The billboard (Feb 1910)

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FEBRUARY 9^ 19ia Xtie Bill boar a 17 GREAT CIRCUS GATHERING At Coriy, Pa., January 28, When the Cole Brothers' Show Was Sold at Auction by New York Firm—Bidding Was Lively and the Property Brought About. What It Would Have Spld l^or as a Whole to Eager Buyon. iWf C N. WATCIIS.) Ccrrr, P*.. wa* tiM Mcnc Of oo« of tta« iti-al rrrntt ia Clreiudom PrIUiij tut, whva ale lirua.' Ulrcu* MM •ucUoacd oK la loU Uy Jotmnr Evaw of Nmt York Ol^. mmoouw ' u, l[>am Mft ChnH. "— " " foil tlw bn the m«it prMDlOMit- tm _ In ■rirailanco. Th*. bhldlnB from u* utart wax aplrlM. ami tboaa trbo alioaM know, atatad taat tM prlen broagtat Juat stNNit wbat thrj wiMld kaT* at prlTat» aale. Tb« Mnte ii l uk «a« dcTotm to tlie ulr of Ik* fllfir > ll H lk •( tbe atMvr ami 011I7 rnsactd tk» atMBtlM OT tii« Mnaller »bo\v ownvra. 8him-uii*ii wlio bti4 not ii««D «Rch other for rears, rvaru'*^ aeoaalDtaocea, awl tbm aalo «a* mora aC a tcusloa tban a baalncua catbar* »to«'k. their parcbaglng rommlisloner being Eob- erl StlckDcr. of anclnnatl. Au lolvrvatloe tcuture was tbe R'nicllnz llriiibrrB lo aarnoat conTcraftttoo witb D^n Wiil- larr. with wboa thry are eiperleil to war tbi- riiRiInc waaon. So far a* known, the Peru •lion-nian merely ioaked on for nmnaemenl, aa be niaoe no porcknaea* J. Ao(iiaiua Joack. of Wart*a. Pa., known na one of the Inckleat men In' Ibe boalneaa, ae- ciiretl tile band wasiina ami caltloiie. aino other parapbrmalla. He ezpecta to put o«t * 20 rar abow tbia aeamo. and will doubtleaa be beard frooi befdre Ibe aeaawt la over. Wbeo the sale opeocd lo tbe radiator bnlM* Inc la Gtony. Joaepb Carroll made an addteaa loamn. He purehaaed about all Ike baggage «toi*k worth havinc at abcut $200 a bead ar- rrasF. botb advertlalns rant and all tbe nlock !t:iil ajia be wanlnl. When Kirtiloann atarted bliKl Dg be generailr tonfe what be wai after. All the ahonmen were «ery aangnlae of » mtcreaaful araaoo. •leaplia tke iimefit IkaaMral atmnn. •Tin caanlry l>. yfrng t w rn, " wv tbr- RiagllBgk. "and everyone wants to wa IM cl^ cua.^' That the al>on-TDPC have heartn waa evi- denced doring the nle of the camel*. Jobn O. nsblaaoo bad pnrcbai«d BulTalo, born on May 30 last In the c'ty of that name. He paid $80 for him. Tbe iMby has not ret been weanou. Wben tbe nucUouer had besltatud At ten o'clock tbe aale ( teninarters of the abo«e« paeketl to the doorx. Nearly all tbe twmeaa waa bonebt by tlia John KoMnaon Sbow. white Miller Uioa.* eaaa In for their abate of odda and endm and a^ cortllng to Tbe tent*, iridck • layaiaa wMd nataralr hetlere were worth conalilerable. went to tbo United Slatea Tent tc Awnioir Co. for KIOOl The Downle Shows bonght another t> nt for Slon. Tbe stable t«f>ta were divided betwivn Jones Broft.. Miller Bnm. and the Ri^Inaonx. Wben tbe other eqnipment of th*. sbo>w wa* pot IV. sack as stats tiastlca. act rlnlac. bac- PHOTOS TAKEN ON THE SCENE. jiinw. iM Mj (S) J«Ma niwtm, rata htcma. tcma. (3) Gtorte AiitnMnn. (4) Jataa ^K.. The rlrens nca begnu to arrlT* In Corry t>7 January 30, and all kad looked over the outflt. .. TNv'o mrn who at* H f C rt Sd as kaTing endear- ored In pnri'liaae lb* eiresn at iirlvate aale. Sraiik A. Il(*litdmi ami J. Angnatoa Jonea, were S-ew-ot. an4| Rblrltrd MitdIng was looked for. . " <>lle was ^iMnpolnted. Tbe bidiling wsa S!''''.** srilrlea, and eery fair prices ok- taHwd sa OMal arllrlra. -**.C Milter, of 101 Ranck, prayed to ba s ***!fM<<na flgsre, hia mimnsMlIng fona Mom MSMMl oi)l aa a weetemer by klit stlMs snZ «l hV snnbrem. lie look n nenooal tatefasl in the bidding, he'ng aaalsted by aewge tad Kil- *«r.t Arllnalon. J;>hh anil Alt T. RIngltng repivsealed their vsrhMis cirrn< enterrrlaca. and wrre eipeetdl «!' nuiire In the hlilitl.<tc. 00 aemiint of putting o<it the Porepniish.fletta' Show the eom'ng aea- They purchased Ike msjortly ot the riac In tbme preaent. Bs ststed tbr.t be desired to deny all the usly ramors altoat and asMire<l etery piircbaaer s soasre ilcsl, ataitng thai bla cnmpany wniild atand behind erery tranaartlon, Imikluc to the Downs estale for their guuran- l<«. An ifninlng Ineldrnt of the sale was ttie par- rbaae liy Joha O. Hoblnsoo of s door light. He Md St. a<id It wsa-kaackcd dowa to Mm.. -What k««o I bMBMr* .MM 'MiB O.. attet the sale was tecesJsd. It waa a l<annla,'nev> erthslcss, altboogb purchased witkoat being set'ii. lea. Harris, the well known eqnestrtan and trainer, pmwd one of the hits of Ibe aale. He f»rp an rxhll^ltlon of hlrh srhnnl riitlny and Irleka e«iiial lo any of the l>est riders, ao'l Ma explansl'ons Of the ability ot tbe animals were « genuine treat. Rum-ir «e«.ma to be Terl&ed that Jnhn O. Rsbloioa wlU ban sos ot tks big sbonts tkis oier the price of the mother. Joe Carroll KhoQted: **Setl Iter; sell her quick; let the l>aby CO with the inothur;" snd John O. Robinson huugbl lt>e mother on his bid of $2TS. It Is reported that Ed. C. Konpp. Jamea Unwns and others of the Cole stult, maj go w'th Jnhn 0. Robinson this season. The Bar- tel company were aot to be .denied Id Ikeir thssss af Ike .csas aabai nka:'4MiMMa whc fesasMk or caotas ttere were smao of tke biter Skow> men who contd not are the bargains rmnlng tbetr wa,e nnDotlevd. and irot In tlwlr hl<l« to ttie dlagnat of the smaller bidder*. Jones Bn*., of Warm. Pa., were tbe heaviest Imyers. sad smred praettcally the greater portion of the aimiw ontflt. and bssiTAye horw^ RInglIng Broe.. Johnny and Danny Rnbtnsao. Millar Bros,, Awlrew Dmrnte and Bartel Animal Co.. of New York, were other Mk hnyers, thv latter tsttlag practlcalty the entire SMiMterle. gage wagons, cages and tableau wagons, tbeto wan a msb of rootemplatetl buyers, ami a very atlCT battle Wiiged ami those who bonght wars forced to pay anml uw*. btsb for tliefr wants. J. Aninislns Jonra, aecomnanle*! b.v his bmtlker. Was one of ihe m«^ determloed blilderw present. Two property bami wagons, considered to ba among tbe heat lit tbe couDtry, weal to tbaia at tOOO and $350. large calllavo also wcat to.Jaasa Waa. tar fTT3. Just tke cast of Ike wkMlsa. tk* plainer and geneni p ut pnae wagrjui. brnagkt fmm $dn tr gt.ia. and Jnoes Bro*. seeorad nesrly all of tbem. sad what few they missed went to Mllh<r Bnsi. nf Ranch 101, and Ibe Dana.T Rnl>ln«on Carnival Co.. which will put out a ctrcne this year. The cages sod open dens bronght rraaoaabla prlees. ami went to Jooea Broa.. $300 to $«T3. (Oootlaned on paga 24.)