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52 1'ti e til 11 t> o a r d JANUARY 22, 1910. CORRESPOMDENOE. ■ I JnCBlm; Ju. IS-IB, ltal*las HIdcet Aalnul Clreua; Dri. O anoPt conedj diatmeter Impar- ■onator. XBB OBmCBNT (B. J. Porter, an.) UOTlBr Bl«tiitas: cood biulneaa. - XHB OKAMD iJUm WmmK B>S<^) Avense bmliicaa. OKLAHOMA. BAXXUESVXUE.—OKTAH (J. F . VUna, osr.) Little Homestead T; good. Haas Haoaoa U. COLISEUM COier Bros., msia.) doaed toe tbre« wckc XcAIXSTEB.—BCSBY (A. B. Eatea, mgr.; Amerlcaa Theatrical Ctzcuit booklnits) Lyman Twins 8; made bit. Victor Moore In Talk of New York 12; LttUe Homestead 14. MAJESTIC (A. B. Ettes. Dsr.) Dnncan Stock Co. :{-S; foil iMxises. Vanderllle lO-lB. KTTBXOQEE.—aiNTON (W. K. Ulnton. mgr.) .Mca. LesUe Carter In Ttata Htme Jan. 5; fair attendanca; Xha Talk oC .Mav Jtek lA. TUB GRAND (Jo* SMaa. 'taMBB. MB- tlnnta to plow OMOtr Dolaan. XHB LY- RIC (Fired Sehenba. mgr.) Bonner and Ucre- dltb in one act farce; Tbe Slaters McDonald In ■ong and dance,' week of Jan. .1. CONTSNTIO.N HALL (Joe Pbelan. mgr.) JeOrles and Gotch wltb TanderiUe C, crowded boose. THE YAI.B (L. W. Brooby, mgr.) Morlng pictures. TBB LENHART ( B. L. Lenhart, mgr.) HoTlng plc- tana. THB WIGWAM (J. G. Ueber, mex-i Ito^K pletnrss sad maatrated aonga. THE lOElEckANTS (W. P. Hill, mgr.) HOrins ple- torps and lUnstrated songs. PENNSYLVANIA. BUTLEB.—MAJBSmC (Geo. N. Biirkbalter, Digr.) Howe's Pictures 6; pleased. House of a Tboaaand Candles 6: good returns. TrsTellng Salesman 7; pleased big baslneaa. Girl Qoestloii 10; good letnms. Riebatd Carle IT; Married In Haste 29. LXBIC (Carl aCrlton, mgr.) Great Ybar, Bollln and Morrln, and pictnzea. COREY,—T.IBB A RY THEATRE (H. W. Parker, mgr.) St. £lnjo T: large andlen,:e and excelleot attraction. Company went to Wanes, Pau. from here, wbare ttaey d eaeft i dates, and left Snsdar. S. fbc KiW Coming. BIHt Van In Patay In Mlttaa EASXOH,—ABLE OPBBA HOUSE (T. W. Alles, mgr.; Jnllns (Mm, booking agent) Brown of HarraHI Jan.. 12; efianged to mnalcal eomedr, fair. Conrict's Danghter 15; May Ward In Tbe Cash Girl 19-20; Field's Minstrels 24. OBPBEUM (J. Fred Osteratock, mgr.; WUmer d: Vlnceat Oircolt) Alexis and Scblll, singers, dancers an} contortlDQlstB, passable; MIcboIs Slaters, blackface, clever; Foar Boees of Wll* <lare, singers. ;;ood; Tbe Langblng Horse, aide- fhow trave^tr, went well; MontgomexT and Pearl, blackface mnsldaiu. poor; Welsh, Francis and Co., In Tbe Flip Mr. Flop, langblnit bit of bill; Lata Bratbers. novelty KntertslMrx. good; and pictures Jan. 19-12. Welidi, Ftancia and Company, Stoatgomery and Heal^y Slaters, VarVaty Comedy Four, Palmer and I«w]a, Swas and O'Oay, Booeo and HamUtan and OsakI Japs lS-15. BUOO (L. F. tanar, mgr.; Flo- deatlal ▼anderiUa Bzdiaiige) JaoMS OmtUf, female Impenanatgr, poar; Cnai. Stow, ebazae- ter Impecso oa tfo ns nom Sbakeivsszs, good; Welda and Serano. eqnIUbrlats. paaasble, and plctnrn Jan. 10-12. CIjo and Boaiellc, Saro and Klntlnic's Trained Animals 13-IS. OASUCO (Harper G. Smsll. mgr.; Tanner & Co., bocwinff agents) James Dooley. blackface, went well; Ellnnte Dtmbnr. mimic and comedienne, good: Mmsa aiid oictnr-M 10-12. Arcble Cain and Lonlse LaBootb 13-13. PASTTME (I. M. Tbomas, mgr.) West an-1 Yoong, comedy stag- ing aol talking, fair, ifvr KInir. ainser and <iaaccr. grmt: AL Wohlman. sin^InK comedian, toar; and pietiircji, 10-12. Dnn Sl3tcn>. Elver- lao and Sab* Vay 13-15. Jewel (S. J Keyca, msr.) Plctnrps anil scnss. TCXEDO. STAR and GESI. PIctnres. BBIE.—ALPHA THEATRE (E. H. Saerken and H. T. Voster; ugiB.) Week of Jan. 10: Hasty, eooady iugler. dercr Jnggler bat poor «omedy; Mmay Marlon and BOas Grace Lillian, ainglnir and dandog; cooa singers: Mr. and Ura. Hany Ellswartb In The SUk Stocking, a l>lg laogh: Jobaar Small and bis small sMers, singing and dandng. wen received; a* Wenats Dno. aerial artists, tery gaod: I>aTls Brothera. morlnr pletaia. CO- LONIAL THEATRE (C. R. Ckmnlaa. mar.) Week or Jan. 10: Moslcal Toys, muslealwt. wdlnatr: The Jennlero. imclety acrobats, derer: Captain Pickard's Educated Seala and Sea LIonH, Terj- good; Harry L. Scbtodrr and Com- mny. In The Lady, the Lobster and tbe Wise Guy, n big langfa: Mar»thos Trio, comedy sing- ers, good: Engene WoIObelm's Llrlne Brooae- Statoes. JMe Mt. and UKn-lnv pictures. *tA J^mo THEATRE iJobn L. GUsoo. mgr.) Brie SSS!* Band. Jnn. a- Robert K<1eaan. In A wa's a Man. Jan. 10: Robert Obcr. In Brew- I Uniloa.^ Jan. 11: Goitmde Onlnlan. In ■™^. Jta. 15. PARK OPERA HOimB 1 It GDson. mgr.> Park "Oixra lloniie „„ qmnpsnr In The tlrtt That Shonp. J.nn. 10-12; OM Hefdelberr. Jan. l.-l-l.-i. KABBIBBUBS.—ItAJESTlC (M. H. Meirick. Bgr.; M. Bels Circnit) William CoIUer 1«; flim pctCosBaacs: 12. AL G. Fleia's MlnstxeU; beat ot It* IdMarer in tbe city wltli two bic taonses. OBPBEUU (Floyd' Hopkins, mgr.; Wilms & Vincent CIrenit) -Lady Betty, tho . adncated dimpanxee, drew immenae crowds; Bowen^ Waltera and Croaker gare a fnnny m- ral tarn: tbe Helm (Children, local farorltea, were wen recelTed: N^aon and Otta gare a 'Beat piano gUi act; Hayward and Qayward are derer comedy sketcb artlsta; Setback pre- sented bis nsnal bag poncblng specialty. H«ia mil«T.g —LTltlC THEATRE (Beni. H. DIttrlcb, mgr.) May Ward in Tbe Cash Girl 5; fair performance and large aodience. Mor- Inc plctnres ou all dark nlgbts. DRKAMT.AND (Enunet Emeiy. mgr.) Oeo. Loercber. contor- tionist art. a nielli liK.,AM.^ GmI — '— pictures. BaatnM aaaB* t ef ' 1 HUBTUeiKW.—GBAKD {T. SciKdl Slew- art, mgr.) Hi* (fitter Oompaay week Jan. b-R. good sndlaieee. •zcellcnt s stlsfartlim . Tbe Girl QasMIoa 14; Martin's Uade Tom's Cabin 17: Gn- Biaa.* Minstrels IS. XAazaWB:—GRAKD (Bles (Srcnlt Joba B. Blaalager, mgr.) Jsn. 4. Daniel Boone on tbe l^mil, poor abow end boslness. Jan. 6, Tib? Banker's CbM, fair show and boaIne«s: Jan. a. May Ward in Tbe (}aah Olrl, fair business aad abow. Jan. 11, Alda; cancelled. PALACK Use. H. and Jos. J. Langhran. props.) Jan. 10 aal week: Ye Olde Home Oiolre, excellent; Bra Dareopnt, soogs snd Impersonations, good: AL aad Leila Sbanie. tbe Villnse Crass Band ComprnKT. Roral: Hank ami r,attlv Wbttcom>>. »ali> act. Air, LANCASTER FULTON (C. A. Yeckes. mgr.) Ten C.1II 8; good bualoess. Lancaster (moral Society 10; Conrlefa Dangbter 11; St. Elmo 12; Die Dopple-Rtae 13; Al. Field's Minstrels 14: A Pair of CV>untry Kids in: I'artello Stock Co. week of IT. FAMILY (Edw. Hosart, mgr.) Francesca Bedding tc Co., Alice Teclunrg (Mm, Corcoran and Dixon, Tb* Shelly Tito, Kaa Akar & CO., Charles Thompson, awalng pl«tB>es issSk of 10. Ed. BlmdeU * Co.. Basalarl. nrBias- nlngs, Bnmgz Broue Statnes, Johaqf THMii jr., rooTlo g pictures week of 17. Xe^SE&O&T.—WHITBS MEW TBEATBB (F. D. Honter, mgr.) -Jan. S, Code TCm'e Cabin, played to a fair bouse; abow not aa good aa In tbe past. Jan. 4, Thomas Jefferson in Rip Van Winkle; played to a good boose. Jan. 7-^ Al. O. Field's MinatreU; it baa .a atraag Orat part aad tbe olio la good: dUaot Jiaw tb* erawds it dCMrred. Jan. liD,^n» SMmIIik SaleamanLPleased good bouse. ' irOBBISXOWV.-^GKAllS OPBBA HOOSB tCbMM. it. SoathweU, mgrj M. Boto Clrenlt) The Show GIH Jan. 8; failed to please excel- lent business afternoon and evening; Pair of County Kids 16; The Caah Olrl 13; Lena Rivers IS; St. Blmo 18; Al. Field's MlnrtreU 19. THE OABR1CK (A. 3c L. Sablosky, mgrs.) The Poor Musical Elepbanta. one of the t>efit of its kind erer seen here; Harry Dare with bis musical Instmments, pleased; Ctaarlea and Sadie Mc- Donald In their akateh. In Mack's Cat*, made a big hit; Jo* Hart, haprrseaator, Teiy derer; with moTlng idclores; jmod business. COTTffmXE.—ACADBMY OF MTISIO (Chaa. Hanssman. mgr.> Mar Ward In The Caah Olrl U; Adelaide Thorston In Omtrarr- Mary 14; In the Bishop's Carriage 15. SLATEB (Uoyd Nell, mgr.) S. and G. Aner, Jenkins and Covert, Lemalre and Borton and Al. WUsou week of 10. LION, COLIIMBL&. and LYBIC. Pletmes: doing big baala ea a. 0ABOH. —UOBOAN GBAIO) OPBBA HOUSE (G. B. Swarta, mgr.: Bets (Srcntt) I,ena Blwa 4; good ahow. fair faonae. GABLE'S (C. GaM*. aisr.) Joba Saniran and Jake Knraln, Mail* Tner, Elale Jayme, Reese Bros.; good auow and big business. LUNA (Jnllns Moysr, mgr.) F. Rntledee and Co., aVetch: Mart Cobden, Mr. and Mrs. John Coasar, Bketcta; An- dersen and AndeisoD, D. Llviostou, sketch; Marathon Trio, a. and d.; KoIIIns and Klifton, and pictures; good ahow, large audiences. AL- PHA (A. Herrmann, mgr.) Long and Way, sketch: Dnah and Tkyta; akateh; VnT, m. «iw u.. uMw^v Mmmmm ■■wiiii, WAnEBBBBS.—OPBBA' BGCMI MmaMlI, mgr.) Out In UWka Sl'tiL _ of a Ttenaand Candles 19. ttkt,Sstt^-John- son flgbt pfetures 11: Isle oC flpi:* IS: Xeetare Coars e 19; St. Elmo 21. WASHdieSOV.—NIXON (D. C. MUler. <Dsr.; RelB Circnit) ia>e Step Soo Jan. 7; good per. formances. A Girl of the Monntatns S; fair. Great Duncan Hypnotic Comedj Co. week of 10. CASINO (C. W. Maxwell, mgr.) W. J. Wooils and Co., good cooiedy; Ansel and Dorian, ncrobata; good. ARCADE (Jaa. ATattbews. mgr.) Pictures and TanderiUe. AKCADIUil NICK. ELUDEON (J. 3. Bams, msr.) Pictures. BI- JOn -(Frank HoweU, mgr.) Pictures. ■wrvT.wwai»ftBitB, Pftfirn THBATBE (Gor- don WM^iter, mgr.) Jsn. 17 and week: Oal- latl's Uonkni, Golden and Uugbes. Rae and Brosefae, Phu Stsata, Holland Helnles, Howard and Kortb and Woods and Wooda TVlo. Jan. 24 and week: The Aerial Smiths, l)a Gran- non. Le Compt. Knigbt Bros, snd Sawtell, Ma- cart and Bradford. Prlngle and Whiting and Bnrt Shi-pbard. Week of Jan. 31: Lopes and Tx)pez, DeHaven and Sidney, Floe Irwin and C!ompany. Ham Royer. Odlva and others. LU- ZKBNE THEATRE (Louis R. Baker, mirr. I Jan. 3-5. Moulin Rouge, fair basinet: 6-F. WllUams' Imperials, good business; 10-1". Morn- ing. Noon and Night: 13-15. T^e Big Empire Show: 17-lB. Oberry Blossoms: 20-22. Fashion Plates: 23-25. Tbe Dnckllntrs; 27-29. Lady Buc- caneers: 30 Feb. 2. Bill Watson's Beef Trust; 3-5. Tte Omplres: 7-9l Yanke* Ooodl* OMa. GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Rany A. Browa. bus. mgr.) Jan. M. The Watdiers. fair hast- nessTM^ IS. JPm n Uumi laa. IS, Uaicelle. NESBjB g ^MMM M Aj Brow n, bos. nigr.) ▼aaSaellia and' movlna pletuics. wrr.T.Tanapnwp _T. T C O MIN O OPBBA HOUSE (L. J. Fisk. mgr.) Darld BIsnbam Jan. 10; pleased fair sised aodience. Adelaide ■rhnrs- ton In Contrary Marr 12. FAMILY (Fred M. Lamadc. mgr.; Moiart Clrcnltl Casey and Smith, mnalcal comedians, pleased: Wally Trio, grotesque comlqnes. clever; Three Lelgbtona. pleasing minstrel act: Tanner and.Gilbert In How to Hake Love, very pleasing: Parts Green, comedian, scored: Josephine Saxton with her DIxIs Kids, aaalsled hy -MacW BtngOid. very good act: and pletBna,nMk aC U. ORph- EU^^PIetemaM TMtl winfc Wsrtk ^^^^ ^BFS PAT<AOR ^itailaK''^5y atttaSaaee. SOUTH CAROLINA. OREENVUXE.—GRAND (B. T. Whltmlre. mgr.) Stattaa Stock Oo. week ot 8: Paid In Pie- 10 a. B. XMS. mgr.) PAULOB * ■ PIctnres aad TaadariB*. PAtMB (O. 8. JamI aon. mgr.) Pictures and ▼audSTflla. FAIRY- LAND and HAOIC. PIctnres. SOUTH DAKOTA. ABERDEEN GOTTSCITALK THEATRE (H. I- Walker, uixr.) «lrl That's All the CtnOT Jon 18. BIJOU THEATRE (Chas. W. Gates. mcT.) I-isallp and LInd. cloh lugglers. derer; Kornrlck. Rvp'tv violinist, pleased: Dell Reno, maclclan. viiglitly orfjrloal; James snd . Jeff, sketch, fair: also motion ptctntes week Jan. 8; sxeellent wsefc'sjtniaen. SKB BOUB THEATItB (C. T. »Mlttets. aMfcj-gly Kloo- drome: satlsfaetoty'week. AUOnQBIIW (Cbas. QottKhalk. mgr.) Roller ska tins, TENNESSEE. CLABXSVILI.E.-~EI.DER'S O. H. (John S. Elder, mgr.) .Faysnon's hypncrtlft, 10-12; good performance. Powhattan 1&. OOLUlfBIA.—OPERA HOUSE (Wm. Barker, mgr.) Blehards and Prlngle's Minstrels 6; plsyed to fair business, altbongh It rained so hard all day that no parade could be given. Mrs. (Hill- ton (Lycenm attraction) 10: pleased a large audience, rendering tbe whole of Polly of tbe CIrcns. taking all the parte, showing bacsslf to be a dever and versatile aatassSL ■ Wsskef 17 dark. HIPPODROME BIIOC rUUMr wBklna, mgr.) Roller skating. XHOZVUXE.—BTAUB'S (Frits Stenb, mgr.) (Gentleman F'rom Mississippi 10; Interesting. House of a Thousand Candlea 11; eoapetat com- pany. Blion (Fred Martin, ■b.V Cbsekcts 10-13; one of tb* best offerings at tta Masoo. Snaay. Sid* U Broadway 11-15; Itaa .B i ssm and hi* sanwrtlBH caniMiaF aW "»». KASHVUXZ.—FIFTH AVENUE (F. P. For- llng, mgr.) Sperry toqd Ray In Lonesome Juoc- tlon, splendid; Pecra'and Oannon, slater team, dever; Sutton and Caprice, singing, dancing and talking, went we1I;.Th*o and her Dancers, bead- llnera, hit. week otUO.' AUDITORIUM (DeLong Bice, mgr.) BlcbardS - and Prlngle's Minstrels 6-8; appreciated. Elbert Poland and Co. In A KIgtat In Veale* ISs food. CBSSCBNT (W. P. B*a dy. aasr.) Oar Flayvra, headllners. went well; Lord aatf St. Olair, sons and dance, above ordinary; Oolan, Utah eeawdlan, hit of bill; Vera Lancaster, poslas BletaMS, VMd, Jan. 10-lB. VBNDOME (W. A. tteMs, mgr.) Cat and the Fiddle 7; abov* araage. ule ot Spice 8; liked. Trlxle Frigsnsa In The American Idea 11-12; catcby. Tbe Olrl From Rector'a IS: Tbe Man of the Homr 14. GRAND (Oeo. Hickman, mgr.) 'B. J. Appleby, ban]o playing, beadllner, hit; Blair and Yant, good number; Miss Mabel MOore. trapeze, good, and plctnres week of 10. BUOU (Geo. Hickman, mgr.) (Seorge Sidney In Th* Joy BIder week ot 10; bright and tuneful piece. Boolta, In Wine. Woman and Song week of 17. DIXIE and CRYSEAL. Pictures. TEXAS. (n^EBURNE.—THB BEST (MIsS Annie Clem- ems, mgr.) Motion pictures and lllostrsted songs please Isrge andlences. COZY CORKEB (J. P. Thompson, mgr.) De Veaus and (^Ifton, pleasing act; Woo d an d Meadows Company week of 10. CLARKSVZUX.—OPERA HOUSE (C. O. Gaines, mgr.) Polly ot tbe Circus 11; big bus- iness. Tbe Hoos* ot a Tbouaaad Candlea 14. LTBIO (R. I. Brown, mgr.) Plctnrea. DALLAS.—DALLAS OPERA HOUSE (Geo, Ann. mgr.i K. * K. booklass,) Tletor Sloor* In Talk of New York lO-ll; piiaalar prsdnctloa. Servant In tbe House 13-13: OoMcn Bntterty 14-18. MAJB8TI0 <a F. Goold, mgr.; B. S. Hoekeafan, boOUng agent) Melbourne McDow- ell aad Virginia Drew TTesrott. beadHoer, In sketch. A Man of tbe People; excellent. Uarty Jolson. black face; Rveat. Roberte. Hayes aad Roberts, In aketcb: pleading. (Charlie WlUIaina, musical rube; good. Albnrtus nod Altua. nov- elty act. Oagmar Dunlip, Girl with tbe Golden Harp, went well. Upside Down zeraldasf series of tests; hit: mad* up bill week ot 9. LTBIO (Browa 4fc Stiaactt. mgn.} Caaad aad D*Tamc. comedy, saoslcnl act: weat wdL DaAraoad and Fuller, comedy sketcb; good. Neaiy and MIl- t*r._daacer»; fair: and pictures waek ot 0. HAPPY'HOUR (Dalton & Neville, mgr.; Oiaa. Falmeo. booking nscntt Ttvrt Tnmer. tmrlesqne Jn;^Ier; clever. The SUns, cartoonist and son- hrette: plcasln? ^klt. Dick Ma.v. German poli- tician; socd. I>3nclnf7 .Mlmaus; fair. Ford and T.onl«o. musical playlet, and pictures week ot 9. 0RPHEU3I (Brown & Stinnett, mgrs.; Cbtn. E. Hodklos. hooking agent) Sutton and Snt- ton. Rube and the Girl; fair. Pete Ruegle, ec- centric acrobat; clover. Innes and Ryan, skit; went well. Great Nolle, hypnotist: fair, nree Olivers, wire act: prcat; and plctnres we^ of B. NICKELODEON-. OANDT AND FAVORITE. Plrfnrca and vaoth^villp. EL PASO.—EI, PASO THEATRE (Crawford and Rich, mgrs.) Great Divide 8: big bnslness. Babes In Toyland 10: Chas. B. Banfoid 11-12. CRAWFORD (CrawfoM and Rich, mgrs.) North Bros.' Stock Co. In Tbe Honeymoan week ot Jan. 9. MAJBSTIC (Crawford and Rich, mgrs.) Vanderllle. ENNIS.—M.\JESTIC. The niack<W!> In Thel- mii. the Lending L.i(1y. 10-12; ver.v pood. HOUSTON.—FRINGE (Dare WelB. msr.) Honae of a Tboosaoil Canilles Jan. 0: good Bbow. pleased fair attendance. Tbe Girl Qncsllon 7-S; pleased good atteDdaoce. Tbe Red Mill 10-20: Grace Van Stnddlford 21: Tbe Climax 33-23: The Ronnd-Up 27-29. MAJESTIC (C. A. McFar- land. mgr.) Geo. S. Van and Imperial Minstrels, headliner. did not make good; Felix Adler, big bit: James snd EIUs, fsir: B* Oar SUtaia. very good; Swsin and Octman, fair; Yonac aad King, good, and Majeatograph week of Jse. 3. TEN- DOMB (Box Btoa., mgrs.) Mdba Palmer Stock O n wn any In rep er toire. Indefinite: excellent pro- dnetlona to mg patronage. COZY (Maurice Wolf, mgr.) Clq^ agrcral daya aa aceaaat of the death of Mr. ttaiili - - .- PIHB (R. B. Mania; ati Ing pictures. VAOOODOCHES.—ROYAL (I.ani:<iton & Del- emar. mgrs. PIctureic and vaudeville. PALESTINE.—NEW TEMPLE (W. E. Swift, mgr.) I>eArmond Sislrrs Stock Co. week of Jan. 10. NEW LYRIC (Tom O'Connell. mpr.) Burrnon and Taylor, comedy aketcb, Jan. 0-8; oxctillent. SAN AHOELO.—CRYSTAL (Smith Bros.. m^rsA Vanderllle and .moving pictures week Jan. 3. YALE (C. J. Cogglu, mgr.) Spooner Dramatic Compaoy week of Jan. 3; show pleased the people and attendance good:- WA(»>.—AUDITORIUM (JakviOartlnkle. mgr.: K. * B., booking agents) TbeKGolden Olrl 17; Tbe Servant In the Hooae 18:;flnce Van Btud- dlfoid 19; Tb* Red MIU 20. llBWBSXIC (Chaa. E. Saasecn. mgr.; HodUas CamM nar Backs, harmony aingers, good; Tbrea.'Sylaads,- mnsl- clana. sinerts and dancers, tm; M cCian Trio, pleased; Miss Stem and pictures. VBNDOMB (Box Bros., mat*.; Intenutlonal Booking Ex- change) Tbe Sbarrocks, mind resders, went big; Bsrday and Norrls, comedy sketcb. good; T.i0uls Carrlco, idnglng comedienne, very good: SteHe Sister*. Australian singcia aad ttange " The Hndspeths, saaMtOialste, VIRGINIA. OPBBA HODSR (I. H, TMat, mgr.: Bert, bobkiag agent) The Strollers Vandernle sad Specialty Co. Jan. 7: Olto includes Virginia Warrlngtoo. soprano, ordlnaiy: Billy Clark, black-face, fair; Sena, handcair king, reiy poor; Sam Barns, rharactor impersonator, wry ordinary: Adelaide Stevens snd Wm. Lent, below average; Mlas Welch, female Impersoaator and dancer, went will aa4,«Blr .llMtBM .of aheiirt bariaaH 9*ar. WA8HINOTON. 6P0KAVZ.--.^Unn0BIDU THEATRE (H. C. Hayward, mgr.; John (^rt, iMoklnx agent) Marie Cahlll In The Hoys snd Betty 7-8: large audiences. Bisncbe Walsh 13-lS; The BIgbt of Way 10-2a 8P0KANB (Cbarie* W. York, mgr.; John (Sort, booking agent) Tbe Land of Nod, a good musical comedy week of 2; bnsl- ness good. Tho Mao of the Hour week of 9. ORI'HEUM (Joseph A. Mailer, mgr.; Ornhenm Circuit) Beajamin (Siapln in At the White Honse, Im)>rrBonatea the character of Lincoln, and is one ot the best sketches seen here; Ous Bdwsrds Koantry Kids In a one act entitled Miss Base's Birthday, apod nnsieal comedy; August Prato's Mmlan DIrees, aMOksy eques- trians; Arthur WhItrUw la Irish jokes snd songs Is a good entertainer: Sandberg-Lce a* Tbe Ha-Ha Inallgatoni are fair: Mmr. Psnlta, flnt* rlrtnnso la dnver: Krsmer-Sbeek alv* an rghtbltlMl or ninsmlar dt-re l iqwarat and tell bnw It Is done: also motion pictures week of S. WASHINGTON (O. C. RIakesle*, mgr.; Sulll- vsn-&>nsldlne Circnit) Lore, tbe human blid, beadllner, his a wonderful memory; Augustus Neviue Oo. In s polltleal playlet. Mdltlca aad PettleoaU: Mattbewa and Baaaoa. la Yha Bat- tle ot Too Sooo are reiy fanay: BsraaMI aad Ortb. German cooiedlsns, fsIrrwlBnirnd ttt*w. art, d-illghtfnl bariloa* soloist; Herbert, tb* Frogman, does snm* wonderful acrobatic teats: motion pictures week ot 2. PANTAOBS (E. Clarke Walker, mgr.: Pantages Clrenlt) Toreat snd Flor d'Alisa and thsir troops ot trained roosters, beadllner, clever act; Six (>>mallaa, scrobata; Harland and Bdllnaoa. eccentric ma- aldana; Pike and Calame, song and artlatle dancing; Pankey and Ckwk, novelty singers: Wm. D. Otlaoa, song lllustrater: moving pletotes 2 WEST; VIRQINIA. OKARLESTOV.—BURLBW OPBBA HOOBB (N. S. Bnrlew, mgr.) FloreiK* DflVtoJB Aa> You a Snffragelte S; fair bouse. Bt.-mM Vt A Stubborn Cinderella 10; bit. CXABKBSnBO.—Grand (Cbas. Blppu, mar.) 'Tempest and Sansblite 13: Tb* Man ot tbe Htnr 14: Klks' MInatrela Feb. 6. ODBON iWni Pick- ett, mgr.) Two Harvcys. comedy aketcb; Marie Laurel, comedienne: Orace Briggs, soogs, aad pict ures. BIJOU (B. SUneral, oifr.) PIctaiaa, WKlXUVa—OOUBT (B. L.^fim mm.i Klaw * Briaacar, boklog afata> g saii «g a ThoBsaad Candlea 8; good pcrfOcmaaea to aw- dium boslness. Bhoda Boyd (^reus, uader tb* maplces or tlie local Sbrlners 10-13: largs bus- la***, gave aatlafacUoa. VIRGINIA (Chaa. A. Fetnler. mgr.; Stair * BaTlIn, booking ageatst Thnrstoo s-8: good tmslnesa and satlsfsftl<m. Tbe Sporting Deaeoo 10-12: aatlafaetoiy bouses and excellent show. APOLLO (H. W. Bogers. mgr.: Eaatcm Wheel) Rose Sydell and her London Belles 6-S; drew Isrge bouses and gave satisfaction. Tbe mnslcal act In th* olio, given by Klein, Ott Brotben and >" cially good. Parlalan Widows lO-ISs laif* baa- Invss and general BstlsfactlOB. th* iluslesi Bells, la tb* Olio, war* cspedally plesalai. GRAND (Chaa. Felnlar. mgr.) BalP* Aaaoeiate Players. In stock, presented A Cowboy'* Bo- mance 8-3. and Prince Otto. 10-12, to tbe oansi large audiences, and general sstlsfsctloo was given. VICTORIA (Geo. Shafer, mgr.; Cos Sun rarcolt) Blincbe Mead and her Trained Dogs. (Seorge Monsterrat and Co., dramatic aketcb: Chapman Slaters and Pick. Introducing Raymond Tbomas, colored t>oy. In singing and dancing act; Evan .iSrans, tbe minstrel man: Harvey Chase & Co., featuring tbe Alpha Quartette, presenting Holly and the Beys S-8: bnslness very Isrge and sttaw MB aU tkMOSh. . WISCONSIN. APFEZTOir.—APPLETON THEATRE (Chss. A. Takaes, mgr.) Broadway nurlesqiiers 8; fair boose. Tbe Ollmax 0: strong act: piece well staxed. Mlas Prtlcosts 17: The Thief 20. BI- JOU (Csmpbell A Dsnforth. tnsrs.) Heodenoa'a School BO.VS snd Girls and other actn 3-S. FOHD SU LAC—HENRY BOYLE (P. B. Haber, mgr.) Polly of tbe Circus Jan. U; Th* Climax 12. IDEA VAUDEVILLE (Oscar J. VoUert, mgr.) Signer Inlgl D'udiano Italian Band, noieiKC Roealf and plctnrea wtek at Jaa. U. BUOD (W. E. Smith mgr.) Bl]*a Mlnstrds IB spedsltlss mad* meat Mt: pletofes and songs. BOYAL (J. B. Welch mgr.) Songs snd pictures. PRIN(XSS BINK (C. H. Atlger. mrr.) Maanncrade 4>n rollers Jsn. 19. OSHROSR.—OBAND OPERA BOUSE (J. E. Williams, mgr.) The (Hlmax 8: good business and performance. Polly of the Circus 12. BI- JOU (II. W. Whlrcomb. mar.) Little Hip. amsl- leftt performing elephant: iSittlc end Msy. com- ■Kly rkt'tch: Dawsnn and Gillette In Fnnnosltief: Denlon and LaRoenf. comedy bar artlsta; Am- brose Leonard and pictures week of 10: good booses. SUPBRB.1 and LYBIC. Pictures aad songs: good returns. RAtnHE.—BIJOU THB.^TRE. Week of Jan. 10: Return engagement .of W. F. Ht-ndi'raon'a Scbod Boya and Girls, consisting of 0 Invenlle actors; Th* Two Ftanks, third sppcaraoc* of (his team la IMS diFS T' ' ~ ' triioqulst; May tiawi. tyns. WYOMINQ. (atEKB B BE .—CAPITOL ATBltUB (BOw. f. Stable, mgr. I Llitle Johnny Jones Jsn. 8: com nany anil p'ny poor to fair business. 24. The MncMrafe. local talent from Fort Bnsirll. LARAMZE.—OPERA HOUSE (H. B. BOOl. mgr.) I.ltilc Johnny Jones 7; atteaSaaca 1«T good, prodnctlon siso good, but . tao ■ haadly given. A Olrl at tbe Helm II. CANADA, HAMILTON. OMT,—GRAND OPBBA HOUSE (Allle R. (x>n<lon. mgr.) St. Elmo 3-4; excellent company, good business. Tbe Bin* Mouse S-O: very satlsfsdoiy, cspsclty borfneaa. The Vol. antcer Organb<t 7-8; medloer* company to fair bouses. Marcdl* 10; Tb* <Hd Bam**t*ad 11- 1 2; Os car Hammerstelu Opera Co. 14-18. BBN- MBTT'S (John O. Appleton, mgr.) Keith's rau devllle: Lonis Guerln, leaner; Dick Lynch, bur s. and d.: J. O. Nugent and Jnle York in sketch. The Bounder; Tbe Neoi-olltsns, opera- tic trio: Francis Dooley and Oirinoc Rale*, com- edy offering. Pavement Patter; Farrell-Taylor. musical comeily offering. The Minstrel Uaa; Mallla and Bart, baggage smaahera, aad Plc- tnrca to well fliled houses week ot 8, SAVOY (Vautrey L. King, mgr.) Illustrated songs, mo tloa pletaies aad vaudeville to packed laoua.-s we* at S. Km MILL (B. B. Msrsball. mgr ) Illustrated soaga, pictures snd vsndevllle to Mod biiBlaesa week ot 8. CRYSTAL (Herbert Clayton, mar.) Illustrsted soogs. plctnres and vsndevllle to crowded bouses week of :i. UN- IQUE. COI.OKIAL. OAYRTY. otber plctilia housen rosnsflred respecllvely by John R.. a»t*w. art, Oeorae Dreonan and John R. Cambden, f** port excellent hnsinpss w«ck of 3. _ BTRAnOU. OMT.—TRBATM AIMWT (Albnt Brandeabanrer.. aMr.*!- Bt*t«* a* a Ad* Tom's Cabin Jan. 4: gnMlSww. alteaaaaee ale* good. Tom Marks Slock Oo, week of Jan, 10. ST. TMOMAE. ONT.—OBAKD OPBBA MOUaR (Wm. Devlnp, mar.) The Blue Monse Jsn. 7: RBCked honse: The Volunteer Organist 10; Th* loyal Chef 12; Tho Old Rouimtesd 14: A Stub- born (^nderells 18. ST. jOBars, H. B,—OPERA nou.sE (ii. j. Anderson, mgr.) The Colonial Stock Compsny openeil 10, In Leah Klrachiia m, good-alsed house, company good. THE NiaKI,B (W. H. GoMln- mgr.) Pictures and songs. THE BIJOU. — Stanton, -awr,) Pictures and soaga. UNIQUE (F. a. Spencer, mgr.) Pleiorea songs. THB GBM (Chas, Kerr, mmrA Picture* and soogs. THB SDAR (Bobert McKay, mgr.) Pletnres m\ soigs. THB ORPHBUM (Fivuk Stenton, mgr.) Vaudeville and plclWM. VIC TORIA ICE RINK (Fred Tiifta. mgr.) MwthM. THB «)UEBN CITY ICE RINK ItU. S.-'Atm- atrong, mgr.) Business rushing.