The billboard (Feb 1910)

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FEBRUARY 5» 1910. Xne Billboard 27 OOL. PERARi PLANS BIO MASON. '(/aii M* canvr. Par the pant tva wvfkn Ua llKnni IwM bCMi Id wlatrtqnarbwa at Ilirrlii- tairs. anil tlM>T bare bwn doliia a iriM-nomrniit bavtimw. plajrliuc to capacity buxlncw at ovi-rr pHfnrnuinrr' Cnl. Krrarl baa tamtrea aliowa iitHliv Ma ^«Dner ttil* year, Ineludlns aanii- o{ blncwt novrlMpw ^T^r MH>n Id a wIM anlmnl atiow. Bratilps having tlie nauol rotiniie of nlM animal* anil tbp wiM animal acta, be baa a bvnt of »l<>i>banta IncliidlOK tbr xtnallmt cto- pliaat In Ibr wnrld wblcli la Talu.H at $2S.00'>. Br baa «nli>ml nne of the latsrst orsaoa erer Iwllt which win be nami la canjniwllaa wllb Us wIM animal abow. Jnat prior to tala solnB lalci wintmiiiortrra, (M. Fmirl bad bla abuwa at Olmbrt nma.. In PlillailFlrihia. rnr rlubt wt<-k», wbcra tbr^r cmitpfl a 4li>ciat>4l t^naatlnD, ao mnoli ao tbal whpo Clmbcra new ator^ U compl^t«>a la S*m Tnrk. tf will bonk bla cotlni ai;ci<i»tl<>n for a piTtnd nf Ihr^ mootba on oat Uiiur of Uk- new atnr^. Col. Fcraii la one of tbc ploucm Id carnival ami outiloor expoaitloa ahona and la known the wnrld owr aa ono of the moat ahl« ahnwmen ever on tli* mad. lie predlria for the aeaaoD of 1P10 an unprrceilrnlPd ancci'aaful year. Hp will open hip aeaaon within the next »K week*. All conitnu^ratioaa until that time may b* addreaaed care of wlDteiqtiartrts, nanta- tmt. Fa. DE KREKO ALL RIGHT. Neir Tork Oltj. Jan. 25. Hw Bniboard Pobllablas Co., niHinaatl. O. Oentlemea:—I wnnM areatlr appreciate It It yoq win. la yonr next laane. ln<«Tt a few lloea to the effect that I and my wife are weU and bare not lieen lojnred In any way, iJhape, man* Der or form. Witliln tbe paat two weeka I hare been la receipt of at leaat n doaen teleicrama frum itIeadB and relatltea aakla* tho nalnra o( ny •tmahle" ami Mallac that ramr hM It In CUcattOb St. Ijmlm ana Raoaaa Ofty that w» bad met wltb a nnat aerloos acddeat. Sneb la not tbe caae. r»r from It. I cKMcd one nf my moat anreeaafnl aeaaooa la JackanoTlIle reemtly and aliwo tbaa hava beea In ihia citT In our b a n . wb tiia t hav* waaad fat and bealtiiy arith aattloc tn do tot aat aad read and be happy. Vj wife. Satda. la witb me and Jolna me in aaklns that ynn art at Halit tbeoe pedde wbo think na iVad or Injnred and to any that we wilt atwaya he (Hd to hear from any of oor friend* •I onr New York City borne. Tbaakins yoa for tlw abon> faror I •JEsrwiSL.-. !(t«r.Taik Cltr. P. a.-^ alao wlab ta'tbank my Maoda who ba*« beoa ao ktaMi w to iiarqr faoailh aboat me aad mine to wtn «lUe and ta tbeaa wlB any tbat I am aat. kOMi alck ar hi aar mMt and will be arMr I* dpm tMa mmtm nm m to n M tbc MM tht *MM M awn.-Mir > W> JEAN DB THE miq OTTO upw. Wa aia aa haay aa been to tha ■Htiac emrtblns irmtf far tba liaaaam Gbaai (Mebratlon at T>impa. Wa aia wnrklas atabt and day palatine np alt ttie waicooa and pmpa. Otto baa addeal a tot more of anlinala to lila arena; Foor Itoo*. recently pnrrbami of Jen? Mndran. of tlie Ilowe'a London Shown; three leopards, of Loula Babe, tbe animal Importer, and a polar bear, of Wm. Oaaklll. We are breaklnr new acta: Otto and tba old ataod-liy. Capi. Cbarile Mnrpby. at« beiT la tha aiaaa ■Hit 3 A. U. We siTa two ahoara. dally, ao bare to do oor brrakwc bt oltbt. _The roar «C tbe llaoa-aod aiapbanla nufea* one tbiah Ibay ate la tbe telllea of Africa Inatead of tbe Bortbeta part orfiarida. Minie Oica la 'baay with ber mlnlalnre bocae act. bating edited nnmhera to the act, wocMic al> In tbe act la qolte a noTel^ and nremtaea to be a winner, inie. Elale l^iy t* alao fouwl bnaylac beraelf with her leoparria. rbaniclns her act anond for ttie comlmc aeaaoo. She baa alwaya been tbe fratorp nf the RIk Otto Show. Tbe Mnnemna atnnta ahe haa tanitht ber Icop- arda thia winter and tbe eaae with which aha handle* tbcm ban (iTca ber tbe croaminc fen- tor; of the abow. and we lonk _ B >aTjlhliiii la catttay ito a u na p e tmi* *»aat_ eWlnr* wwe Walter Prlrer, of tbe tJ. *. Tent and AwnlDc Ob. "Pop" Baldwin, of the Barknof Caralral; Dor ahalfer, Tboa. Kaab. of tbe S'tic Pnlyampe. and Jobnny Jnoea, of the Johnny Jnea CamlTal: Oeo. Mara, and Dnck Tnmpr. amta ror J>ihnny Jonen. Cbaa- F. Flek. nnr tenlal adrertMnf aicmt and amamnrer. leavM m to toke tba road far a blc eicar film at xampa. SOUVENIRS NevcltiM aod SpeclalttM for PalM Caralvaia. NickalodaoBa. Fictare Sbowa aad etc. We carry ■ v«r) lartfa aaaortaii atock and can aaaka ■electloaa from $2.00 to 920.00 pat rfroaa or yon eaa aalact iroi We carry the Itriceet aannrtroent of Rnlf* Board Knlrea w -wl of the MImlMilppI River. Onr prirra are ah^olniely rock bottom. We alao carry a fiOl line of Strreloien'a Ooortt, Caml Tal Norelili'a and ipxola for falra. We are tbe old..«t Streetmen'a aii|*pl7 bonae In tbe United Btalee and bare ibonaanda nf aatlallrd rnalomera; We can aatlafy yon and want your hutlneaa. Or- Sbkk!'''''''^ aaua day aa reeeleed. Catatosua COE. YONGC 4, CO.. a4UioaaAva. at,tOVU TOt GCT RIGHT GOODS AND PRICE BUY Streetmen's Goods and NoYoHios ^PROM THE Largest House in America We send no catakcue voA ship no f^ods to oooMimiBn. Have you got our 1909 cataloRtie, "The big one?" BIRMINGHAM. ALABAMA. FEB^ 9tli to 19th, INCLUSIVE located In tbe heart of the city, with Bee military companim BOOSTINO. Adrertlard throosbont tbe State, and wttboul a donbt will be tbe blisKeal etvnl of the afaaun. Can use Five Seasatlonal Frea Acts and Oaa Uniform Band. Room for a- few more Concesslona and two moia Flial-Ctaaa Showa. T^Exbibitora and Conoenioiiefs write or wire at once, ■ mT^Ji. \ WILLIAM RAMSPEN, Cliy Hall. Armoiy. AGENTS STORES PEDDLMRS St. Patrick** n«y. Wa«bln*ton'a nirtbday. Valentine and BaoUetai ana Moecltle*. Oi>r f>hammrk Lord'a I*rayer Vanfle 11a la abaolatrty " ' "' it wtnner erer pltr>d on the market. lOt, IRISH POST CARDS Sbowlaf S2 different *!ew* corerlnt alt parte .if Ireland, aneb aa Caatlea, Unira. talaa. Lake*. Cbnrebea. RIatorle Rnlna, AMieya, etc. V~ line of Waablncton'a Birthday and {it. rarrlek'a Day (ta of all klnda. OLZaKATIOH, CABitlTai AVS 8UJ We carry the I*rca*t Norellleo la Ibewnrtd. tafia na aOBT aPECULTIZS. CatalOKOt rRRE. W. F. MILLER.DepfuUnent B, 1S8 Park Row, Naw Yark BIG MONEY IN OUR aaap and arttt TabaUe Baeeybadr naaa them. MAKE Money fattm fbr canTaaaei* and takera atralcbt «a a haoaa to ^W* wM taeali SOAP'-oxAGENTS and toilet arttdei. nv win tntereet yoo. Onr adeertlatac premlOBa baee tbe Saab and ralne tbat act the money. GBEAT aOUTBMIBS FOR SHOWa. CABNITAU, ETC. OiM yeaac nan eieared (I^OILn In 6 aentba today. OPEN FOR THE SUMMER The Wakahaiia ami Otora Japanese Troupes O. NAMBA. CmiSMTING OF 7 OR 4 PBOPLC Will Arranga teSiiM.: 1287 E. Tlit CfHICAGOb ILL. MINSTREL T4LENT UTANTED For JOHN W. VOGEL'S BIO CSTY MINSTRELS Top Tenor Balladlat. mnat be alcbt reader: Properly Man, Vaavlnc Acta, and other naefnl Uln- atrel t'conle. - Name eery lAWRST aalary: 1 .pay all. Mnat Join at nnre. Ad4lrTa» JMO. W, ▼OOZL. Owner aad Manacer. Route: Cam, In.. Feb. S: MayCeld. 4: Sadacnb. Xy., i; ~ ~ * ~ . «! RaiidMIla, Kr., M; Sarliacton. Ky., leille, S; CUikaiiUak Tana., WANTED AT .ONCE FOR THE GREAT SCIRO COMPANY rroftfadoaal Hyp., aaba. lady TeKOlady. Ko baaaa aa bier or, bow USf, achUelNCi BaltM'. I and aceat fnlly aeqnalated with Ilyp. bnalneaa. Salarlee Tbia la no ■nao' enmp. rWI detalto. wbo, wbea^ and Vaai4piibi. arlio or VOX ItWKMC Teafana'CHy. MeUgaa. GAMES THAT GET the MONEY Onat Intamatiooal BallooD Race, DaU Raeka, Shooting QaBaiiia, Fhk Ponds. Air Qun Oallaifaa, Ohndj 'Wkeali^ Pin-baard TaUae, Jaaanaaa BowSac Tables, Water Hotara, Baanl of T^ado, Baao BaU RaUing Board. Wc aialca Ommu 3247 W. Vm Bmi, CUcaro. 111. A. J. SMITH. To Let-Concessions for Cash Cane Rack, KnlfO Rack. Ceontir Store SbeollaK Oallety. NIner Baby. Mand the nanbegr: abm rvmt l«ncb stand rHrllein and Caadjr and Ice. Clean M«ad.^Bat '—" ahlllly to run *•«• Ibroaahaat the ealli>; aoMoa. jUMrta* Y. Y., etnoatl. OUa. 'Vo.'a. aaia WANTED—PARTNER For TaodeviDeTent Show, like Jiuncs Adams. Huat hav« at leaat.fTflO. invest dollar for dollar. Prefer man witb experiMoo. CHAS. B. COOK. Cara of FraaUla, Ml W.99lh SlM«ti Naw YarKG^ye MLkes NovcHies l«r Mrs i Ottenlnitalear^ Trj LOOM HERE 11 We are cat iirlce aalo .Jean We are the low- wbole- We are exclnalve 0. 8. A. Aaenta far tbe creataat \l o n a y Uakera. tiaml.l a Baynold Watcbae: eleo Hamlltaa beat aelllna Raanrm. GORDON &. MORRISON Wh«.U»ala Jawalara. Ite^tOl K. l(.aUoa Straat. Cbloa«». tU. nuL 01IT>FB|CB o*Tj£o5vs. ) haie MMV- ' of the WfaM iaraaat elocb of OOTUCET SEND FOR THE eutlery Kiiv's Catahi of iEwaii. KNIVES lid CANES. MIIY L.«EISMUII.2Se-2K L I t. Laar. ■ailwt ft. BMllMa tia. UIUM.IU. DICE CARDS H^h-class Woric 6nly. Dice SSjOO C«id» UBO Catalacaa Iba^ HUNT «i CO., aa FMIh Aveauo. e*ea«Aao. ilj_ hft.t.b at axoBT HOKET FOB AOEXTS Any iibulu actually re- tMxalnce«l nn bamlaoase porcelain or cblon plate*. Snltahle t or- 'dfl*. *on*enlr» or oma- ■lent tar tbe boate. Write for lllw. ■rated boo b I e t aal rermn. Baeelty Fbata S!««e Co.. (Vat Zn*,>. Dea Plalnea. Hi. SPECIAL OFFER Incandescent Lampa WHILE THEY LASJ, AT 6e EACH in.(>00 la e. p.. Eli. Baae IO.onO Sep.. Kit. Baao Bonnl clear or frnated at 19b^ Oilored lannm at Tc. SATETT EIXCTBIO CO.. as lUebliraB Aaanoa. Oblcaae. MONKEYS, PARROTS, Aad all klDda .r ret atock aod ■ale. Writ? for fnrtber TIO AHD FACmO " Itadiaen Street. OUeaao. "AXKA," Queen of the Cloada. Tbe laratat aihl iiroltleat llliialun ever sliuwn In an a aiia»8 ■aent park. Vjut be bnlU far traaetlaa .— ■ r ——^ WMSM.