I Is plunging besTUy on I'll Be Back . In a Mtnnte, Bnt I Oot to Go Now, and Jeff Branen is staking cTerytblns on 7oQ*re An Indian, wbleb tias Just been Interpolated In .Omiog Tbro' tbe Bye at tbe Cbleago Opera ° aeoas, and Is belag. alningly fcatnred by Stella :r;SCay1icw and cbonaa.* -V' Althongh there have been many calamity ' bowlers wbo hare strenaoDSIy predicted that -■- tha #lT04Dd-Ten Cent Storeii would pat many and dlTcra crimps In tbe local sales, a pains- taking and tborongb canras ot the Chicago ■pnbUabfra and managers rereala the tact that, ao far aa a males dcpreiwlaa is con cam ed, they hardly know of the ezlstenea^ WMlt^iapart- ments la tlieae (as one pnblMW IO""tn nocooos eatablUhments." - "Ibese atores haTe bnrt as In do degree," ■ casnally remarked one pobUsber. "Wblle we haTCD't as yet aold any of them, at the aame time we coald. with Impanlty, sell them oor pnbllcatlon. and at a fair profit. I can not qoltc determine myself what some ot the east- •ra flnaa_ get by selling tkalr prodoeta to these aa osaMtdsaa- tbo eiMMiuoas aiiwuut pot «dt; is' adMrtiaing and other . _zi— JS^'nS I Ttn^K to W' tb«r to not ctT* tb* wrltw iibat la ' eoataC' to Uin In •*» laatanee. Jim O'Oea •pOr tamed one ot bu ivraltr atatcmenta 'a ' •MM^'-'At ooe time, and I an rather inclined to 'llw opinion that be atnek It abont rigbt. I ean aeu to tliaao atotos at a far leea rats than can a pabllaber wbo la not a producer. I have no three or foot cent* per copy to pay OBt In royalties or elao tronble my con- sclenes, bnt I hsTa refrained from aalllng them pnrely and almply becanae I thoogbt tbe men who Inaagnrated thla game woald get togetber with ttie one* wbo bad afterward Joined the throng and tnangmate aome plan whereby they would eTcntnally pat a atop to aocb rate alaab- Ing. Talk abont Frenaled Finance! Why. tha pDbUsblng bnslness la under aa eqaally aeta- wortby mania, and one might wen M7 we ~ ~ tran 'pobliablng fanaticism,* ** "i'Wm ten cents be tbe rate onlTemally adoptadl* exclaimed another pabllahe.. In an- eirar to, my query on that aabject. "Not on JWtf life. The boys Jnst now are penny wise aaa'PoaaA fotdlsh. bnt I bdlere tbcy wUl r— get together. «ad deflae • rneiM «t patttn stop to the Meant aitfttoda ot paUIelly. TV we get toMNC aest JtaCb m eaa wmr ^— «WM..Jhat.^M^2«urb!J MUSICAL COMKDV Arthur J. Aylesworth has disposed of his prodnctlon of Hooligan's Tronbles to Billy A. Ward and rerd. T. OreniieU. and wiu lanadi • slodi ieHMar At tbe mid Avenoe ^attok taattia, HiK Utr 6. BnatiWMi •' giAnager Fraidc XL Free- ■aa e( Bnillg A Scamon's Bofoa Baatoa Osi.. ataiTing Bmest Hogan. reports eoatlnned food baainess and a delage of retineata for retnni dates. Frank P. Beddow has heen promoted ma the aaattlon of UCTsui e t to tIMt ot min- a€av 'ad.«ha Z. C. Alley Mnslcal Ooocdy Co. MUSICAL Blanche Ruby, the soprano, recently with the Boyal Frencb Opera Co., bai been en- eased by Beniy w. Sarage for bis English — - makea her Amedeaa de- '.ffaaet,'at. ~ " lent eaged by Beniy Th* Mkrt«n Family Band la being featoned at the Metropolitan Theatre, Laredo, Texas. NEW THEATRE FOR MOBILE Tbe Lyric Theatre, now boUdlng at Mobile. Ala., at a cost ot $100,000 will be. when com- pleted, one of the finest and most np-to-date theatres in tbe country. Tbe bouse wlU hare a seating capacity of orer 1,700. which is said to be flirty per omt. larger than any other bonae in Mobile. Tbe location Is an Ideal one, being at the southwest coiaer of Joacblm and Oontl streets. Tb* hoase has baea leased , tor. a period of flre years ta Hb.Oaitoa if ea i ii Hb . a popolir Toonc mail M that dir. wi conduct same independency. Work begaa re> cently and Is wen onder way. BIr. Iteabrik expects to <»en tha house about Oct. 1. UOe. and Is now '■~«"-f for aeat aeaioai MUSIC HBW YORK PUBLISHBRS' NOTES CONXBIACTS were executed recently by which tbe mnslc of tbe next fonr operas written by the eminent com- poaer. Beglnsld DeKoren, will be Dta>llllied exelualvelr b.r 7o«. TV. stem ft Co. Hr. DeEoTen has already delirered to this flrm bis complete score ot the first opera, Tbe Student King, which will be produced by Col. Henry W. Sarage at the Tremont Theatre In Boston at Eaetern time. Tbe book of this opera was tbe Isst one written by the Iste Fredolck Banken. also writer of Happyland, and after bla death, Stanislaus Stage, a writer ot nany aoeesasfal oneraa. waa called to to eellabetato and eoa> plate the walk. ■ Mr.'OeKoeea dedaras that tha opcta ii m pwia t ftni (cpreeeato tbe beet work of feli eaUie career, and la coalldent that It will attract as much attention aa Boblnhood, Bob Boy, The Highwayman. Happyland. or any of tbe most snccesstnl operas. Harry B. Smltb Is now negotlsting with Ur. DeKoren- tor a Joint work to consist of Ugh. class- comic opera ot the real kind so eagerly sooght for nowsdays by patrona of the theatre wbo enjoy good mnslc. This as well aa two subsequent operas according to tbe contract are also to be pnbllahed by Joa. W. Stem ft Co. Tbla boose may well feel pleased to secure a contract of aucb Importance from a composer of great prestige. Just at a time when they arc inctcsslog their facilities and m aboot to occupy ttaelr new home, fanned oa sneb an extenalTe, scale, that It WlU noce dnaly than ever- estatdlah with thea the -'to . ba dssMd as, one ot the menaet U aHctM 'iHa- most mosic pahllshets of America. ZATXLAm) XpTBB Erery week finds mote lingers Dslng bits from this hotise.. Alice E anson and MoIIle WIlllaiuB, Mamie Berelngtlf'^ Derry and Fran- cla. the Oolden Ooiaedy Fqor, Sarry LeVan, John J. Nestor, AUle QObcrt, Stone and Shel- don. May Adams and Phllhtooke and Bcynolds are alnglnc Keep OO the aoBoy Bldei and all declare It a bit. The Variety Girls are featartnc •B.'dia aew aongs from the Boose o( Barflaad..^ ^ ^rce aad JarawBf«4ta-tbL- new ballad, ru matlSir tttove |i I waa a flrst algbt^ wKb^liS At etato'a,' J. B. Bcmiek A Oo. bare pnrCbaaed from John T. Hall, Murmnrlns Waters, couesl t waltaes. Idle Hours, a noralette, and Draam of the Violets. All ot John T. Ball's composi ^uSa aie popoiar, and It Is predicted that tbe OD toes icoe nnmbera will be enonnoos. Attention Is caUed to tbe faculties of tbe proresslonal oSlce ot tbe Chicago branch onder the manaeement of Homer Howard located in the Grand Opcta Hoaae building, at 8T Clark street. 'Keqoests by mall for profeaaloiul copies and orchestrations will reeelre prompt attention. The orebcatration department la under the personal Baperrislon of John Meek. Al. Butler, known profcsstonalj as tbe "Old Wlaard," la another member of the ataff. Pro- fessionals are always welcome at tbe Bemlek offices In Chicago. Tom Kelly, tbe well-kBOwn aoog lUnstrator. is naing tbe ne w Moc king Bird aenc with more tbaa ordtuarj eaoceaa. — Otsnssato, with the BeaaatMiOBlttB Co., b .Btar^ " That Big SOHG I NEVER GET ENOUGH TO EAT" On the Bide Streeto 'Bonnd the Town." bnt -Tbrnr AU Spoke Wall ot Ton" ~Us SnataUBt SiJf.i, J??s.. Dafrr"''""" ahlnln« on "Jiwt a Pletnre ot Tfu.'^ ^ . 'hlle tha "Ughto of Home" were tetehtlT ahlalnc on "JnstaPlet the^Ddrr." Profeaalonal oovlee ot ^eee Seren Oreat Popnlar Ai L. PARTEE HUSIO GOHPANT, PabUaharaot *-BonK« that XakaaBJAgarropalar* tt'.MMSi SonsBWlII ha Abble Mitchell has returned from London, Parte and Barlin whara She waa -very ancceaa- ful In tbe mnale balls. Her moat ancceaafol song was Usndy Lon. VIOOB HEBSZBT'S BOBUIABIXT Vhe arasle from tbe pen of that Terasttle mu- slelsn, composer and condactor, Tletor Herbert, has eraated a demand from the pobllc aneqaaled by any other llelng artist In his line. Manager Conrled aays, "New Tork is music mad." If so .perhaps this madness Is exiiressed in no more pronooneed a way than 1^ thla Tery call for Herberts* tuneful melodies. His compositions bare the tacnl^ ot pleasing those wbo wUh to scale the datoH Mgbli toe their music, as well as lighter Tcln. In the matter of prepizlar . msater band, and nerce has _ — elcerlr demomtrated than wbea en Sttatttiy erealag last be coadacted tbe FUIlianaanle or- eheetra tbroogb a anmher ot atotely, dlgnUed adeettona aalealatad to salt tbe loeesa of elaa- ■leai mnile, and followed this en loDdar atebt. with bii own etebcHM. la AjMjBjMa-Mp Bin - tag the best U|bt aad tnaefla wiflnt erer emanated from hi* brato. Victor Herbert Is known tor Us odginality and for his sparkling eompoaltlenB—they have the "map" wUch w manr eompoMri iMts tor bnt ncTCT attain. Ho Is an tndefatlgable worker, and does not know tbe meaning of wearineas when derelop* Ing a theme. This la verliled by tbe fact that tear opena were written by blm In one snm- ■er, and it Is aot dlflealt to beUere that be diBws MS l a e HraU aa turn kM MaaaaiMMa D. B. IV/IcCLOSKEY OOMTOaXB Ain> AUAHOXX 07 VOCAL and INSTRUMBNTAI. •HUSIC aaad yoae POnBT If a aaa SIOHAL OOPT (nana), (to is-plses uiuh aa ti aMoa. nie^niMte muctir Hnm Mmm MsiratT BnmM li U D.B. MoCLOSKKY. Oara Ward B, Olndn- natl inflraiair. HAarwau,. Ohio. a. PERFORMERS aa s«Bd In late prograai for protaaalanal eoplas ot oar lot* maalc Call on ns when In Filaaai All po^alsr songs tan^t^frea. ArraasiMI atSrSone. Songs pa^tlshed on royalty. THE ILTORAS MOSIC PUB. CO., tlO Pewali St.. SanFi Cat with Nature, In which he rerda, at Joyland, his besutlful summer home on the shores of Lake PIscld. In tbe great Ncrth Wooda. Tbe most popnlar nomben of Victor Her- bert's composltloDS that are belnc aalisd for. performed and heard eTuywhere are, I Can't bo the 9nm. Toyland. Where tbe Vatreat Slow- er* Are Blooming, Dolly nolUra Sons, Oood Cigar It a Smoke. An American Heiress, Oypay Lore Song, Knot of Bine, UtUe Class of One, Uly and the Nigbtlagale, Absinthe Frappe, Al Fresco, Bandana I.and. Nightingale aad toe Star. If I Were On tbe Ston. I Want What I Want When I Want It XSa Wan, toe Plane and me Qld, U Onir Tea mia Imk Ufa IB Tyraat^ Sbe^Oalr Oae. Ttt fttam 9mm, 9ogr raCwet TceterUieaghle, Vaaaaeileaaa, Flea- re tte, Pnnehlneno, Xa Coquette^ Oa the noos- enade. Entr'acte, from Hln Oidlj Didlan; Xntr'aete bom Nordland, Entr'acte treat UBe. Modiste, and March ot the Toys. They are all jrabUsbed by tbe booae of U. Wltmsrk A Sons. NEW SONG BOOKS m mi lamlnd. 17.00 par Tk« '' gaad to stamp for iampla Ospgr. itfllaNMat'lMMEVIUli "■rsfybody Woiks bat fblbsr'* (The www, "SsMsaAatamn Tim* My Sw**i Klaisa" (Author of "Bareael Mooa"), ■■Kilo - (Junie McCrM-a Eda R>». •tJtSlaaiel. Toall I>o" (Bone by U.OW VooallaU), . _ . . . - . - ■Branlac Broaaa la Blghlos Home. I by Prtmraa* lUaatrala), -^Ino* f ath. (Latest Nsw Tork Comte Bit), -Oet Ma Writ* What I ~ (Haw Ballad 8a 'tXanng by Prtmrase lUastrala), ^Ino* father Want to Worfc*' (Latest Nsw Tork C N«varX>ar*toTeir* Crasoa's Isla" (Maris OahUI's Big Wlai Fatbar I.aM the OfMe* oa to* aialM" i Buooaas), '■ Pswa W|ito * Ke^T Itoh '"""AMERICAN SONOSTER CO. J4 E. 21st St. NEW YOUL SINGERS ! ! Bead lOe tor a protaadoaal eongr BL "F'L.ORA" A Twilight Berenada. aina It KDd make a hit. Alk yOTlr maslc dn^er foe tt J. tOUia VOK DRR KTODTIS Jr . Mi il - Pi.Mlabae » u t arrcU Qlrrti^ nan rranclseo, Ud. OBAl, Z. wawwwi yoXES Onmaa aad West,' at Keith's Xhaatre the past weak, l a tiedaeed ne Me eC a Stiell. aad It la a^vUMBf fa kew Oaae taa 'daeee t^rdo tt. Tomuf 'Burnett, ttated aongs. writes Ui dlppUkCS nom Bde, or the Ban. The Ing bat praise for The Belle of. tbe After the BalL The derer tlitei act Kitty Howard and Joeie IicToy. hare a copy ot Joe Howard's new song. Won't yoo Be My Olrlle, and Intend featuring It In tfaclr -raudeTllle act. XbCT do a very clem sister act and kat tut time In getting thie Ug hit attet beadaK It «t tnns- sad sends a« Pa.. . .OIJDVIO LI N«.. J. B. smSmSe jStluto Ym. Hdcar ol hlfdt arade VloItDiu Onttav aaadoOBa. F&e BeraMUtac Send fori WE ABE GROWING OLD. Ibe lataat IMS song bit of the eoontiy. I aaa •mMtif oat orer 100 copies a day at pif i art t,000 eoalee aOld In ^ weeks. Plsao sols >0t. Address S. O. PATBTTE, Pub.. »S B. Mala SI, Springllald Mas*. Dept. A. Prof. OCknlnj: carrt «im1 a tv.^yf^^nt atjuUEp wfil : a copy wttl> mrdi. a(X. tJtt. ttisWMR IR SAR FRARCISNtiti Call on MBS. H. JACOBS See ber Une^oC STAGE GOWNS. Faney Dressea. SealakB Jackets and Fois. some sllgbily useO. No, »7 81»th-8t. Tel. Booth—SOT.