The billboard (Feb 1910)

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20 Xtie Billboard FEBRUARY 6, 10ia In Wmterquarters Where the Tc and Miscellaneoos Companies May Be Found. TEBT SHOWS. Aadaoo's Dor and Voos attorn and WUd Wast. Uviliie. m. Ballry. Mollj. Sliow. Ilaiutoa. Tex. Barnom anil Ballry (WeUMa aMeta. m iMtl- Stwkane. Waali. mmkmax Bnm.* OvIdcB Maaeot OnilaBa Sbowa, Camrm, OkU. ■ w Ml i lu i * !. BUUe. OrarUad Sknt^ ObcaUtton. J. H.. FaaMOS BiowBla'a Bbowa. Ed. BcowBl*. ncr.. Batb. Msl Backaklo Iteo-a WUd Wnt. Fnnk a. Acad. mcr.. rambrldcr nty, lod. Buffalo BUl'a WUd Wast, comblaed with Paw- nrr Rill'a Un-at Par East (N. X. OiBcm, 27 B. 22il atrMl) Tn-otoD. N. J. Bark'a B. K. Sboira. C. E. BcTetle, msr.. Fair Orounda, To|ieka. Kan. Camiibell Broa.', rmMnrj, Heb. Oaaada Fraak's ttbow. r. If. Usm, msr.. Xlp- C■IUtte'^Wlld Waat ~ Kew York City. OarllB Bna * N«w Undem _ Mtb at, PUIadrlpUa, Pa. Oharaana BOI'a Wild Wmt, 7 Box SOS, I-oDok Cllj. Okla. Ool» BruaL.' Sbowa. Corry. Oidorado Grant's Stiuw. Sparta, Kr. OtekcT** Cttde D WUd W<«t. I/etianoB. Mo. Oode, Great Comtiliied tlhow, Wunawoe. Bobbr. bbowa, Ticntoo, Ha. - gWlllii. Bobbr, bbowa, Tn Onat Wasaw Sbow, Jolly Ja laSCELUUTEOirB Almood'a, Jetliro, Utble snow and MoTins Pic- lum. Altivaiarle. N. C. Kmorir*. ItlUv. Sbo\v. MUaea, UIOD. Black Jay Comedy Co.. Smltb and tackabay, nijcrs.. Albermarlif. N. C. BmJira. c. A., jDdeiMrndtfot Sbowa, Natciica, Burk'i Uncle Tom's Cabin, C. E. Beyerte, msr., Tupeka. Kan. Criiwrunl aud Son's Sbow. Terre Haute. Ind. Uulsuey'a Big Tent Sbow. Phie Grove, W. Va. Fnvn-an Bnia.' Sbows, NVlpigb. Neb. Orlmlay'a Kew London Sbbwa. Terona. Pa. Uasa^ny'a Itis T>-bi lUiow, WnalosUHm. Ala. J. M. HaaUllaa'a Xaicaa and Animal Show, Bairisas Bna.* lllnalula. J. M. Boafay, msr.. Paaa. III. Belicr Bros.' (ibow, 288 E. ITth a**., Ctdmboa, O. • Home'a Trained Animal Sbow, BeoTer, Ool. Krller Bra*.' Dnited Shows Fnnkslown, Md. Klrrh Bros.' Wild Weal, Modale. la. Lerant'a Rig Modern 'Tent Sbww, illli>. illch. Uarkle'a, w. B., New Show Bwi W. B. kle, mn., Padncah, Ky. MlaacUlBroa.' No. 1 sad S O. Krlsoa'i. Biny Sbow, North CambtMcs. llaai. Orrntt. Al. C. Imperial Clrens. Boa "~ ~— Kocbelle. N. Y. Omcun Bed's wild West and Show Combined. Dorcbeater. Mass. BliilrT's. Ou. W., UIO Time MlDStrda, Geo, W. Blpler. msr.. Homer. N. Y. Bosera, V. J., Moden Shows, Predonla. Kan. SorrlM. Capt. Loob), Deep Sea Dlrers, Jackson. TlUe, Fla. Stewart*a, Capt, Bis CUy Show, It. Wayaa, Shows, Ddawaia. Waoderlaal Tnt Sbow. W» BUrabocOb W. Ta. Woody* CtaoMacd .S Wna Bn... MIS*s OL Bat- a. Jolly Jonaio, Owaaf, Oct. BlaDtOWD. 0. Eaaa's Shows. Shrceeport. BiD's. P. w.. Orcdaml Sbmra, TaaUvkb Hab. BaisteaTs'a Skniu GhaMft- lAb Henry J. B.. Mb—; J. BLrifniy. mbc. jliai wall, Okla. Howa'a Otcat i:.aadoa Sbowa. JackaoBTllle, Bla. Kalltr Bfua.' Shows, Puukstoam. Md. Knaady's X. L Baaeb Wild Weot, W. H. Kins aad Ttakaa^ tleabats, Mir I«iBoot Bras.*. Iiowande. Oacar, tas, Haaa. Uieke't. Ftcd. Sbow. Paaraaatfaarc. O. I«Be Bill's WUd West and ImlUn CoosmH. Peocla. m. Odloe, lOB B. Madlaoa at.. Cbl- Caco, lU. iMrery Bras.'. Shenaodoab. Pa. ■- — 'atnaab Boom SI, Ootlsit. - idTwia . in. Myera, T. IC. WUd Weat Show, Tlptoa, lb . RoRla and Bowe Circus. ETaosrllle. IM, ■bodns tad Whitdey Shows. Bctlmay. Itau' BlCts' wild W.T>I Show. St. lyODls. ilo. Klaztlns Bros.' Clrms (CbIra«o offices, m la- cUintr riace), Bsralwo, Wis. Bfemri Sbow. Bos «B. Wankfort. Ind. ■MMbs. Fraak A.. AU New Peatsre Sbowa. _«"a«y Cliy. K. J. M s Maa o B . Joba. Tea Big Shows (Clndnaatl Odiee. Secood Nat'l Bank Bide.). Tcnace Park. O. ■ehepp's Dec. Pony and Hosfcay ni< iia. Gtas- eeat HIU. LoohirlUe. Kyi MIs.Flato. Dearer. Colo. g M anM Braa.' TVoi Shew, ladlastan, BOch. ■QTcrs Brrt. Mudel Tent Show and SQrer Fimlly Band. Crystal. Mich . Salder'a, Cant. R., Trained Aalmala. Oxford. Fa. ■Unett'a Circns. ITl Clermont are.. Brooklyn. Bna.* Sbowa. Maroo. Ga. Bara wna west, -raiss. oua. wild West aad TValaatf ~ ~ _ la I. Eaton Banlda, Nea'a Doc and l^ny Show. Flaaasan. IE. fish Bxoa.' Cticna. Phlladsljihla.~~-' Whceler'a. AU r.. CUvoa. CKAtdi, Taaftaa Bhhlanm. '(OaanU la.,) Otaasec, la. XmWAT COMTAHIEB Barnes. J. J.. Amnaement Co.. Cairo. tU. BleMer'a Midway Co.. Geo. W. Blestv. msr. Wllllsmsport. Pa. BorrrU AmnacBOBt ITIamath FUla, On. I^art. Col. n — -^^^ — .SaodeU SboMk Loots. Til atcaFOoaaMpaHtaa Sbowa, Nss. 1 and S, St LoataL XOL Smt Miner Sbow. SwaawM. ID. m im^ MB far Sbaw^ J. G. Mfllac; awe. Maw great Parker Stow. UOrtm, Kaa. . * ' Staat SnttoB Sbowa. 2032 OlTialon St.. St. I^ools. Mo. fimier Sonthem Shows. Kaoxrllle, fapnlsl Camlral Co.. Capt. r. A. Boose, mar.. Arora. N. Y. H. U.. BMIns Gallerlee and Cooceaalona. -1 D. Joaci^ msr.. nS3 K«Ma at, Aa- lad. _ ■■ _ ■ . ■ iin~ winter. jBh Din*. Herbert A.. Shows. Fltat. Mteh. Mas^Fld. W. J.. Great Eaatem Sbowa. Tld- lonte. Pa, Miller Bros.' Shows. John M. MlUer, msr., Os- kaloosa. la. Park Amnsement Co., and Bleater'a Combioed Sbowa. Geo. W. Blcater. msr., WUUamaport. Pa. VMtciaott Camlval Co.. Sbremort. La. raieam AmiisenH>nt Oi.. r. £. Pabaan, Wft.. MMdleTlll e. MIeh.. daaatL •t Umls Atlsnta. Oa. ■■Itb Greater Bax K«. MobUe. Ala. ■prilman Sbuwa Prank P. Spallmaa. mgt., . Maaee Rlda— narlnaatt. O. e'a Carairal at NanaUtaa, SS W. 138th ^ CHy. cMiiwwtA wiiUipK ill jw^ar^ AapMta i» a Sae plaM 4* for a abow. not only traa a a Iwt mxB the fact 4hat tba treated not only as eltlaraa, tat as (wats ot the city, and every coartaay la extended them by the dtiaena and BoarA at Pa'r Maoasers. especially Jsmps N. Jackson, president, and Frank E. Beane. secretary, of the Georgia-Car- olina Fair Association: at least, that has been tin- eiperlenre of Callfom'a Frank'a Wild West which la wlDlrrlos at Anmsta. Cullfvmla Frdnk has Jnat retnmed from a trip SoBtb. wbeie be purchaard the fuMoa J imp lH . Bwafe Ost. registered Kow «r.SGB. by I mi t l ' l ^amB i , , na» iMMaaa. CamMcty owaM tgr Madaai Mataatctle. Tbia batar baa ■ reratd of jnmpiiig wrrs trtt nd.fUMr taiebes. aad la expected to. with «choallas.-ha able to Jomp near aeren feet, ten Inches 'by aprlas< this helns the world's rrrard. Chllfomla Frank has had a calliope bnllt on an antamoMIe. It belns played by compressed air. icenrraia^ by the same engine that runs 'the sntom<iMle. Mile. SufrmerTlIIe, Mamie Fraods. Princess Wenooa, Jolls Allen. Bee B» Clay Wa.Tne Bessley. Johnny —' Charlie Masr.n and Sam la winter qoartera. KING BifoiB. E NCOU NTER VrORM. After fearlns Pwt Tampa. Fla.. Jannary d, for Harana. Cuba. King Bros.' I. X. L. Banrh Wild West Show met with qnlte a mlsfortnne. harlns been canKbt In a »<^ere storm. Sev.-ral hntses were Inlnred. kllllox one of the bucktns hr o n cb os. known as Maneater. Slnnester nns a mr .taw ■MT'^htte hnnw. Alpprd trnm Flas- t^au Aria- ta SlaK Bna.* Sbow six years aao. The aalnal kaa a ferar* of knllnx one maa la Arlnma. a man wMi Klas Bna.' Mmmt, and snr- lonsly Injnrlng serraal «Mw«l The show opened la Harana. Jaaaair 9. ta a bis haslneaa, where they hsTo a tan wacks' en- Vaudeville Notes of the Road otto Plecbtl -R-rites: "My Tyrolian Sextette of Alpine Slagurs, Llancers auU ViHllers bav-- jnst completed a tour ot the I'auiagra' Cir- cuit as the ht'SiUlne attraction. Tue act ba. been the redpleol of many ttatlvrlui: pcves no ticca aad tbal tbtli a n nua baa brra cwphatlr la amply ptorca ky the fbct tbal ihrr bare Immi offend another (oar a*ar the sBme dradl Co be- gla at aay time tbey see lit to aean pt It. Tfe coalnmlng of the act is-In keeploit wllb tlie seneral oeimeas snd hrlshtness of the Kelectluo' need. The natlTe daodng. which citi es the act. nerer falla to bring them many iccalla." ♦ D»-on£0 Brothers and Friday hare been com peU«il to cnnrcl several dates In EogltiDd. owlag to an at.»'hlpnt. which brfell WUllaiu Di-uuzn. whUe appearing at the ApoHo Thealrv. la VIvu oa. .Vnatrla. f«ooie time av^ aat. Ifee b«i>'»- wrlti;. h4s b.;en throiigboal Enrope •r C. W. Rosey. formerly romiiany of cyetlsta, aalK> titim Mr«fp»d. rpoa atrival " Metnpalia Kaa. - ■ flBa, atrival tktr will fpcai • ttm wmka paUa^ndttsB Baa^ttgrlMnBeteJI Chaa. Ik Gray haa cl0!««d -srltb Fagg'a lAdy Minstrels, whlcb company bas gooe Into raudc- Tllle eter the WUlIams and Koehlr Oircili. a*e. ■laalwla wIM be.wUk the Mlak» Haas MIDWAY COMPANIES. {Baerivcd toe late for dassUeatlon.) Aiaaiiaiial Oa^ Ka S. 7. O. Oaha Bi«ta^ Ala., tl-fj^ t. Dn\1a Amnsefa>«t t^n.. Geo. G, BavliU Bnrton. Iji.. .11 P-b. !l. Dixie nnlte<l Shon-s. Harry Is. SMI. I;ncedale. Ml«.. .Tl-Feh. B. Lods«i Jm. ML 1U M. A.. ♦ . BdfaS, Msnas^ Edward Salter and tbe calita PHace of Xoulgbt tyumpauy, at- tL Bdad a aapper given by siuux city i«ise Ko. 7i. li, M. A., lii'- i^tfe dub rxsjou^ laaasij BENEFIT DAT E FIXEO. At tbe last mectlns of Uetmt Lodge No. 12. T. U. A., n. Van TasHd and I'aal Urubaker., of the AIcKailatrn Flats Cumpauy, WL-re fusili; m4.*«u- bers. W. B. SlMfHOau, stage lljauJK«r of the company, who Is a T. M. A.. IntiuJuceil tbrui. It lias lieett dellulteiy stfELleil tlisL the hrst perfuCHMaee a< No. i:t will be sirea un _ . j» a» tfcn -- PIQUA OFFICERS INSTALLED. OOcos of PIqna. O.. Lodge Ko. 0. Installe<l. for Lbe year l!HU. are: • Uru. E. Jimi-H, presl- fleor; Joun Wulfurt. rlce-presldenc: Joe S. liixuu. Secretary; J. N. Xurrla. Iieaaarer; C. K .\li-i:"nlL-li Min^dials litiw Klil<«. sergemr at- arma; Chaa. Watkia^ & EL McOoolah aad Traa 'rn»lu. Iru*trv». .\Iler Lbf ltf«ta by Ut.[iuty Gr-ind past was served. Paraoo Joe Hunt, of tbe Boot Family Trio, has been eooBoed to his home. 821 La Grange Htreft. Toli-dn.' O., for !WHne tline. aerluosdy HI. Imt 1-4 now slott'lr rccoTcrtng. Hunt wanta to hear from his tlaiighte^Uaye A. Uont. • The act now In use by the Oeonre F. Beach Comedy Company haa been rvwrltt«*ti and special sceiMTy anil pffrcts are now belns eurled. Week of J&casry 31 was the comiiany*a foiu'lh week on tbe Coney Hi^mea CIrrult. Keime and Hllderra. grotesqne acrobats, opened on the Grlffln Clrcalt. Janeaty 31 for ten week*. Tue hciya • * pronounced hit at the Columboa bos, O., week of Jann»y 24. B^ymood and Smith opened on the F I s h a r time at BIraiark, N. D., bookfd by Bdaia Laaff, for ten weeka. Bay Raymond ana act W goloa-doe. Ttle couple ezpvcta Six months along tbe Crast. Mme. Beno, eopccaa of maglr. bi at her faooM In Kankaktau lll_ after a MK SsaMata tear. K^e^^^BMaJlMltM^ Jime. Acvor^ns to Fofry I.. Brott. of Wonj L. Brott and Co., their act prored a rlnt at CbaAa- ton, W. Va.. and Newark, .0., and letan dates have been offered at Ix^b pUcva. Uenrtekri baa jn«t cl'«ed nine weeks' tour on tbe WaMtr Kcefe Cliralt aad relans te the ».at tta iMirli Pd(man and Arthur, mssldaiui, say tbey sre dons BOCceAa on the Wc booked aotld imUI Joly. Kala a^and Bella , with an act to srhlch' haa baaa'aMad aevansl aeveltlaiu apeaed aa tbe Bob Bomolo haa commenced h<a forty-eighth week oa tbe Saa time. Ue_la Bays li I -- » Lawreoce. Bosaell and Edwards, a Western act. In the sketch, Tlie Seventh CommaiMltnent, bare placed their act la tbe banda of Frank Botan, af N'ew York. ♦ "Oonny" Tbotatoa, foraMriy of Tbe Rlngmi with VoBefa i for raodevlile. ^ nank Mathlea, oC tbe Matbleaa. was msde a member af Chlrsga Ladae mt Mha. Mta.. Ma- Ible ----- - . Elk athm that I her aeaiM -^M.. waak ar This week (lamiary 31) Neary aad Milter sre i»la,vlnic tbt'ir eU>vi-nih wwk uo the S. Jt O. ■liiuebi-rn time. Paul GimdrtMi la haudliag the Kwklltgs. The Carters jdre lafern hearlly a( tba^ljliiilfc I Jannaiy M. Tktr lUw ' mary 7. ^ Atler a tew weeks lo Canada Ibo Two La. fayethm ^an back la ^llar ^Uulteil J^'^Q^^^ Tbe Myslerlons Hells arc with Sciro aad Pe an 'a Bis Hypnotic Skuws. They ci>muieneei> . weab wllb that aliew, January B. J. Moore and B. J. Oangfaa bava i wrrhm d the Dixie Vsodevllle Theatre. Charlotte. N. O. Tbey bave retained Edw. Wertley aa onassr. Tbe Hajcntle Tbeatre. Cbaffee. Me., waat^ The Tooaser Bntbera. hand halaneeta. saU for ' talflU a yean bu t l a g s . playlas tbr 1 baadMaB thai taadMaB Chic Sale, the —^_ pirents In Urtiaaa, lU. time January 22. ^ Tax ChrUty la again playing dates after a lea weeks' eagsgt-meat «1lh the Lowande aad Weaver Shu ns. W Weiadra ment st the SUfsatle, ♦ T»e Bowse Sisters are at home In Jacksoo- ellla;^ na.^ attar a nine mooths' Soothem toar. ■ntk the AraM We Have the BestAdvertiMr THE GALUOPE For CSieuaM, Sbows. Exeuiaion Steamers^ Floating Theatres, Specialties of all kind* We have sold them to adveriide eveB Soap and Extracts. THOS. J. NICHOL. & CO.. S. E. eer. Paarl and LMillViV Stra«ts. Cincinnati, O. - ' ■ AT UBERTY After February .11th Band Mtofa^ tmo {aaHUKs antl aoiifaraNaik Addmi r. LEAVeUU February 3-4-6. Fall or •en It «- i by »« tM m'ttW^" ( n. 11 i*er' L-v rjKir;MJm, £1., ikatsMihiwasii'laasm it wons naxvoBK TOF m nn wau. ic« and yeUow stripe, for Idxltt-ft plstform: ■ «« U tIS: naod Orssn, U-lune slae, ;!4x'Jl>xll. BM weight W puuoda. $23. WM. SEUMSI, 9 Norden St., North Cambrlilgv, Mass. >0R BALE—r>om.-niaiilt Doss and Trick Dues. Fancy YuoDg Male Diigs, siagv aisl ring bn>lirn; woik for lady or geutlriuau. •'•■•li by A-1 Traiuer. ivr. siklreaa aiid TralnlaS Quirlors, Prof. P. WlMruisti, Tsllal*uuaa. Ua.* Uux lau. WANTED—:—PARTNER Electric Scenic Effects ud Stage Lighting Appfiancet Comi'lete line of CI.OCD EITecta. «NO\». MAI.V. riHE. Etc. Also bl'OT and ri.lMJIl LlUtfn^ STAGE rOCKETS. I'l.OCGIKO noxtu*. lllimSTAia. and errrylblBg us.^1 Id ruuurclloo wlta Elertrlral Htngr l.lsbiliig. IMPOBTES Carbsaa, Lcaste and Oelatlaea at law pHcea. ,ii> crata to cover |ioata«e and uillliig uf NEW CATAUMink JOf 00., liorgest maDofac-t Dr.Ts of Eit-citical Btaaa JbrnHaaaaa'aM Mtb S tia s t . Bew Tork City, V. M. A.