The billboard (Feb 1910)

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12 Ttte Blllboapd FEBRUARY 5. 19ia LONDON it Interest in die English Capital Overshadowed by the Ejection - Criticism o( Music Halls Arouses Bitta Contiomsjr. HEU%.TBES lost BOW at* ntkar ia tbe bseki^oaDd. AH that we an tUik- Luc Bboat at the moment Is tbc clee- Uoa. NoUxlT talks Or Mus aboat sartUos else, sod tke oUnt and Imt of (ticodt u» qiumllis aail W« aisoa politic* aU 4ar aa aliku SUat *( as hare wt SftXSSk'tLt tccaSt?aatU the dcc- tion to over aad foitoMeii. Thea. perbsiM. Alon wW risbt tliemaelTn once more. PantombiMS, of coone. ate not aafferlnc quite a» marh as tbe rMt. The children see to that. Bot tjx^ryvhvrv el» tMaga are filghtfnllj Mov. We certainly bare bud one cew ?'"'_PI?" aoced this week la ae sh^jsI^pUw KIdd. but I admire tiie eaan ' ~ not iKvtiiojlDjc It Cor-a waa a brare man. . - . At any rate he has tmt oa • IMU L-,- . t or hish wgUiM. • fm dbpUr o( One irvts a riot of bixll _ prettr sizls. Bleks talaucU la Cl^ i-iifaarte^ lannd. Ellallne Tmisa a« pretty yVw: JBt If Tflrtit Stoart's most UtcI; ■g^aaAMM icnalas of tlie plot of that ttnuant comcdr. "Bte Dictator. In which WU- lUm (MJler made racb a bit oret here a (ew jeaza aso. Between CoBler and HIcte tbeie Is a curioas contrast. The latter to a kind of clecUic ^rk, uerer atlll for a maoent. msUog bitter an(< t>iitbn. dancing, gestlcnlatiog. chutterlog. ca^slor. thiowln* relerance and conisUtencx to tbe winds, but keeping eTerythlng go ng tbe whole time bj *ter force of penooalitir.. B« Hfter the dtf tamBK U (MUcK^ M*. la dMt lai. n back. Bat <ka aaatpaa-OjWa. tw aa; doDslr pleaaid. »ad «ae*' taa- tHcOaa vr, I r^fi^iw Kidd win have a ane ran. I hate ■iiatfnarfl seTctal tlmce tvce^tlj that aar laadnllla slasc to moce aad more becom- tm Ik* kMB* of the lesltlmate artist. Nov- S ntedple baa been extended, and tbe great- en star OC tbe rrencta stage. In. tbe penon of Sarah Berabanlt. has algnnl a cuntmct to ap- pear St tbe Oollwnm lirre next S^wirmber. Tbe engagrmeni la Cor two noDtbs. She will gi-wv »1x D<-r(<iraiaBces a week, and tt^reeelTe S40.000 ■ In ■.■^M.iwmm -ibIbIH . inasiM, tje Cdbenm Is like thlt Her program wul consist oC i tbe njEstcrpleces of French aad ^ — tnre. latladed la ber tepettoCT.. flte will Ve oa tlik alaaa each crenlaic foe a half boor, ■ad. Aa haaaa-'la «ira a scene or an act frau sliaadatlM iif TlnTri'T' from Racine's Pbedre. ftOB fildf >A PrlDcesac loutaine. at ITaalaad atal Lra BaoffoiKS. a romantic drama ]a vatv by Mlgael de Zsmacois. &bc may 9iso • gtrr ael-ctluna from Le I^ice* de Jtanne d Arc play by Enille Mareao. In wblcb Hhe Is no* apPk-srlcg In ber own theatre In Paris. It Beem* to hare btxn a mjtter ot socne dim- cnlty to Indtice tbe fieat actrej^a to some to a moalr lulL SJie eridcnUy hid Ibe idea tbat tbe ColliMm was a sort .of "cafe- eti a ntan t. cod was at <li~>t eatzcmely leloetant to coos at elL EreDtnallr. sbe was u o arta ee d Ifeat It was a place of a BJotewb^t dlSMeat enasa0tcr. sal isasrawil to tmmt. bat even bow she has stlp- tfUid tkat aha lAonld hare -the pdillege of cfeooriae the eaUre msram. Sbe^re* M her reason tor flnallr coosenlioe Ibat slu lus teazat that Ellen Terrr and Miss k Uarie TemiMt base also pmmlscd to sppesr at Poaa II Ti n*fh^ An exeeedlncly bitter controrerir Is rscln^ here In rrgaid to some serere crit(cl<ms receotlT pssaed by WIHlam Archer, tbe celebrated ctlUc. npoa mode halls. It appears tbat Mr. Archer receoitly piUd a rlsft to the Palace Theatre, and came awa7 dlsgosted with the whole show. He Aacmtes the performance as rapid and deroid «t biim->r. the aadleaee as beUic at a bloated. ■ateclsUzed dasa. and wlate op hJ sajinc M« a^juMt^^ aC^ ^i tMM^tJaa^heea (Coothnnd on pace 2S.) IN DEAR LITTLE DENMARK mnJUlCLPHIA BUJLBMUC Oa Btertalntnc serlta of talk and llrely mnstc. In wblcb tbe at- tbe sracefsl par- to the plraame. In part of the raa^BM Ter- In Tbe People's wblcb made op p rogram of Tlw , atre. tbe p rinc ip al capable hand* «C I - - -tafit an I traetlrelj^Miai'd tldpaots alsa caaMbotrd the ran dernia ac<a._ that proccedf dera. Ia Stage Llf^ artists. There were sood naasas for Isaghlng In Ted. dy's Trip la Matfa; which made np an sgreesble sertlaa dC tta Baa TaaC prosram at tbe Usyety. aad aa fkmr caasrs to the ssme effect were present in A NIgbt lo the Tender- loin, a mnslcal extraraganza In tbe same iojons •nlrlt. 10 tbe specialties were Bawsoo and Claie. the Ileca atstrn^ Kellr aad Bartlett. aad tbe EI«M While tbe baa«MI-aB|Ka la aaaa Ufa has not tbe liappleat of extsteacea. Edawod Hayes, at the Trocadfro. nhnwMl a side to tbat generally tnnch-trlfO loillrlclaai't life that kept Uie aodl- ear*f in a cooxtdot roar. Mr. Hayea btirle^ine compao.v lo tbe cnrrent bill. Umpire Is the name of the chief *k ivDtr<L He to,tbe Jadge^t^bltt and aMtea lb gliisla'i ^vo mnslcal comedlettaa WCfa Ceatnrea of Watson's Pig Sbow st tbe BtJOB Tbeatre. Tbe« were entitled Miss Clorer. and Tbe Fasbfnl Venita. There was not much in tbe way of plot In either bnt th»t lack w«« pl.ntlfnllr Ullert np with lingbable incldenta. merry dlalogtie. tnne- fnl melodies and a ctaoms that Joined good Iook» to a nnmber of haiMlKnme ehaogi-a of coatnmea. Plllr Wat«on (original) Is prominent amoas the fun inakers. and was largely in erldence ripbt slony. to the cooaeqnent greater enloymeot nr tbe inilli ni-e. Othrfs prnmlaeat la the east were Alice Gilbert. Frank \e Weston. Edwni and many othris. COL. WHAtLEN adUTH. Col. John H. Whnllen the T<anl«l!te. Ky.. ttaeatrlral aiaasger. has left tar _P!erMa to es- capa the ri aws aC tke. «M«r fk^ vasg^ aftaek _ af hvwMl CHICAGO BURLXMUE. Clark's Rnnsway Girls croaaea the city to plar an eogagement at Sid J. Bason's TbeatIC tbia week. Tbe show is nnqaeatlonabiy tbe best olTerlog In the boTlesqne field this sessoo. In this aggrrgslioo s llrely snd brlUisnt cbonis. ihade more attraetlTe Bamenms ebaagca of «»taaa^aa<^«n*MelgM^MA, h a rt l y . j M^t nu& OaSRSSSn^Sbi a aaat aalcttala lag ahwr. . Jatt Beld'a la t atpw U t l aa tt tke llteh eharscter to dtoplsyed la the tiae Mk style, wllbsat any rtilgar aad anjnat exaggcr%' Uoaa. Baxter and L.S Conda preseat a Boeclty dbaelBg sketch la which there Is sooie excep- tions! tslent. Others lo the cast are Frank Is. .Wakefield. Ed. Manny. Al. PInard. Joe rerr>. Jack Elliott, Miss Ella Held Gilbert. Eslelle B<»e, Georgls Msnny. Llllle Lacas. Myrtle Stirk, Tbomss Welch. Th si a si Collen. sad msny others Thto aadk-JJ. » a * »« r Beaaly Shew holds forth at the Alhaiabia Theatre. It baa been tbe poner Of the Weber Brotket a , who control this theatre, to present to their patrons a high- class bnrlesqne eotertsioment that will rle In their faror. In Al. Reeres' sbow they bare seen red so entertslnment tbst Is op to tbeli policy and a show tbat will please all clssse*. from the casnal bnrlesnne admirer to tbe real lorer of this sort of amnpemenr. 'Al, Reeres Is tbe prlDclpfil ccmedltn, and as bin one and oa1> tbonght Is to make thp audience forget Its troablea and smile. Mr. Weber baa no fear of the aocceas of tbto aggrrgstloo. * Thto week tbe Stsr sod Osrter Theatre bonsea Weber sod Rnab's Parlslso Widows Company, who present two clererly acted bnrlettas, enti- tled Fnn In a Department Store-and tbe Actor's Boarding Hotise. A llrely choma, composed of a nnml>er nf snappy broilers, togetbrr wltb s Dotslile cast of bnrlrsqae stars, all go to make np a shonr tfant Is tbe qolotessence of frKollly snd clflss. Among the names of note on the program appear Ren Pierce, Margie Hilton. Ike Wall, ■arilt Bllea. Ma Baytoa. Hickman and PentVqr aad Klhto aad apcBerr. The olto -to comp-iscd or naasBsOy Oae artists, who eater- talB the-people. The Xew Ontnry Girls keep the boards of tbe FoDy'a stage clear of dnst tbto week. * Tbe Bmplra' Tkeaira tadaarwa ta prcecat the spot light'ftaas'kaMK-a- k^. It'OM-Wtaery by puciog 4a-aipr .IMini «»'- ladi tfau we*. ■•• • C '' - .■ ' Fooutirnr wiTM .f^ipDUCTioN. m>a tty. Jk e B*lla Mto^dte l. win he amf anaaa la-a jflv kttaa i i pi e Mlly I <M> Mm. If Ik ta Staa-' PARIS Two New Plays Ptodnced-Suc- cess of the New Crawford and Wilkins Rink Here-Bernhardt Vaudeville—French Capital Notes, in wo new ploys this week. Their names. La Barricade and Nobleaee (ib'ice. Here's who wrote them; Paul Bonrget, tb« firat-meatlaaed: Maurice Hrnnequln aad Wftta Va; her made the seeoad. naMnW tbratrvs: The Taade*ms aad «ka N'mresnlrs. iesi#ett*r|j. Tbe ars< aaawd ta the —. -. ^ It desis ss t laat week latkaaled. wllb Ike Capital snd l.abor theme. Brescbard to a BMidel employer, a self-msdc man wvib a fnr- Bltnie factory. He bss slwsys been exceeding- ly ladnlgent with his men. but. nnder tbe cnMa-we of a sorry sort of labor leader, they breome d'scootenfed snd strike at Ibe fery mnmi'nt when Ihey know that by so doing llior will probably ruin forever their good c-nployer. Aside from the agitator, tbe leader of tbe workmen is one of tbem, a ycong aoctol- iKi, cameil Lanconet. Tbe aalkor dors aot mske It rery dear sfhy the atilfce la hrsoght rhoBt. probabiT leastag tt fWJh* •••*»^,.*! imajdae that it *a»e f^sas aothing—as strlkaa aoawtlBMa esae,' Bat Ihcfe to a woman la the case, of coaiae. sad she figures in the strike so far, at least, as Lsogooet snd the boss are concerned, Louise Maliet Is tbe gitl. She la a pretty working lass beryl/ , an d has become the mistress of the r " ' wbo. bowerer. has fallearf wicbes to marry ber. loves the girl. too. Odo old workWfBn has jrtood fsltbfnl to nts emplo,Tcr, and secretly opens a cablnet-msklog fliofi lemporsriiy in one of the nsrrow. atlvela of tbe L.atln Quarter. Thea the atdcr which mnrt be filled or Bresrhard will as npMlBB bar a *sc worked oat to compMlBB bgr IShnriwc alieht .aad dar« Ike faraltnre atan leMly far ^ li a iat . whca,theic Is the cry oC ■The mrlhersFtamedtatdr the blackles bHp> era nf the raltlifol old man desert bhn tor the threatening mob. They are ahoat to set 8re to the factor)-, tbe leader, Ijingouet. being the one to aptly tbe torch. Louise enters bete aad thmwinr hPT arms about the neck aC:-:-tta fonng leaJicr. ber* him to desist. "It la "jaa lore, not Brescbard I** sbe T>lcads. Enter Bretfhanl. He takes this dectaratloa of tbe eM h.irdcr rbsn tbe blows the-strikers are delivering npoo his financial head. Bat tlH> girt remains firm. Sbe loves LaogaaeC. Tbe yonth. with tetnming Jralontr Srlag U* brain. itfa«to to slay his ex-employer, bat tka ' piilire arrire and lead him awsy. Ftoai thto moment, the strike dies away as saddealy aa It flared an. The last act aeea Langoaet star ger Into Rreschsrd's presence, drank oa sh- sinthc. The employers hsve boycotted tbe leaders of the strike, and Langonet Is down smi ogt. Bnt Brsschsrd Is a game sort, aad proves bis bigoem of heart by sisrting np a sort of cooperative plant with Langooet ta chnrre. The' fellow baa won his sweerheart from htm. bnt BreschanJ lores htr, to b« works for her bapplnees by arranging things for bis rlrsL For, of ' ladgoart. aa thaff whcia the title. "We am Hsllliatli. 'yea are 1 the partlag *ot aC tk* ftoptartr* **nt tkt harrier nnst stsnd k a ta taa os." Aa< sa ends Boorgers play, a play with a "patpase,** bat Interest^K, anyway. Tbto writer baa to i miaiatl Tely recently tamed bis attenlloB from novel writing to plsy-msklog snd he' bss been quite anceessfnl. Rla latest play has foor sets. Mile. Yvonne de Brsy. s very pret- ty yotog artrraa. appears as Loalsc, aad Lt- caad to Btatdtut, with SaMhltr aa Iiaacsaat. THE OTBBB FIAT. ' . liar Wo. J of tbc week to a paMMcal oaUlk One of tke aathora of Kobiaaae OM'ae, fMnt Veher. mwdallccs In tbe n ea m a pat a BaK writing Chamber of Deputies fonnylfsns. Bsron Ooajon marries the Jangbter of the f^rociofis llarqulse de Kcrlondec, snd to please the helilgeteot mothet^la-tow he has JESSIE DARLING ■mt at CkMrtott oBl