The billboard (Feb 1910)

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.2 Xtie Billboard THE CIRCLING WAVE tPor the numll amoont of capltAl reqalred. Is th* moat proStable InTestment. Tbe eatcUeit •nd moat popnUr unniemeot rldlnc derlee In aw. Eullr and «inlckl7 act op and taken down, lynx i lal T* to operate and to transport from JUM to plaee. Operated bj gasolhie engine. .■MB W people. Unale tty cjUnder pUoo or **— la tbe time to piece jwjr order. oiilals I UNITED STATES MUSIC CO, rICB and te atlmei . ^— 'jfc oronr. PatcDtce* udlMe Uas- •netnera, BiirlscTflta, Erie Ob., Vew To^ AUTOMATIC MOVING AKD BASEBAUj JfOVEUHES WM» tot price list. 'WIC WUBTFLEIH, Xgt,, aOtW. SMond St.. 7U]>dd«U«. Fi.. TT. & A. m mmxt for moiiio picture shows Ins.' Nnr BNk tf SpidalQes ' m larger thu STer ud eostalas more vala ■feto informatloa to Premium Hooaes, Norelty Dealers. Stnetmen. Knife Board Men, Tankee KoUon Workers, Ifall Order Men. and Jeweler* •tc, than BBj other eatalosne laaoed. saw. iK rii.._«€miam, satlstirtnr as that ya> aia a laglt ;>dcuir, as we want to keep this book on af the mUtOMt, m wffl be tf. Send (or It to be wltboat it. to-day. 'Too can SINGER BROS., NEVir YORK Ooe. of thft^isrcmteat. ammement riding deTlces -anAmomwr getteia.'ftiMM*-l»' celpts at on* fUr. f2M la Ave iMnm at anotber. $400 In one day In a park. An- otlier carried 26.032 paaaeofen at Htc strret fairs; $1,268. 75 dear profit. Write for. new 4!)-pa;^ cat- olocne foil of factx, flgwcs and pboto- ■H Bcitee THEATRICAL COSTUMES Oar moatzBted Uat No. 8. of new and allgtitlj lin ti in w Jmt conpletcd. Send fiir oik _ ——^ iMtHatla^g. D«tMlt.Hlch .B. a EL Gag hlsb'Krade man wb(\can sell aboe to tbe trade and to consomers from an ■dvertlalng wagon. Uoat be foicefol talker and b* alile to entertain a crowd. Trarel dtlea and couulij towna. Fin* o p po ft o nl ty tar man able to ilt» booda. W—oa aai TIa IU6I STSTEi af Raai« laila AT SI6HT MaDed for ten cents acd a tamnt Also IME pog- tlmlars of bow to play VAUlnnrSXX Md Tffid- XATic mrsic. khacx sxinno or wato. (Dept. B.). DanriUe, HL rams For Sale—33 Beels In perfect condition. «18.«> a r«el. Song SUdea. |lW ud fSM ftr mt. Second-hand ~"'— —— *— fTSM. M ayar gmrtwrg^ ga. ttLCUHfP OK FEE BXTUSH- ED. Free rmort as to pat- niaMxated anido Book and Uat of , «aatM Mt flea. J. gVAjra 00.. W«*Mn«ton. P. O. THE LATEST MUSIC FOR PUVERINB EUCfUC fUNOS PRICE, 50 CBllfS to $1.50 P8r Roll 60 pieces so new every month that , they are old by the time others produce them Sond-for Cataloguos andXBullotins V. . 1fll4( !• Vutira lvt«» CHICAGO, U. S. A. Largest Maker* In tha World Fire ProtBGtion That PROTECTS The "Chilcb" eztiDguishere are ap- proved bj^all IJnderwiiteFB Assodations of 1^8 United States—^have stood the severest tests, and are used by the U. S. Cto v ennniiBnt tod iadopiedl^ flie Fanar ma Canal Commission. READ WHAT "THE BlUBOARD" SAID: "The flames found headway in the elevator shaft, but before four of the ten Gbilds extin- guishieis had been eBrotifldrereiy indication of fire was lenknriad. Tm rnlidmc^ pronq>t8 the order for 12 addilaonal eztiniiddMjin.'' The. Billboard PiiUidiing Go. ,Sai4 for circulars and prices, 0. J. GHILDS COMPANY, SSI:. Utica, New York, U. S. A. The Chair Yn Are Lookins For. Do not get in your mind that this Chair is anything like the ordinary revelving chair so extensively advertised. Una chair has a saiHaakiif-baak and a aalMiWaf ahiM. It is finrt^daa irodctlnoagh- outaad weigbs a haK mom ttn flie oiftiaiy ..nvclnnK eiwir and fa iDdeBtniBtilds. Don't ggk for catalog, but oidsr a.HBVle and gea U, then you can judge for jooniK. Addiogg, TheA.R.MILNER SEATING CO. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO. "THE NEW ATLAS" CAROUSELS RIdiif Oallarlat, Mirry-Bt-RMiiib OtiMr Meaay-eanlag Oevlaas. Herschell-Spillman Cq. Sweeney St, Ro. Tongwanda If .Y., n.8 A. POP-CORN FRITTERS MAKE BIG MONEY originated Mlterxrtai, Dclleloa coafectkia, SelU Uks wtuar*. Proflt «o%. gUO itb Ir easy. Sl.OOO ■ month ponlbia na- d^r faroraMa eon- dlttom. Bead (be booklet. Z.IjONG CO. DsntZBl Carousels rerfert In Conntroctloo, n«*€l In all the : O. A. DEHTZEL. SMI i adelphia. Pa. Artistic in Design. One Best Onwiite Card And IfiwiiT niati i for coming seasan. A straight baiaCMCd ABBIAL PLANS FLYIKO HACUim smnsement ride. V\tr deaolpUfa bosUat, aa* pir to a a A. wn Iibad, Saw Talk. OewinKiNi For all poipoaes.' tlee oor brands. Oat wmpla and prices. Helmet Oum Bhop, OlscilnnstL - MO T%oKhIor Ksttarbaads, IKM - Masr-da- signs and a bilf-tona cnt made from tou pbota. Catalog and prie* list of balf-tana cats sag sample* of letterhead dealgna for a 2.«ent stamp. OtAY CEHTEB ESOKAVXira 00., Otax 0«- tsr, Ku>. MAGIC Maglclana' Acta bnllt. staged, and boekad. log end loformatloo lOc. rnclode utn J "Bdwards Magic Magaalna. Ml eaasaao Straet, Bafala. a. T. The strongest trunk in America. Has no weakness. Our catalogue will tell you ^y. h'onclad, 32 inch $10.00 34 " 10.75 ** 36 " 11.50 * 38 " 12.25 *• 40 " 13.00 ' THE BELBER TRUNK & BAG COa Now 1641 N. HmncoA SiMat. nlllADEiPHlAi PA. ULP HAND-ROLLED CONES M TEN HOURS TUttatti:Si»iBm Mg dtjwi^bBaialOe.a^ O oa e e at tite very lowMt piiee. Popaom ball and fritter maahhwn iate. THE TDBNBULL- UFO. €X>, 469 N. Market Place. Columbus. OUia. THE MYERS SCENIC STUDIO 140 N. Third Street, - - - Steubenville, O. FOR SALE—lOO.UOO feet of flim, in perfect condlllon. l%c per foot. We will trade fllms at f3.00 per n^I. Send as joar lint. Eoonomy Co., Boom 20*. 108 Fourth Aienuo, Pitts- . Pa. Blot IfaoMnea For Bale—10 Mills' Check Bora. g30: 6 Mills' Ubertr Bella. $W. Tbese ma- cUnea like onr; bare co fnrtlwr use for tbedi. Mpylii^ Pictive MachineSt a tai ao p t l ceng, SHdag, A cc gwo rl gg. CHAS. Ma STEBBINS, ramiM oo.- a ug i a ia M ; BMn, etc. DCS MOIMHk IOWA. FILM AND SONS SUBES FOI SAU N KNT Fifty reela, sorplos stock, le to 2e par AMt. Elegant condition. Will send sobjset to exam. lusttun a|wD receipt of azuivas chargaa. Song Slides, <Tltb nioslc. t2.G0 per ssL Bend (or IMi. Film and Hunit hlltli^ rented at lowvet prices ta tbe Boulb. Wrilr for ;«rtlcal.i-m. P, O. BOX MS, Mtw Orleinl. La.. FOB 8AI.E—New Ed. Ex. U. P. macblne. all attacbmeot*. fll2; aecond-baod Ed. Ex., all at- nts. ITO; new No. 4 a ' m wllb bomer, I32.II6: Oaoae. OsrlUbe, t wgw fca ' ' JaMeata taebments. ITO; new No. 4 Optlgrapb ogtat. MBi bomer, 132.00: Oaoae. Osylllbe iwg Slides. t2: Pllms. tlO wr reels .wcaatat, g); Dynamatle Jet. M. Kar- gain prlcea to close oot. O. J. XUBPHT, BV- ria, Ohio. ■. A MONEY GETTER 'ger btanda (or sals, IBIO make; tbey wilt .cbcek oat as ' T be rer y It cbcek oat as baggage « TO Birr—StersopttoMt and Hoeing Plcinrr Ontflts baugbt. told and azehanged: Blm (sr aale at f 10 per reel; song MtS, (2 and 13.80, M nod ti new; Rdluo, Fwnr gaA ntli grade mactalnea wanted. feMailMC NA-nONAI. EMrLOYMBKT Mb * ATCDDe, Dolutb, UUin. t WABTXD ; Small repertoire, mlnitrel lOd itock luiaijilllg to pltj our thotrr. Omt THZATB* O t SM sreod. Mlit. FOB BALE—Kdlsuu Esblbltkin uactalne and 1,100 ft. l'a<«lDn I'lar flIm. fltst-claaa. Wanted, traveling wagons. P. O. BOX ITS, Manilla. Ind. DATESQOc. SETi 100 MtL» (xl2,4>ahta: or UD ItSL » MxabUh.. - forrBEKMP-u EwuBasil. Bi8,rcvni K^'HNIi'IiPWf.vSKt'-'.: '.'vIlMHI nab.Ma