The billboard (Feb 1910)

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16 FEBRUARY % IMfll JSunoiinds the Features of the Cairagien-Muidock Deal—Former Says th^ Negotiations Have Been Ccmsuiii^ Latter Says bral ii Still(^ Wlmi tbe oOelal Infoniuitloa Is glnm oat wvfniiuc the Mie e( tte. Intcnuttooal Ptv fieU■)t ■ I ' m ilui lt OMpov; w wfera tb* cts In Ibe «n illwlnf J asd twrol to nibllc acnitinr to Uut It majr be detinltelr learned nlietfaer tbe "deal" luis been CiOsed .or bes fallen tbmusta, there will be maor In- Uleed who win assnme tUe pose of wisdom itnd DttaR, be may not coo>:st«Dtl]r be rlasged wltii tlie tvceotly notorlons. jimido "disoorerer" of tbe Kortb Pole uotU tbe eotlTe atmuspltciu of the Interaatlooal nesotiationa baa cleared and facts bave displaced nimer. Xberc i* little fM*uttment In bos'ncffl, and Of all brancbes of commercial endeavor, there Is iierbaps fewer srainK of this practically onknonm quantHy to flnnnt tbe paas-noni of tbe "I Told You So" | tc fnini) In an analysis of tbe worklnir of the lodffe. In the CQeanwblle there are a num- j film bosloess than anywhere else. TbtTofon*. ber of enmeet. capable men to whom tills de- It 1^ bard to consistently drnw conclnslons^ In lay Is not- only a Io« of time bat Incurs to tbeni an actaal losa of money, buldlnz as it .dees In abeyance their efforts, which mlcbt .otherwise be diverted Into channels offerlnjt posslbliltlas of more tans'ble and material mails. In other words, jnst so Ions as the .deal bsnits lire Jnst .-that lone will tbe men who luiTe been wtually ansased ezpmwly for Imiiortant iraaltlons by tbe Interests represented :by James B. Camclen be compelled to fan their n-aning eDtbns'asm with the hope that the lone delayed action will take place and -that attendant snccem will be of sncb propor- tions as will conntetact tiut which Is seem- Inely either rank procrastination or tlasrant - m'AreprewDtatlDO. Carraglen maintains his .ort-expressed stand that be has porcbasrd the luterimtlonal Projectlnf; & Prodncing Company, and tbat be wUI "aooa" take ap tbe exeeatlve naike that-lt sill not lie iBoasimimated antll Tteal money chances hands. Carraeien cook'S bdfck by saying that be has the money, and ■vrhen mak'oi; mention at all of tbe delay, in- fers that It Is not canjted by bim bat by vlo- 'latloos of certain conditions of tbe ngreement for which be Is not - responsible. Mnrdock left 'last' Frldiiy for N'ew York, aad in bis waks was the- nfmnr tbat J. J. Mnrdock la to be con- Mcted • n-icb tbe tacadqnartcra of the United Bnnking omces, and that negotiatlans to this .eltMt. are ttttaOr.. nodec war- Befoee IcatIbs . ^a un m He. HMeek ' .Iald atteee on tbe re- mark. "I taa«» oeser been dot of Tandeyllle." and it win lie centemliend that at'tbe tliiie of tbe baaqaot at tlie LaSUteRMel, ta celebiat'on j>t tbe formation of tbe Natlooal. iBdepehdent MoTlns Picture Alliance, be made an open Ktrftenient tb'it he wonid be in "the Tanderflle ^uJ>I□esi< again oo a larser scale than ever be- fore. The ram or eoncemlns Mr. Mnrdoek and bis possible connoct'on es an official. of the ITnileil Booklns Offices may not advisedly be called aatbcntle, bat It may be said with some ddesiee oC anthority tbat condltiims an.- prupl- t'ons for tte realisation In material form. In this event; It Is reaaonabie to oanmie that Mc the present complicutlons, for tbe reason tbat natU tbe deal is really e\pos>'d to tbe light, opinions wtilcb are of necctalty satbered in tbe dark will be teaiperad' by the aentlmsot oC pcnooal aeqaalntaoce wlti thaae pennon ae- ttwly ooacemed. Carrcglen op imtll Sunday night bas placed all bets in tlie fntnre book. He bas been .dllvtnry' In certain things whicb bas eansed the tboughi tbat after all they may lie naught bat mind bets. Wlil be cash? That ts the qnesTloa. Also In sammln^ np tbe sitnatioo, tt mast be considered that a keen hnalness man Is prone to mislead and foster lutes In T&rioan forms that thereby a Bank morement nay lie accompllabod, whereby tbe real object of tbe campalipi may be success- fcUy attained. Pend'ng the artnal settlemeot of tbe lateroatlunal "sale" ooe wsy or another, it looka as tboasb tbe impedimeiit which lias thrown it out of scbedae ooey be^Maead to a rtilTereoee la opinion as to irtat fTiiraali ii la trying to bin-. It must be that tbr we nam It on tbe words of ttctb Mr. Carraciea and' itr. Jhirdock tbat tlie amoant of money it vronid take to bny tlie International had been agreed npon. Id It not petslblc that when Carrag'en came to pat up the money everytlilog he thonstit he was to .own wosn't there? Is It because tbe actual money of tbe sale Is slow In {:ettins to the seller? Tbe solatlon Is larg- 1y a matter of indlrldoal opinion, and thns It will be nntu Carm^tlcn alts In tbe Interna- tlnoal offiffB as pj^sident. or Murdock tella why he ilMa't. W. R. ROTHACKBB. CHICAGO FILM NOTES. llessrs. IUc:>ardsoc and MeOratb. of tbo 101 Itaiith. weic lu Clilraeu last week at tbe - — - - they re- Itb rni<iue TlMalnt oa Slate SiMet.: wheN t were showlav the esealleat aMKloc ('•Unas centiy ukea'at tbe Mc raacb. anil ^wUcll w every reaUma typify tbe life ot tbat maguld- cent Insiiiatloa. ItnOUo bunia. bmocbo bust- ing. siv«r baltiac and general aeeoeo frum tUe round-up were tbiOM-n on tlie screen, and tbe plrturea weie full of action, snap and pepper overy uiioute. Tbe photography Is excellent, for which Mr. Busby and Mr. Uutton ure to Le compUmeuted. Edwin E. Talt, who with bis brother utter atps a cbuin of tbealrcs In the fbil pplnc Is- lands, was In Cblcaso last week on a busl- IV. UK visit. Messrs. Xalt weie formerly In tbe movlas pMiilo business la Honolala, and for a wliiili> la Uann Ifn—, . but as Uie Maid nar- mwcd In tbsee «nrtcra tbey atlected Maallla as a preference and meet wttb MWb oatcrul succtwi as cause-1 them to ..braael! dot uuill now they bave a theatre on paetMoUr every likely spot on tbe In a trade drmlar letter, tbe Pbnenix FUm Co. say, "On sccount of extensive ait>!ratlons la our factory and studio, ami aiso aullclpated improvements in our mecbaDlcal force, we wlU aol release for s>;verHl txeek^ fuUoA'lus our shipment ut Jxnuaty 'M, 181U. We wish to assure our cus1omi■n^ and frlfntls. however, tbat ih!a action ia enticely voluntary and waa prumpii-d eulclr IV aor dcein le praoace pic- tures which Allf lie AM-dMb la evaqr re- spect." 3. W. Morgan, of Joplin. Mol. waa In Chi- cago last week on Important bunaes* coarem- Ing tbe Alliance. MOVING PICTURE NOTES. ». !»• na«*a«Ma e»i*w m ~" 'astie. nowtown. 'VbN«i|«vJtBa% nd SteobsaTUle. O. Tlit»> MM* A BUSINESS OPPORTUNirVr Ugdork ^^abt^^actata .tbat. win let b^ oat ec tbe al ami flree «e take ap'new dntles -sorX as may cla'm Ills attentloo. In Chicago.- .James B. Csnaglen bas stirred up much inter- .est. has aroused a certain confldence and now is scemlnsly destroying tbat cnnlidence and Inlltn? the Interest by not making good on his various assertions. Carras'cn must have abil- ity and brain*, otherwise tbe deal would bave pi-rlslted at an earlier stsge. or perhaps never ■nave been cencelved. Therefore, the qnstlon arises as lo whether It Is not the fanlt of con- UIIt*ons and Gontradictions for which he may aot be held at fault, which bave turned the wale against bim for the moment, and base have. DnifuestionaMj', b e we i w . HBzdodE ao9 Ills associate Intereeta are wUIInK and andoos -to tell their holdings in the iDtematlonal. True, slso. is It tbat Carraglen baa eome sort of an •option on tbe company, and a tentative agree- ment has been arrived at which should be closed by CnrmideD proilnrlng the money nec- *«»atT to take up the notes. Wliy Is It tben that the siile does not go through, and what Ste Carrapien's reasons for not assuming im- mediate t)o^seR<4lGn? Is there some slip, vr some mhtle Joker he Is trying to evade, or Is be wary In the deal because of an under- currecrt setlon of one of tbe part'e* of tbe agew aentl Tbla is a gsa lh ls. nad Indtcatiena poMaotlbat ttj* pcaho^r te'lMbaair onM at M»r.. . J». It .aew atands. Carraglen avows that be * -jean' atep late the international offices In -the BnDdlns at any time tbat he may It that his JudSTDt-nt deorp«?g, or rattier legal meiworri ai>vlf;«. that be await a caaaplete undentanding as to tbe settlement Ot all interior dllTerenrrs among tbe atoek-boM- ers or tbe company under the Mordoek regime, anf tbat tiie'r Inridental dalms be settled so .ab not to coaaict at all wilb Inrentacy list of . ttMi t» be tnnsd wwr to*klm. FkMar alfkt M list weeb Canagten tnid anoie of bbi tHeoda '"tbne he w» going to Clerelaiid oo busiu e s e; to otbna It was told ttuit he wonld lesTC tbat erea'nic for St. Louis: but to all was giveu tbe ■s^nraDce that on Sunday. January 30. be wonld be In the ofBcex of the International ready to do bnslaess In a definite manner. Car- Tftpleo'it Idi^ns as to apjjolntmenta and tlielr ohUpmtlenn f^tn to be practically nil. and b'a conception of time elastic, and decidedly «• . ratlr. His hLstory in Cb'cago baa been pnnctu- et«4.-«ltl> broken engagementa, ae even la tbe "face of bis positive statemeot It was no snr- nrfae wben on Snnilay Cairatden ikied to make UBappeara-ice aa per bit a g wiws bt. ta anlte . atJt all. tbere aie nunr wbe bcOree tbat .when tbe tnnb of thr matter Is not. Otsmii^ win oar pad do Iblaga wldeb win restore tbe ■ beebrn coaSdeace, bnt tbe consrusns of opla- ioan wonld leave one to believe «tiat the object of It an Is as one seardilng for a pot of '- . g-M at the end of a rainbow, and who tntetit in his pursn't «r bin elnslre goal. lo<es sight of the coosideri ton due others. In the entire der.l Mr. Mnrdoek has evinced bis usual cold and calcnlatlog attltnde, and while verifying m'nor points at is.sne. and acknowIe<1glng cer- . 'tain developments with apparent caiidor. haa bee n undT rover with the k-v to the s.iln'lim Of the problem, and rells well hla firoot. Car- sagiea'ia bpnaialte; be may ptotie tint be la • man of vnaadb' Ibrce and powerlM-jae iaj, 'Wbe ttm pSk-tmr Va plaaa in tliwr_f Wl ot j. i'aris. The B'nb<>:!rd. CindnnaU. O. Gentlemen—Piirls, Tenn.. is a thrifty town of 7.000 inhabitants, a Sne opera honse. and, strange to say, bas no regular show of any kind. A pood aiOTlait pictnne show. I tliink, wnnid de a - Hg boa nes*. I think a bew u w u onght to tamm aC tbe opening, it it esats aie nothlnc-• " BMvaettntlr. - F. r. MUi-TiscoPK B. wttm r UmiMMm. Tbe Western Unlttseoiie Company, of SaH Lake Olty, Utah, will releaae Its llrst snbject aboot Febmary 10. Tbe reel will be about J.VOO feet la lengtb. sbowtag views of Salt Lake City: Saltair. the place where tbe JePrli'S-Jobnyna contest will take place: the princlrals. backers, etc. It Is planned to establish seml-weekly re- leases later on. AT TH E THE ATRES; Tbe mtMas FI*e Cent ncatte waa opennl In Andenon. Ind.. JsDnnr SO. with 8. B. Sampson and Bcnry KlrfchoCr.-manager*. They bave taken a loaai near tbe IkBCihw Station, ■nd indicatloM aie .tbat tber'-wUl .do a big business. CHICAGO OPERATORS' BALL. CTiirnco I>nl?:e. No. 145. of the Motion pic- ture and Projecting Machine Operators' Pro tnc*1ve I'nl(*n. will ffive a reception and ball In the Coliseum Annex. Chicago. March 0. M. A. C abta is chairman of tbe committee la NKW VOfUC FILM NOTBS. Cnnllnntng tbe-easMTr stwy mMMwA two weeks ago In taa Blllbnanl. The niai- naMrt Co. ammanee tbe:iet nem i' i it of rheaterlL me- man and bla ■i iee aian t, Uaz Uarka. ■ - ♦ Tbe Ktdno Ooanianr are rlKbt .alter ta Ibe Tkbt way. Their peetHS ai lot ut fb'romble talk. ♦ Hew Tork Ind(i>endenrb< are wootatac wliat next In tbe way of developments. Bert Hoa^taad^ pnbHdtr man for Patlie. to Another exjutpltr of tlie etiterprisc and pro- gresaiveneaa of some film manufaclurers is ivt- tlenced by the announcements made by A. il. Wliyte one of tb-? blc^vst dealers In Amcrienu and foreign flluis. that be wlil reloise oo Keli- mary 14. a Him of tbe'Parls IkMkl. It is statml tbat tbiA will be <iar of the inout ehbncate and spectacnbw Urns ever placed npon tbe market. The Essaaar Coopaar ie advertising for moving picture ecenarloa. needing partlenlarly Mrong comedy subJecU at pres«.iit. Tlie Scen- ar!o Department bas Issned a smsll booklet or. How to Wr'te a Moving Picture Play, which is said to be valoable to the aspirant In pic- tnre play vrrltiag. ■♦ M. A. Starr, fomierly with the 101 Haneb. and more recentlv manager of the idea Thea- tre. Grand RapliU. Mich.. Is managing the airnirs Inc'dml to the exblbllion of the John- ynu-iKetchel light plctnrea througb Vliginia. 'n'est Vbgiala and MatJiIaad. ' R. M. Anderson and bis-company, tbe Esra- nav prodncns of Western pictures, are now "n Santa Bartiara. C»I.. where they are reivirted to be making more thrilling Western subjects. ♦ nie Kwsnay Gnlrte, thp Essansy Company's nw bulletin of Alms, nia<l4? its appearance last week. Tbe foUowtnr managers form tbe assocla- lif>n: CImrieM L. Keaiie. I.«dveiiworth. Kail.; i>. W. Mcfleltan. Ciierryval'!. Ka».: 1>. Gross, Hoonvilie, Mo.; A. E. C'oriM-ut.'r, Law- rence. Kan.: «. 12. Hatten. Coliimhla. Mo.: Pal Uolurau. Mohcrly. Mo.: J. II. Iluiler, Raf- ette. Mo.: W. R. Cody. WelHogtoo, Kan.; J. A. Miller. Ottawa, Kan.: U. H. »waaef, KIrbsvilta. Mo.: W. W'. '^!J<* nud Lee Cohn. Bxcelslor lirrtngs. MOj W. Cobn was elected prertdent -and «en«al a»a»- ssrr or tbe aaoclstlon. i!r«ntCBnMHr. ifni<iran. HubbeU and Mr. ^balM* HS ecntive bosnl. aisrles l>. HataaaM wUI Of.. gauizr tlie tnxlre companies. ♦ Willis n «.llm-ia. agent .1 Tlie Man «n the Box. •wfltea that he »'lll maiiaKc the ninloaae at East l.lberpj'>l. O., the cnulng season for N. R. Hallam, who Ui* ihe .•lrr«ilt of doowo at Wasbint ~ " Castle, and' St« May SO. Stodc Compiiiiies /grbCK Cb MPAM V MKROBR. flM KaBdaMb JbB. Hl— inmt la lald to ha the lalttal slcp ta tbe CteamtlMi of a stork tb«- Btre trust In the West, was takeu here wben tbe interests of the 5ve principal slock tbealTca on the Pacllle Coaat were merged. Itils anion toltowed a tw« days' eoatsrsnee between the as anag ata nd la Jbe. eotee me of a movem<!ot atarM .lb :Kew Xaik br .IMMlt Iielasco. ..... ■_ Tho combine 'wblrh at firrseat Includes onjr the Bve principal cities on tbo Oust. Is saH »-:il lie extended lo DcnTer. Salt Mke, Unlaw. and other Wcatcni eUKap andJa te baw .rlwilir in obtainiiw piaeM' riad ■.Maila|. aaMni -J^m^ by coutTOIlliis tbe-dradiatle ■toclt .asid In tbe West. ,^ • Tbe tiiratrcs wbose Interests bare bees merged are tbe Alcaxar. San FVaneisco: Bar- henk. Los Angeles: Baker, Pnrtlandi aaatUe^ SMtOe,: and tbe —~ About Theatres OoBSbtseiiMs aettrlty la manWbat at Ike Ttta graph abodlo In BrooUyn. ♦ . Tbe Actogrtrpb's new 'i the OneM In New York. me OtMt Mortbern conttnacs with a series the Ml ii> a e u t bluM t b t e i/ are M* aad Mr ledlaatlea -la an The new tnorlng picture theatre now nnder pnnBtmrtlon on Jefferson street. I»iilsvllle. Kv.. w'll soon be ready for business. Tlie .Wlisllm Bntbrr* are the owner*. It_ is said to be. one 4t...m gmateit- «t Ua Had l». tbe Sooth. ^ A third moving picture bon«o opened in Slonx Fulls. SI. P.. January 20. under the nsme or liie Anets. managed by S. B._Rnvlan. Mr. WINNINGERS QUIT REPERTOIRE. Wlnnll«er Brotbris, owners of Ihe stock com- nany t>rannc tiielr name, which ia Bow playlag Ihe middle west, 'Will disband the Cnopsnr-at Ihe end of the present sessno It the p re s e n t ■ plaae de not aalacarry. Winntager Brothato. Cm been'IB aae elsas or snnUicr of tbe amoMK mcM baslaesa for about fourteen years. At an*, their father played with them bnt he re- tired aboat four years ago. They tile«l vauile- vllte and tbe circus business. L«« Beami,. Cbas. Wtnhinger left tlie comnsny snd Is iwiw supporting Blanche ning In The Yankee (lirl. After the dipbandlng. Prank snd John mill make a vandevllle team, and Adoifib will sIm sgatn go in tbe vaudeville, while iOe. Wbe la^at. present the advance man. boa'Biianl. goad OBMa to manage opera h otises. .' ■. cbWLON JOtNSi DIEMEB. 'Will r. Oodai, manager of tho Tnlnn stock Companr. who waa compelled to cancel all dates ubead oo sccount of a sev<-re Injury to bis wire (tx>rena Tolson) snlTered liy falling a-mm stairwsy at Galveston. Texas. Pectmbcr ». has Joined the niemer Slock Compony. Uu wife is still roDflni-d to ber room but la Im^ piwlag rapltll.v. WAYMONiy S CO . STARTS. ladi. BajrowMr* bewly. annalwd Mock csm- SaB»jlt'at!*!»*:?«»"'"T laa witb aorbw pletBiaa. ♦ ■nie nrphenm, T,.rr*c snd Omnd w a tt gldetnre rhrsirrs. at Wllllntnsport. Pa., bnve.besb unit- ed. s'1'1 are now under the management of U. O. Wlllard. 4. ETC*ensive improvements bave Jnst iieen eom- idHed at tbt^Pwda Thratie. AllfnliNn. Pi. Tbe Pstgela la nianage^hy D. ■.' Kaair. ' Jir*c Lsmey la ttm lOntOd at Ike iUfMMP Thestre. Atlanta. Oa.- Be mm ibW» since laat April. . AIRDOIlii WHBEL POHmWD^ An oiwaniaatlaB known bs the Mlssaorl-Ksn- sas Alrdnme Assnelat'on. composed of managers or twelse apea-elr Ibes*"" or olrdomes oper- ttfftHL ' II I* iatraded prtaMfllr >» ,P«' .">'' »lrdMw> Ibeatrss and repertoire emiipaniea plv- over the Aneoe'atlon hoaacs. on a paying Tbe rtwnit will be operafnl In the manner nf a »mrle«<|oe wheel, a sort of a eo-operellve otnn by wbi-'h •-very manager of a theatre stao oimi a traveling company. «i'hlch plays one week In his ihesfre and one week 'n each olh.-r •h-strr on the elrcnlf. Tbe repertoire seaann lasts elBhleen weeVs. T1w> members nf Ihe a«so elallon expert to be Joloed to IbV"*''*?/*."' alx other tbestiea baCne tbe epeolag .oc tbe ataaaii. Mar Ml '«ltttK^fU^li^WEED> '.; law-to i»t*'tif''tmtr»iuuar ejj- respective homes. ? ■ ■ ;. ■ > .;' THE PERRY8 CLOSE. The Perrya bave sWeeit In IMInlmfg. IB., stter s seventeen wrr^n' enaog^nt nanpnl for a Mllllob C*. (Kaatenl whlfb op«; again, rebrnarjr IB. playlns retnm dat.-s fna opening three new opera hon^ In .Eastern Illl- nola. B. n. Perry !• al bis home In Kdlnbnrg. III., bonking fnin- attnetlons for the comln« seasnn. InelMllog The Village P«««m'ister. I'o.'^ -- - — — •- pa«ebler ana t bej.jnn'; fnw. paalse all tabe tte rood ebant Ai MENCHBN'S ELECTRICAL EF- FECTS. HmsB flnio Tandevllle haa beeome so l«l>alar that almoal all of the nietnre honaes wlili a rent|.ig ctpaHty of over 00". and It almost nbanlntely nrceiafiry to In-lnrte small aria in •heir pmaranis. In ortler that they mi» relain Ihe nslronaae which Ihey have beretnfeee <ls- velOPe>l. Th". J-aieph Men-ben Klfcfrlral OO.. inannfarlnrers of etertrlr »«.nle efferts sno stage light appllanpes. conllniie lo reeeite iar»p enntraeta from these pletnre honaes from an parta of Ihe United Btateii. and fmm Rise tae n»w honoes whl.'b are helag epened on- ihe big time for their PJjnIar ' — " sn"w. rain. See. ele. Tbla e«. i- taMlobed and natatalned a popular repntatio" nf being oae af tbe laraeet and brat monnfac- tuim or evMylMnii that appUae lo eleeMcal