Billboard advertising (Feb 1910)

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8 Xtie Bill FEBRUARY 6, WO, KANSAS CITY DEAL OFF Anditonimi Qver^^ W the Hany; Ibeir \t^dioat^ a to 1^ i£i.-4m^ Fmdb Kanaaa City. Mo., Jan. 29.—Lut week it wis ■anoaaced th&x the lodrpeodeats, the WlUUin MoBis people, woold enter Kiuu City anj tike OTer tlie Aodltcrlam TbeatiM, wblch ay t» the prcMBt had been playinx alock. nndur dlzaectei of O. D. Woodwacd. IB bet. wtMn tt was giTca cut to tbe nnbllc ttat HutT Lander. Jnllu BItlnge aDd eeopnoy or M M rtat nd play«ta. woold ~ Ottr ftr oiz Pni '''?o^'eom«r JpM Hnttae that the Orpbeom people, actlnr ttaMrik-Ilr. Hartio Lcbman. znl- -dant masaxer <tf vtm Orpbecm Um, hare ae- ared the leaae on the Andltorinm Theatre from O. D. Woodward, vith ■ life of Ore years. ' ^Daswheie ia The BOlboaid la ictren the fnn J!..*^^ ** "eenia that Kaoaaa «m km tat the one blsh-«l«i« raode- - i--^ pu m uL . Thm Orpbenm la C?"^ •** •S'""*'tl*§S^^. amy pertorm- anc*" thrae dags _| Mi w M i i m ia an alieodr jJabllahHl faet tkat BS^b a £^ TandeTllIe toarn. . r^unarr S U Klren as the datr lAa Martis S***- Orphenm Ctrenlt. wtn cone to Kansit aty. and It U otalaa* that^SkM It will be decided what wBrta.tta ISk'^t Ika Aodltorlam. whether It witBB^MtaA,^^^S lar-prlGcd -fandertUa. »■ „,,. w _ Harmoo' olae-foot broken riba. pital, Ftankfoct; ptlog a back leap from a at aload, caoaias thnee l|l1!Ai|II.YTHE- 55&.2r^JK » ysars has been as- ■nriBTOn wu. J. a. Monro In the opcratloa _ wM. J. A. Monro In the opcratloa Si. a *^«"r Xbeatres. at Bock xPa OtflBen Dvt ■ ■ — » — at'« the^ltaS'^ lSu!d%i^ " • :j»f his Intir inNomcd tnmiago- -MUr Tbeatre. aod unra a with the dlapoalnff < cban^ In maiuren.^ .^Sr%. "7* t** •I'»«<U laken char«e. FiJfc Qnlnn'a gnldaace the nmilr en- I W» man anrveaafnl aeaaon. rRAKK R. HILDBBBAXDT. THE GOLDE N MY STERY OIRL. Oto. L. Barton, who baa beaa maaulnic Bart, tha I*n,h Kin* Co.. baa anld uTfi^Mt thla company and titcD hia new act. The Uoi.l.^r. JiI'S'L'*^- entered Tan-lerine. Mr. Barton writea: -TSie Golden Myaterr SS. "Cr'-ii the MaJ«Uc at l^tU^S^. MMf-i^ S^w*™" *" I"" 0' Uie bill. S2tL?*'i-'^.w 'W""* o^iMUon. that hM g'li^Aft* gt*.*—f— to vaoderlU * SSaSTSSSf ^.*^JE»Sa»=" I hare been of ^SSeST *eJSr ^* 'Sll a—* Weatem To* and •^'S' -SSuSL JUi^'u^ S. .^*2!!'" ?*" niMnbeia of thj WIa». Worn •nand Sone Co.. aereral. dty ooaneilaies. of- neera or the dlOereot kbor onions of the citr tha dramatic crltlca of the local ptw* nod Si managers and treasorers of aU tht theati» B4^. Bl.key. of the Central LaN-rand xiSlS; iionn rn , presided as "master o* the JolUtles." TO PLAY SHU BERT ATTRACTIONS Jactoon. MJcb.. Jan. 3».—wi u. will play Shnbert attraetiess at hi* hooae In BatUe Cteek. Tfc- be one Shnbert riiow each week. - _ TBDderflle acta to a nearby topwn for-oae per- COrmaace. Thla same policy will proiMhlr lOTVall at bis ia JadaoB. Kalaaaaooi Sajdaav. nint m-iNJifaBOL km. is —Tomphitr Jack .awaaatlonal Jamplof act - —-— -—, letaaEly bcofee a tendon In beel. hat b eaatlDnlBC bin act, alfliaash tt Berioosly tiitei«M«& and at tlmea he is on- iMe to ilo Ids iMOfd hlab imup at tlw coada- . _ leaw oC the Sb- Jrme. Want. fonieriT operated by the Wria Amtnemeot Co.. oC San Ant<»nlo. They ob- tained pOBaeaslna FeKmary 1. Tbe brathna will oatlaae the hnaa with . Ts a d e rtll e. teaMaMaifly. TO OMOpNTlMUK. VAUpayiLLE. C. E. Best has sold to Geom Lacoa, the Princeaa Theatre. Alliance. O. Tbe new man- aseomt wlU dlseootlnoe TaBdeTllle. plajrlns BjB Bl.fceBsa la AlUanca. .. :; . Tbe AL Bernard lllnstid Oompaan' Ins foorteen people, opened the seatoa ante, Ulas., playing to a pa( ' principal coauMllaua are Clej of AL O.-Plebl's Mlnstiels: OliORilalB Bailer. The con fw.B.Aieaa wb(* olfei' an e^icellent vloUu ami cello act. Voaiis and Kaxka, slMcn and daaccts. and ■mat Wm,;*tmmt- -I Alhambra Theatre.—Gertrude Hoff- <'s new act. In which she olTera cbaracter- Irat'ons of aereoteen famous types from Isadora Dnnnn to Harry Watson, recelrea Ita Utat Mew York prodnctlon at this hoaie Ibli wrrk. 81 men and Gardner preaent ttalr.. (■*(•.. n» New Coachman. Jamea TkvaMB: es B taia Ida menolocaa and ainsa songs. The rest of the hUI eoosbts of Brrt Lery. tbe cirtooolat; Mr. and Mr*. JImmie Barry, In Henifool'a Comer*: Harrey De Vora Trio, s'nmna and dancers; Bca*a fiooMdr Ciiens .>Dd Banao Ben AU*a Colonial Theatre.—0«or2e Ho- bart's comedy sketch. DInkelaplel'a CbrUtmaa. pradaeed lv'>oo Hvt. Is the aaadllae set this rge V. ilel-a CbrI NEW YORK VAUDEVILLE. The bills at the local houses for the carrent week are: American Music Hall—Ma Gosse held over for its foorth week, thoogh the thlnl w<s billed as Its last, baa broken box odlre rer- onls for this house. Fred NIMo Is Uere this week with his trsTel talks. Taylor OntnTllle and his company oe fifty, people, with I.snra Ilerpont. present The Star Boat. n«ae lliree Fellers. Borkhardt. Sharker and Odder, who ~ ~ ' nlarltr over night, are char wnmal ibllltr- Blnaldo. The WaaM-w XaMlea. May* the Holla with akOl and tei4ialqiie: .W. B. Whittle, the Tentrllo- qn'st,. presents 9 P. 3C la the W*lte Hodik: Honey, Johnmo, Tbe Ifso With tbe Golden Pboe*. to* a-> old-llaie adasttal oStttas. Paal's Muaic Hall.—Severin, the fa- jeb paotomiailfft. presents his foar- aene paatoBhae. Coosc'enee. His coopsny lo' rtodes tmatr mwk pe pt « » li M> arttrta. JnU. *t. the dajetr in ee rfn iii j ii i i ail n r of flivaritsa. ha* aMad aevTMUeeta to her reper- letreu SnMletoe. Spellmeyer and Oompanr k«e aa enwllent sketch of Western life In A Tnw Weatas.. Uatayette's Dogs Is oae of the he* <qK^j>aa ^|jy{j{|y^^[gg*''*t„y"||f STaSk^'ne'Twe Bmm «• M* iMijr gMir week. Kst M. Wilts, with his fsmona Ilertense Miilllcan moooloslst. haa new aoaga. Dr. Rermsn, "Ihe roai who lamed electricity." hnlrta over for another week. Tbe balance of the Mil <s made up of Onii RilwaMV Srhoot boys and Girls, Sehna Braats, tbe clercr woman JogCler; IjroDS and Yoaeo, muslel«-n: The lliil- lowar*> wHe s apwla ; Lse .Biatton sad Alloa, danoatib aad Ila OiaaaMh Bronx Thaatra.—Paris by KIstit. the French pantomime In two sceara and latrrptv trd by a comptor of elgbleea, beaded by Ullo. Xina Mlnar, I* tbe restore here. Mnrphy. NIHmvIb mod company offer their screamlnaly fnnny one act skll. The Hcbool for Act'ag; Manrlce Fn-enian and Company la pnm-ntlDg Tony and the Stork for the Hist time In the TIronx. The Rxposltloa jniar. l eai s aad Doely, Pnnran's Scotch CollifB aad IfeP' McOntOfS complete the bill. ■ ., ' . Irene Xarlla aod Bntb Fraaei* ate two clerrr girl*, rreeat dlacorerlra. of Gos Edwards, who msented s s'nglag and dancing act at the benelll giTen by Gn* at tbo Broailway Theatre recently, and were hnmedtatrl.T booki'd for nmmnersteln's. where lliey are app<-srlriK IliU week. Tuesc girl*, who aro Jnst over the Oer- ry Soeletr limit. In addllloo to ibrlr g>K>d Loa MIt iMle. Tu make a hrst at Buaamslela'a Is "SOlaK. IIIMUMH MB tt «B tiNir Mltl liUIIan Gohn, the derer I'ttle who orlgloatPd tbe "Sassy Little" psrt la Oaa Edwards' School Boys and Girls act. does apt appreciate tbe sayinc that^ "ImlUtioo Is the s'nmiest Oattery." Miss Ooha haa woo a irp. nlatlon la this psTi thiongboat the eonatrr. aad has oiade herself one of tbo flxlnre* of this - -J, now she bears <«f Imlistors ~ z . . 1... ....... I1.111 BMMUar act, ami now sne oears o( nuiiaioiv win ate not content with copying her. but aro rlilmlw to k*w been the ori«lJMtun eC tbe part. ■■: . .. One of the deaoest. cosiest sod best- ccn- rtncled popular mnderllle houses In New York U tbe Fox Folly, of Brooklyn, which la ■>•"• agM bf " '— — Irally iL *lac« he af ttoi- The Clara Sonora Trio baa been booked by the Independent Booking Ageary lo l'l«T..»u their time. Fraok Vlacara. tbe tenor for MIkS Snaora, la alngln: Alfred Solman'a new bullad. {lomeH-bere There's Some One, wblch I* making SaS's^ry^'a^ViSU-.ii «i'ii:.'sa •* ♦ Taylor Gianri|le sad hIa ■asMrtlaf eoapaar arc pUylng t*elr «r»t wee* af Monta Hm* at tbe Amerlcaa Hade BaU tUa week, htrlog recently floppad tnm tiM Called., A /ixt>^ c«k coatiaet hn bsea giT— him, to plar Benee Stoddard U scoring besTllr la ^ork in s Mngle flnglac set. _8to. «|i«aa wim «itnd 8olaiaB<a Bmaewhet e .Tha rga ;.«sg*aaft. Knd her.srmad aoas. «lth,«Mrk riw IrmMg rhree or foiir eDcorrs, '!* 1 Keeer Kaow aaiw to Betaare When I'm With Bo»a. ♦ Anna Boyd and Company Is a new set In TKudevllIe. Miss Boyd Is the well-known come- <<lenne. a Broadway favorite, aod she will of- fer a comedy sketch. lacked la With a l-afJi ivT lidwaid PaaltOD. anthw ..<C. Xko KOfi notb. ♦ Beatflee Ttaner. Ibe little coiaedleoaa who has beea Mcotlfled so long with the »ont. II the WM Bad Oalr .mom the. Other War. _hM Paid's Six Jnggling U'lts Is s neat aad aHl- erwlse ezeelieat act of_*lT «>t«_5?Ti.^J!' Irod. now pisylag the William Morri* rifcatt. The gitis are good lookera. ,w«n drrsacd. aat offer a pracran at elerer dab iaggllag. \ ♦.. Jesse Idsky Is bow preseatlag Msbel F*ot«i sDd Conrad In a new art of conimly. slnglaf and plsno pla.T"nf. Mr. Cbnrad. who la a ag a| tlHt original plnnophltnds, la featnrlBV FMB LIncke'a .\mlna for a plsno specially. Harry Whltloek. who la with *o* ^ the new New York odlce at SIS Weat street, left New Tork for a .4irjMl. .t ani rarae bsck with sis boasea la ImtM aad vicinity. ^ The bin at the Amerlcaa MnilC Hall tbi* week Is one of Ihe mo>t expeasleo of .tbt. eea* 3utp. and conts'ns close on to OBO haadasd. 900* pie In the Tartoos sets. .■ ■ -■♦ ■ ■ . ■ . Kfsle and .Xlldrad Mta. wke are rnaeat^ a dwrer bai paaebloc aad daactaf act oa, tba ObHMI ttae. ate nslog Uatke^ ikialBa', Mr InddenUI aiosle. ♦ Frank AMn has aga'n scored hesTllr as ttt Italian Boy In Gna Brtwards* SebonI Bw* aad Olda OB the retnra of tiw act to Now York. CHICAGO VAU DEVILLE Betir King, an Eogtlab Mnale HsM artist^ no Boto, headline* at . tba .Jlsjrstle Theotre, la imft. HIS* King la taaated to be the •lalr tbia wvafb HIa* King la jaaated to i, ritai to Vesta Tllley aid Vrnal* Impetwma- tloBS are remtrkable (Or their fl<1.-llty and la- teimt and *a this I* her drat annearance Is America, coming aa sbe doe* from Tomlnn. girst ndors can be experted of ber, Tlie niln*errt- tla from Vienna, another fnrrlgn act. known ss tbe Terltshlf srisloersta of the sembsllc woKd. also play this week at the Mslrsllc. A ennoir Chinese classic, which la away from Ills ordinsiT chOB *ney drama, la nreaente<l hy Msbel nst dine and Company, Cfwat MDlllr^n Is s novsv ehamctcr sketeb la -wbleb Vienna, tM!** aelilrref •nreMB. nemy Clire. .ansi'teil iW Mg StanrI* Wslker. nrsw a l* an ialef«*tlng Iram^ which has received fsrorsMe eornment rom the other shore. Tom Water*, the ever ninnr pUnolnane romedtan. pisy* a «tro^ fealiire oo the bin this wi-ek. Smith snd C^mphe'l nea- p<-nt tliPlr rrsllstir comedy sk^tCi, entl'leo Csmplnu Ont; Frsnklln and Bfsndarrts. snd Ar- cadia, who Is Tthrantly aotbentlc In ber later- prrtsMoB oT tbo daaalca. nsrry I<*nder i* sgalo wllb na at Ibe Amer- Icnn Mosir ttall for the week only. Immediate- ly after his enaagement here. It Is sshl lie srllt retnmed to Eagland. wb>tn be will appear (or tweal, ^cSi^Jf^ff^,^^-