Billboard advertising (Feb 1910)

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10 Xt^e Billboard raBRWAitv 4 ma B 1 Q C I T Y N E W S .imiLADKLPHlA, PA. Strike Would Have Dii trous Effect on Theatres. With all of tbe tbeatre managers at elmosL a nerroaa tensloD, owing to tlie dally expected etreet car strike, the week Id the Qn&ker City openiMl with very good attractions also to very good baainefla. The new ooea to be preaested were Franca Starr in Eugene Walter** The EmIcM Way. Walker WUtealde in linel Zang- wdl's Tbe Mdtlns Pot, and duties KMA — ^' ~ Xbe eld eoce that i—le J im Tfe* FoOiM ac laoi, WlM aad Oonglu Valr- Ib a. Ovntleaaa from XIaalaatppI, tooxtta Ben Bar at tbe Forrest, third weak. Ike Otptenm PUret* present Jim the PenmiD; the Grand Opera Hoose baa Paid la Fnll. and Keith's has an exctUent TandeTlUe bill, headed by Valeska SDtatt. The bDsines* ao tar has been exceptionally good and promises to be eTen better. The mowing picture bnslneas la on the wane, for every day aees one ac moce bouses doslDg its do<HS and It la tioa of a ftbort time when all ^ hare the capacity for playiof good acta wUl be doaed.' The Melting Pot, Israel Zsagwell's play,, with Walker Whiteside in the '««'»'t nae, ^ at tbe IdalpWs TkaaHe oa Ilooday night. I «k» heus 'It m betec^moleaB whaterer his fate here. <^ prlTllege and poealbuity of Mr. Whiteside Is possibly tbe one of the tew actors who Is cqnal to the demands and qnalUlcatlona of the part as Mr. ZangweU wrote It. He has a face, Totce, flgnre and eleTatloa of manner which give to ths character all that can be desired. This is Hi. Wbttoftlde's fir»t appearance here In many years and tis reception on Monday night was almost an oration. Tbe supporting compaarjaendlcat and the prospects for a long, aiMOMBfId SBgai aent sre very eneonraxloK. Tbe Unit at War< with Ranees Stan and Kllcan.' avaiaA as tadaflnlte engagement —- e« . Jiooday nigbt. The S. B. O. aad the advaiiCB - t» to mt H ttm lazccct of the t-'fltts save a des sf ipce* toraanee aad was sMy ssslsted by Mr. KUgcre and associate pUycrs. Pabllc oplnloa is aame- what dlTtded aa to the charactn ot the play, wlilch ta of a aomewbat racy atmosphere, al- thoDi:h there is nothiss really offensive, other than It deals with every-day life in New Yottc, showing the Inner part of which to some la terrible but to the average New Yorker ]nst an every-day occmTence. The characters are weQ drawn and portrayed and the settings sre sasd. The piece wiU gMbahlr lemaln for msny weeks. 1 Denes, at the Sanldc Aeatre. tUa ellT. lo it. for It deala directly with them and «hclr methods of obtaining coofession or evidence from their victims, showing tbe appUcatloa of the bmtal third degree. Mr. Klein has drawx. a pen picture which to the average auditor Is foonded on pen flctloD. but to tboae of the newspaper realm and those familiar with <that class of work it Is true life. Helen Wsre, ss Annie JefiCrles. tiie victim's young wife, proved cqoal to the dlfflenlt role assigned to h^ and aeqialtted bsnelt. The nat aC.tha ~ esccOent. Mr. " Ben Hot waa eontlnned at tbe aseood week ef Its extended •Dectaeolsr frataxe. tbe thrilling chsrldc xae* and the general excellence of the perfonnance gratified the crowded audience. A Gentleman From MIsalialppI began the foarth week of its run at the Walnat Street Theatre with another big aodlence enjoylnt the performance by Tluxnas A. Wise and Donitlas Fslrbanks and their associates. Such a Uttle Queen, by Channing Pollock, with Elsie Fergoson as the star, was fooad highly iJtssIg^ Md^y»gUsg^^^^tte^^>Mieroiis ~ " '"1«ef»ab »«lleso« 1909. with ^ M. playeis, had still la beginning the . last week of It* extended engsgenent aA tfea caiestnat Street Opers Hoose. - Sogcae Welter's famoos play. Paid In Pols, was presented for the first time at popular prices at the Grand Opera Hooae. by players, aeveral of wliom have already been aeea In Philadelphia in their present roles. Ther Case a highly satisfactory perfocmaae*-Mf ~ eoce sras eminently well pleaa*< 1^: script from American Ufe. Sir Charles Toong'a famons play, Jim the Peoman, was revived in a higtily merltoriooa manner by tike Orplienm Players, under the stage dlreetlOB eC Parcr WIntera at the Chestnut Sttset Theatie. TUa jvrlTal la aae of tbe ■aost ptsl i ewuttliy oadertaklacs of this manage- ■ent and the perfonnanee rerealed palastaktng care In the preparation. ' James Kyrlr MacCnidy began a acoood weeS at Bart's Theati^^ wtwiitlig i»oa*f at Us plays. Tbe OH Oa&a ataa. Jtm mMUUM testnre of tbe Aear waa MhMWa Meaij MOpatt aad panthers. Tears may cnake changes In -the popolsrlty of other plays, but they evidently hare no effect on that perrnnlal. Undo Tom's Ghhia. An elaborate prodactlon oC tha piaee -mm gliM M the National which was Mamlr aallgaC tar « larice audience. Another topical skit waa pw w u t ed at the Eleventh Street Opers Boose by Dnmoofs Mta- strris. trratlag the shirt waist mskais^ strlki. ~ point of view. Tie Rtchards extracted a great aoMaat of tke activity of the piAet gitia aad gentle strikers. The Walter aad the H elnsa with the original TOetsle, sad High School Dsys were conthmed. CanoII offered character hits sad aoap Ing Oh. Mrs. KIhk, and Oempsay, Mii ■ hit with his latest ballad. Keep « Is Tear Heart for Mother. A new dramatlsatloB of Dlekens' Darld Oop> perfleld, under the ssme title, wss pisyed at tbe Girard Avenue Tbeatre for the first time in this city. The piece, which Is in five acts snd seven scenes, shows unusual compactness of plot for a story coverloc so much groond and variety of characters. At Keith's, Valeska Soratt, with an expensive wardrobe and a playlet from the pen of Paul M. Potter, opened her first eagagemeat at thu thestre snd was well xccelTcd. Miss Surstt sang aoaa aad daaeat ama, then changed her gowaa. .n* gikjrlsC Js latber spicy, hot was reeelsed wllk aoek faeac. Others on 4he bitt wen HSnaB*e Tta^d Walllan* aad Bigb-achooi Hoiaia, JCMO L, I«afej'» Iiwcctal Uasiclans. Bath wen TtatnaUy kealllMi^ and ahaied the booocs with Htas Sasatt^ BenrI Fteneh, In ImperaoastlaQS: Banr Btaaa. ainging comedUn; Mr. and Mts. Uaik Inq^. la a retr laogbable akete>>; Raymond and Caverly, In German dialect comedy: Paul Le Crix, the Inggier, and The Dixie Serenaders make up a most excellent bill. Ted Miller, publicity promoter for In Panama company, wrote to youra truly frcm Btchmoud last week, stating that be was blaxinf to make the nattves ait up and take notice within the aext waA. The atilka srhick has threatened tbe peace of the Qaalii CUr (or tbe past fifteen dsys has reaped aa aeote staca aad the people are wait- lag wtth ■ at h assiatr the aateeaM of tbe con- fereneea wtthta the aaxt tweoty-fsor boors. AH ot the labor leaders are la dose eoafeieaee here In the city and have made orertares to the Transit Compsny to arbitrate the question. Which have been declined. Tbe Issue Is now up to the men, who will vote on the qnestloa Thursday night. The strike will hsve dissstrous results on tbe theatrical intensU at tba cUr If It sh ooM^«jg ^aii^a a tgggit^iirt ary ^p«wgatlia Lots Poller and ber company In the Dance ot the Moses, were scbednled to appear at an afttoiooa performance at the Cbestant Street Opeca. Bans*, and ereiythliiK ■was la leadltif a>. with as afliaaee sale of uoat 9MMh hat aha failed to abav op. - It appsacs that she Is ander eODtiact Witt the Ttaltad Booking Ofllce, B. F. Keith, aad .taar ovaanMa here woold Interfere with her ceotxaoC ao As bad to cancel or vio- late that agiecsaaat aad-would possibly be In- TdlTcd la a law mlt, so she decided to cancel the maUaee. wnilam Nice, Jr., president of tbe Skee Ball Alley Company and the Pressed Sleel Manufao taring Company, of this city, died rather sud- denly cMt pnetmiocda last week. His death la felt rather keenly In amoaement and hnainesa circles In this d^, owing <o his vaat interests. Mr. J. W. Barper, manager ot the Skee Ball Alley Cooipany, «na<siarea tkat lb^ Beans death wm baee ao Immediate i IWil — Ifcal'aaMepdsa and that boslness wm go oa Jaat the aaae and an ofdera will be filled. T. M. A. I/Odge, Na 3, gave their annual ban- quet at Odd Fellows' Temple on Sonday nlffht. Visiting members from Baltimore, Trenton, -New Tdrk, BarrlsburK. Wilmington, and soiroundlag cUhss were present. A large and dahorate pro- gram was enjoyed, after which a snmptuooa repast was served. Tbe lodge's simnal benefit took place at tbe Chestnut Street Opera House on Friday afternoon. Tbe house was packed to tbe doors, and acts and scenes from current attractions appearing here were given, as well as a nnmber of local Taaderllle acts. Vie ._ z.~..'z -Z zzz ss---_:^^-Z' 1m »!»» «C Ms MHi»a a treat. Be had Iks gooa.. ~ aad whaa his guests assenbled aroond ~ the genial Vie started to oo the bird, and after some attempts In that line, he annoonced: . the dressing and gravy are line. hot the bird is the original gander that acrved with Koah OB his trip la the Aik. B. C' BROOKLYN, N. Y. Many Prominaitt Stars and Attractiona niled a Buty Yfmk. Adelaide Genee. In Tn>c Silver Star, with Bicfcel and Watson, opened Monday night to one of the largest ho^ises of the season st the Mootsuk. John Drew, la locoostaot George, did wvll here last week. Ftaak Daalela la The Bdle ot Brittany, wss aeea at the Xajtatle laat we«^ and niarad to Mg ntaias. TMs WMft^SnM Be- laseo pnacata la Matrla iewy a VaOnet The Ubeity nuniag plctnes are glrea itaaday af- teruooo and eniiiag to satisfactory b osln ess. ■Mande Adams. In What Bv*ry Woman Knows, was the attraction at Toller's Broedwsy Isst week, and turned people away st every por- focmance. The Queen of tbe MooIIn Boose, whidi haa played Brooklyn thr^ tbnes this at the Grand Opera' House last- it plaj-ed to capacity busloess. Percy G- WUlisiM' Orpbeum Is sttraetlng the usual large crowdi, and owing to tbe •ally cIoalnK of so many ot the higher das* road at- traetioaaL_aa'. Wlllljiaw_jMa_iag*|g«a a taqte opera atais, who win be s«ca at the Oiphenm and Us other .vandevBle theatres at an early ~ tm. Ibe Otwent Stoct Co. presented Alice of Old VIneennes last week. This week trntj pmenc Tbe Hypocrites. The C. A. Forbes Stock Oo. la pii wa tlas St. Elmo at the Gotham. Tbe Greenpoint lias a very attSMfHa vaudc- vnie bni and Is pmvlnu to be S Mg flMnry- maker for Percy G. WlUiams. Hany Fields, in Broadway After Dark, pleased at the Amphiaa laat week. The Olrl of D. S. A. Is tbe stiractlsa there Ihia week. ' Oa msl for Bis UfO was tae attraction at the Coart laat wedc no Cocao Partoa Stock Gh. pieseated The Beetor'a Gsrden laat week at the-I«a Aseaoe. This week. Marie V. FIlaMHMRS-■IWj'piay. The Woman and Why, win ams ns-BBt pre- aeotatloa on ony stage. Bdns May Spooner. the well-known star, who Is wHh Corse Paytno's BUon Stock Co., at tbe BUaa. Is prosing a drawiag card. Ae Uetropolltaa Opera Co. an> boOked at the Academy of Mofic for each Monday night. Beo Hor Is one of the blB uttractloos that w-iU so>n be seen at Teller's Btoadwsy Thestre. The bill at the Fulton Tbcatrv* tact week was Fi-e^l Nlblo, Ed. Keogh and Co., Those 3 KcUeni. ]i:stcUe, Wordette and Co., Masneto. The MayvlUes. Hooe.v Jobnsoo, Boyd and Gil- fato and Its Danscuse. Emmett Corrlsan will lie s«-en at the Or- pheou ttte week of January 31. Mr. Corrlgan will present for the first time In Brooklyn a new ooe-aet playlet, entitled. Malletfs Masterpiece, by Bdwanl Pe^. sapported by a capable cast. T1>e MB at Bgrgr ^huisaw' Ossaspdnt The- atre aras_ne K a lH aaa^ lldEair aad Oaatwell. nowsvd TtnesMl sad Cai. Bcdial aad Arthar, Clay, Smitb and Melnotte Twins. Dtucan'a Collies, Al Carltoo snd The McGregors. The hill at Percy O. Wnilims' Orfbenm. last week, was: Paris by Night, Futurity Winner. Baysun Uen All's Arabs. Mr. and Mrs. Jlmmle Bany, James Devlin and Mac Eln-uod. George Splnfc and Agnes Lyon, McDonald. Montrose and ^wfigrd, Tba Dalys, I,llllan Shaw and the -ii - - t loth and Paris. wUh Chartes Hbanud. «hlch waa the opcslag at> at tfce aew C ii l am hI a Theatre ia Maa- batten, waa the attxacttea at the Star Theatre Isst week, and did onosaelly Urge haalaeaa. The attraction wss one of the best aeea heia this season. The Jolly Girls was the attractloa at tbe Csslaa Theatre last week. Two rattling good borlesnues wvre presented. Btookl)-n'a popular borlesvie Asw. Tbe Cosy Comer Girls, pleased capacMp -mamta at the Bnpire last wc^ XhsMfr-'Ofels are there tUa we^ . na^SMa .waa the beadllner st the Fnl- "■■■•**J!«»a, and proved a stroag cam. wu- M gilS has .boated the best headUucrs to andsr.aM'te iks aasr fatnie. " -|B H. SAKES. thm Hmn^::Bim^ Was prtffi^l^ OatsfavBtaA TUs week is the one psttkataiF tcSUaot at the Grand, maifciac tbe cdebcntka of Barry S^'?^'*^ annlvexeary In the theatrical oeia. With a few more of tbe ssme caliber as Mr. DsTls, with the same prostesalrc spirit the same Idess as to canfort, coupled with the elBort to give ttie best tha-t can be had. PStt*- tRwg eooU BooD earn ttie dlstlnctlaa aff hdac the leadlag dty la theatricals. «A_5*^L J^""? •< daeoratlonj eooldn't be coaedved thaa ^ tMa week at U» Grand, ud the aaae peefaalOB of Swal dL*!^ is In erldeoce not alone ia the theatre but throaghost the great bnildlne which takes hi tbe Isrgeart biUlant hall in the euontiT, tbe Davis restaurant stid the Z<ttIc, next door. The feature st the Grsnd this week Is iiovd to the extent that the bill con^su ot sll new ntmit>eTt to Pltti^m^ers, osU eadi nnmber is of eon- .-. ' •• r'- »'n» wwk pcomisrs to be a seeaca one fraoi a box-office stanOpolot. Joe Xeffcxaon'a aoa, Thomu. Is aeen In s tsbldd vsr- S?^"* y t^y** fdlowed. IV Chaa. S?*" «M MS MtOearta. Phil Statta^ The Tbiee E nm t a , Mas aiabet*a AalnaWT^Aaaa Oianler, Gaxdoer snd Vincent (tenpsay, Sohos. OoaUey and McBrlde. tbe l4»ette SMeis bad QtiTtng pictures. . AWn. Msry Mannetlng I* appesring In A Ifan'a World. At tbe KIxoo Is nree Twini. a decided bit. 5™"I?*1?J*"»*^ ■ repeat at the Ljwm and coBld ^aadaa ladidalte taa. . The stock caswaar. at the New Dooacaoe. is pisying a aeeonS week of St. Khao. Go-Woo-Go-Mobsiwk la at Blaiier's Enka. ia The Indian UaU Oarrier. Tba niilnliaas ■lis The Behman Show, at the Oojety, Is snotlier of tb« stttmg burlesque bills, foltoiriag In rapl<l sDcceasdon here. Tbe Behmsa Show la one ot the best of the anaoa. Xtoa-la a deddM ImpHwi nil III notJeaShBs.' at ~^ " hoose, the good the atteadaace. At the Aeadenr. , offered. Tbe Academy enjoys tibenil At the Kenron the Mils '.em «> Iw tbe pobllc on <be north sile waai^. SB the loslneas there Ir. most entlfyhus. - BacFs at I>unue«De Gjidena b>» ffee W tal 'a featnre. At tbe roller rinks esea «r«ck gads ant'lhrr attraction of some tind to SM^Ist la keeping un lottrrrst. At the Rxposttino aiMl An- dltovinm Rinks, borli are doliiz ^ne busln'ma. The Polick TVHiklmr Abpocv ri'<inlro larger flnarteri*. .A<liIItIonal sleno;mriber-i ;ire In rvl- drnre. onrt a r>rodn»'«*r hsa tieen adde,! t."* the force. I. Arlfcnr Nelsnn. lately »lib Frana Bnrf Britmarer and Wblttaker and B. D. Stair base become connerted witli this aaeney. MOTS I.. KACniAK. ST. LOUIS, MO. Very Proud of tha Grand Opera Reccrd This week la St. Loois pwiaats s ooat pras- pernas ootloek, and nnlesa aH a>SBa fall we w'll be rated as one of the fOw of American cItiM rated ss being able to si i p p ot t grand op- era. The week of tlic Poaton Grand Opera Co. will open this wee> with an advance sale of between J5O.O00 snd $60,000. and the Olympic Theatre should break all reconls from an artis- tic and financial standpoint. The opening Mon- day nieht Tvas the grandest ever witnessed here, .^ida was aaag. with Ctlesllae Boaln- segna In the role Of AMa. Ihe arrtw a fni com- prired eighty men. aadcr the eeadaetorsblo of Amaldo CoQtl. Aa to tbe other attractiona, all sre ddag a good business, snd sa moat of them are retam shows, wbldi tells of tba bcslttiy eondltloo of theatricals In St. Lonbi. Actreaaes. actors and other tbeatrlral folk are nnnsnslly plentlfnl In the city this week. The Grand Op^s company at the Olympic haa 3S0 people with them. Tlllle's Nightmare Com- pany, at the Garrick, haa 110 people. The Hon- eymoon Trail Caaipaay, at the Ceatary, haa TS people. The other companies plsylng here wUl number STU peo|4e. msklng a total ot more than SOP to be cared for at the hotels In ths the- atre d'sirlct. Added to rtaia, there <>-Ill be about 200 BtsRe lunds and other attaches to find accoiiiiiiotlntlons at theatrical boleli.. £. Ni-wman Jtave bis fourtti travel talk at the Odeon before a larce and enthusiastic an(lleiK>e laut Dlt:bt lilt fifth and la^t lecture wl'l Ih.' 1,'iveo next .MoQilay night. The seasoik has proved flnaoclally successful for Mr. New- man, who has eslabllshcd s Isrge following. Treasurer W. D. Care and Assistant Treas- nrer C. B. NsU. srece the chief attrsctioos st the ^j!^'^^ ■SSSSS'tmSt 'ne**** traethw waa Tha BasoaMaa TMl. Jadglajr by the size of tbe bonse. the Imx oOice ead oT the n'ght aboold be more than pleaeluc. Dlrcclor Ferd. Welb. ot tbe Germsn Tbeatis Stock company, wss tendered his aaaaal laat Sonday night, aad It aetlcd r' ly. as ooe of Ihe largest-' tras in attendance. William Doaa and Mile, Coretta arc proving dmwing carda at the New BIJou. and It look* as tboogh this sreefc wtU ptcre the beat ot the wMO, awar IHrwda aad TClatttca la Ua Srst hasM. hs win leaula for at least a aiaath. Ia»ea«s bostnesa Is belur done at the Atnericsa by hl» company. Tlie Newlrwpds and Ttlclr Baby. Joe J. Welsh, the widely popular advertlslag agent of the Slnndard Tbeatre. has Just opeaeil one of the tiaodmmest bowHng alleys In the city, and Ills auccess with It la already an as- sured fact. Winfred Bradle.v and her orchestra ot women have been encaged as the regular orchestra al O. T. Crawford's New Novelty n*eatrTr on Easton and Grand arauwa. The boase wiU open aboot Febrasnr S. . It Is masrad tkat'»*lia'e Theatiev ww playing melodraau *a the BasUa-Slalr Vr cirit will soon become a aaitlaa plctare baaae. J. C Gtahsm. treasurer aad geaetal auaaaer of tlM- Western Film Exchaage, will stlendoe meetlnir of the Patents Cooipsay. In New York, this week. Id the Interest of his eicbtnge. O. T. CrawforO will. In a few ilaya. open bli, new ttieatre. the Norelty, with motion pictures and vaudeville. It Is one of the bantlKomest la the dty, and. In add'tion to the Ibe.itres al- ready coatroUed by him, makea blm tt»c larg- est^ope tat ar ot aiotlaa pletaie theatres In tbe The Baard ot Olrectsts at the CoUaeom are expected to name the ma a af ■! to aaccaed 3i& Gny B. Colterman (iialgaiM IhiB wcA Mme. TetraixiDl. who wfll alBg at the OhO- •enm oo January 31. will be greeted by an im- mense hoose. as the first day's advance sate amoonted to $5,000. and the Big Charity Baaaar nyiTt «*ta* >l! iff ^'*tii^ifiI.**" SAW sr. uois, nx^ Rest St. Loo's this week shows ererrthlDg tfaeatrical doing a good business, and with tbe ootlook g enerall y tsir to cootlnae. At ttie win- >er ^ast teta .a C Mt. Itaach. wild Wcet eiery. tUag — ~- ~- tbeV tople of coavcrastloa. Out at wachiseu are bosy le-strsnglng tbe to auike room for tbe msny new devices that' will lie installed next summer. Down In town the tbeatrvs all seem to be thoroughly alive t<» Ibe Importance of civlnjt Hie iK-upie the best la the amusement lltie poss'.ble for tbe lca»t mowy. At tbe Broadway Theatre (J P. Rarrctt. icgr.l, tbe only theatre iilaylag drama, the business dea* la of a maat astlsfsetory astnre. spd as la aU cesea. Ihe better anraetlom get the best money. Tlie John W. Vogel Big City Minstrels. January 23, did s fa'r boalaeas. with a good ahow. Janu:iry 23. St. Elaio did a Mg bOFlness. ami a uplendld perfsTaaance. JaaaaiT 34-2r,. Moulin nong* GMto Wiiiliai|iii Oik « t tulr tioslnefls. Jass —_ a return date, with closing the week. At the Msjositc Tbeatre. Manager Joe Krh- sr's pietty pisyhoase. we find boslness Is big. TWriMtlnce. T^icsalay. waa packed. The vande. belBg put on here la atjore the averaye. an ate week inrlndlng George Smedley. S*atcrs. lite Three Blrhardaooa. Sam ^.^'^'i.^SSS,^ aad JUaker Ct^ Tbe ATenae TlMatre has aaathag a vine Mn, witn the fonesrlng IM sC I an and Prank. -Pearl Allen, OHI Wted. Fk-rgBsaa ami CaawuBWw- Baker Ttsape sad the Hiisisi.. _ TMONTO^CAN. Viata alPila and WtM TaHaMrra. At the Uoyal Alexandra, 'during Ihe week. Viola Allen, with a aplendld supporting eoBi- pany. drew c^paclir aiidlenres when ahe pre- seated The White a'pier. Ml<s Allen r-eelve* ber edncatlon In this dly, and has several rel- ' atlTTs llsUa here, «fea. iMds aneh at hir dar- ing her BoiMca. - - .• . CMiaa sad „ Evans, pleased good sized andleacsa tkt ftM. three nichts of tbe we-k at th? nlaiiaS' 'Ma hcl Ttllafern In Springtime played tha'bal> anec of the wee k lo good business. The Grand hid Way Down Bait, which drew go-'<1 pntronage. At Mssaey Hall. 30. I.Ua Triaaaan. wllh Al- bert Hale, bnj anlolat, appeared Is a • Tbe M^]<-Btlc had a good hHIL^WH Ihmr and Co., aa beadllner. Bsttr Klap heeded a fine shew at M Ika' Star. Jack Johnann. nnglllat, -a»- peamid wHh Tke Folllea of the Dar. Bnae SydeU'e Talia SritoS BSdS. aaad at the Gayety. ^ Orian'a Agasa atSHI tad • «BS kO «C van- 1*39l* 3"^ fMapfS. with talking and mov. JOSKPB OIMSON.