The billboard (Feb 1910)

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Ttie Billboard FEBRUARY S. Itia fOnUimcd tnm Tb« Bnro .V Bftty. witb Marie C<k!K-llH T. Arthnr. mgr.: San FraDcUco, CM^ r«b. 6: Oaklinil 7-9: Sau Jcmo 0; 10: Stix-ktoo II: Freroo 12. Todd * rr-lK Miulrml Co.. Alme Todd, Jr.. mtx.: Sb^-lbyrllle. Ind., 31-Frb. 2: Hm. the Flara aad the RIrt lEutctst. B. B. I»i n. pto^: OtafMB. tr. Va.^ S: W i l l ■ M l 9: Me n— C o — 4: OmpibBiE. Pa.. S: E. Lhvfpool. 0_ 7: Caatoa S: ZaMrtne Ckiniratlie 10; Pa mm o ulh 11; Hanttegtoa. W. 12. Itae. tkr Place anit tbe GIri (WeaterB). H. H. Wt man, prop.: Manon City. la.. 2: Wrbatcr CItr S: Amaa *: Mar>ba>ltcim 5: Citatoa S; Maaratlne T: Mt. rirannt 8: Keokok 9; Biwtaoen. III.. 10; mnceton ■ II. Tbnw Twina. w'th Thou. Wblffin. Joa. M. Galtea Co.. men.: Pooovlllo. SIo.. 2; Mob- •riT 3: llannllml 4: Qo'ncy. HL. 5. Time Tn-In» (We^trrn). Jo«. M. GaltPn Co., Three Tvlaa 'iaMinA...:Jkfc" •Btr*-: BMwIt n -M . 27^ tbe Oddea Bottom _ . Hula, mfr.: Chl- ca«o. ■Snr. 21. todef. Win« Mn'IcKt Commix Co.. John R. Wltla. acr.: MsrtI—hnrc. W. Va.. Sl-Pebt 5- Wloe. Woman aod Sonic, with Konlta. M. M. Tbel^c. mrr.: Jfemphbi. Tma.. 31 Fch. 5. Wari & VotM. E. D. Stair, mfrr.: Ind anap oil*, tnd.. 31-F»b- 2: Dayton O.. 3-5: Ham- ilron 6: Yoan^town 7-9; Wbctlinc, W Va.. 10-12. Wliani of ■vrisi.ianil. Harry Smtt. m^.: Gl»- -wcen-tlle. X. T., 3; Sarat«ca 4: Rlrns Falls Batland. Vt.. 7: BeI<on FaHa .<»: Krrar. 6M. wrni MaAe Blac. lew Tfclli. ^-i,^Clewta^ Sl-Mi. S; Z. a. T. maer. Zn>k»i> Prince, Coban ft Ranla. nmikt f y^i^ field. N. J.. 2: Trenton 3: Alle^iML-nL 4: Tnrlt ": Ijncsafer 7: Rradlne S; SMIaa »: At!3ntl<- Clrv. J.. 10.12 * -^c^ams In Afrlra (B. B. Forpeatei'a), T- rialy. tnsT.: Waxb.. n. C. 31-F«b. 5. Tnma Tnrk. wlib Max Baim. Klnr ft tt'. lattaer. mcra-: X. It 6.-£ — " Clao'a Mmirvi C«aaflr^€kt: taa. 10-Ttb. 21. D&AMAnO •" «r CblrajKk. Jnly 35, Stock Co.. Joa. St. ~ Wwh.. 'ndef. Uramr Stork Co.. Belaxco * itayer. 'mgrn. 9^ Fr!incL<crt. Anff. 23. Indef. •■■« JImm.v Talentlne, wiUi Henry B. War- arr. Urbler & Co., men.: X. Y. C Jaa. I". iBd-f. Arrfcv^Rmton Stock Co., Geo. B. Btflli^ WWt*' MmpbK Tenn., Dec. 23, Indef. Slork 06.: Portland. Ore.. Aag. 9. In - »*«1B» C«>. la St. Elmo^ BeUaco ft Joae 741: — ii ■i7oL!r1irr . 11: afaateny i*. ^ ' Aa TMd ha the mils (W. W. ■sr.: RIttaMlaK f)i. St 4: Meyeiadde S; Tbomaa f>. Ta., 7; Btewatrr*a MIUIoDa. Coban ft Harrla, mgra.: rortland. Ore.. 30-Frb. &; Aalorla S: So. Ileinl. WaalL. 7; Tacoma fi: Victoria, B. C, Can., 9: Vancoarer 10; Belllnslum, Waab.. 11; Kverett IS. Billy, wttb Edcar Atehlaaa Sir, Bicn.: K. V. C. M Miilfcfc Bmrater'e MlUkiiu. - - - - Keaiaar. Xcb.. 4. ■alm'a ChlM. Banr gC.» ftlgMdria. Vs.. ..a_ CheriMtaarille 8; ranviaa lo; II: Emporia IX. Beverly lEaatml. A. C. DcUauter. mgr.: CleTelaod. O., 3I-Feb. B; New I'blUMpUa 8. Bererly tWeateml, A. O. Delamater, mgr.: Bolae City. Ida.. 3; I'oeateUo 4; OKden. Utab. S: Salt Lake City 7-12. Battle. Tbe. wllb Wlltoo L«ckaye, Uebler ft Co.. mera.: Cbicago 23-Feb. 8. BolldT of Brldcei, wllb Kyrle BeUrw. Chaa. Frobman. mgr.: UIlwiDkee, Wla„ 31-Feb. S: Bockford, III.. 4. Barrirr, Tbe. with Tbeo. Roberta. Klaw ft Er- lamnr. ngra.: Pblla.. 31-i'eb. 12. BnUor, Klav ft ~ ' : Phna., 31- Waah- Feh. ik Blaa4*e Hayera. Bern r. logtOB. lad., SI-FA S. Boyer Stock Co., O. B. UOIiL 31-Feh. 6. Billy tbe KM: Concord, N. C, 4. Certer, Mta. Leslie: See Veata Hcne. Coirer, Wm.: See Lncky Star. Crrne, XVm. H.: See Fatber aad llM rrosDMin. Hrnrlclta: See Sbam. City. Tbe, Sam S. A L<<e Sbnt>c**:~laBl X. T. C Dec. 21, lodef. filllartal Stock Co.: Colombos. O.. Jan. 31. In- def. OMoalal Stack Go.. Paal W. HUlia, lasr.: St. John. S. B.. CU.. MK- CoaaeM ft Btarasia MMfe neL. ladet. Gook. OKar F.. Stod Ok.: Sulanr, Wdk., lo- def. Coraen. Harry. Stock Coi, 6. H. CnmtatA. mgr.: Batte Moot.. Sept. 28. IndeC Craig Stock Oo.. John Craig, mgr.: Boston. Aug. 30, Indef. Ctv*r^n1 Slock Co.. Percy Williams, 'mgr.: Brooklyn. Sept. 4, Inilet. Criterion Theatre Slock Co., Kltat & Gazaolo, mgra.: CblcagOk IIL. Dec 18. ladef. Cowboy and tb» TMifc . Mai— ft qutora. a£«(alewnc BettaftfMiil w*.: mu.. n-nft. B: CBBrica. S. J.. T-ft,<hr Oa.. PKd ChaaMV. wr.s OaraisK. N. T.. 31Feb. S; H«ta81 T-A ■■ Coasty Sheriff (Wee ft PiUnfU, .Cte. H. Brooke, mgr.: Sldmr. O., 8; ^BMlik lad.. 3: Marian 4; ftaOBaoa S. Cntter Slack OK. WaOaie .OkMin mgr.. StanatiB, Va^Tamk BnMa W. Va.. .7-12: Cbeckera. Stair ft HMMk —fct naantown. O.. 31-Feb. 2: WbHOBC wTrm^ M: Fltta- bnrg. Pa., 7-12. Cliamplln Stock Co., Cbaa. K. CbampUn, mgr.: Cnaiberland, SJd., 31-Feb. 5. Cboma Lady, with Boae StaU, Heoir B, Harris, Bigr.: Omalia, Kelt.. SIKItabi, % Bm IMnea. la.. 3: Cedar BapUa ^ mammm,- ^ Fr<-m-h Stock Co.: lIODlreal. Can.. Sept. 0. Indef. Pri. n.l Plsjrrs. Arthnr S. Priead. asr.: MU- wnukee. Wl«.. Aiu:. IBi Maf^ Fiiltf.n Sfv^k Co.. J. B. fWMB. MnS' R. Smith. Ark.. Indof. _ _ _ FiBhtiiw rarana <w. F. Maaa*a). C. B. Onk. ■■c; fttoa. Okla.. 2: Khnra. Kaaa.. S: CVM- wvO- 4: IMfhrd Okla., S; Bald 7: Kla*- a«her 8. mat (White's), Olga Verne Wblte. mgr.: Klns- lej. Kana.. 2: Sterling 3: Keutoa 4: lluichln- ■OB B: Caatoa T; .Marfa B 8: CaJdweU •: Arfc- Fl»St? BsMle.'*'tjShr% XIi/iiSm?. ftfUOii ^^B^. 27-tBdef. ^ Bfc>*a" SBlMk SwH Ha laaeo,' mgr.:'FimtlS^Sbl STpSL BI Om** Uad. O., 7-12. PlnuB, Max. John Cart, mgr.: San Praoclaeo. Cat.. S3-Frl>. S: San Jnw O: SMockloa 7: Sacra- It* 8: Frrsao 8; ilaaford 10: VIsalU 11: 12. _ ■wv mmm de BaSB, WItb -Wm. B. Ctaaa. Chaa. FNbmaB. Bigr.: Loa Aaip-lra, Cal.. SI-rHk 3. First Xlght. with Lillian RintfcU. Jfla. Brookx. mgr.: I>all>s, Tex., 1.2: Audin 3; San Anlonlo 4-5: llmatoo 8-0. Falea Coatedy Co., Chaa. T. Falea, aisr.: Caaton. a. •l-Mu OL nllaad. Brttha: Bfe the Betara af Ere. O^wge^ Grace: See ^oman** Wey. Germen Stock Co.: MUwaakee. Wla., Sept. 19, ladef. German Stork Ca. it. SfhmHt. ■SB': Ciacla- natl. O.. Oct. 4. German Stock Co.. Sept. 18, Indef. G< Stork Co., U. Welo. mgr.: St. Lonla. Chkaao. nL. 7-28. reole sun's Asisden Stock Co., Cbas. G. Aouden. msr.: Bloomlngton. Ind.. 3I-Fpb. 5; Bedford 7-12. As tbe Sno Went Down. Arthnr C. Alston, mgr.-. Spokane. Wasb.. 6-12. Awakening of Helena Ricble, with Margaret Asglln. LoalB Nettaenole. mgr.: Chicago 24- Feb. 5: Dayton, O.. 7; Colnmlnis 8-9; Spring Beld 10: La Fayette. Ind.. 11. —• Artana. Goa nill. mgr.: Xashvnie, Tenn., 31- ■«k ladlanaptdU, Ind., 6-8; Dayton, O.. 4»1»«I «C Kitty: Braadoo. Man., Can., 3: Ter- a *S" ant. 6. A Pool There Waa. with Bshptt BnOaid. FMd- crle Thompaoa. Bar.: Pi aa klia ^-^^ « A Maaja a Maa. wiai Bahm BkB S""?."?!" Moiaea. S; Mo., 3-5: Topeka. Kana.. 11. Anene I.opln. Cbaa. Frobman. mgr.: Craat Bai>- >lds. Mich., 2-3; Battle Creek ^ - - - Ind.. 5. Barryniore. Ethel: See Mld-CbanasL Bate,. BUnr-he: See the Fighting Bfe Belleir. Kyrle: See the Balldcr of' Borke. mil,-: See llr*. Dot. Bacbelor-a Bahy. with Francis Wtlton^ Frobman. aigr.: X. Y. C. Dec. 27. Indef. Bayoone Stock Co., E. F. Bostwlck, mgr.: Baj- onne. X. J.. Dec. 6. Indef. Beck Theatre Stock C,>., S. H. Friedlaadte. mgr.: BHIingtaam. Wash., Dec. 8, Indef. ■ > *» ■■ > ■ 4k Stoae Stock Chu KMaaea ft JIayer, Ins Ai»e^«e CUL^ Mkfc BNae Slaek Co.. DaTUK. BaMmiwi, mgc: Pawtneket. IL L, Xor. S, taOet. Bllon Stork Co.: Saruiaali, Ga. Dec 3S, la- def. Bljon Theatre Stork Cou. Frootl.m. Oct. II. liMltl_ Blshop'5 l>Iayers. H. W.' BMap, asr.: Oak- I-i-i.l. C«l.. In.lef. BlB'-tiUer Stock Co.: Bay City, Mich., In- .def. Bowilolo Stinare Theatre Stock Oo,, Jay BbbI, max.: Bofiton. Indef. Banting. Emma. Stock Co.: SdHaKtalP. T.. Jan. 10 Indef. Stork Co. Ollrer Xanana mgr.: Um m. Cal.. 'ndef. - -.KM. J. T. Maendcr. ■B.: IMtnffla. Bl-nh. B; BnriikacB 1-tf. Cieole . SpalagSrH. ID.. 8£^bu SS ^OMb 90. Ooarlera Sweetheart. A. H. Waali, mgt.z Bnf falo, X. T., SI-Feb. 5. Casb. Bnrlelgb Co., Fred Taggart. boa. mgr.: North Vernon. Ind., 31-Feb. 5. Carroll Comedy Co., Icq Carroll, mgr.: Welch, W. Va.. 31-Feb. 2: Aabland, Ky., 3-a. Climax. The, Jo*. M. Weber, mgr.: Cantstoti X. Y.. 2: Jotmstown 3: Cortland 4: Owego 5. Climax. Tbe. Joa. il. Wpb^r. m^r.; Tipton. Ind. 3; Elwood 4; New Castle 5. Climax. Tbe. Joa. M. Weber, mgr.: Clinton, la- 2; Cedar Rapid* 3: Iowa City 4. aimai. The, Joa. M. Weber, mgr.: DalUs. Tex.. 31-Feb. 2; Bonbam 3; Patti 4; GiecnriUe 6: Alexandria. La., 12. Clansman, The. GeOi. B. BcCBBai^- aBr*S 3tn- waokee. Wla., 31-Fhh. Bl artns Man. with UailrB AltaeUe, Daw tt Sf langsr. mgis.: Fhlla.. St-F^eh. Su DIxey. nemr E.: Sec Mr.-BB ttl t » . Dodfoo. J. E.: See tbe Rou* Drew, John: Sec Inconstsnt Daris Stock Co.. narrr Darla, hare. Pa.. Sept. 20. Indef. Daniel Boone On tbe Trail (Easteml, C. A Teaff. mgr.: TIlDn, O.. 2: Sandnsky 3: Elyria 4: I.oraln 5: N<irwalk 7: Akron 8; Canton 9 Alllanre 10; Tomigatown II-I2. Otnifl rtooce On the TraU (Central), J. W Clinton, mgr.: Jobnatown. Pa., 2: Blaicarille 3: Vanderxrift 4: Tareotnm 5: llwtB "Ti BrawBSTlUe 8; Conaellavllle 9: SeaMMto tm; Mt. rieaaaat 11; Caloatawn IS. Daly. Bnaard. Mark RMa. asr.: WallaM. Ua.. 3: inaasBIa, »Umt„ 4: B«te M: «n a rB a«* 7: Beleaa 8: Boaaaaa 8; UTtagstsB 10; BnUas* II: Mnea CltT 12. Dexter. Elliott, In Tbe Prince Chap. Fred E. Hoadley. mgr.: Dalton. Ga.. 2; Annlatoo. Ala., 3: Si'Ima 4: Mobile S; Biloxl. Mlia., 7; Gnlt- port 8; Hattleaborg 9; Jackson 10; Natcbes II; riekaborg 12. Daiid Copperfleld. Edward O. White, lasr.: 8m- cnse. X. T.. 31-Feb. 2: Maatreal. Caa.. 7-lZ, Detectlre Sparkes, with BattIa Willliai. Chaa ~ ' mgr.: Cincinnati. O.. 3I-Fl8k 8. . ace, A. G. Delamater, mgr.fCfeaito a. C, 2: Sarannab. Ga., 3; Braaavkk i» 1l»i>ar**Bta Ika'UMar*! Bdwin'SMtft Oibi ■ flMk Hot;. Ja*. M. 18- def- _i . Ewlng. GertiBd^ W. ] Victoria, TCz., 81 ton 7-8. Easiest Way. with Frances Stair, Daald mgr.: PhOa.. 24-reb. 11 _ . EU A Jaan, naixy Greco, mgr.: A a h l a ad . IM^ »■; Ifaaea. mgr.: 2: GlrnwooL la.. B. Bast LyoHk Las Balratlaa KelL Co.; Brooklyn. Aog. 28. Indef. Co.: ClncjBDatJ, O., gepL C. Frav^nab Stock Co.: lodlaoapoils. Ind.. Sept. K. I»lef. Fortune flnnter with Tboa. Rnaa. Coban ft Har- ris, mgra.: Chicago. 111. Dec 2fl, ln,lef. Ptirtnn,- llnnter. wtlb John Barryn'.ore. C^thao ft Harris, roers.: X. .V. C. Sept. 4. Iwlef. Fmwley Stork Ca. T. Daniel Prawlay. mgr. Xsr. a. JaekaooTtUa, Ila., Oor et. 3. ln<ler. Class, Jos. O., Stock Co. Dec. 19. ladef. Grand Stork Oa_ nipeg. Can., iadef. Grew Stock Col, Wbl Oiew. asr.: Bt. Isaenb. Mo. Dee. 9. Indef. Girl of Eagle Baach. Kelly ft Brenaaa. mgta.: Leblgb, Okla.. 3: Atoka 4: Caddo S; Darant 7: Madlll 8: Ttsbaalngo 8; MIU Creek 10; Oarla II; W.mnewood 12, Gny Stock Co.. Mercer Bros., mgra.: Alerandrla. Ind., 31-Feb. 5. Olaser, Vangban, In St. Elmo. Vatighan Olaser, mgr.: Toledo, O., 31-Feb. 5; BaBalo, N. Y.. 7-12. Glii of tbe Moantalna. O. E. Wee, mgr,: Bowl- ing Green. O., 2: Flndlay 3: .Moccnd. Mich.. 4: Jarkcoa S: Battle Creek C (Beaten). Bahcr 4k CholhL asaLt O.. Sl-Fhh, S. : 7_: ft Ctstkw V*.: Ed<ranla*BI(b'-nLZ'S: Owrleatna 3- MattooB 4; Bi i ttila w B: no* Bhate. lad., 8. Gllinare. Bsme.r. Havlln ft .\lcol»i. mgra.: Cheater. N. H., 31-Feb. 2; Springfleld, »«; Worceater 7-12. Great DIrlde (Eastern). Heniy Miller . Prorldenee. B. I.. 31-Feb. S: New Redfoni. Msas., 7: Brockton 8: Tsimton 9; Wooa i so ck et. R I.. 10; X'ew London. Coim., 11; Bridge- port 12. (Jreat Dlrlde (Western), Henry Miller Co.. rrrrs.: Oakland. Cal.. 4-5: Sacramento 9; Woodland 10: Marj-arllle II: Cblro 12. Girl of ihe Golden Witt. David Belssoo, mgr.: Mempbls, Tenn., 31-Feb. 2: Greenrllle. Miss.. 3: VIcksborg 4; Xatebex 5; Xew Orleana, La.. 6-12; Gentleman From Mlaslsalppl. Brady ft Grlsmcr, mgra.: Toledo^ a. St-Frh. B: Akna 3X. Gentleman Praal MIsili sliipl. Bndjr ft OtfHnr. mgrs.: Pblla., Jaa. 8-la<eC Girl From Sector's, A. H. Wooda, mgr.: Boatoa 17-Feb. S. Girl From Bector'a, A. H. Woods, mgr.: Me- ridlsn. Mbw.. 2; Selma. Ala.. 3; Colnmhns, Ga., 4; Albany 5; Macon 7; Jacksonrille, Pla., 8. Girl From Re<rtor*s. A. H. Woada. mgr.: Jack- son. Mich., 3: Owcsso 7. Go-Won-Go Mobtwk Tbsller ft Cincinnati. O.. 3o-F.'b. 5. CIrl and the Gawk. Will Ft. sirana, Tex., 3: Groosbeck 4: Girl snd tbe Stampede. V. E. Glenvood, la., 2: Bed Oak 3; nan 8t Bhei andoah 5. GUaore, Panl: Houtoo. Tex., 7. miliaid. Rahnt: See A Fool Th»e VmL nodae. Wm.: See tbe Man from noaw. Haritett. Jamea K.: See SaafaB. Hal's Arsoclate flaim K 2. Hall. acr. Wbe»1lng. W. Ta,. /MML'' B.ill. iv.n C. la BiaaiUfta; flBiIaiiall. O.. Dec. 5-Feb. 5. Harronrt Comedy Co.. (Hiss. K. Harris, mgr.: .^nhnm. X. Y.. Jan. 24. indef. Be'icbta. Tbe. with Frank Kevnan. Henry B. Harris, mcr.: X. T. C. Jaa. 81. hHM. Hnli'en Stock Co.. H. .M. IMiH. mgt.S ClD- clnaatt. O.. Sept. S, Indef. nnntlDctoo. Wiight. Stock Ool: Terre Uante, Ind.. Sept. 28. iBdff. nntrhlsoB. I><«ta, Mark Co., Jack Hotctalaon, eniman-s Ideal aMeMu fTE BIBaUB. mgr.; Arwood, Kaaa.. M; StsatM. Weh,, 7-»: Or leans 10-12. Harrey Stock Co. tXortbemt. J. 8. Oarslde, mgr.: Ksnkskee, III.. 31-Feb. B. Harvey Stock Co. (Sonthcm). 1j. A. Emmert, mgr.: Seymour, Ind., 31-Feb. B; (^>lambas 7- 12. Hammond Stock Co.. Wm. nammond, mgr.: I,ennilDster, Man., 31-Feb. 0; Epplng. N. H., 7 12. Hlckmsn-Bessey Stock Co. (Eastern), nsrry O. I.lhoii. mgr.: Moamootb,' 111., 31-Frb. B; Can- ton 7-12. HIckman-Bessey Stock Co. (Western). W. AI. Whlre. mgr.: Montlcello. Is.. 31-Feb. 2; Ans- mosa 3-.'!: Odsr KspMs 812. Boase Next Boar, with J. B. PadsoB. Cnhan ft - abatnal. Om.. ai^Tah. B: ]«*B taiiwrial Waek nt., U. A. -awlc, owr.: Kalamaxoo. Mich.. 88-Fpb. 8. HMe'a Theatre Party. J. Rns. 5lmllh, asr.t IJma. O.. SI-Feb. 5: Sprtogfleld 7-12. Bhafonl. Cburlea B.. F. tawrenre Walfc*r. ■■r.t mm. Cal.. 3: Hsnford 4: F i tm » S; Waad- Isad 7: MsrysTlIle 8: nilro O: Bed BIbV M: Ashlsnd. Ore.. II: Medfnnl 12. rioiKe nf ■ Thnissnil rsmllrs (A), Tlowlnnil k OnnkMI. rogrs.: Cheyenne. Wro.. 4: I.aramla D: Greeley. Colo., 7; Ft. Collins 8; I«aa«MOBt 9; nmildiT 10: LnFnyrltr 11. Herrtl. wllb Wm. Farersham mgrs.: (Hileago 31-Feb. 12. THE KIND CF A START YOU MAKE in the Moving Picture business determines whetherornotyou come home under the wire a winner. THE EDISON KINETOSCOPE Im a tnorlDff nlcmre Tnadiloe joo can div«o4 u\te*n to hriuK tintuv tbr tuutiex ererj time, build yoa Qji m pn>ntMble pairuuaire umI out eat ap ytiur prodl!* od rciialra. Tbe Edlliwi KIni-tOBCOpe rlrea clear, steady ptcrurea and vlU outwear acj other mottoa pic* tun- macblne made. Start rlfbt. Write to-dar for bnnklet rItIok fall parties lara. aod a copy of tbe EdlMiD Kliketoffram. EDISON nLMS . mOJEXSES OF FEB. 8 AND 11. BELEASE OF FEB. 8. -CHE UVIMeSXOB CASE. A Sstaetiea SUrr.^ Coda, Taaicabtait. App. X«lh.> (88 ■ lELEASES OFFEB.lp. . TEE MmATITBE. Vo. 6890. (>>de. Vestisrisn, App. Z«th., 78S ft. A TBIF TO KABS. Bo.USL Code, V.itibalar. App. I«th., 888 (t. Pil—M—oI«iifc.fhMrraaMMB iMHaH ■■■■■■VBWH^ WBip^Hj lUm OOIee and Factorr. 71 t.akeside Arsaai^ Oran^, New Jersey. Hew York OfScs: 10 Fifth Arenne. Chicago OSes: 80 Wahaah Arenas. OAce for Vnited Kisadom: Edison Works, Vlo- tsria Boad. WUIesdu, I^adxn, XT. W., KnnErroscoFE jobbebs: Oao. Biacft. 78 Taifc St.. Saa : St., Tsl. FOm Exeh. Co.. SZt Xala St.. Xaasaa City. ?. L, Watara, 41 £. 2Ut St., Haw Torfc (»ty. Lake S^ra FI taa ft ^lpply On,. SU Chaa. 'a. ' Chlikar. «lfc a '«N« Mft. dslpkia. - ■ DEAI.EnS IN AL.L. HmMVAIi THE "WONDER CANNON' The * camera Itial baa started many a man oa ■•isnBrENnKNCB ROAn." The CANNON Camera makes 8 flnlsbed pboto hot- tons In one mlnoto. ready to wesr. Any one caa lears tbf boslseaa la •boat W minutes, yon In tUa big money-msktas Tbia liKlaitet a eoopleis eooststlag of WONDr.R CA:i- NoX. tripod ind anppll'a for msking 4O0 lbil>t>ed photo buttons. Wrlta te-day for ear fiaa eatal n . CHICAGO FERROTYPE CO. Oept 120 Ch cage. III. Wf ire tbf onxlDitors iixl lirfssl miaofie- tojcrs of aQlomallc cimprii In Ibr world. &lt^^ outfit. « THE RETAIL B Hlsh.ClaaB MAGICAL APPAKATDS lie ahlpi B. UI Waat Oataiia Stsaat. Ohk ANIMAL TRAINER To bceak la IIob aiC aad rOR RENT OR lOMO LEASE—Elgbt arf*s aC groumi siiltshlf f4ir sniuwmrnts at awla trance at lllrrralde i'arlu Want all ~ ~ ~ ■nnsemriiis; wanl daMlBK naenlaa sad aaNOT