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Billboard advertising (Feb 1910)

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FEBRUARY 6* 1910. T|ie Billboard SONG MAKERS ARE BUSY At Least That is the Natuiai Deduction Upon Viewing the Size of the PublisheaV Qu^iut^Aiid, Further Than . This, the Quality of Production Seems to liKi^^ MUSICAL DED UCTIONS; Sr AUtUOK UBBBY. Vnwt wait • mulnerlam or powlMy k futilt «llb the artistic tod clever Eddie Lronud, li Mr ■ "cult." for IntsDca the Irrepmslble Lronanl ni-rer cmiM alut tlu> U>t ■jrlUble of a pta.-ni* wltliont inaklnK Ibat a^liable a coottaut coiittauallan ot Ibe vocal note on to wbat wa» really an inmru- menlatliHi to cori-r up oae'a Invatliliu. Lrt'omrd didn't wcin to bmtli: IM almply ibiorbvd air. For Invlance, • ptanM like thi*. St*** Ma Momlng OlofT Bab*. traoU be auu bj Uoaanl In tlUi MMor: ' ne** Ha Uiem-m-vtu lug «|orj B«-a'a-a>abe—I ton her •o^h-he-lM-ho-lw -.Mcb abbivTlatlon ut tbm <irllabb belac In- teani In exact timet In Cnce aninu time. Tkl* baa now become the rage. To hear ml- tuivd artlata reodrr aoine eompoaltionii In thin manner, witb tlie audiencm boIds mad n-ltli dellsbt. la food for rvdectloo. EnicllxU la mnltlaled and rau«ieal taale l« vlxutbtereJ, Jet I bare to admit tbere'a a certain cLarm an«; BpelnatloB alKHit It tbat Kalae yuut unjun- cclooa approtMitlon, aa It iretc, in ipltc ut tuut- lelf. Oea Oohan ma tha teatkm. bat Bddle fiaaarl —ar takm the itaim gi W arlflMlar. aC ..«*IM vUabla ««Ml- >l- A BURDICK SONG. B. J. BonMrk. of Lockport. N. Y.. author of aiaee tban a hair dosra compotdtlona, haa re- ««Btlr completed ami pabllatacd Joat Becaa-'e I Lere Yon. Yon Snrr Cm Seem Old. Tbe cbsnn Ijnica are aa tollom: Jaat becapaa I lave yon. toot joulb eaa aerer JM. fetcMM l tMtr ftm.- m' anr' lha; aanM fair JM bManae I loea .'jm, . yair Mka «re atili like itold. Jbat tecanw I lore >aa./<c«r, yaa aaear can 1 old. Grace Weat. The New York SIiuIdc Four ami Dick Broderlck. Ted Savdrr'a If I Tboaxbt You Wouldn't Tell la belns naed bj tbla act w'ttb (rent Inrlnc Berlin, tbe writer ot Wild Cbrnr Raa, and many otiier Mpnlar nnmbera vt tbe l\-d Snyder I'uWIalilnc ConiNiny. U In tbe Chi- cago omcv of Ted Sn>'der fur the poriMiMC of demonatratlng bl» aomtiera to tbe profrNili>n. He baa bn>iii:bt aoroe new ones from New Yiirk. which promlae to be ezamplea of his best ef- fort. Hamlin A Laelmen ere maklns a feature ramber ot I'd Uke to be a Soldier Bor in Blue, one of llo«aller'a matcb bllt. MyrtU' Dooglaa. formi-rljr of Burla 4c Boblnnin'k Bmtcfa of KIda. wm aha ■ae'lUa aH*>* la ber •fieclalty. wblch «ba la Mir Max tklMgk tbe middle west. Buacbn and Alter ate Irack from tbelr auc ccaafnl Wualem work, and exfuvaa tbemi>elv>.'a aa dellgbtcd wItb the snceeas with tbe Bua- •dter nnmben. Tbey bare rvcentir booked mld- Dloafa Dear, feattn-f<d by tbe colored sine era -it Old Keotocky recently at McTlrkrrs "Rra- tre itnil al»^ itu-uben reojered by tbe OSlSred band of tbat compjtoy uaeil Ulta Ittm the Tbompooa Mudic Oompany'a abop. Cbas. K. Barrla* new ballad, aatltled la The Olty Where Nobody Cares. !•■ tmttut to be- came a blf hIL At prftwot tHb wmt la b la« featnred In aeeenl big acta. ♦ Tbe new ahow for tbe PrlDcesa Theatre ] laea to l>e a tremendous auccesa. mimber*. wblc>] are publlabed by decidedly' out of tbe ortUnaxy. ♦ Boll -lad Forbes report moat iatMaetorj MM' cess with In Daya of OU aafl TaiMlJkl, Ura Roaalter prints. They bare , weeks of Norttaweat time. SHAPIRO'S CHICAGO OFFICE CHICAGO MUS IC NOTES. LOVB coainrvnuuMP mto xocb HEART. McCarthy—Hacr7 IV Coata.) Iqr Obsa. K. Haitla. _ . „ _ _ and ateals Into yaor beart Too don't know you're lat It 'tilt you'ra Bst It bad: T^en yon laaee a feellax tbat jrna Bene \tAt Yoa're plnpld. but CupM WUI make yoo play your part: You're sad. you're mad. and still you're glad When lore cocnea ateallos Into jonr heart. Dlec Braderlck'a Komikal KMs arc eo rnite to New York phvloc TMrder Oble; Detroit MIcblKan: Clndaaatl aad several olbci towoi* How dM tbe Mttla Bird Koow That, aa _ hy Jaa. T. IViwers In Havana, recently at tbe Garrick Tbeatre. la tlH- qnlnteaaence at uilrtU ami meljdy. Hello People, n dercr noeelts' sou BoaAer la Rarana. recently at tbe Oaniek Tfcatia. GUeacat Is rapUty becoming pnpoiar. NEW SONQ HITS. Words mmd Mumc of -ttaw of tlw Laading MY HONEYaUCKI.E LCiL'. Wfffds bj George H. Antbooy; moslc by U. II. SI owes, Lou, Lou. Lou. Yoa're tbe sweetest little girl 1 erer kae\r, Wltbout you Lou. 1 Joat can't do. For my beart la lost to a pretty, witty, sweet- faced aiald, that'* yon. yoo. yon. Votfn as pare aa a aommer meralait's ilrw: Teoae Be. drarle. sqneeie me. iwt aaotber ilrl will pte^ae me. bnt y<.D. yen yoo. Only you. IJy Booeysockle Loo. log >yrisMad aa« VAS mk urn un umist i4ne wu €aiks Vaa laa iaa att Laa Mit Laatr. av I . Ju't beeaase I stlanr raa. He lorea me maybe yen. (Shout) No? ■ Ob, ao much I miss him. Twice at once I POIAB BBAB MAN. Lorrlc by Zlt; mnalc by S. B. Henry. I'olar bear man. Polar bear ui&n. Cheese li! lie's coming. <wba7) Polar b< Knaawaj «ukk aad hide your bead I'm salaK ta bUa aorajr under the bai. I'olac bear maa. Mar boar maa. HecakraHM tajfrt aa ia felaIC THE ACTORS' FUND FAIR. Hew York. Jaa. 30.—President Taft, always aa rntbiurtasttr patrtm ot tbe tbeatru, will lay aatde all olBrlal boriocta on May I), and come to New York es|>eclally to open tbe Actoc'. rnnl Fair at tbe BeTenty-llrat Beglmeat Ar- ntory Tbnngh Ororcr CIcrclaod was an uoo- orary Ttpc-|>ie«ldent of tbe Actors' Fund, an.! <itb»r chief magistrate* have been lorers of tUc theatre. PrroliloDt Taft la tbe Arat to give the *t»f.' the dlsttnrtlon It hit attained In Knmpe nrre tlie twtlma' beada are aUraya ptcaeai, at Ike oimilac ut aitocs* (alnik bataais . aad Im- OrMiratlnc Ika ercnt. Obaalnr BcMh. pNb- aMy the ronngifit Ameilean seulptnr, baa neon eamnilwtnned hy Arrber M. Bnoilugtoa. prod- drat of till- American Nnmlsmatlc Society, to OiSkx a gold nutlal fnr the preaMenl It will be pr.-«nl it Immmllatrly ■•fler the cr.enli>c art- 4rH«e. hT a ommllt'w' of twelve ot tbe leading aMn'tK-s la tl* country. Pram Ib^ aaoM de- •irn >. Ika aw a HMaf a ■eJal. .m i i rtH ai . wMI ix- »raek a« la' alMr-Jtv .attir wiwMwd *niei.f e, "Tlie Mr nromlara ta ka '«k* imalcat rbarilr taaar mr Md." aaU Okaftta^tarabau. gca- ami maaager of tbe (air. "We bare gained not only tbe asatotanee of Preoldrat Titl but scores of the moat ptomlneat men and women la tbe elty. Wo boon to raUo SSnn.floo and ww need oeci* ceat of It Car fli* great charitable.'ai the relief of Mk ' U for the MS prnfewdon. In leaa tban a month after an appeal for as- etatancv waa went oot to the profeeKloo by ChaaT Ournliam, 4.000 atase Mk—actor*, artrrsae*. aiaaagvni, Tanderina artlals aad erea elrens peo- .fia wmte aad oWsted tboir acrelesa In aay way fce might see at. Tbe msnrs-r*. loo. nrndtaata aad. Ikj Up wu l enN alike, have oOlered tbeir saHia' ttmW^' la this great charity, all the pro f ia M oa appeaia' to have reallaert U« brntherhnnd. Praetlpally evcrv well knon-n nla.vhnuao In tbe ■a»l. fVaith and oiimlile of New York. iBia anmineeo aperlal ix-n<-nt performanom dur- ing the week of the fair. May B to 14. nent anthnrs, arllata anil aorlety waa abn T«d M B | eer» d their aaidatance, Tkrangb tbe craeroaUy of anase of tbe wealth- leal Mt or OtTttSTm Wnw drW ball of tbe AiuMty win be tranntanaed Into a groM garden, •dailhir In arenle effect to that of the Veraallles. tn the renter of the ball wIM be a beautiful eaaopMI bnotli. wtth a fnnntala playint before tt. Mia. JaaMa aptfar aad a k«nl of aoelrty women ami debntaatea will kaea charge of tbe booths. Set around It and so arranged aa to fireacnt an exquLdte vlata. are numeroua pergo- t»—urergnnm with a Inxtirlance of grem vines and ddlcatclr ttatid tarrra. Beaaatb Ibe balrooirs ai* ladi 1—a dC —— —■- - - inta «M a. aMtto ta evenr thing Will automobile. Tbe Playt-rs, tbe tambs, tbe Prtara. the Ora- tory Theatre anba, tbe Profrsalcoal Women's League ami tbe Twelfth Night Club have all tnkcn booths sod endeavoring to cutvie each otber Id tbeIr exblbit*. A score of stage beatitlea will have ebargo ot tbe mdaa wheel, tke tla ai i an a wlB race Btghl aad dar (a wmm tba fMflTAMtkar annp or aetrmra drMBCd ia tba cattaaMa «r a deaen nations will serve tea ta the da~ At llie Doll Hooae. aodety wi girted actTTMira will anrtlim off tbemaelves bsre mitde dotbes for. In sll. ttH-re will be sixty or more buotbs. Many of them were taken by the Unceat mann- rartnrer* ihronghont tbe voiMtT, who bare do- nalof) ihouaaoda of ddlata aattk «C their prod- ucts to be MiM by the laaat. akacalas Wmaen on tbe Amerlraa stage. Orer a tbaaadad M 9mm tltaaka the fooiltghta dkrtw -tka'«tak i» ka Mtn aaic<- ttat Ibcy The art exhibit' will he the awat complete colleellan of iwlotlaga, drawings and etehinga of Ibe stage and stage-fnik ever gathered to- gether at a single exhibit. Cmler tlie ebalr- nanalilp of John W. Aleveniter. itrealdent of tbe Anerlran Academy of DealEn. the art com- mittee hra obtained the loan of si4ae oT the rareat pirtnrea In the private i nllartlaas ot the city. A unlniic Illnalrator*' RxhMdt baa also been derlaed by Albert Sterner. Giving variety to tbe dlephiy will b<* rvpre>- dttctlona of mom* of bouj*e« fvinona In tbe hl»- lory of the atage. among tbera Sbakeapeare'a bmiae. la tbeae vahMHa lelira athl aMaaeatoM will he aoctlflanl ofr Hy leWNiNI actan. The aged gae*ls ot the Actscv* Bsaw hi Watea Is- land, which la NpW4*M-tp-tkt fkBd. dtp pro- dndng a speclil-aMkMI. tp-k»'MMapad la a booth —tbe exact nprsdaetlBB at Hwlr lit lag raoH nt iMiiMa :'A kMalote tbeMie Is belag built at the Ar- awiT aad errloa* manager* In tbe elty will lire sent eei<eet>II.T written piaya with their stars In tlie leading roU-s. T1-e eommltt.-e* for the fair hare been select- ed from prominent poHety women, theatrical manaffera. artlnta. anthnra and ataa* folk. Fnllnarlng ar? the ebalrmen aitpolntetl: .\rt Comadttse—loba W. Alamalrr. pnaldent ot the Aiaeilcnn Academy ot Deaiga: SirlctT—Uia. James Speyer: Award—Mr. Alf. Hayman. gi-n- enri manager for Charles Proliman: Actrewaea— Mlas Alice Placber: Actors—^Tliomaa A. Wise: Anthers—AogiBtus Thomas; Advertising—I^ Shnbert: Clubs—Joeepti R. Orlimer. president ot tbe Lambs: O uua i iu c t loo—Frank McKee, ae<r- letUT of tbe llieatre Manajtera* Ajswclatlona of Aawrlea: E xtt a Ui e Daniel rrobman: Illaa- tratara' BAMt—Albtit Strrarr. the laaaamval Ulaatrator". nt esratlsaa — na rld Bttoeo ;_ PI- Briiah—PMkca MHfHK' JlHitaaflkp-4laK Klaw: Unale— TMh — ■ t fcsfii i Oi«y *1*ke: tbe Edbmn Oompaafft i bee; Prlatliw-4aai|k Jameo Bacfcley. ia ■ace pitiable tban the aged plajcr who u wholly aaOtted by trelBlad for any otber rontloa than tbe one be ao eagerly and eotho*laMtcalty adopted In hia yooth/' aald Mr. Daniel Frobman. preel-lent of tbe mod. "Nor Is It his fault that he is stranded. Ae Actor's Is a precarious pmfcs- aleo. more so than any other. Tlie eipenae* of travel are baa ij . tbe engagementa nncertaln, tbe fallnrra awar. It la Uia tfoHuttao oT tbla thht *tb« aatfc-irtdi maiiH sgnapatlv far aar rhsrity and laakeo tit Hbcatrlcal peopio ao qolrk to bM thoae la their profesalon. "Nowhere la there a more generous peorle than tbe staoa folk. Thty are the drat to re- spool to cate dsr aaaMapae daiMK sreot na- tlooal calaiMhw bit «ki» OiirWVaB aarda any help, be Baat daai* «aaa ta Ua awa pro- fesatoo.'' DEATH OF JOSEPH WHEELOCK.Jr Jr.. died at Phoenix. Aria., ■of pataaaaafT tiaaHra. Jneetib Wheelock Satnrda.v. January He had been at Pkaeakt tm oomo ttmo, kptriaa been comfM-iied to rctke ta Oiat phca aa areiiaM of hing affection. Mr. Wheelock was a son of tbe pupnlar Joaepb Wheelock. wtw so long occnpleil n prominent place no the American atage. sad himself wa<< a at t tlk i ft yajwff a ttar srltk krt «bt ^Tamlae. Bl* laiC 'Paadtaalaa^ caaaasaMat was aa ati Jaat Sat or OMIegCk star In . - _ wsewt of Charles Fmhman. Among the iday* In -wblcli he appealed wtth snccesa were Ixwd and Lady Algx. The Ooonneror*. Bcether (Mkem, Una. Dane's Defense. The Otber OM aad tdadsa As- snranee. He will tie reasWksaad aa a aldalng exponent of Invrnlle ohaMCtfta. tk VtMl ki* grcateat talent lay. HELPS STRIKING SHIRT-WAIST GIRLS. Marie Drrsairr haa erolvcd a aesr plaa ta aM Ibe striking ablrt-walst makrca. which abe not Into effect at St. Loots. lax week. Site Inverted In abirt walata and aoU them :i« asctlun dnrlac her engagrmeot there and tarwA tbe prodta over to tbe strike fund. Sbe baa ber n\ra vlewa on ttie anbiect. aaying: "1 doo't brieve In a general boycott of the ahirt waist. It I* a drrti InnoTttloD ttiit hroagbt nncb hanploeaa to women. It Is sn Inexpemdw wv of kioklac Id. and a bvycott may bring eat a Which will deprive tbe girki of a Mke a Uylor. I tbiak those la sy>a- pathy vrith tte gIrki who want to make Ihrlmg wagcB wm be wtlUas to pay a little miaa aM thdr cause." She will cootlooe tbe natt Best Vreek. wt^fre a Lyrtc; J. m. wHiTiNa Oaa ar tke vetrmm ot tke American stage. J. B. WMttag. died Jamary 23. ' Be was, at tbe tlaae of decease. • member of Viola Allca'a Mr. WhIIIaff drat appraiad i _ , meat of Dion Bonetraolt In the dty oT Wa Injcton to 18S8, end b e t o ug e d to «eTerBl gcnrm- tlona at actors In direct aoccesalna. Later he was aasoclalcd with ancfa managera an Wal- lark. Palmer. EBsler and othera. and ws* la snppnrc of Jotin T. B«vnaB<1. MargHert Mather. Jemea O'Nell and many others of the ol'ler and more promtaeat people of the rsriy stage. Hie Jim the Peaaao has cene down t« n* as ■ BMd el «f p eefeec playing. Besi.t..,. hia ablliir aad arttattr sncceoara he wa* a profound stadcat af aad authority oa Shake«|ieare. DELAYE D BY STORM. A seven* sn-nratevm pesreoted the arrival oC Pnllv of the Rlrcns Connany. hnksd at tbe i'n- Jestle Thearre. Erie. Pa., Jsanarr Hi. train earrrlng the eomnany was l a wlsaia d near Mayrllle. N. Y. PiiirkasMS «( tkkein were re tUmled tbedr money.