The billboard (Jan 1910)

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69i 4iM%IAKf9,nm. (CoDtiiiDed from pe^e 49.) Slarkis! Brtw.. comi'nj- mnslcal act. Loder mad Kll^worUi. sinjfers aud eatertainera; act worth vbUe: and BUouacopo. Easiness good. JEP fEBS (W. ManluU. mgr.) Week of D«c. 28, ^^J'*^ *"* Co.; ^ *^ ot f« World; "— Wt. Boodi crdUts; roar lia- dkcs: H4ra aad Wiaae, slasliix and —~ Mmr of Tank .MB and bost- ■M DBSA3IUXS (B. G. Babcwk. n«i;) Sonca and Pletnns. EUPIBE (A. W. SnSar. mgr.) Soos* aod plctnrea. aa^atftj, — Hasbes, msr.) Songs and pletnca. Durkee. mgr.) Soogt and pletsna. aSE 01X7.—GBAMD OPBBA QOUSB. ndSoaahlaa Occ^ S; Mtai Fettlcsau MINNESOTA. KnTHEUOUBL—UTBIC THEATRE (A. 7. Cnlntridge. mgr.) The PasAn Flower, with wiru ilme. NaxlmoTa week of Jan. 2. MKT- KOPOLITAN OPEKA HOUSE (I_ N. Scott. uiCT.) The Thief Jan. 2-5; Tbe Prince of To- -Mght. wiUi Henry Woodmft, Jan. 6-8. BUOU <1I-ERA HOUSE (Tbeo. D. Hajs. mgr.) Ttie lipase of a Tbooaaod Candles week of Jan. 2; Tbe Uop and the Moose week of Jan. O. DBW- ET THEATRE (Aicble Miner, mgr.) Sam T. Jaeta week of Jan. 2; Tbe Frolicsome Lambs o< Jan. a. PRINCESS THEATRE (Prank Ig- macj The Keill Stock Company In remytOc at Jan. S. GAXKTX THEATRE (S. B. SSaoo. mgr.) Blea aad BartoB*! Salctr Co. week of Jan. 2; Tka Bi m a wa j AUa wkA of Jan. 9. -iiaxa THEATRE (W. F. Oallaxber. . mgr.) Anna Era Fay, Alf Btpoo. HInes-Klmball Tnapc Peter P. Baker. Alra George and tbe Jlu^cope week of Jan. 3. OBPHRinc THB- ATOB (G. E. Eaymond. mgr.) Valerie Bergere and Co, Winona Winter. SterUnz and BcTell Arary and Hart, Faye. Miller aod Weston. Cbarlene and Cbsrlene. Clark'a Slonkeys and the Klnodnme week of Jan. 2. ISIS THEA- TRE CU. E. Land, mgr.) Special randeTlIIe at- rractloos. Al. L. Poster, aosmented orchestra and motion picttires weet of Jan. 2. CASINO BOLLEB KtSK (A. C. Kaech. mgr.) Boiler * "t1ng . Alec Gondeisoo's Concert Orcbestra WMk o< Jan. 2. 'WONDERLAJiD TUEATHE E. umd. mgr. ) yu aaa plctnrea and Hhm-. ttated aooga. KOVELTI THEATBE (L. E. •.and. mgr.) ninstrated aooga aad —rHitn ole- tnrcs. SCENIC THEAIBtf"II- B. Seknldt. Pictnres aod nioMiatcd songs. CRYSTAL THEATRE (D. J. LaBa^Bg^inl Icatrated songs and motion pletiwM. OBOl FAMILY THEATRE (A. J. EaraSuS. «b5b?0 Motion plctnrea. lUnctrati-d songs end cootmooba Tanderlile. MAJESTIC THEATBE (B, \5: Jobssoa. mgr.) Motion plctnres and Illustrated aooga. LYNDALE THEATRE (Paul WelgeL S&l.rMSiiS'.-Pi.'*'^ niostrated soogs. TOIUjTOEATBE. ninstrated soDgs and mo- «>f«_P!eto^ PEOPLE'S THEATBE. ninstrat- «tPMIgl and Mgoa plctnrea. UNIQUE THE- A™» J£»*_EMott. msr.) Gerard. Carlyle 1 ?***'^ ElktUa vainer and Companj. Hatb- week or To: 8. . ' BODEBTC STE. FIXITRE. Airemr.—GEM theatre iw. j. Mj|MjliB8IPPI. ——I GER—niDO THEAXRE (O. WoI- T*^- T"^i» w5!!H,»- iSTfiS^ if tte Ranch: Jan. 3. The Cllaiax: 4. Bed-mU: «. Tbe Men of tbe Hoar: 10. Paid GIlBan: ^ : ^ ^"tS^ ■bd SnnsUa*: 3a, Ba'^ar tSK Xhe Cat and tbe Fldfl^r^ ■ MISSOURI. _ —— CITY.—SHUBERT THEATRE (Earl Srewt. mgr.; The Shnbcrts, booking agents) Blaocbe Bias in Ibe Yankee 6M we«k De<L JS: bage neecaa. Oaa . Cbeny la The Bacb ^JjT T-"** '»■- *- WttlJS WOOD THEATBE •Woodward & Bnrscsa, mgn.; K. ft Ing asents) Dec 3<KJan. I. Vlelar Slaam la Talk or New York. Week Jan. S. Bobect llai? telL GEA^■D OPEEA HOUSE (HodiOB i. Jo- ^"''v,™??-: Stafc- at HarUn. booking ag'nta) In Old KeDtoctr wt«i; Dec. 28: »pael^bnsl- °.^"t. 1"" - OBPHEUM THE- ■.:.T.v tj!?.'^'° I*'™""- ™Er-: Orphcom CTr- cnitl BUI for week Dec. 26th fcUows: Bert * <-o. in nogsn In Society: Eogene & •gMHowirt In The Hebreir Meseoger and tbe . Si^ GhWr--ltls. Tbe Big City ftnt; Patrice In The Lobylst: Tb* Hopklaa la Uraa ^Bd: PanI Klelst. paaunlaiist. ia Th» isfi^-nSi ^^f^SL?** Oooeert O rebea - ?v5SE.i™U'^°''*™°**- AOTITOBUnf THB- '.stock Crapany) Clothes w««fc Oee. 9S: Uora. -S5T^??2a°'.J[addon HaU Jaa. 2 aad weA OIUJ3 THEATBE (E. S. Erigham. mS?:^£ * Harlbl. IxwtlDg ajents) Thi- Canily Kid week ^-^ capacity. Cterer with f"**^ .T""'^ . ^.3^ CooTicf s Sweetheart weet Jan. 2. GAYETY TirE.\TnB (Tbos. Hodge- "^L^ f "^^^ Wheel) Clark's Runaway g»™- with Jack Held we.-k of Dec. 2«: At ^"'^ "s^t J«n- 2. CEXTUBI ,TIIE«BE fjys. B. Dore^an. mgr.: Western) Ilger I^les. two b<itles<(nes and Tande- ' ""^J**- Mlnera Bohemian Bnr- >_-;J'*_w»rk Jaa. 2. THE HIPPODROME Ur •FlBi Biaa. aacr.: TM Sparks' VanderlUe ItsI Geod TanderiUe week sb i ll a t. daacing. etr. WM. W. SHELLBY. -OIT—BIX3IAX OPERA HOUSE (Car- -=j- Gerhardt. msrs.) The Man on the Box Dec. Si; pleased sood rctnms. St. Elmo Jan. 20. JOFLnr.—LVRIC fChas. E. Bodkins, mgr.) The GafEnond, Dorelty act: The Blglows. com- edy aketch. and th* Zo.rarras. Jugglers. 27-29, -Xiamont an/l ililham. Tnnslcal act; Theo and bcr Dancers, character song and 'lance; Toomtrr aad Hewtna. cooedy sketch, 30-Jan. 1. <n:.UB CL- E. BaBaid. mgr.) Chas. Hanf>r<l, in The of tbe Sbiw and An American Lonl Tb» TTait, tbe Place and tbe »fctnr Vuan In Tbe Talk of Xew York Jan. KACOH.—LOGA>- (H. E. Logan, mgr.) Dec. 23. Girls; spleadid show aad good booae. Week of — - " ■ • NEBRASKA. VOBTOLX.—AUDITOBIDM (U. W. Jeneks, mgr.; K. * B. booklnga) Tba Olrl from the D. S. A. Dee. 30. TOBK.—YOBK OPEBA HODSB (W. U. Fisher, m^.) Bceton Ideal Opera Company la Tlu.' Pasha Dec. 25; capacity booae. Tbe Mia- cot 27: tM booae. ChlMS of Jltgmaa^ '^l pl4.-aaaa. " ~ ■ Jan. *t an. NEW HAMPSHIRE. XEB—^NEW PARK (Jaa. B. Shee- .) Glxl of tbe U. S. A; Dec Sl-Jaa. L (llannrt Lonnger. aicr.) Saoga. pie- tvta aad Taadcrflle. NEW JERSEY. ATLABnc CITY.—NIXON'S APOLLO (Fred .Moore, ms' I Montgomery and Stone la Old Tnwu week of 27. SAVOY (Harry Brown. Dgr.) Helen Kirk, Charles Erans. Billy Wll- soo. Joa. MuRlaad and Plctnna week of ST. XOmie'S nSB. site and Don] la, Ametla SoHawrvlBiL IttbMda and Moatzoae, ai^iiiw Btftar. JMOMk aad Co.. Gcey and Pateia. E a- Bwnldl aad plctnres week of 27. STKPLB illASB I'lEB. Bljon Comedy Clrvos and pie- tnrea week of 2T. CBITERION. Plctmea an-l scogs. YOUNG'S NEW PIER. Band concerU anil nlctnfw week of 27. BAYOHHE.—OPERA HOUSE (A. H. Woods, lessee; W. D. Nealand. mgr.) Week of Dec. 27, Bayoone Stock Corapan.T. In The Heir to tbe Hoorah; company Is a Mf; enccesa and play. Ing to eTcr-lncreat-lng bouses. Week of Jan. The Girl of th= Golden West, with Clara Knott In tbe title role. BUOU (Bert D. How- ard, mgr.; L B. A., booking agenta) Week of k^ """ Sy slcal 4og a» Tte Bays. Mcalclaaa aad aand palntefs, icaaed sad neat; B. T. Baractt and Co.. la eaaudy sketch; Tbe Ebctaaate Thief, rery eood; Alfred K. HaU. a tan nnardlan baa some niglnal and line stntt; langblog fea- ture of tbe trill: Nell Farley, balladlst. and BiJOQgrapb. _ Verr good bilL S. R. O. TREBTON—T.^YLOn OPERA HOUSE (MOBt. -omery ilos-es. m?r.) Arnold Daly In Know Tbyself Dec. 2^; good retoma. TRENT (Mont- gomery, Moses, mgr.) Tbe Eagle and tbe Girl, Charles and Fauiy Tan, Cotter and Booldlo, The Alpha Troope. Work uid Ower. Maxmllllan an*'. Adelina's Trained Animals. Three Mnslcal Co.ittcs and picttires week of 20. STATE ST. Little Garry Owen and Co., Billy Coort, Three Singing Giris^ Joe Ban aad ptctares wsek <>^ 20. ; . .:. , - . t ■ ^ . NEW YDRK.- Autunr.—HABxunm bleeckeb sau. (F. Bay Comstack, 'Mi:; J. Gilbert Ootuu.i, Ka. mgr; S bu fc ati a. aaaddng agents) Marl* Dicasler In Time's Xlgbtaisie. Dec 34-2S: Pie- aalera .performsnce. Miss Dressier weil celred. and show Sndy staged. Mnalc of a*, erage merit. East Lynne 29: Tbe Kin? of Ca* doQla 30-Jan. 1. PBOCTOB'S THBATBU (How. axd Graham, mgr.; K. & P. Cbeolt) Week Dec 20, El Coto, derer musical act; Sam Dody. character comedian, has ^ood stuff; Hardock, Knlgbt and Ompany in pleasing mVtlr sketch. The Chalk Line; Billy Famoo aD<1 Clark Sla- tets. brisk act of i^ofcen songa: Tbe Lawlocs. character Idts of street life; Soil Iran and Pas- qodena.'toogb: act of tsir merit; .Tba .Three Keatooa. rmgh and tumble coaiedF. which pleasca;' WOlatd Slamia and Co„ la ■Uader'a Farnl^Hd Fiat: -Mr. Stmm's e tv o ulil e comedy work la lilgbly iipprrcLited: boslnesa capacity. Week Dec 27. Princess Rajab. Barrett and Tteaor; Olzle Serenaders; Hayward and Hay- ward. J. Francis Dooley, Brady and Mabooey and Josle and wnile Burrows. EMPrRE THE- ATBE (J. H. Rhodes, mgr.; Eastern Wheel) Sereo:tdens Dec 20-32; bnrlesqaes. A Day (%rk and Tbe pteoplo's Clioiei^ la i iud ae a Bab Vaa Oaten with good rsai djr wotfc , aad a Baa dbana that ea3 ai^g. Ia •110^ WBUaBS aad Westoa, fair cofMdy skcteb; Alaaee amd LocrslBe. mnsl. (■1 walk oc Bcdl; Sanndcn aad Camcraa, com- edy JnssUns with dlflicnl tileta: Aaale Bart, Irtoh character songs; Cracker Jacka Dec 23- tmrlesqnes, Inoocent Girls and Best Ctue vma, please andJencej wiUi cp-to-date songs and satire. Bflly Hart, funny. In olio. Frank narcoort and tweWe Belles and Swells; char- acter comedy work of Harconrt good. LaBelle Marie, dainty French songs. Pealson. (^Idle and Lee. trio, who sing fairly weB. Fire Plro- scoOs Family, soperlor Jng^ODg act: boslnaas sood. Qoecn of tbe Jardm de Paris 27-28; Boa- Teas SfrJaa. I. GAIEirT THEATBB (Mis. Howard KIcbala, mgr.: Wcatets Whed) Dec 20-23. Broadway Gaiety Glrla in At Monaco and Tbe Pirates of Peszanre. tmrleaqne of fa. moos opera, which hardly Improre on tbe orlg. Inal. ' In olio. Miss Amy Allen j-leased front row. Antrim and Peten, In aongs aad patter, are i;ood team workers; (^Iton and Terre, singing comedians; Fire Brown Bros., cooren- tlonal musical act. Dec 2i-25, Colonial Belles Barlesqaes. Tbe Pole Hnntcrs and Tbe Dia- mond Palace are timely in fsir and lonefnl mn- alc la oUo. Jrrln Klloger, illustrated song^^: Boika^ Hnilsad aad Bsatcda st*a character «bleh la ataMB aad dtiar. CMian and KTny. -aad Blsrt and SfcOoM^ boQi unimport- ant. Dec 2T-29. Cozy Comer CMs: hosioess splendid. MAJESTIC THEATBB (EmH Delcbes. mgr. I VaodeTille and moving plctnres. PBOC- TOR'S ANNEX (Gay Greves, mgr.) Uorlnc pla- tnrea aad iOastrated songs. AUBIIBB. —BPBTTS AUDITOBrmf (John N. Boas, Bgr.) Fi>r Her Brother's Sake Jan. 1; Aadicw Slack in The Prlj;ce of Bohemia 5: Viola ADen la The White Sin ter Ja n. 7; Walter Jones m Going Some 8. JEFFERSON (Henry Mnldoon. niRr. j Tbe Family Dec 29; The Caniiy Shop Jan. 3: Third DeRree S; Chicago Stock Co. week of 10: Tbe Tblef 18. DREAMLAND and THEATORIHM. Doing S. B. O. boslDess. IIAVPYLAND (Ed. SlnqMon, mgr.) Waltzer Twins, s. and d.: The Smiths, comedy sketch: Vligiaia Haebel. a. aad d.: Tlie Lncers. comedy sketch: Isabel B s t a l m el sad Co., sketch: and Gen. F. Taekar. sMi: weak of 27. MOTION WORLD (B. B._BBr.,an.» JUsa MsMaKalae. whistler: jam -X ^^Smm. ^pta;. MBB Bea- trico GiiuiiHsii, s M I U M i. aai p l C l w a' week of JT. COaTLAND—NKW rOBTLAXD TaEATBE tv, it. Dillon, mgr.) Tbe TraTclIng Salesman THFIATKE .\IIDITDBIUM (Mr. Cooper, mirr.) Killer statinc: Rood buslnesj. DAITTILLE—ITECKSIAN'S OPEBA HOUSE ^I.. U. n^kman. m^r.^ Noll Twomey In St. Elmo 27: hiKhly talented cast, entire satlsfac tion to cro»rdMl house. Fnst-T Brown Jan. 27. THEATOBIUM (E. B. Cridler, mgr.) Plctnres end socgs. ELMIBA.—LYCEUM (Bela Circnlt Co.. mgis.; K. * E. booUag ageaU) Eight BcBs Dee. ^ Tbe Gambler of the West Jan. 1. MOZABT THEATRE (Q. W. MIddletan. mgr.; L 8. O.. Nome, cterer laMbMl act: Taaaar aad Oilbert. Dec 20-28; lane ■•• MB aliased bogsss. BI- ALTO THKATBi W. W. iCOoBasn. Bsr. aad booking anat) Wa&Ma aad Haoia. Ida Graan. Panllaa WmSm. M^OgMakJMiSjbfe|bl. WilliaB Maeaa Kb Biaai Bee 20-23. XnroSTOB.—OPERA HOUSE (C. V. DuBols, mgr.) Tbe Call Dec. big tiualness. Go Won Go Mohawk 37; The Third De^ e e jai._^ BUOU tnrea and aooga. MEWBUB O—ACADEMY OF MDSIO (Tted M. Taylor, mgr.) Tbe Third Oegreo 2S: good pertormaace; two large audiences, Tbe Call 27; good attendance, tio Woo Go Mohawk 28; nietnrca and Taodeellle 29; St. Elmo 90; New Sonoy Sooth 31: The Climax Jan. 1. HEW BOCUEU.E.—L O E W S' NEW IIOCHBCXB THBATBB iLoenV Am. Co., trops.; J. F. Lee, mgr.; Loots We^Uy. bookln.: agvoti Dec 27-29. Rem Brandt, cartoootat. Miinethtng nmr and clerer; Lrona Pain, slngmg eoinedienne. pRt^ fsir; Cherldah Simp- -a « Co.. rttj ganl: tnlUoiBla Trio, dx-ter oiuaical ad ; Waat tmi Cmmm Ib Ik* SmMa JMae. sood dtB-Anadtaa: Ucarlea and^ aBlr SOr; AAaan aad M«A goad act. Dee. IfrJaD. l. BiiBoie, Geo. Alezender. Mr. and Mrs. Header- amn. nams^> Sl>ters. Wiu*1 and CorraXL. Etciaa KranM- snd Morten Jevel and Co. BOCSESTEB.—LYCEUM (M. E. Woilt, mgr.; K. & £., booking agents) PoUy of tbe Clims opened a week's engagement 27 to capacity boslness; performance, while good; Is not np to last year's offering. Tbe (^ndy Shop Jan. 4-S, with-Bock and Fulton featnred. NATIONAL. (Hany Hnrtig, mgr.: Shaberts, booking agents) Marie Dressier In TUlle's Nightmare ^7-20. ex cellent prodnctloo, lavishly cootomed aod cap.-*h'.> ^ayed: Mg bosloesK. Florence Roberis In Tbe Ttaastamatioo 30-Jan. 1, Maxloe KUlot In IMwrah of Tod's 3-5; (leorge Arllss In Septlmna lO-IS. TBMPLB (J. H. fSfsb. mgr.; O. B. O. CbCDlt) Tan Bleae aad Oib Ik.Xba Master Mo- deecr; Bait l*rj. lantetm saat cbei . Tcxy ar- tistic; Mr. and Mrs. Jlonv Baay. sketd^ fsir; NaUla Y. Nichols, coaedlcaite, good; Byaa and Whits, dancing, good; Makcresko Traope of Bosvun Singers and Daneos, splendid set and •*»allns wardroiw; plctnres cloeed week of 27. IsARBB (D. M. Canfinan, mgr.; Shnherts, hook- ing agents) Strongbeart week of 27, well played and prodocdon good. <X>OK OPERA HOUSE IF. G. Parry, mgr.; S. * H., booking agents) The Sporting Deacon 27-29, fair performance to good bnalness; Bert WlUlams in Mr. Lode of Koal 3»Jan. L CORlNTHlAJi (F. N. Straoaa, am.: Eastern Wheel) Tbe Bowery Burlesqucn of 27. Tciy ardlaaiy u e iftam aace; Baa wbo la tealaiad«^toj fair ceuwd laa bat b is Wa lMsw ekssa ctea laiy rcpolalse. VnCB^THB ■BnOBBIIT IPsrey WalBag. am: r. B. O) MUMtet amrat and Ca in .\Wdke at tbe Bwltekt TIaMia aod FlUpatrick. In The Tom of tbe Ttda. sood; Relf Biothcr^ and I'ntTT- singers and daaecn. tiae; EUaaneth MnrRjr. character soogs, excellent; Harry Sea- bark. pliv«ical coltnr? act. greitt: Bedlnl and .^rtluir. trureaty Jngs^ers, Ian;:Mu? hit of bill: and ;>lctt)res week of 27: plavcd to eap- nclfr. M»JESTIC (J. O. Brcoks. mer.: Bora Clrcuir) TSe Caab Girl, with Mar Ward Dot 28; Tbe Candy Shop 2!i. HIPPODKOME (P. F. iJlaney. m?T.l ITInoolitew and Klasa, gnlck chaoge artists, sinking and talklnir. fine: Leon- ard and .\!t1o. sketrta. sood: Will Herbert, traatp eoardiaa, blc hit: Marshall Broiiien. IJ naa»ti> Baci anaas aad p tctares waafc a( 37: r^im aMMMk ORPflRtnr (Foul ft' AaiMaoB. a«r.: CWlU C19 Booldngs) Meslesa n«r- saaa aaj tt»L* aasgielsns. fine- Oirry and BBey. f S Ulldir irtiealaeBet Slnsin!; and daiciug mit. hi;; Mt: Jsekana unC WHe.v. colored nngets aud dinri-rs. romeilliins. pood. Pec. 2^30. Mr. ind Mrs. Ot-o. y^BAon. western playlet. In the Bnck- les, pleased; Will Herbert, comedian, floe; JTnlpc ao'l Carrlngtfn. c>>medlans. great: soops and picture* 30-Jan. 1. COLU^IBT.V Mt sic H-\LL (Sam i;nti.tsrtt, ipcr.) Vsm'*- vill.'. nTIO.\ r.UJI GABOEN (Wni. Asirews. mcr.) Vatiderllle. YOHKEBS.—BIJ3n (M. Scblsark. mgr.) Ple- inres ^"i^^^L ^"'^ **tlMla**SS2 ^Sanwn Tbuui i iii <m . 31m C: Dtaaa- aad ^alciBiaa sank of 37. ORPBEtJM (S. SebwarS^ atr.) Pearl IJo:nI. Frank Bnrt. Fannie aad Massle. Usxle Moore, H. A. Daries.- Chas. and Fannie Van and otiiers week nf 27. PALACE (Heiry Hamilton, mgr.) Plctnres week of 27. W AgBPR TON (Jn*. E. Schanbeiger. mcr.) Lo^in|WeslrT. I.«strr and Shannon. Btbd Fnller aaJfl|R>.. John F. Clark. Bobertr's Animals. Wamea^Dd Lake- food. Dflla and Templetoo, Weber aar Harring- laa aad >ictnr^ week of 27. NORTH CAROLINA. CABSOIBO.—OPEBA BOOSB (8. A. Scbkns. lessee: Jeba A. Weddell. Ir.. toeal a«r.l Jen- nie Tempest in lady Aodley's Siecret Dec. 30. OHIO. ALLIANCE.—COLUMBIA (J. SUnley Smith, mgr.: Mose Bles. ttooklnz agent) Tbe Keyes Sisters Stock Co. week Dee. 27. ORPHEUM (W. B. Crawford, mgr.; Oos Son, booking s«sBtt BMsar Vleldlac aad Mabd Taan. FIfM. Mtb conedlaBS, Tcty 'derer; Al. Bessie. J a ggl e i. latrodoeed good coaiedy and Jngdlng: Tbo Vbar Clsysoas, musical act, Tery good act: Tlie Sterling Bros., roller skating, Introdoced many Doreltles: Tbos. McFsriand. moDOJogne: Delrao. eccentric Joggler. eery clerer; for week of Dec. 20. bnsloess below STersge: Christmas big. PRINCESS (C E. Best, mgr.: Western Jteserre Vanderllle Ageaey. booking sgenls) Toay and Flo Vasaoa. nowelty sketeb airtlata. wcat well; Daeid KMe. clown Jaolcr. good: Kaa. J a amn rbw esalortlatfst. bis bit: Tbe Bassicr Kid aad ber edaested pica, very rlerer: week nf Dec 20: bu a iaes s Improred on Chrlatmas. EDISONIA (T. F. Kearsey. mgr.) Motion plctores. LYBIC (F. A. Hartsell. ngr.i Morion pictures. Bnfilnesa poor at all theatres dnrlng- early psrt of the week with all attrae- tlons playloK capacity Christmas. AKBON.—GUAM) OPERA HOUSE (O. L. Elrtcr. mcr.) I^na Rlvprs Dec. 27-20; capa- city biwln«»r^. f^arlottp T'-mple 30-Jan. 1: good return*. Tbe Wolf 3..'*: Married In Haste 6-8: The Call of the Wild 10-12; Her Dark Mar- rlaei- ilnm isn: Oneen of tho Secret Sertn 17-1!). COLONIAL (F. K. Johnson, aigr.) Tbe House of a Tbsassal Caadisi Ja%; Is ,Tha OM QoestloB «: Tfea flMI Kte'W MHBI- Cbilt la Maiya Kaa* O. ' - . . .. -4W mnM' Wttlaa. - * . Oa*. ,) Bawdacs Blsar Vie, Mi .Bsai. Southern melodrama, good bnslaeas. Unci* Tom's Cabta 28: Tbe Mooaahlasc'a Dsnghier 31; Ma's New Haabaad Jaa. 1: Blebard K:,tt IM MaiF*a LaMb T. OBnOniM (Gbas. * Cisn. Uanuaoad. mga^ laVbiatts BMsib. daaren. rlerer; Oeo. Parrls. cartesalst. sood; Uan. Uesaio aad Co, In A Chappie's Visit, not fnuny: Karl Baymood, singer, good; sad Orest Cox Family, sluger. good, week of 30; boalnrsa 8. R. O. PRINCKSiS (Ta.Tlor It Clark, mgia.) Prof, tarl E. OolTln and Co., hypnotists, good; Ken- dall Bros., club awlni;ers, good; sod Bingham and Gable. CANTON.—GRAND OPEKA HODSB (U. Beta Circait <:o., lessee; Elmer B. Batter, tea. mgr.) Tbe Brand of a Thief Dec 35; aasd melod ram a; airt dtom Rector's Oac IS: Tae Uoase of a Thsoaud Candles M: Jtcny Wtdaw aad tba Derll Jaa. ti Biokea Marriage Tow S: Joa Jef. fctsaa «: na QM Qoeatloa 5. ORFHBUM (San * Mnirajr. lesser; Fnd Bllloo. Bfr.) Heidelberg Four, Happy Jack Gardaer. CM Lawrence Co., Eugene Mnller Trio. Xba " mans and Orpbeuuiscope week of 27. URRAJILAND and MAJESTIC. Plefirea. CBESTLINE.—OPBBA BOUSE (Oeorgo >L Beck, mgr.) TJade Oarld Holcomb. Jan. S; Her Dark MaiTltge Mom 10; Girl of the Moontalna se. . IBONTON.—MASONIC THEATBB (B. F. Ellaberry, mgr.) Ms's New Husband Jan. 4; at. Elmo 7; Joaba« Mmpklns SI. BMPIBB TaBA- TRB 'Ilenrr Baatec aigr.l Arthur Payne. BlaF* ink' ii-giUaMte aofsltF lastrameats: B ee bft a r t sad Haj, -ivtaed aMer team; Omar. DmiM •MUBcar: ia^ »asaa Ualseal Trio: Albert Xa^ soag and daai*>' Carrol ton and van. cmmbf sketch; motion plctnres snd Illustrated aonga week 20. SCENIC THEATBB (Bngh Cameron, mgr.) Motion plc[ur>"i and illustrated soogs. MAHSnELD.—MflMORIAI. lAlbaugh & Doe- rlgbt. lcii.-F«-s) Dec. 28. Qulocy Adama Sawyer; CO'id as erer. 30, Richard Carle In Mary's 1 imt: Jan. l, Bcr Dark Marriage Morn. OB- I'llEOU (Ctass. C. Oesfdorff, mgr.) Lampe Brrs., noTcIty act, fair act; Emily Nice, alnglng comedienne, good singer; B^lt, Oaytos aad Belf. dauclng act; excellent daneen: Baienaa. Bd* munda and Bnwiaoo. ccmedy playlet, (ood stag- ing, fair eooMdy. week of 27. Week at Jaa. i, Ibe Cobta. n«d WiUwai aad yMH» M fc _. D. Harris, lean aigr.) Craea Tea BladdllbH la Tbe Golden Butterfly Dec. 28; The Mooo. shiner's Daughter Dec 30: Morris Vauderllle Jan. 1: Keith Stock Co. week of Jan. 3; Tbe Stepson Jan. 10. OBPHIUM (Gas Sun * O. O. Murray, lessee & tngrs.; s. E. Veaiey, local mgr.) Week I>ec. 27. Tlic Cobbs. Don Tin Yaw. Veolette and Olds, Frasler Trio. The Sully Duo. Melrose and logram. Billy Ray. Coast-McFar* land i'o. and Orpheumscope. Week Jan. Nick aod Lyda BnaaeU. Geo. Daum. HeidelbaiB Fniir and Qnlglcgr aad Adall^ • NAFCL£ON.^AMIUHni OFKBA. BOOB (J. M. Relcer, mgr.) The CbB- aC tbe Wild Jsa. B. EDISON DREAMLAND (A. Sasrdlab. mgr. I Sonfs and pictures. STAB (Chas. H. DeGroS, mgr.l VnodCTltte; bn^lness ased. NELSONYXLLE—STUAST'S OPEBA BOUSE (L. J. Warner, mgr.) Johnsoa-Ketchel Bght plctnres Jan. 3. CRYSTAL (B. T. Mitchell, mgr.) Scrmiiton Sisters and Sid Baker and Baby flrs t half w?ek of 20; both fine acts. BTEnBEHTUXE. — GRAND (A. M. Morly, mgr.; M. Bria Circuit) The Quern of the Out* kaw'B Camp Dec ^: pleased two top heavF. hooscs. The Hoosc of a Tboosaad (Undlet 28: Married ia Haate 29; Lena BlTcts 81. KA> HONAL (W. G. Hartsboea. msr.; Wm Or- coltl 4aF BMan. soag aad daaes: fsad. IdraU snd BeibaiB. skit; uir. Tba Bataffa. acrs- haU; floe. McCjoley aad maaeil. Mack face: fair. Earl McClure. Inlancer. iplsBdld. and plctnres week of 27. PALACB fX. C Irooa, mgr.; Keith Circuit) Morton and Kahu, musical act; Cheyenne Charley, cowboy; John Gordon Co., comedy sketch; and plctnres week of 27; fair boslnesa and ahow. ADDITOBniM BIMK (M. McGIII. mgr.). BkallM: tair bM' CENTRAL RINK (l. M,. OOM. ; Ingj fair returns. ^ . SFBINOFIBUL — FAIRBANKS (Harry Ketcbam, mcr.) A 27; good sLow, poor dm^ Mary'a Lamb 38; fair atteadaace. Bl» wSB 1^ relTcd. GRAND OI'ERA HODSB TsnabtlC'l- tractions) Tbe Bine Mouse Dee. Sl-Jan. L IICW- SDN. Vaii dcTll le drawing large attendance. VKBLnmSTTLLE.—cm OPEOtA HODSB (El- Tln and Tan Ostrao. mgis.) Lonesomt Cars Dec 2»; Married In HaM.W. fha aU frem tbe D. S. A. 7: OM Aam l 17. KBDPP'S THEATRB (WbK l Pletnies; Ictsies; good h wiRwni —PI ex. caltst; PIcards and Trtbas PerfMBli tores Jan. 3-10. (TBE mgr.) Pictures; rery good (D. S. Fisher, mgr.) Motion plctores: aretsge attendan ce. ZANESVnXE.—WELLEB THBATBB (Via cent Searllle. mgr.; Bels circuit) Al. O. Field's Minstrels (^rlst mas matinee aikd night: big bualness. OBPHEUM (Snn A Nurray. props.: C. L. HamBtoe, mgr.) Vauderllle; fair business Christataa week. Will split tbe week with Victoria at Wheeling hereafter. HIPFODBOMB (W. B. rDcacaa. mgr.) TaaderUle aad plctaiaa. Business good Cbilstaus week. JebM '~*' flgbt pictaias Bee 28 to SS laelaalast' ness. Will split week la time, with PortsBMatb baa CASINO (W. . C. QninOv^. Tlile bills a week. F*^— good Chrlitsas week. OKLAHOMA. BABTLESVILLB,—OKLAH TBBATBB CJ. Fllnn, mtr.} riaal aettlNNnt Dee. at; gaad prodncUaa. Mr Mwia^; ^I^^ tw^ aS; Rtmoghcnrt 31; Tbe BIfbt of War Jaa, 1. LYBIC (Wells Bros., mgrs.) Tsodernie aad pictnrci ncek of 27. COLISEUM SINK (Orey Brn«.. mcr«.> Roller skating: good returns. McALESTEB.—BUSBY THEATRE (A. B. Estes. mgr.; Amerlcsn Theatrical Circuit, book. Ine agent) The Olnferbroad Man Dec 21; The Cat and tbe Fiddle 27: flUed bouse oo return engagement. Btreagheart 38: Polly of ■ he CIrcoa Jan. 4: Lymsa Twins 6. MAJES- TIC' (A. B. Kates, mgr.) VsadeTtlle and, pie- tnres 27.Jan. L SAFUXPA.—SAIDXPA OPBBA BOOSE (O. K. Van Arman. mgr.) Btieagbeart Dec. SO. ■niOMPSON'S (O. B. Tbonnson, mgr.) Tsode- Tllle and pictures good business. SCENIC (J. L. Casey, mgr.) Plcttnes aad songs; laige aadl- enees. OLYMPIC (Bcott aad DeBa rt. ama.t Pictures and nanssu . eHmMMM'' BAU* RINK (C. r ~" " " baakat balL