The billboard (Feb 1910)

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18 Xhe eillboard FEBRUARY % W». SCENT OF SA WDUST the Air, and Showmen and their " Hired Hands" Grow Restless ...for the Season's Opening—Brief News of the Plans 101 RA NCH M OTM. Br OVT VEAOICS. tti« wvvklDfc Rtaff. mcb nt> tralDua^n. I. "eat and llgbt mea, imtth-n. la ht^ ■n kaad« ronnrcted wHli tbp mrofaanlcal ilrpsrt- mmt for tbr bis abow. are b<«liiii!ac »o mittn M tb* naeh and wtati^inutcn to S. WL ImK IB-to aMMoe ttrfr xarioM artlto pIIIm ik» ■Mpant rmOr to mmr. - , ThM kas hmrn mnett MMtoC fato* 4a«a ••■•M* »lntrT and m* mmat awcamlta <| >tllWgiitoi» Mr On to^ci Bati'S SSm ■The Mtllnr hoT» have Jn»t cniDp)>-tMi the bnlMlnic or « Imintirnl new Ihiom* at a cnirt of |40.ano to rppixrc tt» fanmaa nld 'WUtr Bone** wMrb tMimrd flrnn " ' An alfnir* atark tfx bead or tinni»^ Swral (ln«> mntlnn ptetnrM -were takPD at the imek dnrinc the p«»t few wwkn. nnrt If rwsl- Mle bnnwHKi rldlnK. mtrrr tylnr mirt «terr ttumv- bramllDjr and dekmUitt rattle, a bnlTalo ■HBt and uum aiai ia otlm apnrts nf tbr nnice ne mid mbJpTta ftir a- mnrlns pirtnre th-atre. tta dWnvat toiia the cow laddira of lOI aaaar ar MtonU* nt «»ck Miner ta Mlc-»iM«cb wM went atnata. ooelit t» be Joat tte thinr. rnr the arm that tnnk tba p t ulni ea •lalm the eqnal of these Oliaa hare aavcr yut •ean made. ' otto Krelntiriak and Hntna Kllllvf* toH me to M<.v ih<t ir anynoe <rbo oaraa toaai « laMn will adilrrm It rare ini BaiMb. ' BOM. OHa.. It win ri>ach them all O. K. Bill PIrkrtt went to Snotheni Texas with Mr. Iftllrr. reeently. and they >ie<^r»<1 eoioe real Wild and makr cattle fnr the »t«-er throwlrg •et tkat nefcett oriElnatpd. and wlU perfonu ■BlteC the enmiiK aeaaon. llelTia Bendera la at preeent drfl] maater at toe State Annnrr. ajrarnKe. X. T.. and mail wn Te a rt i ktai there tnitll fnrther nntlre. ' _??*• ^-a Baaea. the celebrated roe- ■all>d ._w<ll ftgglab- top band «MP lat lB|t of SS ^eeea •■rto* Wl ■aa^-WM Wkit the nxnlnc Mnto: hta ""SSStm Srlto. .*Hi ■■mmr iSSiS'. at. Lonl.. Mo. "T-. The fotiowina head* of depaitmeota-tere been mtnrt^ tor the rranhtc aeeaim: Xd. Imery. asi>- erlntrndent of eanraa: Jflke Qnlnlan. flrat aa- atatant: John Xnrent. ■<<<-«nd aaalstaitt:-Rirlln Han. anporlnteort»Mit irfde ahow: ■ Rot- naekett. neater of trananortatton: SOiaiitT- Rarmoid. ann- totoh - M«nl of Ilckta: Blaekte \nillama. maater IW«*a«lft In ■ cfcante of- MaeknnltMni;. Mike --"waltog naad porter, naak Mone: _je* Artbtir DavliL ■ Beekmaaa la ta e* af at tta mmfn JBd la neeriT mdr far ttie mad. A aaailiii mt ■eir waanna hare been bnflt. each aae ttfed with all the mndeni ImprorvarafaL ' Patotvn «» bnrr rettlnir the parade waa oiw fa idiape aail the para<V featrtre of thia ttiriw will, tbia enalne »aaon. mrke the natlren* eyea opeti wftb w«m- oer. Sfr. Ar1<n»tno terently pnr<4iai<e<l two new aleepera. matins a total of elegit ^leep^re with the allow. The ahon- win l<e mnrt larcer thIa Manna, harftir a p«T»onnp| of (tno r>eor>le. jW to. ttfnla Wronpht Iron Co. la hnllillne * qteani oHwt ror the cook-honv that win ■•>■■ Inaaeattan Id the ahow biialnefa. The sSirTSl iSJWlLa* ■ a»l wm he an toa ae wai id. wCI Iw awMed-hj- WIMam Mnl- to^aad M^Cawan. irtio bare been with Um for The tw^ a aa a m n . IW Ifcr yb W ild Weet wi n teina w tera la «er- r a n mr glaaat. -Itot eiaulUv wM he waea ihik-r- .CIRCUS PEOPLE AT PERU. ■JK" Mra. George Connors have flnUbeil nM>^MK ndUw act, and are wvUtlue for ihe t** ISM* Family, globe aot, an winterinx lo Carl NlKhtcart la bmqr at ulrtMnilliilaia with Ma hlEh-erhooI hreaMns act. . Mlaa Annie Connora. who bi<t hetn apendlnn the winter In PiHa and otb<T forplco ritlea. re- tnraed to Pern laat week. Miaa Coaiuira and ftm- ^.^T-J''^ UcbeD left for OoioKhiia, a, to Tialt relatlrea tor a tern — . t--— • Fred WatoHr tmC J. O. Talbot, who recentljr ae r n tql. Ma itoa- BKtJon aa lefcal adjnater with the BjantoMk- J5S!!S» *S7- 1» re****** «». I""™ toiC wIth a af a ■ hfafeen .«t Ma Work BO far thIa •eaaotl haa not heen Tery brtak—the cold weatlier aeema to jmt a atop to moat evrry kind of work—everybodj acta froren np—nerertlieleaa we hare ffof three new baitrare wairona and a new prlxe aclwioner bnllt and moat of the old watr^ uw repaired and newlr painted, ao we bare made aome ahowlas anr' Ifr. Prrrlne baa been bmr tialnlnc a a«w tofr line of 1 Voat of tlw' W a ann wW ha-f „ art. ■ to tba Wc •*»«. wtto a ■fal prfnttnr. who wera with na laat r fUa aaaaoa. with a few new to iiJaiji —ni j»f the a<-ta lo t«e wild irt fferteaa liVRt pare, tferleaa Bill and bla eomrreaa of roDgh rldeta. «>ni ha with na rngtla. aa will alao be Jtadam Vamla T« WodH and bar bro«eh«i PIojTl J. Pike win bare the baad asaia thU aeaaoo and be promlaes oa a atlU better oncattl* Ml Inn than be bad laat year, which we tbuusbt conld not he beat (or the number of pieces (10) thfj rvcelTtng many Batterlns prea^s commenta on their rUsa of mnalc and ezecutlou with the am all nmnber of nlecea. B. A. Tannaliill will bare chartce of the ad- raoce t>rl(adr wlib tluee aaalatanta. We are eoaaMMta( aton m armal moie aria anltaMe tor a wM ««M Hhtirlaliiiaial. and hope tbey will he dwa d an to the near ta- tore wliro we will baae one of the atiaaK-*<^ waprm «how wild weat eatertalaoimta the roail. barrios none. _Wa open la BaloD Baplds earfy la May aitd dMiV tonSMlM nntota to a aorceaariil aeaaoo. ■Mpactfolly yoara. H. I.. CARPENTER, Preaa repmeotatlTC. HEW Y ORK Q08S.IP. . nonble ta ntore fiv Jlannr Vtrntm. lite ens torn offletala aiv after tamo fnr dntlea oh hortea when tbey te^terrd from Canada laat An««R. The new1>ayne bin wblrb does not exempt elr- cna stork and leriea a tax of 130 a head, west Into effect Jost befarr the Aow raiae flna the other aide. In enoaeetlea with thla one of the drat known eaaea that came to llaht waa when CI'"" waa held tip at Buffalo after ganas Canada. Tbe mllector went to Dunkirk, N. Y.. and eolleetcd <S10 ftir acnn head «( atocfc. Cbaa. "IMnk" Hayra. fnr tw» aeaaaaa eootraet- Ina acent for the 101 Ranrli. will ro In a almnar capacity with the Forepansfa-lleUa this year. "PlakT ha ~ ~ " Oao. W. -Obooo. made a Ionic borae-l Trenton. N. J., to Oaa' stock la qnartend. ^ Ci~BSw' loeatol iSTSS Yak aty. Nearly erery rlrrtii man !•» New York at- tended tbe Cole Bros.' sale at Cooy, Pa., this week. Cbaa. Shar, bnaloeaB and 1 tettoed the Con y;^ Cm ba tha beat vfibca at a 'iSn^ frlcnda, ♦ Bmy Sweeney win aell Tbe Billboaid with the Two Bnis Show tbta ♦ J. Oa y a ^ i well tea. Jim Gabriel to to M. .Uiwla. WILD WEST'S OPENlNa its aeaoim The Two BiU Show wlH aboBt Avril M. Itoto a(.« . , are In I telll WMI H r to«M>» totoaa to ehape. ITere aie> ■ toar of tbe fattat J i a n a d np. Mr. Jnlni nOnatB wRI ha Ibe haaa hostler. Mr. John Ber ln ney will be snpt. of canraa. 3lr. Wm. Parrell. aa^. aapt. of ennrea. and Mr. R. Z. Zlntamaater has been en a aaed aa maater of transportation. )lr. C H.' Gelmmlll la ln| eharffe of peint ahona with M. Flood a« awtataot. Sir. Roh^jrt Tinner. Voown aa th»' cowboy roertianlr. If In rhiirje of the merhnn- leal cofwi*metlon department. Mr. Wm. Anattn is there la the capacity of pnrrha'dac asear. Thomson & Vandiveer WAinrFAffrnxzRS or CIRCUS TENTS 818 RbM P«irl Bt, CTSCrSTr/mi o. TH E BES T SCENERY AND BSOW PAISnVO at loweat prlree In tbe land. Hlab-irrade r^ork only, lllnatrated eatalnv to lb* profe^-IoB. TpII n« wh«f Jfrrj n<*e«1 artd we will •en<1 lowmr s^tln^lp n-> 'r>, ESTCEBOLI, AST 00.. 5304 Hnrth STth St., Omiha. Keb.. U. a A. FREE--3X9 Ft. BANNER with every order for one dozen Pllnt'a Prairie (for a limited tlioei. Befor e bny lat anr 1 nkt. MURRAY & COMPANY 64«-648 Oaa MaM aqnare, b Polea and stakeo SlMOi IKr?^ll«m *fSr«'an3'alalN«. fX.OO. A flrat-cla« teat far a I'll Show; One tf>z38 aqnare. bip roof rnda: 7 It. wall; 10 ounce atrlprd arblM aai aM saU patleia; 1 one month. I'rice. (4o.00. Pulre and alakea, $11..V). One :!0x30 aqnare, bIp roof ende: blue and white; pattern one foaC WHPI 9 ttm VHlt < roped: aacd two weeka. Price. ITP.OO. I'niea and alakm. fll.OO. ^ Oa^MjB Maa< and sable end; 10 ft. wall; 6H ounce Drill ALL,. KINDS U tent at the toaaat aitoa to Iha toM paw • Ton can aaka sai* ar hato lhaae laat n u a It . •X.-G." There la a tnarantae behind that aaaw—» Sim hare "C. O." tent and there hi any reaaon far dlSMtMarttaa all hare to da la aead bach the teat Ul.always waK the taot ttadeaark 3: 'El's (EP-jHTiO'i H:« 01 f»EH 1EH GOSS' SHOW /f^, CANVAS V': V BUCK TENTS circus FLAGS Waterproof Covers ssic fc« ^^1 Ciiiio-; »so second hud usi The J. C. GOSS CO. ""mV,",;" ■- ■ • _ toVtet Boa, btoek or Flat can for aala or icaaa. Btaraf* capacity WO can. Bapatr work . solicited. Venice Transportatioi Co.! ST. LOUIS, - MISSOURI. TENTS Ena uL'rwu m tm m wt w an mem BAVO TESTS WTRIM O THR WWXT to OATi TO REBtrCS RmOX. ■PMlfll JUWT WSAT T0T7 WAltT. COLOMBU TENr ft MMNfi eMmNI. CtUMMIS, OHM. TENTS Tate. Kaah Tat% Ou«r Ttia. Ifany.Oo-Rsaad Oeesrs. And ev«rytkia# la asaisB toad far aataltfaa MKnn miiEm ft imms ci WE HAVE rOE TFftffT—Ofttl, iO ft. for prlTU«s«' ttork and dmvtj -(o-raoada. DMir«bl* Tents LABOB AND SUALL. ALL DBKEIPTIOM. MRBDf»CtllI<d bX W. H. UBMIAyiH, ClffilglM, K|i nrmwTtaANo mns pob TENTS For all piirpoaM—(Srcus, Stable, Cooking, Carnival, Candy Tops, Photograph, Gypsy, Pauling Ca^ Covers, Horse Co vera. All Best hand (or show aad elms cooMatsa. rataa. TBZ AUtB rALAOBlOBa <UB OO.. IMP Maaadaoek Bld«.. Chl«a»a. BL TENT WANTED TENTS AH kinds to boy. Also ts repair aad atora wtotar. Very low ratea. I>. K. KXAK " 00.. tOOT W. Hadlasa to., (aU la. tot) Id ' ' Factory ROME. GA. GROUP OF FOUR UOPARDS AND ONE PANTHER Trained to work tottetber; slso Uooa, yoons ranlbet*, Blnlntong, Camowarlea, Uookeya. and other anhnala and birda. WEMZ tt Hi Sm, Dept. B., Tardley, Bnofca Co., Pa. BERNARD BRUSH CO. Rector Building, CHICAGO. Ea. r.x. Stralichr Bore Clrcna Bruah. fn.7.' each: fl2.nn p-T rt<ii. Beriianra Colil WatiT Paate, 60 lb. box. fn.UO: 200 lb. bbl.. tlO.DO. WILLIAM BARTELS CO. nenlem In Wild Aslmala. IW OfaaaOTiah Strast. Vsw Tsrk Olty. PIBTABLE LI6HTS FOR ALL PURPOSES TREBOlTEftWEYER CB. • ■.MlaMgMiSIr***. Sw^'^bSIIps. *^srT!^^''il ^^ ^ S? * HOTCHKI88. BLVS * OOMPAST. Ml Hallway Ezohaafa SideShowPaintiiigs SIEGMUNP BOCK. e.J^NAV0lKII*.OO. SIDEiSHflW PAjNTINgS 106-110 Broadway, Breeklyf*. N.Y. CIRCUS A JUOaUNQ APPARATUS cala- ,tt, a -tx KABS, MAKES, HONKEYI, lAM