Billboard advertising (Apr 1906)

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*APRIL 7, 1906. 9 ' •orFT. SBULCBK IUXA:eaB. - BOOKtWO BBPBSSFIITATniB. -S. i-Mnll ni....avrtri":°...«»»>»«Mi« M..........W. VaiA. Am., lUjMtte^ &Pl£aiikMl>»k«»FMwlik'\«'«*»>.>««.MaMr* Valk«MB..Waa. WMtoa. au mneUaa^ Sy niMii' nil IWOJ. I ■ iTTT Oaria .AzcUe I^tj. But ftmadn*. K SSndMo! 0*l..NoraUr ...........awn. Lorcddi LuTcMch* lAtwlOl. BwnM«M SiZiclaeQ. 0*1..1i]rec«m ...Bwt l>i>n«ll«ii Aiehla Le«7. ftaaaiaaa. S KbSmd! Oal.-IUMfaia ■. Fried AkU* L«?7, Su ItaadMo. S. niaSno^ Oal..OatoaUl .....M. XntUx Addtaa Uunicr. El Ika^MO. Otl..Diilqa* Wm. rank Aicue Lctj, Sui ftuelMa. IllHllia aUa.Obntc* Ba. txrr ArcUcy IXTj, 111 Mpt 8S liBaSaeVi Oal-->Biplra Wm. We*tan Wm. Weston. San ItaMlMik ItaMlieo, Oal. .Bajmukat W. B. Webar Addma Manaset. tSZ vnBdaeo, Oal..Obenit .....A. Wallciatelii .ArcUe Utrj, San Fttsdaeo, Ea rxanelMO, Oal..BelTed«n i. CroBartk ....ArctUe L<rTj, San RaseUM. ■to Fraodaco, 0al..Bal4irlB Wm. TUZany Wm. Wciton, Saa rraneUeo, San Fnodaca. Oal..BTaailwax Max Botmaon ......Wm. Weaton, San TnrrlMeo. tia KaaSaeo, Oal..aDpm Ooocart HallHaz Baaa Obaa. Wray. Dcnsr Bblc.. Seattla 8*11 mnelioo. Oal.»TakB^^__ , flan Joa€, C«l......»£»ltt Oa»oa»...^...g. I fc Jaaa> Gal.«*....ltalVM •••••«••*...«. Iicbb.. •*••••••«•] ■us JaaCk Oal.......laaa •«••••••>••....Joa Blooaa..a..«««.*1 ■n Jaaa, OaL Vlewp •m.* 8am. Bartia .......AiaUa Vnj, ——h ■unaamMi Oal.... Ou&M....... Joe Bran AfcUe Lery, Dan VHMlMlb ■MWMiM'Cal.... DnlitM O. W. Allikr Addma Maaacn. Illfrilllintft ni.axAlt • .OlbDcy * HcCretdrFrot. Benir, San rraDdwo. fclWMnm OBl.>..Acne Wm. Ooddard Addrcta Uanagct. til1in~. ....Jcffen W. W. B/ C. U. Brown, 87 S. CUtk, CMcaf iaULake CtCT.CtabBon Ton D. Sonne C. O. Brown, 6T 8. ' ~ ■aa Antoalo, Tex...Ual*aUe W. O. Lake r. B. UamiUicn. Mb Bcnacdlao. Cal..lUoad«ar B. Umenden Addreaa Muicer. ■Utt Cm, Oal OnUioa Q. W. AUsky Addma Maaafar. m^toga flpga, {(.XiCtom Ad(I»flM Manager. BanU Baaa, Oal....NoTelty .......... Joe Cowca LoTcrieh & Labelikl, San Fiandaeo. Ilfynwah, Chk. ..*..Alkanluta ....«..**•....................Addnaa Managaf. SeheiiceUdr. N. T..Mobawk Wcter It BlUh Wm. Moirli. 6 W. 38 (t., N. T. O. ■cranMn. Pa Famllr ............D. F. UeOor Al. Oakca, Famllr Tbeatre, N. X. O. Scranton, Pm JPoU'a..............JB. Z. FoU Wm. MorrU, 8 W. 38 at., N. X. O. Seattle, Waah Otntial Sbannon Cbas. Wray. Denny Bide., Seattle. Seattle, Wash Star H. O. Winetoek Ctaaa. Wray, Denny BldC-. SeattU. leatUe. Waib OipbMIt Seattle. Waali Qryatal Seattle, Waah. Seattle, Waab, Beattie, Waah... SettUe, Waib... Shamokln, Pa. .. Sbebojtan, WU. Sbrereport, La. Sioax Og^ U. J. J. Dooellan. !III!u.'Goidamitb' , . Oom lqaa • ..■mplre ...Bdlaoa .. .Pastaxea' ...Family . ..tTnlqae ...,A. H, ...Majeatle ..JFamllr I, .Moralty Alex. Pantaxea ...W. D. Nidda... Addreia MtDiger. . .Addreia Manacer. ...AddKi* Manager. ..Addreaa Manager. ..Address Uanaser. ..Addreu Manager. ..Ed. Moaart. iMcaatcr, Pa. ..W. TanO. Aaan., Majeatle, Cbleaso. ..F. Oairotbera. Majeatle, CbIea«o. ^. Mti tm Manastr. ...Btft WH i i ia B , Hoedty, Denial. . aOlynple .....Id. tMWW •.....•...W. A. Tamg, Osdcs Spokane, Wash La Dolauit •••••••••••••••• •••**.•«....Addren Uana^M. Spokane, Waab.....Obel«ti •.••••••••M.».*...............Addrc«a Ifanasee. ...•••9. F. OuiAiaj.. O. O. Blakcaiec. • .••,,7ohn Ooanors .. .0. 7. UeOaoa.. Address Manager. ...Address Manager. ...Cbat. Wray, Draay Bldf.. Scsttla. ...Cbas. Wray. Penny Bids'., Seattle. ...Addresa Manager. C. O. Brawn. 67 B. Clark, (Aleago. ....W. Vand. Antn., Ma . Addfeae Minaepr. , Address Manager. ....AdilreM Manairer. .... Addreis Manager. ...B. J. Armstrong. ...AddrPMi Manairer. .Fred Ooaaan Oeo. Ira Adama. Cryatal, Denver, Spokane. Weak Comlaoe ... Spokane, WtA Rdlsoa .... Spokane. Wa* WaiUattaa Spokane, Waab Ctneogiapb SprtagSeld, III......Bm»lia ... i^rtagSeld. m. Otymplc ... SBHMSald. .m. ...Oateir ■ Bmltb * Burton W. Vand. Aaan.. Majeatle. Ohleage. ipClBtfleld.-O. OnmiH «.;« ani Soa Address Uiotger. SpttasOeld, KaM...PaU*a 7. C. Criddle Wm. Morris, « W. 28 at,, H. Z. a SsrlngfleM, Mo. ...Star 6. H, Olendort W, Vand. Assn., MsJeetiCk Oktase- St. Loala, Mo. OolamMa ..........Frank Tate — _ . . —— - St Unla. Mo. Olobe B. F. Becker St. LoBti, Ma Empire..... GalligtaeT.... St. Paul. Mlon Orpbeom ,J. O. Kssae St, Psnl, Minn Empire ..i A. Wclabals St. Johns, M. B..,.Vorfc at. Josepb. Mo Crystal St. Tbomsa, Ont... .Bennett's J. H. Alas C. W. Bennett. London. Oat. Stockton, Cal Bllte Mule BaU...l4iTln ft DeMartlnl. Prof. Henry. San FTaodseo. ■tocklan, Oal. Bell ..Aicbey Cox A. Lerey. ni Eddy St.. San Fraa. f te ek tao. Oal. Noeiltr .A. Kalaer LnTerlrb A Lnbelakl. San Frandaeo. Wla BIJoo O. Whittlcr Jnlin J. Ksah. Winnipeg. Man. Wla. ....Dalqoe _ .......C. O. Brown. 87 8. Clark. Oblaago. . H. T Grand Off. Bonae...C. B. WaaiMer AddreaMi WHk. ....Ofantf Dean Wec ley....ClMW, — - —" ^»8Bh» ••••OtyfeffSB •••••••■••^^« Ha Bs^bMk****«__ . ^edo, O •UttklB'i.*.... H. H. Lflafcli.«,**2^ Vmla. f W.J9M« & T. O. Tssi. tmu, miMlBi CMnia. npeka. Kan. Ctawdgcd'e Gkawfocd * Kne.'.WMdresa -afaaascr. vKpeka. Ran. Nerel^ A. B. Bagea Add ns a Manager. Toronto. Oat Shea'a J. Shea a'^wtm. M. Um*» Bid.. M.TXL Traua, ti. J Trent U. Beataa ma. lAnla. 8 W. 38 it. N. T. O. N. T. Praetar^ Wm. Qrabam .... Wm. Monb. « W. 18 it.. V. T. O. i"^- X Olympla Ad<lr<>m Manae«r. ■ Tnscon, Aria. Glyseam Orore A. Dracbman Prof. Henry. San Francisco. DUea. N. X Otpbaom Wllmer A Vlnemt..Wm. Morris. 6 W. M at.. S. T. O. m Maaifee. Wray. peaax VMg, ■rattle, wray. Pr a ny BMs^ Baellls, Utlea. N. I. FalleJo, Cat VsneoaTer, B. C Dewey Norelly Otand Janeooeer, WaSb... Rager's B- O Grand .. £eo, Tex Uajeatle ..Da*td Barry Addren Manixer. ...8. Meadelaoa LnTrrlrh & Latirlrkl. San Franclsro. O. Dorr Cbaa. Wray. [Vnny BIdg.. Seattle. ...B. A. Bacer Cbaa. Wray, Penny Bldg.. Seattle. ...fsaaelsea Bros. ....rbaa. Wray. Denny Bldg.. Seattle. ^ZZZS-"- W. A. Boll ..F. B. Csrrnthera. Majeatle. Chlenan. WuUngton, D, C.rbase's Wtanlfred DeWltt. .B.K.Hodgdon. St. IsmtaaMnJIJCJa ..ira wtboi y, Ooan...7srnDes Op. Boner.. J. W. Fltapatrlck... Wm. Morrts, S W. ISab. W. T. O. SSP'SSi-'*' fobnsoa'i ■. B. Jobnaon Addreaa Manager, .weWvGltg,lia.....I«tte Addresa Manager. WBrnug;^. TS...HiM Oca. tm.... Qua. Son. Orpbenm, SprlngfleM. O. - SiS?*'S"-*"'"-^"'' P. O. WltoM ..0. ■. Bodklai, JopUa. Mo. 'S!!i^!?'V^- !>....Foll-a.... jB. M. FMI „,„Wm. Mama, • W. SB at.. M. T. C S!^.*"^ IM....flaRMk W. t,. l> M >sta S » r. .A««ie« " S<>°<m. Haa rntqap Va* 4 9uHMm....O. Oi Whmlpef, CiB. , ■ — _ Worteater. Mess;. Woreeatee. Maaa.. Wormtcr. Mais.. DsiM •Falaea ............a. W, Bob ..Park .. ..IWI'a... ..Dirte ....... - - _ _— ....naT«7 * I>>Ue.....AMeHn Manager. .........A. T. WMt«ai......«AddTtiai Manager. Jt. Z. P oll ..Win. Mani a. S W. SS st_ N. X. O. ......M......BCBIX MFita*.......WM. Sfflfria, 8 W. 88 iCm N. T. C. - ««• — .'..........*.. ....................a or tbe KANS AS CIT Y, ma I Peiara, fytmtOj ipertlBK cdltir ef aae loeil datllea. and now aae << the man- y jr*n ot Tbe OInsetberad Jtaa. laertead a eor- ;«ui welcome wbUe bis cnmpeay araa engaged bere recently. Capadly bnalacee waa the role. JOS. B. Dooegan. boslnees manager of the oeatnry Theatre, has accepted tbe nomination •or Alderman In his ward, subject to the mu- elecUon ot April 8. Brery IndlcnUon .i.potata to a large majority In bis raror. ■rJmlM Brothers Stock Co. eontlnoes to at- ' au Bfj^"^ ■nMilSSSrt^i'itSlSBS — y • pa* * Ibat IB .itaaitrd aa betas ta an rc^eyoate atase. Tbe lecatloa soogbt (or la a iiSSlLfSf"*"' *** **•* P"«F«ae, and If tarenred the promoters sboold rnllae baadiOBC- iy on tbe Ineestmrat. Forest Park wlU be the flnt of the kwa! oof- ' door anniaement resorts to open, Msnager Brown ! annoonelng that the gatea will be ajar on AprU i prrTBBUiia, pa. liast week tbe Grand Opera Season was on at the WxoB and bnslness wna peetttrely crest. A'moag the renditions were Q aiea aC Shtlia. Carmen, The Marriage of F$ai%' iMfensrtn. La Boheme, Die Waiknete, Don F aeqpa l e and Hanael and Gretbel. - Bach opera was splen- didly prodnced. Mrs, Flake drew excellent bnslness at tbe Belaaco, while Bra Tangnay in the Bsmbo Girl did well. The balance of the playhooaes rpiKir t good "bnitlnesa for the week. The lee nkitlnit seison cknet JUNk St at Duquesne Gardena. The Prince of India wUl boU Mk at tbe Nixon In tlie near fatnee. Hwenbeek'a Great atoar nm Mr Us aa* nnal elslt to PtttrtMns April Vt-tt/Ttn bate a ane line o( paper'SlibrBated Sbont tlw dir. The Blaney A aau aeme a t Oa. baa p a reb and the aapire Tbenlre and It will be naedeled and enlarged at tbe close e< tbe seaaoa. TX>um L. KAnFMAN. Budwortb and Wells recently Intro- I* a aew aat, «MltM A rweMal Mi tt It " ALABAMA BIBMHIOHAM —>BUoa Theatre (M. I,. Sea- mon, mgr.) Banning For OIBce x-eek U; good bnslness and performance. Barjey GOboic in A Boeky Bosd to DabUn week 2S. MOBILE.—Mdblle Tbeatie (J. TanDenbasB, mgr.) Xankee Oonal 8S; good bmlaees. Lev .Doekstader's MInatxcIa S«: paAed beaie att«- nigbt. t a BiovB Ml: abRlac* «( . Bopp, 9M Bit seed petfnrm- mtt.i A Mid- Bnater Aibe 81. mBTOOX^BT—Qfontgomeiy nealre (8. B. BlTschcr & Broa.. mgrs.) Doekstader's Mln- streU SB: 8. B. O. Marie CablU 2t4!6; good boslneH. ModlrlkB 27: Old Honegtead 2B: Buster BrowB 80; Blandie Bates Mi ARKANSAS MEHA IDarM mgr.) A BInggle ance and boalnesa.. CALIFORNIA BAS FBAHCISCO.—OoImnOla Theatre (Gott- lOh. Marx A Co.. m^.) Tbe Heir to the Boo- rah week 26. Majestic Theatre (M. M. Dodge, mgT.> Ket- tle Stewart Is Svreet Nell of Old DrnrT ifeck as. Alcazar Theatre (E. D. Price, nsr.) Tbe Dictator week 26. TiToll Theatre fW. B. LcabF. W^l Tbe Isle of Spice week 88. Grand Opeta Boaie (H. H, ritlblll. acr.) Scottr. Boa ad Dealk TbHv —^ ~ Albatatea (GeOL H. Daeft. nlgbt Marriage week 28. Central Theatre (Ernest Howell, mgr.) Too Proud to B«c week SA. Cali!ornla^T%eatTe (C. P. Hall, mgr.) BeUIy andWo9'B Big Show week 28. Orpbenm Theatre (John Morrlsy. mgr.) How- ard Brotbera. Cris Bmno and Hatwl Bnaaell, Perry <3orwey, Mitchell and Cain. Bert Coote and Co.. CtoUiy Family. Tony Wllaon and Bel. olse and Amoros Slaters week 28. Flaber'i Ibeatre (Tony LObelskl. , msr,_> Weleb, Prmncia Bnrlesqne Co., Baymond Tea^ Christopher, Loola Brotbera and others arcck 28. Noreltx llieatre (8. Lorerlcb, mgr.) Bnrcb. Gerald and Clayton, Ftank and M ann and otn- era week 98 BOBB OOBSS. 91 Elidaa Bldg. FBann.—Slamlty a. B. Tlcne. msr.) Earl and Wilson. AL Baand, dlflted and Eddy, DIdi and etbera week ML OAXLASS.—KOrelty (Gny Bmltb, mgr.) Three Mlllarda. Cladetone OUIdlcn. DeMoaa, Great Leonl. UoIIenry Brotfaoa and otbeia week 26. SAB BEBNABOINO.—Opera House (M. L. KlpUnger, mgr.) Pullard'a Lmipntlan Opera Co. 21-22; delighted capacity hnalnesa. laty Parlllon. EUery'a Band 17: fair bnal. DCH tnd pinsed Broadway Tbcatre (Damon Cooley, mgr.) Fair retoma the mle. Under canraa—BIp Pan Win- kle 16; boalnesa fair. SAS JOSE—^Unique (ESd. Lena, mgr.) SeoiAle Stmi, Trarlolos. Kltly Walsb, Franx Banlei'i Tyrolean Singers and otbers week 28. 8AHTA B08A.—NoTeity (Joe Cowen. dbt.) Wemhiea. Ompbells and otbam week 88, VALIXIO.—Meeelty (Sam Hiaii1iM> asr.) Harris Weataa and Hathaway, Xha AMna and Aarora Slaten week tt. COLORADO COLOBASO BFBTW QB. O pata Baaae. Xbaau """"^iSBr^tS^'jBHSt^aS^BlSil IKS' moot w e a ^Ma^^M; bnalneae good. Fonr Foberts, Flemen end Bllller, Gideon Chadren, Bamhsm and Van WIe, and Ethel M. Allen week 26; bnalness good. FOBT OOIxnrS.—OMaBoasc (T. A;,^acc. mEr.)T1ir Girl from SIMMttWj SMMlBeaa West's Minetrels 22; packed BaaM. -MrtlOBal Grand Opera Co. 30. ; FTTEBtO. — Earl Theatre (O. M. Mcrrla. mgr.) J. Frank Ely. DeCrtw Xdo. Sid De ClaliTtllc. Dan and Bessie Kcl^, BcaBBMBt and otbers week 28; baslnees good. CONNECTICUT BBTDOEPORT Smith Theatre (B. C. Smith. mgr.) Boston Symphony Ordiestra 19; eipaelty hnalness. The OoUcge Widow 20; blg^boalnesa. The Tcoderfoot 21; large andlenea. 'way Down East 22: pleased aUed bonae. Tbe Old Oafhie Man 28-24; pleaaed big aodlencea. Kdlar 88: Hnmin Hearts ZT'^S; W. H. Ckaas S: IhB Two Jebaa 8841. Poll'a (B. B. Mltebdl. mgr.) TevO^ Haa|. kins. Delmore and Lee, NeS and Miller and othera week 19; bnslness good. Cliff Beraac Bellman and Moore. Dean Sdsall & Ca. Mile. Traja. TbaauM and Pldoeo. Oadleax aad HUt Wood waek 88. Bigra.) A Baaed Beta 18: md basl- ano^ peefanaaaee. Tbe Black Cfeook 22; good show and fair b oaln es a. The GtH Patsy 9; good performanea and fair tetania. The Beed. ncaa Tenderfoot 26; One atttaetkB and baatnesa. Wm. a. Craoe 87; aoot MMMaa.: The Old Clothes Man 28; Ltttfi'MBar'AMa'Si: Tbe SI. WATBRB UBT.—Janaaa <>pera Boose (Jsa. W. Fttxpatrlek, mgr.) tem OUIetto, Barry La- Roae A Oa., Oager and Walters. Cbaissbxt. Dixie Sereoadera. and others week 28: fanslnesa good. Poire Theatre (Harrr Parmwa. mgr.) Im- perial MoTlng Pictures 18; fair boalaeea. The Oollese WMoer 18; (ood boslnesa. Tbe GIri n^.SSt «ilr - -—■ —^ — tnms. Down Bait 28: fair KcUar 88; -Vm. B. Crane 80; Behind tbe Ma* 81; BaM. XanteU April B; In Old ~ ~ M; WUton Lackaye DELAWARE WILXnrOTOH.—Garrlck Tbeatre (W. B> Dockatader, mgr.) Cbas. and Jack Abera. Kleta and CUCiaa. Max Wttt. ~ ~ Karer. JM Xlw saA ~ Lycenm Theatre (Dan Hmapbrlea, mgr.) Pannbrokerv good boalnesa. Tnc 8 Set 22-31: good bnalness and Show. M<«ad- den's Fists 2B-28: good bnalaesa. A Ciowb of Tlioms S>-9I: Tbe MIbmbiI Girl Apfll 8-4: Old LaTcoder 9-7. Grand (lease K. Baylla, mgr.) Mra. Wlnca of the Cabbage Patch 23: floe boalneaa. Bca Obaoln 21-22: fair hoslneas. Tbe lale e< Boac Bong 2t: fair retoms. The Grafter 88; IBBd bnsinesa. Jack O'Brien 27; Tbe Clanssaaa-BSa.' Psnl Jones 81; Vanity Fair April 2-3. ^ DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WABHIHeTOV.—(New National (W. B. Balpby, mgr.) BaM. EdiBea ta Straosbeait SB (J. 8. tigflm. mgr.) Pania Bdwardes ta Tbe Prtoeesa Beggar week 88: excellence pcrfcrmance and bnslness. Tbe Bui and the Girl week AprU 2. Colmubla (Lnckett A OMg. mftt-t and Beath In Ttie Ham ^MB- ness and performance gaaS. ' 1 Lady week AprU 2. Majeatle Theatre (Mr. Ira LaSfotte, mp.) Tbe TolimteeT Organist week 28; bsKnesa (ad perTormaoce good. Tbe Saltan of Snla week April 2. AcadMoy of Mnslc (Joo. W. Lycos, mgr.) Qneen of tbe White Slaees week 28: anod ba^ ma I^t OgUlFJM* ness aad pevfonntnce. A«gn S. T. & FLORIDA JACKBOHVILLE.—Doral Tbcatre (J. D. Butnldgc, mgc.t Daral StoA Ce. 18 nd week; good bostness. AUce Nielsen SI; pinaid Beed lllislaiss Baster Brown SB; MB baMaHa..7M.; »al Sleek Co.. Indef. -- i GEORGIA ATLAKTA.—Crand (B. L. * J, L. Dc atfW, mgta.) ^ime. MantelU Gxand Opera Ob. St-SB; ^ -|iS_JMIt Jaa lea.) Sserst S mlt a and perttemance. sal 2848, Tb BtJoB (Take Sam .week S8: Beed.' A Boeky Boad ta DBHIa aaek Anrn 8. Star (J. B. TbonpaoB. a«r.) vaaderllle aad burlesque serred to atoaet laiie booee week 26. n* Tbeatrc (Harry Pewcra. JMX.) Week laeg Jj iiia. la JBkB. fiSS^vl^ OOZmmn—S^rlncer Opeaa asrisiK. aB.) Doelutidct*8 — lisv'atffinlacH One. ILLINOIS CBICAOO.—Illinois Theatre (WUl J. Dael*. mgr.) Week AprU 2. Olga Netbenole IB Stpho: secoDd week. Magda. CaroieB, Ilir Bec- ond Mrs. Tanquersy. CamDe aad Tbe Labvrintt. Poweia* Tbeatrc (Harry Pewcra. JMX.) 2. Bin ~ " " ~ thing: band. Giaad Opcia Bease (Baosr 8. aSi - - - WeA . Oarriek Leailc Carter ta Theatre (Sam P. Week 2, Margaict Anglta ta Zlia. StndebBkcr tbeatre (B. - B. Baimeyer. msr.) Week 2, Tbe College Widow. Colonial Tbeatrc (George W. Lederer, mgr.) Week 1, DIgby Bell ta Tbe Bdueatlon at Mr. Plpp- McVlcker'a Tbeatxe (GeOL C. Wanca. asi.) Week X, The LaSalle Theatre 1, Hie Umpire. Great Northern TbeatiB (V. 0. Week I. Banlon's Vaat Andltoriom (MUwaod i, Oiaad Opera, aaa Week dranae. Olympic Tbcatre (A. Jacobs, mgr.) Week 2. Vanderine and Oto. K. Spoor's fctnodrame. Haymarket Theatre (W. W. Freonan. mgr.) Week 2. VanderUle and Geo. K. Spoor's klaa. dronae. People'a Theatre (Wtagfleld. Bowlaad .* CUt- ford. mgrs.) Week 2, Stock. Criterion Theatre (Llaesta J. Ontex; msrj Week 2. Dangers of Weckteg OMa. tateraatioaal Theatre (W. g. Clwdiad. mgr.) Week 2. TaadrMBe and asih Oiatar Optlscope. Albamaira Theatre (Jaasea H. Buna, m^i. Week 2, War ot the 'fiaiissiilMI ■.■.•. ^ ^'--.'v ^ Academy ef Moslc (WW. BaChC^ av>l WBH; 2, The Ninety snd Nine. BIJoo Theatre (Wta- Bodte, mgr.) 2. A MlUlooaIre Tramp. ^ Bid J. Edsoo's Tbeatie (Sid J. Baaoa. mv-i Week 1. Borlesque. ... ■ Trocadero Thestre (I. M. WaBBB8W.'.ai^». Week 1, Oaalao Olrla Oa. t-'olly Theatre (James A. Week 1. Borlesque. Coltaenm iStvaarttoaaWa^ Wft.) ftMlB ». H lds eB. - mmt^h Ibeatre. Mnaeom rtVm. and Ibeatre. L. »AT mxr.l carta Sweeney. w BBBT mt