Billboard advertising (Feb 1910)

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28 TtieBIllboard i ..1 • I FEBRUARY fi, 19ia PARK ASSOCIATION MEETS. Tb» Xalimu!] Park AMrtatha. J. I. Vmim. g K M iM t. b-li: * mmlpg M am tMmi Jlmm, Cta^'a-Bti. Jann.iry s<. VUmt tat tt* tMBMB •n»*Mt wrtr >ll>n»^tl. Till* anvlHi: |ir..<-ilrally roa batlmi. aikl lUf nuMiilirr* arr cMkaalMte tit*- moiln-^ ^ipcraiiil) cjiiltnt'^l. . Th" iilijw-i 'r. i.i »-.-iiri- ittrattlonn for • cfa^In nf [wrbli in tb** .\Iiilillt> Wt^t. thun mind- ing ili^ pfit-^ nml clliiiiiialins ^^fiirk* ciimmlA- »lnn>t. Initlnt-OD ri;« anj ilDtw arv aiibataoUaJlf aomlDiL AiMiitKr OKrtlBc wtu be bcid N. Y- ALTRO PARK. ALBANY, CHANGES NAME. UXta Park. vWrb baa brra a futnr* of A!- mmj* K. X.. aammrr amuwuirnt (ifp for tbr 7C*r«. will In fulnrv kix*nD »* re Park, the umm* beluic the nrMiU uf LMaitMl br tlir nvw Inmws ot tte park, •Dd Trajr Amnarincat Co. not three j OMLV' WAV HB COUUi : tkr fnlloKlns Manr: - at trircatw; BVCN. tte ta'r vbo. "I «a« plafiiiK at «>ck. and In ttie Market plac*' Cffw ]D*frrT7':cD-njiindik "f iiotI<-nl one oclaiMbaIr MiVfdML deaiilie tbr fact that be «raa apiMrwBllx frrlas cn-arljr. pemixteil Is rbllns on oue of tbe mcrry-gtj-roanib*- "RTvniiulIjr I (puke to Urn and. MlHd it k( in»il It. ■Tbi- man rrpllr<1. 'No. I flon't !!>• ft • MtS the UrMv<l iklni; makn mr ill.* "I tli«i iKknl talm «tliX b- penUtnJ In rMInic. #nd tlK^ rvply wait, 't rdii't hflp it. Tljf? luan Vila oam tbla raaOilatMMit own me monvj. aitd Vbt.mig mas I on set enn la by takiac tt ant PH>i. you.. iqpi LAKE ERIE PARK & CASINO REAL PARK WILL OPEN ABOUT MAY 28 All Concessionaires, Big Outdoor Acts, Bands of all descrip- ticMis, new Park Devices, money-making proportions of all kinds. Kov hooki ag for the coming s eason. Write soon. ABE SHAPIRO, Pen. Mgr., 8 Marine BIdg., TOLEDO, O.' (HUMAN BOULETTE WHEELS) The Biggest Money-Making Amusement Device on tlie Marliet. From$S,OOOto$0.000 taken in by each Wheel last season in a number of instances. Small cost and small operating expense. DIFFERENT DESIGNS AND DIFFERENT PRICES. iriD be held reasonable. Vvt paifanUia iwntjito— ■ —and prices «nt)i t iKHV uRRKir kube m. co., IN ■rnfcay, lEW TORI C'H. Ike boK-oOee. bM tb£ latext lakea Bmt Kick, opoo ofmlttK hfa< mall the otbvr taaai* tbe fottoirtaff letter written hf Mtaa. i>ell-kii0KB to *"'»—• yeoBC ladm «to woold llbe fMf eloMe rrlroda at jtior*. It jrou ja twaiiii CO tbe abow Fririaj ntslit. wp '«n--init tar yao afunr ibe a bn er. Dear, we xljU, MET IN THE TALL CRASS. Jlmmj Ke]^. tbe new Oeld managpr for the ' Bolliran & CoDiOdlae Cinmlt In tbe Soatbeasl, lelatt^ tbe fotkiwlo^: *-Wblla mrcHns tbnmsb Soatbem Alabama aoC bate anik with a rauderlUe toaai abaw. jBinalaHaK oT a wire act. aa acmbatir act. a -aketck teaai. a abacr art. a alaciaK afltt danebiK . act. aad the Galllfcr UnpaOua. we plareil aa -Opitf haoae ta aae af tha aaialJ tvn* on ' ITiHaj aUt. Vhe Best BMralaK bcinc Satur- 4ar. aad If beinc to mt to take mj weekly ahave. I htlwd to a barbrr i-buii. aal wtalle ai^at- ^ fa the cbalr. I camallT aakiNl rbe tuoaurial .artbit bow be llknl tbe rautJerilla Aow laat olicbt. Qf repllnl an rnllowa: ^Mt aar« i j)artD«-r. tbe abuw was ffreat. but 1 CHHi^ aa- ] ^rrvtaod tbr plot of tbe play.* "^1 anotber ilmr. I called oo one of oar jnaoap-ni Id the auatbwpot, and knuwlnc tbal ^ team cbat »a« btnknt la ta« the feUoarlns week bad a lar(e prop lb*. I ai*a£JliBi If be Danap-d to Cet ererytfalkB «■ tfea Wit, aMi be Wsrtrd oat (be toUowlaa: ** -Sar. Kelly. I sot (be IM all daht. aaA ' to borrow nearly ei«> Iblaa ftna — hat I Lt M a CL D. had my bar eat all day. . OARNI VAL_Namc las dosed his carnival la nnw nanaslnc tbe Tbitd A* ' Tbeatre. I'tioenlx. Ailx. Beebtea tbla BelMi wiu budle the iffaln ot tbe Phainlr Aam Heat. srannssoBM. iCb t aJ a ana FKEB. BesUo. Ediaa. EIC nOFESnOTAi: (UOBM FBISTED— m cent* for .I. llrer.-.!. p».t«Be pal.l. PRUrKSSinN AL CAP.I> rn.. LI-^S Tilmi.l^r- S!.- Coinruln FOR SALE-LUNA PARK FIFTY-SECOND AND HALSTED STREETS. - CHICAGO. ILL. Fourth seaxm. Situated in the heart of the Tian»> ■pwiaiioA; anjiwdled. 500,000 popubtion-widaii a of < we' nule. For full pattiedan .addieM . 4183 S. Halsted Street, CMn, ILL JAMES O'LEARY, Prasidant. Fllr^ililnMn^Sp^i^g FestntfiiiHiiipoiliw 1910- TEMPLE, JACKSONVILLE* FLOBIDA off Maich 7lh to i2t li; i n cl i Mt T e 1910 WANTED—An kinds of higlwJass acts suitable for Ring, Staee and Hippodrome Trade, such as ElephaataL Beata DogSL Monk^y^ Casting Act, Slack Wire, Comedy Bi^g^^iBjhw«ilh.llliwt,MiNiiiri *«iVjlitfiiitU i«^ai» QtWHlaty and particulars CHARLES W. DaCOSTA, IKraete Tamprpey H of I , ■ —^^Tawipat-Ftortda Show Property for Sale or Rent FOR SALE—Complete production of the souiic spectacular Merrimac and Monitor. Great Money-maker for Summer Park. WAGON FRONT with GaOioll Organ—For Sale or Rent; flat rental or percentf^ basis to responsible party; or will furnish Front, Organ, Tents complete for first-class show on aharing basis. What have>ffer{ JOHNSON'S COMPLETE PENNY ARQADKte«h^iritkaoaM»- ation storage and living wagon. AODBESS ■ J. He JOHN3QN, Fcrarfs Zoo» BOOKING PARKS Jtarr jroo ■ ipmhI <Mititi>or act that jnn nni tlnt*> for tlarlDie the cniulnff wa^Mi? Write. We twre i»ark« all ortr tbe c«ftntry il*i|viidln{t oo n» to fiirofi>h thein «rltb at- fraril<>n». Nor.ltl*-* *if all *orti» are In d e> ■Mwl. GIvv fall •iMtrrlittloa. AfiSOLITTBLY BANDS We make a apeelally of hnaUaf BANnS. cv.- ean ke.Ti uoa^ fea. paika.aa aar. alr^ -all Id tbe MkMIe WeaC Olea laa r aa t pllee M-vl#aA MBvlaefr aad write qnlck. PARK MANAGERS W.- can bie<k a tew bmwf iiarka dorln;; ibe TOHlar ■■am. 1VII w rmmciZr what jnn •he real bm«p» anM».1f^ kaak SnTIIIM*. BFT I-ABk/ tbat'o tbe . . amaM>meot». we alee tbe beat aerrlce. OUTDOOR B00KIN6. A6ENGY 60S LYBIC TNEATIE iUft. OHOliMTI tlKMNE PMI, iKt ft iMis, H. . as aena of park. 14 aeica af lake. Bla ladaeeneata offered haet-lha-rhBtea..MlBlataie Rail way. reaar Aieada. ote. OoL Hapktaa' tar Ms aiiia nl aa a . Oa^ park apea Maadaya witbaat " CHBSTBK rAKK. GINCINNATIa OHIO Od. of tbe beat eonlpjied amaaement parka In tbe country. T.arjw attendance dtn aeaann. ONE illlJ lOX I'EOI I.E TO DMAW FROM. Hare nmin for iwo or tbree _ OK URRIT lhat artll ret Mie amney. Iliiu'l nrlte nnli-«» rnn bare •amelUne new and ooeel and Marlt. Addrraa XAHAOEH CHESTER PARK. Oincinnatl. Ohio. mm h pioneekucket GO. BKST QUALITY. LOWKST PRICKS. ONB OROBII WIU. CONVINCB, 722 orvE us A. NEW YORK TRIAE. 8WORl> SWAXXOWLHO experience not oerea. aarr. I riiriil.ti y*n a a«*t <if Ave nirkel-plated awi'inla an<l Inalnirtlona how In airallow them, >t a Inw Office. n*M. XBUION. S, Van Konlaa THIS WILL INTEREST U You have any LEGITIMATE Attniatiena for PUTFORM SHOWS OB UF-TO-SATZ 0AKE8. THAT WILL GET THE MONEY IN TEN MIULION AHENDANCE IN 4»09 RIVERVIEW EXPOSITION CHICASO May 11 to September 18,1910 ADDHasa PHELPS & CLOHER, Managirt ef Prmligit 122 Illinois St., Chicago, Ills. 1 o the Old Wise Coia Machine Operatoty not BegfauiBis ■■■■ — If you are not already in, - write quick and ask about LIBERTY BELL AND '— CHECK BOY MILLS NOVELH GOMPAIY, Mllla Building, CHICAGO, ILL. FOR 8AIX—M-riy-Oo-Konnil Oiitdt. 40 ft. ma- clilne. new nnran. oew t.-ni erer}-tiiliiK In Dral-rlaaa mmlltinn: «Mt talie ILW for It. Alao •mall rrank planu for aale. cbaap. UlttVK A HaCLABBSH. MS Lasaa ataaLt. Cireleetlle, ' ELEPHANT MAN Wanted at Once To take care of aaS baaAle aaa ar two aie- libanta. . Want a aober, tellable, czperleoeed man only; st>-(dr work. Kaaw salarT ex- pecletl la irtnter •'.nartera, alao aalary wblle ea the mad. ANDREW IIOWME. Herilna. N. T. STREETMEN MOBBED Streetmeo. Asrnta. Spare Time Wnrkem aoMied br caatomera craxr to (et (naranleod tXW nxor free witb each aitrrrtlalns box of oor atue- lag anap. Latent. Eaateat. BIceeat Money.MaL.^. Onatatnera ao well aatlafled Ibe.e brllia tUeIr frlecda to boy. A lire wire. Prep tbe ilenj onea. Part lciiUm free. Rample OA eeata. BAR* KER CHE in CAI. CO.. 13S Maihat it.. — Warcsslir, WWi % lass. WAyrro B U I aa ateten, laaaaaaa. IMI OaMk ' lesltlBste FMka: aaa BIXK^MSdllM as offer. FOB «LB-1,^ Opna Cialia. Bi 8. BAVXBPOBT. Maaaaar. Skeboygan Cemty Fair PLYMOUTH, WISCONSIN Sept. e. 7, 8 and B. 1910. OTTO OAPFROH, Becy. Showmen write. Oparati Hali't Tbe eaaieat and qntekeal. maf >a Diake mnoey. I>>t tben aether pea. nlea for yon day In aad day aat. Tbe beat aelter for dsaiB and candr. Write j-Lamitii BIG INDOOR CARNIVAL Ijbarth Uealment Armair. Jervy fity. N. J.. Veb. SI ta 91^ Coiireaainna and 5h»wa wanted t. er Mil rental. Nn arafl. 0. H. and .haaqr^'niii., ..-a — nample*' af am Wia aiytea. B. w,.mimjavnm oo.. wsMiiiii: WAnCB—Wm buy tritned RHIy Goat. tMI all be r«n rin nn-l prire drat tettrr THE H. L. BOWrKS CIOAB CO.. MaDilald. O. FOR 8AIE-4 II. T. o.miilptp. S t2xl« We.-».ltif Tenia, t Marquee 10x12. lenstha w-ala. A tier blab, ataae l:!xin in veetlnna. «tal^> frame, enr- taln frame aad other ainir, maklna a emnpleie rnitSt.. Tbe Mnil aitlO taken It. AriOreaa Billy UaaeUla, Ohio., B. Y. 9. Bo. 1, eaio