The billboard (Feb 1910)

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44 Xlie Gillboard FEBRUARY 5, 19ia :THK VOSS BILL. . 'V^Mlou 11:;. ttrjiMrr and trtrrwmen of iip- pUnaia r<ir tu;tttnn-ut Id ■ ell/ ar lb» Ont clan». It »iA.i Ije- iiir iliity ot ••verr yir-b 11- eviiW larrnKi «r<inii ibuw ratMjiirl'ni; tlli*-nr- Rlral ■iscu.'i'T?'. *ir ai^-tirti a Ovr tbi* »-ib|i*"yuieat of vatitti-vul' prrr.jruifra ar| a*irM!>' rv^Tftrii** or aifi-uAr- fiH- llir (irunirlDg ii( Ir^liuK-al, rl**rli-al. i^i^^f* vr t-xfiniilvi* |m«I(|i>q<4 fur uii-u OMijr. li» kifi-p a r»-j;UI«-r- apiirovt-^i bjr tne majrcK or c<**M.ijl«i*-o-HT 'tf lli-riUM-9*. tn w'ii*-h aball rain*J. in Ibr Biu(lbib Uukiiikv. <Iif dale of tkr apiillnUaa fur eupkorairui; ilic name and ■< l n i »i •( 111* amilicaai l» arbom «uiilu>-nifut ti | i wl Wi< ar offm4; ike aiiiMial of Ibe fve Mriaw* af fi ll a il r ■■alijffin ar bad. aadi ^twUcasI takauara.' 8 pantaia, psnrpi iJioar aboTC iiierlllnl Id tUa •rcllaa aball alao vntrr. In tha lama ar tn a wparat< r<vlaier. aMiruTed by tbv majror or commlanluBrr uf lliwuarH. In tbr EnelUb tan- ^■KC Ibr iianir anil uliirras ut evrry aniillraat ■•vrplrtl fur b>-l,i, Ihe Jafp of Mirb a|>|>llrail4iil. kind of belp rv«|ii«-ati'd. Ilie nauH^ uf (be |n*r aooa aent. wilb Ibi- de^li^allon uf Uie one rm- plufn), tbe anioiinl uf trr recrl'ed, and tbc rale of araKn> ojccvrd uixin. Tfaa aformuld xasMtn of appllfaiita for eniiilojiuent ami fur feaip akall be u|a?a during oOlrr btairs lu In- •pi Tlla n Iv tiar ma/vr vr cauiniMtluapr of II- CMWM. Ko aark' Ikenard perauo. bla asent ar cniilam*. akaU atalbe anjr taiae eotiy In ■Mh rexMm. ll ahaU be Ibe dntjr of ever/ llccoMil piftna. wfaeoerrr poMlble. to roanaaDl cate orallj oe to wrltins with at Icaat aae ot the twnMoa mant'oDrd aa n- ftriai a a for rmr applleaal fbr work In prlrale rauiUIra, or em- ptoyed la a Iklarlarr caiiarliy, aul the malt of anch InaeatlsatliiB aball bp kept on Ble la ncta acenry; fvurldnU tlut If Uie applleaai fur helji Tolitntarlly.waive* In wriiliig audi In- TrallKailun uf lefeftvcva by tbe ll>-ea»ed per- aoo. failure on tbe lairt uf Ibe llrmwl penwa to make aurft lBvr»tlsatlon aball nvl be deemed a Tlolallvo of ibN avelka. Krery lU-ruKeO per- BOB exeuiplnl from tbe provialuoa of tlita aeetkA aa to tbr keeplu« of cv]Cli*let» aball keep arcur- ata«pn>nb> Id tbe Eugllab lanKt>a(e. of all OS to vbom mrk la prsDlaed nr offered, or vhnai a iatafcn. and of all iM-rwnia 'aa aa- apuHcatlaB for an ewpioyKe la Itiaethrr wltk- lb* date of tbe en- gaKeawet.1 tba aaooat aT the ftc iccritetl. ■■a the rate of leaumeratiaa agiaail apaa. AH Hd peiBjaa . ladbUit^ aa_ tt all andicaat* fat attan. aotrauaa. at aar theattleal penaa aad aball 'tmttm. dl ap^ canta m wiitina OB ftnaaat «ba aux ha aamad or contracted for lach " - — Infonnation ia tbait ansaaament ia audi :<eclluu 4. Scrtloa three of aald <: lead aa tolloara: "iieetlon 173. Feea of employment agent la a city u( tbe Brst riaaa. Hip fvea cbarced ap- pllcaota fur eaipliiymeat In clflea of tbe firat elans, aa lumberujifu. aicrienlttiral eoaeO* men. sruuuia, lumUers. seaiu^tresaea. eouka. Wallera, •allreaaes. acnib aruuira. laoodreaaea. malda. uataea (except profeaaluoalo. and all daneetln and aenrania, onakliled workrra and aball Bat la any caae exceed ten "b'a aawa. and for •eeiloo la tbe Borllab lancoace and In any l;*n]:iiaite arldeb tin- iierMm iw wbuui ilie re«*eipt (a iM»iu^ ran aoilerataiiil. No i^urli lit*t*iis*'it i*t-r- aun abdil ivt-eh-e or aerepl aii>- valualxe tbini; or elfl aa a f%if or in lieu tbereof. Nu eiicb llceiiaed pentuo yball divide free artlh coo- imt'i<in> or ilu-lr aKrnia ar albar laMilai'H'l or aiir <Hir In ibi-lr employ t* arfeaai. VIpBMMa for euipl(*>nieiii are real**' s.i-il<>ii 5. itmiaa fcHir uf auld cbipllff-1 aa fi*it*»«'a: "Mi-eliua IT4. Card to Ba ■ l>l«l»lii < to ap- plleanl tit emplornient la a cMir'ar the Oral rlaw. Every «uui-b llrenar<l prtata aball (tee to e-irb applli-ani for euipioyment a ean] or primed |*a|:er eirtiluliilui; tlie tiatue of the applleant. name aod aililresn* uf i«UL-b eni|iloyment ageuey and tile written name and addre*-a uf tile iH'r»4iu to U'btMii Ibe a|>lillr)int la aeot fur elilpluynieut. All oontracta for theatr cat. vandavilla and cU>- cua engagements protoied by tucb Ucenaed Par- ana while acting nnder inch Ucaaie aball be in arriting, and contaia no clauaa or piorltion ia nnlawfnl or illegal raatraiat of aailniai or trade or ia eiolatioa of aAy ei^laaara. itatata or law. Sba (ana of laatiaal aacd hr aacb Uceaaad petaaa aetiar aadar aacb llcaaaa maat be appiaaad hy the mayor or commlaaloaar of Ucenxaa. For tbo vlolat on of any of tba fore- gsiag nrOT.aloiis of tlii* section the penalty shall be a ana of not leas than fifty dollars and not more than two bondred and fifty dollara, or imprisonment for a period of not more than otio. year, or both, at the dlscratioB of tha eoort.'' Seeiloo 6. Sertton one bnodred and seveaty- Are of aald chapter Is hereby amended to read as follows: "Seel too 175. Employment cootraet In . a elty of the OiTt eta's!. Nu aacb Der^oa ahatl Imliii-e or attempt to ludute sny [domeattel employe? to leave bla employment witb a- view or ubialn'nc other emptuymeat ttirtm^ aucb agpury. Vbraever aoch Ikeaaed pt r a aa or an7 olbrr artlac tat bfaa. a«»ta ta anal aae or atan abdl aot ained the Weeks aragca or aalaiy. or flee the Brat year'a salai7. cnep» wi Blent or eogageoeot la of a tempotacy aaiare. nut to exceed la any siaida aniraet oae oioatb. then tbe fev'ahall not exceed ten per centum of the aalary paM. Xha fsaa cbaigad appUeaata far theatrical, TaadeviUe or circn* engage mstl, or other eBtertaiamanta of tha atage. ahaJl not ^jcceed tbe amoont of five per centum of the aalary or wage* per week of the engage. meat when the engagemeat is less than taa •WAl. aad tba aawaat af flea par ceatam of the arfary ar wasaa par waak far taa waeka •f BB i B a s gtB i sat af taa waaks or ■MB au thaatrical aamaaMau except nadeeiua or eircBa eagagaawata whaa tha fee ■haU not PTc a s d live per eeatom of the wagea or salary paid. Tha fee for all theatrical oa- flagentents. except teiqorary enga. ■haU ha dne and payable at tha end of week of the ensagenient, 'and ahall be apon the amoimt of compensation sctnally re- ceived for aoxJi engagement, except when snch cagagement ia anfnlfllTed or such compensation npaid, tliroogh any act 'within the control of ne applicant for sack engagement. In caae tba apptiraul shaU out accept ur obtain help or employiMU^thisaah aacb agency, tb<>n ni. b Hceaaxd peaisa sAaB- aa. demaml repay -tlje MI awoaat flae aT tba mU f<-e. allotrlug three <ars; Uoie ta fletermlaa Ike (Bet of the appU- oafa (ailare to oMab^. bs|>< ar tm/tnSti If aa ontidi^ tOralabcd hSa to leaiala one week In the sltoatkm. s oew employea shall Oe fllmlabed to Ille alipllcant for help. If be ao ele<-ta. or tbree-artUa of tbe fee retnruetl. with'n fuor daya of demand: provided aald appllraut for lielp ootlfiea aald Urenaed iwr- aoB wlHiln thirty daya of tbe fallare of the gllrant to arrept tbe pualtloo or of tbe ap- aaCa iTarhatse fur raiiae. If tbe rm- »Bt^l» dlrrbarged ultbln one week wlih- aat aaM omtdorWa faalt another poaltloa ahati be ^ramtohed or thrve-flftba oT Ibe fee lelaraed to the amiUcaat tsr eaptagnoral If ba ao derio. FaUnre of aa d aiqdieaat far help to aatlfy aald Ucenaed perwo tliat aorh has boea oMalned thronjcb mi-aot ufber tltaa aald agency ahall entitle nia licensed perwn to retala or e«l- lect three-llfths i.f I be aald fee. Xo aneb II- eenaeil person dUail xenit out an.r applli-aul for empIoynKot wllhout Uav ns oblaliieil. either orallr or In writing, a bvia fide order tberefor. Ml if It ahall appear Ibat no employmeni of tba kiod apptleil fur exirted at ilie piaie lo wblrb aald aiifdleaat waa d'tecteil. the aald Ilremwd penKKi ahall refaml to aacb appllrant witbin three daya of dnaaad any saias paid by Mid appllrant for traaaportatlra In tp-lug to ami rernm'ns from aald plare, ami all fees pahl by aald appllrant. tt ab.ilt lie tbe duly ar aoeb Ilceoaeal ia-rM>n to tr've to every appll- eaat fttr -mplo.rmi-nl frutu Mrlioni a fee aball be ren-lred a receipt In wblrb ahall be ataled the name of aald appllrant. tbe djte anil anifMinl of Ihe fee. and lUe puritoKe for wblrb It waa paid atnl lo fvi-rj- npiiliraal for li--I|i a reiflpt ariilin;; llie n^iiie ami aililreiiK of ealil appllrant. tbe dale ami amount of tbr fee. and tbf kiad of belp tn be pruvi<le>l. Every aurb re- aalM. ascepilnit enir iImim- alvea by tbe-jtri<-al. Mi tlBwr>iat«riac terfealcal. dci' BM ajDNati^t poaltiiMa far aNb ce persona ewpiayeo. ana » w. A du pilraia cofVof ba.^^^MMhi^J^b^afljaicjbK. any oae place oatsMo tbe tUf tm ablib oarh aeeaiT I* tocaled. (be laU Urraani penwa aball file arllb tbe mayor or cofBm<aalaaer of Urenaea, withia Bve daya after tbe contract la made, a aiatement eoatalning the following Items: name and addieaa of tbe employer, name and addreaa of tbe employee: nalore of the wi>rk to be [lerformed. bonxB vf lalair; wagea otTervfl. deatlnailon of ti:e persoaa ewplayed. and terma of trsDaiioriathia. A du|rflraic eon. of Ibis statement afaaU employment, ta to coilerstand."* Section 7. Sectloa aeven of aald chaptv lb' read aa follows: "SefClon 177. ProhlblHoss as to MnpIujlwU agent In a city of the first class. No aiicb li- censed person aball send or canse to be aeat any female as a aerrant or Inmate or perfonoer lo enter any place of bad repots. boiu« of lU- fame. or asalgnatloa hoosc. or to any tmoae or place of amosement kept for Imnsoral pnr- pnaea. or plare resorted to for the piirpoae of proatltolloa. or gambUBK baeao. ibe cboraeter or wblrb aat* Itceoacd yciaaa esMbaar aaeer tabml aaea i»«anbMa laagbv. 'Ha- aacb U ' oC tub xim of bad eliaracter, proatltates. loiiBblera. Iiitoxiratpd p eraoo a or piucu te is to f ie un eut anrb agenry. No aacb I'cenaed peraon idiall arecpl any appllrstlon for employmeat msde by nr on behalf of any child or aball place or aiwlat In placing any anrb child In sot employ- ment wbaterer In vIolatloD of article twenty of Ibe ednrat'on law relalln; to compulsory education: anil !n vlnlatloo of tbe labor law. No llf-eoaed iienMxi. bla a^ot. aerraata ar em* plvyeea. shall laitoee or compel any peteoa ta enter anrb seenry for say Jiaipoae. tf tba lac of fatre ar by takliig toicllile p i i i i t aa l sa af aald I I r iiia'a pcaperty. Ko aoeb t'eraaad- psaasa. bla abiata ar emplojeea. ahall barp mtmt t^- lerraaiae wl(b aar fefliala applleiat (or Mb- ployan-nt. Xo..|iersaa aball- pvoc ar e or offrr lo pmetire belp or empl ni a nal la rooms or oe premlwa where lataxirallair Hqnora are sold to be ronanmed on the premises whether or not rtuea or a fee or pr'vllet« la exacted, charged or reeeleed directly or Indirectly. For tbe rinlatlon uf any of the forejtotng provlalnns of this aertliin the penalty shall tie a fine of not leaa than fifry dollars, ami not more than two biin*lreil and fifty dollar*, or Imprisonment for a iwrioil of aot BMre thaa ooe year, ar balb. at tbe dKnvtbm of tbe caart. Ko sorb l l t i a a sd peraon Shan paMIab or eaaae to he pabltabeal any false iv fninlttleDt or mWlpadlna iafor- matioa. taiiisiOBlsllaa. imHce or advertlaemeni: sll advert laefflenta of swb employment asenry b.v mwna of eirrts. eirrnlars. oe alim« and In neirspa|iera aod other pnbllcatloDs. and all let lerliesds receipts and Msnbs iihall contslD the name and address of sncb emplayment sami-y sn-l no anrb licensed person aball p've any f -Iih- Infnrmatlnn. or make any false promise or falae renrei»«ntstion concerning employment to any applicant who chsU register for employment or belp." Section 8. Section one bnndred and serenty- eletit of as*d chapter Is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section I7.S EnfarremeDt of preceding pro- visions In a city of the first dasa. In clilea of tbe first class the enforcement of this ar- ticle sA far as It relates to snch dtlea sbsll be Intmsted to a comnilasloaer to be known as a eomraljisloner of llceBsea, who shall be a|»- polnteil by the mayor, aod a l ma a salary to- gether wttb Ibaae at.a d ip a ly f smm l ai dn aii aad •Bspertara ta bp appalblad tf Umt, aball l« fixed by tbr board of eatbaalp aad apportbiw- ment. Raid rommlsatnqer of lleHM* aM dep- nty commlssliiner shall huve IM otber -ocmpa- tlon or hnKlni*ss, He shall sppalat iaaiM-clMrs wh" shsti mnke at bi-monthly vMts to every aili-h aponcy.i-xceptlnff llin^ sirenclea ex cmpted from teeplnjf Ibe prescrlhetl refflsli-rs nn-lrr section me bnndred and seventy-two of ^ fills article, wlilch shall be Inspected on c<>m- pl-fnr ms'le to aald commissioner of llcen»i-s. Said Inspectors shall hive a sn'taMe badae wblrb tta^ aball rsblbit on d i maad -af aar fwrsaa wttb wboa tbry amy babp oflMal femi- ite-m. Sorb Inspertnea shall pee tbaf all tbe provisions of th's article, so far aa It relatea to *iirii cities, are complied with. sii.l sbsll bare no ntlier oc-npaflon or hiialnesa. Ci>m- pTalnts a|;aln«t any such llcen-ed ivrenn ahall . be made ->nilly or tn aTlllnr lo the rOmmls- i sinner of licenses, and resson-»Me notice tliere- j of. not less than one dsy. shall he erlven In I n-rltlne In said licensed person liy seri'lnir iitain him a conc'-ip atatempnt of the fiela co*isll- liiilne the complaint, a copy of which ahall be I given to coDplaiiwiit on reqoeat. a-id a le*ar- I Injf shall lie had before the commlsslnirr of II- eeo sr s witb'a otr wae b fmoi the date of the I flllac of tbr raaiplabtt. aad ao adjonmment shall he taken for a period lonirev lllau one wei-k. A ilalty rale<*ilar of all hcar'nys shall be kept Ity Ibe cuiuiiili-i<liitH*r uf U'-i-UM--- auil t-linll be iHjMti-d lii a ctKis;ili'iioiii> pl«i-e In Uls pilLiUc otfitv for al least oni- »lay *M-fore Ilie ilute of i^tn U Iirarlnjrs. The nauiiils- sloiier uf rcriiiii'S blirill leioh-r bN di-i-lnoii wllbin clfibi ihiys fn>a) the thue the iiiallrr la Anally i-ubiiiltliil to liliu- S.-il<l oniiuil'.id.iBer of rcenaea sliull kei-p a niiinl of llcrna,-*, niay refuse lo Issue ami kliall revuke any lli-eitse for any jeoud cause abown. wlibin Ibe lueaulug aoil {MtriMaie of ihia anlele ao far as It ivtatee to HllPK of ihe flfst claM, aad whea It ia abiHro to Ihe aatlafarlha of Ibr i iiaail n ili mi of II- reamt Ibxt aay Umawd pmam Is aallly uf aay immural. naadahM or Mhaal .oamban in cmaeellua wllb the t'sudllil af aald baalneM. II shall be llie duty of the conimlsaloner of II- renspa to revoke the license of mu-Ii uer>'iu: biif. notli-e uf tbe charges shall la- prest-nted aud reas*iiiable o|i|iortiinlt<i-s sbnlt la- glvi-n aald lli-eiise,! p4-rsun to di-fenil hliiinrif, Wlieueyer snlil cunMulsslonir of Ilit'O^ej^ sU.ill r*-fioie'ito Is'-ue or absll revoke the lli-eii?*e nf any siirTi eiiipliiyuicnt agenr.v. said drirrmlnat'on sliall lie siiliject 10 n-rlew uo will of certlurarl. Wticurver for any cause such Ih-ense iaj re- vokeil. said eommlaaloner of lii-eiiNcs slislW not Issue anotlier license to aald licensed la-ofa or his n-urrseatatlve or to any im-tmio wItb /rhua he fat.a be aaaoclatad la tbe buida e iai af-tticalab- ine naplaj a nat . Tha ebdaiha af aar-pra- vlabm of lUa artMa w ibr aa H lelaiea lo Pit lea af tba flfat daas. axcv|« aa pf«v«4nl la weilaoa OOP boadrad and aeveaiy. eao baadied ud aofsaty-foer, aad' oaai buadrrd aad arr* Pty-aerea. shall be paaMmhle by s fine aot to exceed twenty-five dollars, and any city maglstrale. police Jnstlee. Josilee uf the peace, or any Inferior msg'atratp bsvlne original In- rlnllctlon lo crliiilnal cases, shall hsve power lo ImiMsp said fine, and in ilrfsull of pa.vment thereof to commit Ibe iiersoo so niTeirtllng for ■ iier<o-l aot pxeeedlog tbirt.r days. Tbe said rpmrnlsslnoer of licenses shall lni*tltnte crim- inal proecedlngs for Ita enforremeat before any cnnrt of coiupetpat jnrlsdMMa. ITfea flaiP- Eolng sections of this article 4b Mt apMr t* tbp city of Bocbcater.!** . Spctloo B. nine of saM cbaplbr h' as follows: "Seclloo I7B. Definitions relatlnr to ecnplo,r- ment agencies In a city of tbc first class. Tlie term 'persons.* when nsed lo tbe preceilltig aiK-tlons of this article, menns and lacliules any indlvldnal. company, as-wsclatjon or coritorailon. contractor, sabceatrsctor, or tbe'r sgenia. and Ibe term 'pmploTmrnt agency' ateaoa and In- elndes ttie bofdneaa of pi oe urlag or utreiiog to procure help or ei au iu > ateat. eacacamaat for mdeeiUa. thaaWoal ar alk« aMettaiasn. aitbar aa ageat. oaatiactar ar ailbcaalsactor. or of plvliut luftnaiatloo oa la wbme beto or eiaployiaeai ar aagigamaali far madaeiUc, tteaM t el ar o tW^ a blatlalem e awy^ be j ico- cured- arbptbcr saeb baalaeSB' Is ceadarttil In a balldlng or on the street ar elsewhere: and the bna'aeas of kecplBg aa latelligeiire ufllc>. ptnployment bnreaa. theatrical or abl|i|ilng airency, nnrses* regbitrr. or aeeoey for pro- curlnj: engapr-TOents for vandevllle [or] theat- rical and other entertaitiers [performers] or other QCency or tbe offlce procnrloK work or employment for persons seeking eruplornjpnt vrbere a fee or pr'vlleire or commin-lon H ex- aetpd. rbarged or reerired directly or Indirectly for pmearing or aasMlas or pramlaiag lo pro- mre employment, wecb. engacsBisnt or a sit- aar'oa of aay bliwl. ar far pramring or pro- TkHan Mp or pfaoMnc ta prarMe help for aay pi raaa.. a ba lbtl aiMb fee Is colleetpd fmm the aiqilleaat tor HBplsjiimit or tbe eiqillrsot COndneted ex- persons aa leae b et a . aad la " laeac ala e d edneatbioal In atltntlooa only, aa oeeopanta of teetantr-al or ezerntlve poslileaa. aiMl res'strtes of all Inmr- pcnted awnrlatlon* of rerlstered nnrses and IMiresns conducted t*.v reclslered roiillcat ln*!l- tot'oiia. and excepting also depsrrmenls ronln- tallied b.v persons, firms- corpornf'nns and assAclatlnns for the puri>ose of seciirt'iK help for tbemeelres where no fee Is clu-nred ihe afipllcsnt for emplo.nnent. The term 'fre' rorana atoary or a promise to pay money. The term Ihw' Blaa.bMNiaB aad hMlpdea ihe eiem of BiafV'aeeMart br say oueb repast-i person oear tnat fee baa paid Ibr tmasimriaiion. l ia tat Hi' dC baggagp. or li " " eaa» ttn liapliij meni. The aad lartadaa the dtfterence of moaey rereired by any penina who fur- nishes raployeea or perfnimer* fae aay «etiif' talnment. eih'Ntlon or pet f w ma nee aad the anomnt paid b.v said per so n to the empl o e»-i'S nr iierPor.ncrs he hirea to give siirb entertsln- men!, etbiblllon or perfnrmsnre. Tlie t--rm ^rlrMi-ee* means aad lartades the farwNhine of fooii. aap>lls% t aala ar sb iiler-ta eaa trari nepi*.^ «tMMi(r-*""» m tmmll^^ prir n.!t*eSilgjk SShyiayuJ** """^ Stereopticoo Outfit For Sal» Coiiipleie wllb t ii li lam or lloie light uiruie: also elerltir ace lamp, rt o-eatat. awllcb. aabeelua leada, caMe. eO nwly for a abaw; ••verylbtag guial aa aeW. IM t*>: arlO tell far tS. aad ablp C it. IK, prlafc t of esaailBatioa If pMi wIN.aaml one 9l ta abyCja aal falib. aad ■^iTVATtaK'sr* as ■?».rr& wit. tbe anplleaat far HBpiajiimit or tbe s for belp. eaee|illa|| agearles condne rlns'TsIy for la aib ilbii caployiBpal for Ibr any apiill alao ni''sn'« the an]«innt I WANT TO BUY A movlng-plclure U^Mlwr lu Ihr West, or woold take an lulm-si ivliU ui.iiiint''iii«'iil; know tbo buslneaa Iborunijlily; woiilj f.'riil piiriuiTsblp with ifisal slii|:i'r, oi« rai..r or plaisi player. bM I want lu niauage. Will pay for a suod Mcallaai. Save aiaiu|ie If yuu ari- louklug fur oa oaaf Jtasa aail give foil parilruhtra and pcfcaa tr Only ::::-FOR SALE :::: -nrtnre Theaifv. Iowa of 4.000k cents. Watariy. bam. WANTED AT ONCE per Uoalral COnrany—Man with ai-erlally that win iinalnre a laugb loo mualcali; must play fair planu: maat be a genllemao and Beat dreaa- er; salary low. but liUUC: tell ail In firaU tlaw Is ahorl. Arl.ln-~i LTXAV BARBOV, Bos 4S0, OrstaTills. Ms, SIEICHES-MONOLOGUESg WUnUI TO ORDER OrlKlnal work. Reas-uslite rates. _Yl1StJ!? esiluinte. rnclialiig stauip. B- P, n flb SU H. CUaton Street, Olcaa, Mew Tsrk. FOR RENT rAXBS PAasuw plav, or ure or cexxn. - -ta, A-1 eaadliloo; a.—jrted posiera ta II fkea. Writr fiv trriua aod daiaa. 0. J. miBFBT, Elyris, Ohio. WANTEI>—GOOD LADY AEBIAUST Fur aliigle trapa; luag aeaauu; Juin now. JiraUIr MOUUiU. 80O F SU, Wbllely, Muncle. Ind. WASTED —T tJ f T —Black or white; mo^ bo gusl; will eicbauge Ooe Levltailua. cwBPleta wllb 8o-oery. t:ualumes. etc.-. worlh I*.": acl for vaodevllie or carolval show. II. WHUTH- INOTUN, 71l» Cbrlatj'ano St., Mlah awaka, lad. FOA BAIX—Ooe large slxe (luo ft. ttirow er least Hollte-rg Ko> - cjii^; cheap; eat af baataesa. A- vv. bi'i:WAliT. tsiixt. Ind. rOH 8AIX—24iS2 Teot. 8-fI. wall, rviuod ead, blue and white UrlU. allemale alrlpes, M wlile, blue bonli-r aial Ih-jraugbly ivpcd; awaO for Ijlrl Sbuw: braad are EUEUlIAKUr A ( WANTED TO BUY Secood-haod Itand Mualc Insiruuieul: cheap. GEO. TAU&FONa. N. B. cur. -ioUi * Ota.. Chicag o. lU. FOR BALE—Fllma. I*. M., Uasic lUuslooa. Bat- tun M., Black AM, B. C. I'buu., TralanI (tadB aud ruulea. Will rxcbsuiir fur anylhlag Itat l can use lu a pool naou or rwtaitraat. FHOF, HA&BT UOXK. Osata, Fa. FOB SALE—Complete show. wUb UMmt bl*. aer. flii JapotN's* llaU Tobbni Tntk •IS: Wma W ti aw K. BRIxSmAX. 3» FOB BAIiK—TWrtvc-ariaiNr Halaed Bird Act lKla« Uoseal. will wart Ut aoybody: 9»M> lak.a birds, cage and peapa. aaaml e le; alsa V» ullmiulsl Figure tlrlsbmaat. tl ■ niLAHb lloro, »i: Ilils la «.. Joo- - s.MS*. Box 14:!. Tlptuu, Iowa, *K r. LaVBUs FOB BALE—While aud blue striped Befreah- uirut Trut Icuujplrlrl, Uard part of laat avamal, slir UxM: al^o urw TadiUe Wheel ua a base, I lu oral sbliiplug vaae. wbe.-l 8M ft.; tSO tar boib lo cauli buyer. OttAXT INUUAN, ■■"■> Hoi AiiS, Tlpioo, Iowa. FOR SALE—Tnned Cow-hell Rack (new norelrv game). fIS: Musical 3, S. Hanncr. lOvIS, tin; rii.-rry .Mlm- sll.les ?".: M. P. Trunk »lfl: enlre Musical Act, $18: Lamp House, ha<w> and Ira-.. I*; shin CO onc-fnnrlh for exiircss clinnres: ean examine. R, WALDRON, Canitbf rsrille, Mo. WAHTED— A aecftBd-faand Military Band Orxnit. plo or paper roll; prefer paper roll; atste price, W. COLBUBli, SItt llllbliaa Boole- Tatd. rblraini. III. OOBFEDEBATE KlO.nn. fai.nn end fat,(IO bllla. gl.OO duaen. Rrnken Rank. Wildcat. Mleh,. Oa,, U. A P.—Ti'a and Ill's. K.HIi dox.—Samplee Mte BEACMONT. IttiK Inillana Ave., Chlcatro- BLOT XACHnrES CHEAP ao R/innil f:inlip pi-nnu- Mrtc!i!tn-s. tn no esch: Perr.- t; -n r-rl >In ; 'n .. r- , f-l-l cilch. J. E. NELSON i CO., 43 Hittr St.. C.'-lcsgo. . : STBEETMEH : WMte at once for niir Hal of "acllera," WSITESOH COMFAHT, MO Cast Kadisoa Stiast. CUeaca. m. : BLOTKAOXIVXB : We bare oa aaail aad for oolr. al greatly re- daeed itrlria. ai-ruad-baad i wlg b lBg ocalea. canl. fM-anltt and elertrlr maeblnea. tFrlte for prlci-s to UimrEBSAL BPECIALTT CO.. 1407 8. 7tb Street, St. Louis, Mo, MAKE MEBCHAVTB FAY TOUB BEST—Three alldea, three colors, any' twenty-five wia^ls i-acli you want, ami complete dtrectlooa for luakluit tloni famnrtt al hMOiP for 3r eoeb Inr a iMIar S»wmsD°i Haadqnartars—liua't forget while to Louis to oiakr your bvaiti|Uartera at "Jabwb nacr." tiM Uarkri al. Truois-rs alwaya w«|. come, Urnd yuur letterheads and pbolua: bare Ih. lu illnplaynl. Hlillioanl aOil i:lt|il»-r on Sle. Fountain Pans with Tandlag Cards— Vmi otaka g-'si weekly and e&lM-nars hatnlllug tbvm. Lataat thing out. Fine side Hue fur iraveUaBIBMh' is-rforuiers. musicians, sgents. elc. kLhB lOVELTT CO., Ml Mafsrra Bidg,, flt. Losls. Mo OBAKS OPEBA XOVaS—«leaila« caiioclty fiOO. Well e.iui|aa a| atlib efcrliidtt a** aUt.bWiP- ery. /, burg, Md. Masmile Ti-HMdr. luc, Spac«-B %4 lIlullsaiHl free t .^ssu. No wheela er Tn-ulon. N. J. X. J.. Uatcb B-tt FILM FOR SALE ■ isiirfE^ln. Soott. " rOB SALX—Hovlaa Pletote ll<raa» dalog aico bnalueas Im a trmwlag lowu, rdl nillea frian New York. Fully et|iilp|as| for vamlevllle. Will sell clii-ap III ipilrk biiyer. Also slut marliliirs to s<tl. Aildrraa t. 8., Ooa. IM.. Aabaiy Park. K, J, AXATEVRS WAVTE9' everywb<-ve to Join the Aiimii-iir Actors' I.eaaiie of Am**rlca. 1033 llmadnay. New Vwk. We help yuu lu realise 7Mar Ibralriral amMMoon. Mi atbi' m ptared pre-