The billboard (Feb 1910)

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FEBRUARY 6, 1910. Ttie Bllll^oard 19 ROUTE OUT OF BELVIDERE. i«,.n ll'Irn TO*) daulx-ni and jtu itinU Iwar i,t ibf ruulv tiMl waa uiuta out »( Uolrldiiro I!-. .1 Ili-at-Tcar iu:in, oo tbc Nu. 1 cu 4ir H I'iri'iu tlial'a faaiutia near and Car. Tuos ilie plgliiovDlb of Aaguatt lIMk MM W • blll'T U ailvtf fl'lw rfiiK'iubvra ciut atuilrnt and the ruuto ti^at bo Ulrtilf AikI llii' Hliwta tliat Iw potted (or nt kiwt tliKi be mMI On ttjat ft^-ir-iulle drtT« la wcatiitfr Urvar 4lp (Uai wMMlrrfDl loaM «at «( Bvlvhterv. bis greec tt waa aot tiM MM ' ' Jan a llT<)qr Inm, ycQ eaa dM mt Ji kalf barrrl of |iaal«. temli aod |k|«>r saiurv faf towuji Co makr bvaldni. a coonttsr aiiirv * jUptMt Hta rrpoct akMt Im lvtun At Tvo mllea aat llr »a.ii to IM Ui>rB." A* Mnoolb a* iCaw I'll juat •jr. Kmr Ibr clock Mmck tea aa the teas, with • ruafa. Cro t xii I be bl( Iroo brklcr Iota CiKklflimtk, Now a ilanb be aplwi on toe xenprul aluni Cuct-rt-d by ihr BloKUuca Iba year brCutv. Xfb'-c, It-n ib« Mma be hMl IvcMlaM tear BriHMl ali^fl ilMnd Aotl at a qiuitar M nr laat af tbe roote waa ina<V on tlmr. Ilmi at tbr car laat arrra nlo^. ■ Will bis pMCll. puUml oat bit pad 1 Mr akaata m Ua laat aland to tbat t fe» bat ttuo* blind irrt coold flad. Bad fair of tb« ebeckcr: ba LnoliinE for locatlaaa be Bi pa.Trd A* a aalTC to tbe Kow tl^r "ahooC' atar bltlrr. la DOW on a fann. th»r my a atar tiller Aad lb* Inra apvak hia namv la a low taa« of frar JtM tbqr idl of that noU oat o( M*blnv. ■ . . Jfc i-ap-kld"* Ofe ac g ry fa tloo'a CHALLBNOK PORT ROPINQ CON rhallfnf* ta cwiT«t; w» bvfvtir rballnite any H'r mrn la th» Be- pnbllr of Uriiro In a coatnl la roploc aad tT- lac tbiTty brad of Mrrrm. tttm no rarli al.f>>. >Mr to Oriioklt tl.OOO to C'M •ritb tba ■nicta llrratd. DOdcr the rolknrli« cnodlti'vui: "♦.•III bar* are co n ton a rMlac flTr of oor y» bwiaa. rope and tie Mtera «t»»r«. ttr-e «rna each. Ibe Jfe^leaaa la do aam*. Tb«- nar^Rmlivd bf eaA of Ite mro m be ta the leaa* tlaae to be SkeUrad tbe wia- am and |« be eaMiled to tbe t3.aM» la (oM. Tbe contaat tn be beM *«<kar la the ball rlnx g. ■» OOP"' aaltahle e wl a —l e la tbe Otj at ■ . .^"■'"^ a<ln>la«*o« wOl ba rbanM. awl OM or the itale recelpra Ibe wtaM;* aia ba bare a»e pdd iBfdaU attidded wltk wtenm to br ilrrlami tba CallMl malM aixl Mrxtr& 'o r>l<1 to be pnatrd witb tbr IIMald on tb^ alrnlnx of tbo contract. I la be bcM tba UM of rrttrrMrj. raMUHoaa ave cot «atlkfaetorT to wa win cbaaac tbem lo tncb ""Taa^taar be muaallr aanod MINNEAPOLIS Ki A^ B. « B. OF A. «arb^tarbi«K •■be a SSiut _ aaenl of tbe t^rU It tor Local NO. 10. aat mnt IM MavMl aad Baabr Ba tM aaa *• wHb tbe 5*»I>aii«h-««na ahaar. i(tbo Welaar aoni with «obn nart-a ovpoaltloa gaag with tba Bareom «•» Maalelati. ^ - ■ a^^ « »«e fbarli-^ nnir^'p toorinc car la lu the etore- bWMr for tbe wlnlrr. •;j»^l'n; J. J. Whitehead InatalM the St. l^cal No. 4B. Bnart ar. Jannair VL cmc u» oo ssipj _>ib4CMwii*a TnUued Animal Shows be «rlih of ' or the Ma ralhaad itiawa Bra educated soau aad two doRt. la an act kuuwa aa Tlmotby Uayaead'a UariU-ard lilifciia. Hp alM> wui put oo a coapla or wIM weat atuDia IPtrunI y ara acu aalha-tBacfc. At the and ut iliff leiiilu^ araaua tba aahaal act win be an-o lo ramlrTlile. | The Union City (Pa.) Times of itM- I uary £i, aaid: "un triuay, Jaauury Kit tbe Oulv Urvlbcra' Clrt-ua wilt b« auiil at auctiua al ibr Curry tklr Kiuuiula. 'rbe Tiiura liaa nu »ay of kouwlu* »bu Mill be tiw aucccaaful blU 't!'!' ""^'^ ""c K» «» Um abuw auld t«j bit. L. Kuii(i|i and .\. Walttaw twa IPaMM city Iwya. wIm> are ibuc^uybly eoaianaat Wllb every pbaar of Uiu bualuna." j ReckJesa Barney, who wne married' laat ara.<Mi wlcb Uk! Low Ulll a WUU WVat Sbow al Al Krvacu I'ark. waa killej uu MuiMlsiy Jauuary H. by a paaalu* tr.ila at I'eurla. iu.. Ujr wiul«fn4Uart«;nt vt (jm alioiv. Ilia fuut l>«- cauut rtuauKlt-d la lb* tmg at a awttcb and tbiw inppol and UiM Um. Max C. Elliott, the theauical man- acrr aod drttis ascul, la tourluK tbe woat altta a iepenuit« cuoiuaay playlus week alaada. Tula atauuer Ur. Uliuu «rlU pltul a waaiw aiiaw up laiv Vrruuiai. New UaaiB>Mn aiM Malae, o:^a- lac arar BuKua. Maaa.. la Mar, mr-T'-K weat Beat araaua afala. Ed. P. Wllay.- for aevemt aeasons Iwraiy tuui-buor aaaat with IM* IttuB.' Hbuwa, aad llrrt J. Cbbaaaa. AMaarljr .aC the. Leai«tt Bruthrra. aad alhar teaM —r~'Ttt-iM. in aa awdaiad la the aiaaaMNat at .VanMi. the Is*-' B. 8. Banaon wUl be a member of tbe advaace aC the Caaipbell Brut.' Cuuauliaatcd aiioana tbe CMUiac araMio. At ihvxuC Iu- 1<i buaduvaa nuuusi-r of Utvrnlraf and Bau*-'a I'apa'a Buy Cooipaor, tuuriog Iowa ami illlnola. Stoddard and Wallace, who ar« playinc la raodrTili* tbla wiuter, «IU be nxtt durlug the uniliis araaoo aa ciuuua oo tbe Inck and la Uw coaeen. wltb oau of.the ble The Petet Fkmny. Acrobota, cloaed a forty w««ka^ aaaa a iawa t with the Mparka ahaw. Fred Bitad baa retiwaad to bia hoVne la l.alNarta. lad-aftar a acanaa oC tamir-aerMi werka wltb tbrCbapbrn Bna.' SMo Bhaw. aad a winter aaaa u a wiui John U. Sparka Show. Brown and Roberts' Je.isc James. ondrr caaraa, are playloc to eooO bnalot^ ia nurlda. Tbcy will »liortly put uut aoutbrr J ea a e Jatnea Sbow umlrr cauTaa, Cari Nemo, barrel Jumper ' and rqulllbrlat. ba^ atsnrd wlib tbe Uollmar Bna.* Siiowa (ur tbla araaoo. lie la iww ia his taatli week playias tbe Goa gas time. FIcqrd Pntman, tMiner wttli om oC WooManTs Shaav. to HI with scarlet fknr at Uie borne of Cbaa. Woodfced, Paieooer. M. T. VlrKil DeBamett closed his engage- Dcot wltb tbe Rboda Boyal Indoor Cttraa at Kanaas City. Uo. B. L. Brannon b&s aigned aa agent for the Use BlU's 8how far Ibe aiam of ISIOL IC Xa. Clartt and Sons. Shorn have taae lata wlatnaantas at AlaxaaMa. iJu UNITED STATES TENT & AWNING CO. KOW. r. vKDitAn, n., rxmft. waltzb t. skitxb, via»«Hirt. JOBV a Msoann*. Cnaa. xaw. b. utzoiozb, aaa^. SPECIAL ATTENTION 1010 TENTS, BANNERSb SEATS, Etc. iuati«e«vedfiroatiwpriiitm Writslbramquiflk. Intmatiqg baisidniL I- Write m AO Gat ear fHut, aad job will giaaiiBYaar ■d iUnpad an ft* day promiaad. ' 22-28 N. Dssplainss StrMt CHICAGO, ILLINOIS UNrFORMS^la **TITiaaai iia nsmWf nuiuiy. Minstrel First Part, Minstrel Parade, Base Ball, Foot Ball, Basket Ball, etc, etc. ScalfwUTALK. B* Son and Mention Kind ({jT IMifimn VonML WKinUininiCi. LIONESS FOR SALE Will sell cheap on accoont of do can* room, L^rgv. hpallfaj, ami gKXni bre«<lpr; rat^'H 3 and 4 cvb^ . w rv y^ sr. A,!ll-p^■^ AL, G. BABJIKS. Box IM7, &pckA2«. Wa^h. Wauled To Buy An SO, 90 or 100 ft. R. T.. with one or two niriille plccva, witli or wiitiout arats. Part balan c e tn a tew naymenta. THENELLIEB. CHANDLER LADIES' ORCHESTRA of flcbt pircea. AT UBEBTY AFTBB FEB. 12. lUIO. ~ ... . tnr.' arorfc. UB, BaUook'i a. I. ok'a Tb a wl i tt iMaaiaiiat, rreri- iSipei FOR SALE abeeta Rh-enlile TralDed Wild Animal r, one Baby Grand I'lano in cacryina caw. Want to bur Frrak. allaoacnt In tbe If OEOROB PAGE, formerly of Albnnnerqne. K. M.. ami who wurkrd (or tbe Great Wallace Clr- ciw lo l.''0:l and ,wbo waa laat branl of In IfM aa worklnc In a Sontb llalated Strret botrl. In rhlmco, will cnmtannlrate wltb tbe uiMleralitntNl be will learn antnethlnB to hi* atlranlace. I Any iH-raon fiirnlablnc Infomalloa wblcb will trail to tbe <11acori*rT of the nrewot wh<*reabouta ■■r Ibe aalil Oennte I'ase or the fapt of bla death will lewanini br KIKB * THOMSON. Bai^ laam at., ask, " ~ b Baker Bdker ^iiker Baker Baker Baker Baker ^ I .Shootinsr^GaU ^ Vt aaki 1 SPE&IALTT if buUiag ikm io aut joir nviireBub: Q lidwAtiwiMlMiiitfliwhiiitiriiiitaMfc 60 : ^ -r— = ^ Baker & Lockwood Manufacturing Co. ^ QQ Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baiter Baker A WANTED Uiii Bills Wild West and Indian Congnss SEASON 1910—TEN-CAR SHOW ORIOB (^owboja CowKlrla Bope Splnncn Klde Shots Knife Tbrawers Trick Mute lilSh-acbooi Hraws Ererythlnc aaltable for Wild Weat Mnsiciana Acenta 10 BUlpoeters Ticket Sellers Ticket Takera Talkers Arena AnnoaQCer. Bosa CanTasman Boaa Seat Maa Boas Ught Man Boss Train Man Boas Hoatlers Aaalatanla Cooka, Walters, Porters, Blackiinltha and Worklnn Men in ail departmeota. ACROi*l-ANE. PARACHUTE JUMPCW. ANO SCNSATiONAI. n«U ACTS SIDE SflOW AND ALL PBIVILEGES TO LET FYeaka Cnrlooa People Snake Channels Baa Puncliers Pnorb and Judy Danclns GIrIa Fat People aod Mldasta Female Impertoostots Anyttilng New and NofSi State all ia Scat letter. C. F. RHODES. ICS East Madison Strert, ChjeaeB^ FOR SALE One Bafgage Car, flS ft. loaf, wltb large end oailoa Car, 60 ft. Ions; Cars cood conditlca.' THREE HOTEL CARS Sleeping eapadtiea, 11. SS aad 9S1 ALSO EVERY SORT OF CARS FOR SHOW PURPOSES lieu LOCOMOTIVE AMD CAR WORKS, FIshtr Bnlldlng, Clilea|t In all braiMhes. Also Dog and Pony Shew, MuU HurdU and Clonmaa'flBr - week ^ February Mth. Anawer at once; state lowest. WHITE A. EPSON, 21S WIeholaa BIdg.. TOLEDO, O. WANTED - Far GEO. W. ROLLINS' S-BINS TRAINED WILD ANIMAL SHOtV ^ QoodUnDentfla^alilBLM4r*Bi QnHeoHa TMBaf% ainIa niHaMo bw 4b kndb the canvas. All sreek stands. GEO. W. ROtXINS, 2801 Lafayette Ave., St. Lwiia^llBi BLONDIN SHOW WANTS Oenteel IleafT Man and Uexlcaa Heary, both moat dooble braas. Clarinet, Trombooe, Baaa Draas or Rarilonr; Sluslrlana. band and orchestra. Two-Car Show. BO weeks' work to (ood |iM|>ia. Na bouaera. Muat iulo on wire. Ttckvta oiily if knowtu Uaefni people who donble briuw. atase. wltk ■nrdalllea placed any lliue. All i>«<i<Ie aiu«t rtivaa parta: K'ardrQt>e. etc. J. 11. McCarty. If at ifberiy. "!re. A.Mrrw LEO BLONBIN. Bockport, Tex., Jan. »«: Sinton TJ; Kaaedy M; Flars^ Tiiio £9; Sah Antonio. O&u. Del., Jaa. Sl-Feb. S, W A N T E D ONE GOO&GRIN D SHOW will sIt* ezeloalre to a icnoil cook bnoao. Can alao iilace ittaid ixilortHl ak^'lcb t.'ain to of tUk al to Ab. 6, bcnalt W, O. V. to hear Item my frii-nda. a: few more copce^lona that ilo not . idaniatlon ahuw. Port Bam, La .VMtcss e. X. KiaMO, Xanafsr, 1'. S.—WooM tlks ■ I' XOVH SOPFJiY OF BUUTU CAHUS IS KJULAUSXIiJl, AiUk kXM THE BUCKEYE TENT and AWNING CO. S^S^ll COLUMBUS, OHIO