The billboard (Feb 1910)

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FEBRUARY 6^ 191& Xtie Billboard 45 CORRESPONDENCE ALABAMA. ARIZONA. FKOXMIX KtJa' (G«orc* Klrklukl. mgf^ A XWil la Bobmla (local Blkn) Jin. 2S. COuSini CA. ILBavws. mcr.) raail.?Tlll« •Ml limHW. lUJnnC (S. H. BpUIh. mgr.\ ^rSJC^^a* JMSIM. <U>l^ AVBSiUK -ARKANSAS. ■ U MbUNK-^OHNHON •tt>EIlA HOUSE Ul. a. Hovrard. mer.) Uoele Ztfte Feb. S: the laakk kinc. in-12. t UTTXE BOCK.—MAJESTIC. (Horace Webb ■Dal Co.. Ik-lb Ufouuore, Florcoee Modrca and Co . yMIe CaMldy, Bntb noraett/Cnrtln Vauce. Grurl aixl GruPt and W«rld'a ■ CoiaetlT Fonr «rrfc o( 3|L CAMTOL ([^I._8.« Balrdj^m^ Jan. 10; Golden. Qlrl 3»i CALIFORNIA. EAlt FItAl(CISCO.-~CU.iniaU. (Oottlob. Max FUcauB In Marr Jane'a Pa week ot S3. pMINCIiSS (S. Lorerlrb. ai(r.) Kolb anil DM Co. wrek of 34. AUTAZAB (G. H. DitIs, nrr.> Sturk Co. In All On Account or Cilia wrrk ot 24. OftrHCUM (Jobn Morrlaej-. mcr.) Vllom Wrftonr. Claad and Fannie Uiber, Foor Ri-mllnsK. Cook and Sterent. Jean Clermont'i Clrro». Bmwn. Harrin aod Brotrn. The Doh- erfr SUtprw. Elffbt GeliOia Girls and moT>nc jiWian week ot Jan. 33. NATIONAL (ZIck Abr.imt, mgr.) Jor IIOEanay Troupe. Four n^nrlnc Relies. Frank Marckler. Oardoer. Rjinkl:] ami Grldln, J. C. Tremayoe and Co.. Jljrlr FItaclhbon and moTloK pIcMm week of Zi. CIltTES (Ed. LnT. mgr.) ii»7 Tallr ao^ Co.. Noreltr Daadnc Four. Da l it k on t . IM Tae TMaw VaVdara aad Vmm. tf.rtt mmi Tkon- mt m utm *icMm «Mk «C SL AUEB- ICkit 4U. Rdum. mcr.) Xat Xasam a»d Oik. Albri'a Polar Beam, BH aad Srlminj. Bar mn. Whllebead and Grlciaoa. Boblaeb ^■4 Chtldrraa and morlnR plctntea week of 23. %lflWA>l <!Ua Barrla. WfT.) Funr Balms. Bmthcra Wbitnan. Tralnor and Dale. Ger- tmie Van Drke. I/eBmn Opera Trio, Hickey's CoiBedj Llrona and morlnt plrtutv* week ot Z3. rtiRTOLA (Albnm * Leahr. acra.1 BIS am BaOK. Caalle and Moot«oll>cr7. Lucille Tllion. fblllla Place aad Ox. and otbet*. CEX> THAI. (E. E. H. I'owell. afr.) Vaodertlle and onrlns plrlcrea week ot 23. POIITOLA CAFE <Tne; Uihelskl. nifT.) Uttle Lord Boberta. Fdllb Ilelrni. IlUn Betfere, Helen Bjtm. Oo tanbla Miialral F^r. La Satrelllta. How. Carria. Cmmt Felix t>e La Slnra. De Tjt Fran- rrnla. AhibHM Cktl ClXttTB «lMk tC a. Bnnat Aataa' Oc- aOSB COHCN. OAKUUro.—MACDONOaOH (H. H. Camp- hall, mp.) Olaa Nelberaote week of 24. YE UnEKTY (H. W. Blabap. mcr.) Sloek Co. In (OOMlr. OKPHRUM (Geo. nvi aCM Au tola Heraardl. WHIt Pnataw Oa., Vm Cwrtoo and Co.. Mr. aMfltm. FwOrteB YaMkcr. Fax and Foxlen' Cirena, and ll wt a week «( tx. BBU. (Ona Cohn. mgr.) Btgar Barter. The Ofierator. Rckert and Fraa^n, Bomaar Opera Co.. Marqnla and Lynn, and moTloic pirnixva w«>k ot 23. RUBE COHEN. BAK SZEOO GARKtCK (Dodse aod Wratt. Mn.; K. * B.. booking ageaie) Xbe Great HHle laa. £: work of loa Braeki. Bdwin Jeara. leoe CkamberlaJa end Veraaa UeUonald plawlas b> andien**; good bniinaai Tbe Alasikan. vtUi BlebaM 1^ Canon. Oaa Weln- burg, Detuuir Poiipco and Alice Keen, Jan. 23: wrU preaented to jtnod bnnae. Sehnmann-Helnte Jan. J4; anpcrb operatic repertoire rendered before cniboalaallc audience. Rettmi engage- ment ot Tbe Alaakan Jan. 23-26. Tbe Vir- ginian Jan. 28-20. I'ICKWICK (£>. A. Palmer, mgr.) Cbarlea Kina Stock Co.. beginning Jan. 23. In RaUpa; Pletio liotio aa Mr. BaOet and Herbert A>btnn portrairlag character of Cant. Bwirord arpreelated hr Pickwick andlencea. gURRK (K. Jack noaaeilan. mgr.; 8. * C. booklag mmf^ Oooa MII lo excril««t butlneea. Oeorae B. Woed. meaolairiat, derer work: Ur. and im. W. IF. OWM, aoag and dance artuta. fair: Pmb e l and Bnge. eccentric bor- l-r«)ue armhata, 1 iimk il. rcralrlng pole act a aenrallun; George S. Wllaon and Camllle de Slorllle. In German comedy playlet. A Tbanka- clring Etc. dorer and (ntertalnlnff and well presented; Damm Broa., Gorman ittaletes, fair turn; motion nlcttire« week ot Jan. 'M to bn^lnew. RllPlUE (U. C. Moore, mgr.) Annie Montgomerr. Ofierallc aoprano. In pIeai<lDg nuic- bera; notloa nlctutcs aad Ulnatrated aonga week Of Jan. Ul tain-away, I g ilieM. ^ m ilON <F. baaan''wSS' or?a». MT'^jJSwD 'cbT i£<n Lmw, mgr.) Motion Btetvca and Ulnatnled •wnsa week ot Jan. 24: fair baalBcaa. PBIN- CESS (Frrd BalUeo. mgr.l P r inc eaa CamrCr Companr with AI. Franka, Dawn DeLane and FVank Morton In new and elerer. sketch wblrb wa<i well applandod; TaufleTllle. mptlcn pictures end lllnarratetl aonf^s completed excellent bill aeck ot Jnn. 24: ^nod bnsloesa. SAN JOSE.—VICTORY (P. A. Glesea. mgr.; R. ft U. bookings) Babea In Torland Jan. 22. THEATRE JOSE (Redmond 4 Warren, mgrs.) pa Redmond Cotnpanr In Lover's Lane Jan. 17-22. G.VROEN (Clamr * I^ebovltx. mgra.) VauJerllle. COLORADO. SEHVEB.—TABOB GBAND (Peter UcOort. mgr.l Fortx-flTe Minntes from Broadway week ot Jen. 30. CUBTIS (Peltoo * Smntxer. mgra.) A nirl of the Sttteta week of 3U. BBOADWAX (Peter MeCoort. mgr.) T^wnbardl Grand Opera Co. week of 31. ORPRSUU (A. C. Car>«ia. mgr.: Orphenm) Daan and Olaaler, RDiy fiouU, JUMitd JORis gad OA.. CiMdwIrk Trio. Qnlalaa aad Maefe. rear W a a d s aad Irene Bo- «ralnc w,^k of Jan. >f. • M-UEftTfC tJ. Rn&h Rronaon. mgr.; S. It C. booklngK) Carlotta. Tom Linton aod bis Jungle Girls. Five Moalcal I.OTela»)s. Billy Clark, Bradley Martin and Co.. (iertle Everett and picturi-s week of 29. PANT.VGES' (Nat Darling, logr.: I'antAgra, booking agent) Qloriae, Mlauma Jap Tniape. Orpbeua CooedF F—«. J a w k i aad aaiM, Kl(»- nan. Walteie aad KhnHM - aad nataiMcipa week ot 2a. LOHevom.—oicRCim opera iiocsb (W. C. CooMuB. air.: Peter licOMrt. hook- ing agcali, We« of tS. Steelay aad Bd- wnd*. Vaakal Mekea: Joatly tke kradilaer. ~ ' QiadF; Ca*rfy gaod c e wid y aketeh naa aad DaU^ala(la( and daariag fair THE MAJESTIC THEATRE. Tbe ataT* la ona ot Ihe beautiful n-aorta ot Snringlteld. Mlasootl. and la owned by Cltj ^larahal Aey Loveless, who purcbaaed It from <leo. Oaitlner. the flrst of Ihe year. Mr. I.OTeleaa ■uia cealncied with osc of the heat Kaaaaa City dim boosrs for matiag plctniee and wlU alas olagM. hooae. CONNECTICUT. BBISOEPOBT.—JACKSON'S Ira W. Jackson, mgr.) Four Moslenl Klelaa. Braeat OopUI. Jump- ing Hawklna, Waltoo aad Vletas. Daoaia Mnl- lea and Co., Adoala and Dog, Krmeda and Job, Prlocesa Clnnqnllla and CV>.. and pletnrea areek of 24. The surer Star 20; Tbe Baya SL FOU'S (Loula Garrey, mgr.) Twentieth CcBtarr Umlt- ed, beadllner, week ot 24. Other aeta: High Ufe In Jaol. Six Musical NaaiM. Tajdh Olff. Armstrong and Clark, Hngb Llavd, LOnaa Aali- ley. The Wbvelera and pictures. KABTTOBD.—PAKSOX'S THE.\TRE <H, C. Pirmua, jjigr.) Mamie Adams 21-22 to S. B. O. HARTFOBD THE.VTBE (H. 11. Jennlne!^ mgr.) Sotbem and MarIo%ve In Bouico and Jn- llct. to S. R. O., 18; Homelens. dr-jma, to fair bualnesa 1». FOU'S THEATRE (S. Z. Poll. <Bgt.) Ta» tt tk»_Waild Pnacan; excellent. Ban—a-I ■■nMit .Cfc. iB«>|te nod. Victoria Fonr, rnd a*BfCfa. Ito Wheeltra. jogglm. weok ot IT: big buslaeM. SCENIC THBATRiS (H. □. Votrag, mgr.) P.inlB Hevere was fea- tnm! aod drew well during week. NICKEL THE.VrUE (Charles Woodyard, mgr.) Songs an d pl ctn res cootlrrue. ITFTRniEH lOI.I'S (S. Z. Poll. lesfee; A. E. Culver, nigr.: Poll Clrcnlt) Grade Emmett. The Deinacos. I.e<> Brotbi-rs and Allen, Six Abdollatas, Jane Boynton and Fkn Burke. Blch- anls and Montroae and pictutea 24-2B. CRYS- TAL (lUtei aad BadMT. a«a.) Hartag alc- ton-a. STAB (R. mUhMaTSSi} 3t um. ^ tnrra. D ELAWARE. WtVOMneOL—AXtSHat (Chaa. F. Both, res. mgr.) OMacaa aad Edwards X3o. In What Happenrl te Jeaas: cacellcntly portrayed and comnly In qaaatltF aad qaillty; big huslneas. GRAND (Htrrl* AmoemeDt Co., lessee*; Nick Nortoo, res. mgr.) The Vincents, In Tmnble, fair cooiedy; - Taylor and Fabian, conld dance and ilog some: Emey and Fay, good acrobatic -act: Mamie Fnlton. entertaining singer: Barton Broa., pleased with tbcir knockabouts, Jan. 20- 22; big bosloeaa. Frank Irwin and Co.. pre- senting A Firtvute Thief, a eaod caoiedr dtaaa; The dam Cook Maoea Oa., la Ihe Amcrieaa Girl in Italy, a hU with mnsleal comedy; Maxwell Holden, pleased most with Us shaoalwsrapba: Jack English, excellent Jofces- ter: Beno. and Smith, very pleasing acrobatic act. Jan. ■[24-26; big boslness. GAHBICK W. L. Doekstader, owner and mgr.; K. & P., aad D. B. Co., Clrcalts) Lionel Barrymore, McKee Banldn and Dorla Bankln in Tbe Jailbird, pre- miere prodoetlon but bound to l>e a soceesa, especially :,from the personnel: Wm. Hawtrey, Frederick Santley * Oo. In AU la the Game, won lutant approval: Blltabeth llnmy. dialect songster waa a big bit; Jiaile Iiaeea Brack- mau's. Marie, msgnlfiecat icenle tam; Bap 'Co. In Soap Biibblea. a norelty: Boaes of RlUaraey, quite enter- _ lie. CbcKter and her dos waa qolta a (catare; Kaufman Bros, made a gogd bbek- tMe turn. Big bnatoeaa Jan. 24-30^ FLORIDA. FEBBASSnrA.—LTCF.nM (Walter 9. Whit- ney, mgr.) Mstde Paige Co. Jan. 19: beat at the aeasoa: company wlU gtre picaett- tan at Intervals thnoghOBt. the aan- ''^ GEORGIA. ATXABTA.—GRAND OPEBA HOUSE lU. L. De OItv, mgr.) Elliot Dexter In I'rlnce Cbap. ably asslated by MIsa Carpenter. Jaa. Sl-lS: attRndanee gooil. TUB LYKIC (Jtfai mgr.) Mra. WIgga of the Cabbage of Jan. 24; drew good hansea. AUGiraxA. — GKAND ORBA_ HOUSB P(C. W. Bex. lent. Tandeellle. BOPBBBA. DtnU. Taartwina. XAOOOg.—ARAND (Di. O. Phllllpa. mgr.) Rnatcr Bmwn 22; good performance, small house. LYRIC. THEATORIUM and PALACE. Moving Pictures. SATAinrAK.—NEW SAVAKNAR THEATRE (W. B. Seeafclad. mgr.; K. A E., bookings) Only one show being booked for this week, being Burton L. King in St. Elmo at papular prices, to compete with the same production being olToted by tbe BUoa Stock Company at tbe Blloa. TUB COZY THBATBB ICharlce Ber- nard, director: Arthur Lacaa, rea. mgr.) Tklid week ot 7Jnn's Musical Comedy Oompaagr. Oder. Ing this week Tbe Jolly Moaketeen, a two-art moalcal ejmedy abounding in comle situations and exeeneat alagtag and dancing. Tlila coui- pany has nrorcd a decided hit In tbia city and their stay of fonr week will probably be pro- longed bT tbe management of thla boose. THE ORPIIF.ilM (Jo-icph A. Wllensky. mgr.. agent: Intt r-Siate Circuit) The bill tbIa week la beaded by .\nlta Prlmroee in character change* made before tbe audience, won great pralae; Glrdel- ler pmwnia a comedy dog act which la quite derer th t ooghnat; Bur aad Jobnaoo an seen in a haHy aq as oa a wl oiIi M Bn. aad maay laogbs greeted tUa Cteecr team; Ocorae Vredo. comlr mmleal aawlly seared well: lua CIsIre with her excellent Imltatlona of Harry Lauder was easily the hit of tbe bill; Anstln and Taps, in orrbi-atral selectlona. aod moving pictures com- l.lele the hill. THE BIJOU [Wells, Wllusr anil Vincent, ditvctore; B. Q. Hemdon, mgr.) Presentlnc this week St. Elmo, onder the direc- tion of E. A. Schiller, one ot the beat ftaya ever pnt oa by this cxeelleat compaav. The Bljon Stock Company cooslsta of the MIewtas: Roilaey Ranous. Cyril Ksymond, Paul Ander- aoo. I^ak Beamlab. Harry Cane. J. H. Doyle. John Flemmlngs, Jobn M. Bvmes, Ella FV»n. talne. Rita Knight, &3lomc I-ark. Line Darling, ami Irene Tlmmouf. The nlar la produced na- iler tbe atage direction of Mr. J. H. Doyle. .\tti-ndance at tbIa house 1» excellent. Next wck A Stranger la a Strange Land will be prodnre«1. THOMASVnXE. — THOMSON'S O P B B A HOUSE (C. I.. Diompeiui. mgr.; K. * B.. bock. Inga) Bn<lu<>;<'< ^fen'a Rxtravagaasa (loeal) Jan. 2S. tiVRIC (J. R. HIaaaa. mgr.) ' ngr.) SalratloB Kail Jaa. S2: excel- larg* hooae. BUOD (C. W. Bag, mgr.) Vaadeenio. ABCA- •f Ce ILLINOIS. ALTOV.—TEMPLE (Wm.. Sanvage. Three Twins Jan. 10; Tbe Olrl LYRIC iWm. Saaeaic*. mgr.; W. v. lag agents.) Tbe Moata Jan. S4-SB. BBtnOEBE.—DBRTHICK OPERA HOUSB .sart A Pierce, mgra.; James Wlnc- Centrat States Bouking Agi-ucy, book- ing agents: Independent.) Wei-k of Jan. 24, Wlnnlnger Bros.' Stock Co.: Feb. 3, The Wolf:- Feb. 0. Arlxona (local talent): Feb. 11. Mao oa^ Che Box; Feb. 18. Paid In Full; Mureb'II. Mas of the Hour. MAJiSTIC THEATRE (Tabor A Rabeock, mgrs.) Moving pirturva doing fair boslnesa. AR.\IORY HALL (B. 3. BoralMttgll, mgr.l linalni-fs aood. BLOOMDiaTON.—COLISEUM (Frank Bal. cicb, mgr. ) L ocal vaudeville 20-21: guoil husl- nesa. C.tSTLB (Guy Martin, mgr.) Gllroy. Ilayea and Uootgooery, mii-'lcal sketch; bit. Mneller ami Mneller. fair singing turn. Jack Da'e'a. CMIrgo KUs. ale* danrlas aamhrr. Um Baby. blarkCace: eleiar. K*tllai> mnd «ah^ Mthio on bonndlod wire: Bmlly.aad Jcatl* P iidi Co. smi pictures 24-2>. COLUMBIA (A. B. War. rvD. mgr.) Great Kyrogo. Victor Basa. The Tetany and piclnrcs :!4-2a. COLONIAL. MAIM .ST.. SCBNIlf and NICKELODEON. Muring ple- tnri-M. BEABDSTOWH.—GBAND OPERA HnCaE (W. H. Ueppe. mgr.) Latlmore and l<elgh dtwk Co. 24-29. GEM (Oonlell A Batrtk gNIHbt Moving pictures. DRBA.MLAND (ChaiL QmM^' aoce. mer.) Moving plcturos. OECATDB. — POWERS (Tboa. P. RouaB, mgr.; K. A E., hooklngt) Qoeeo of tbe Oat. law'* Camn 23; good bnsloesa. NEW BUOO (A. flUfilia. mgr.: W. V. A., agentat BattawlF TTMMw ariiaUata: Craa* natay and On., Uertft DeMRt aad CO.. AI Lawteaee, Buocba aid Ijiwrence, Tbe Hoxarts, Lacier and Bllawaetll, Ed DeCorala and Co.. Murray Bennett. Vim Ulmbos sod pictures week of 24, FIVE CENT BIJOU (A SIgfrled, mgr.) UovIok pletnrea. NICICEI.ODEON (W. H. Elite, mgr.) Uovleg plctnres. ELOIB.—RLGI.N' OPERA HOUSE (Fired W, lencka, mgr.; C. H. A K. and F. W. J., book* Ing agents) Tbe Wltchlug Hour 22: One per- formance, appreciative auallencc. SMe Tracked ' 24; pleasing prttbrmance. good house. DeWolt Hopper 27; The Story of Capld (local, nader sosplcea FIdellter Club) Sd-SS: Laols Mana FMi. 1. STAR (Thlelaa A PUckctt. mgra.; Chaa^ Oeutrlch, haoklac a|cat) VaadielUe aad al^ tnres to big hooae*. TEUPLB CThMea * Prlcketc. mgra.) Moring pletnTe*. LVBIO ffL T. Smith, mcr.) Moving pictures. OI.OKK tUm. Snlllvan, mgr.) Moving pletnrea. COLISnUI (C. E. Aldrlcb, mgr.) Boiler skstlug. -Ra— awr.) : —GRANU. OPERA IIODSK «H. Flr.nnery. mgr.) Pa'd In Full 23; Side Tracked 20. BUOD (Molcblor A Cassnit, proiis.) SlilJ. Allen, lilai-kface: Six Ma<tcots. corooiiy slnglad art; Jdona. DulK-e'n I>o<;9 and BInnkeya and pictures. MAJESTIC (L. W. anllrao. MMng pictures. LYRIC UL-Bl'ltal MoTlns plctnres. 8UPEBBA t&'JL~ m gr.) Moving picture*. XEVABZE.—KEWANBB OPKBA BOOSS (G. P. Bnrhaaaa,'mgr.) BMcmaa-Beasay Stark Co. Jaa. S440: St. Elmo St. BIJOO fJ. D. Rlmae, aigr.) Guy'a Player*, pleased. Flyinc Marloa*; exeelleot. Gay and Esse, comcily sketch; went big. Elbrt Billings. Song aad dance; aooga and picturea. DREAMLAND (O. TsTlor. mgr.) Vandevtlle hud moving plelurea. XAITOON.—MAJESTIC (J. F. Krecbier. mgr.) Montana Jan. 20; Oranslark -Feb. 4; (telden Girl 8: Girl at tbe Helm 9: Rrt-wstera Millions 20. LYBIC <Stelo and Parrlsb. b.g.^) Sam SnapiL nnaleito, good; Kelly ramllF, eomedlaa^ IhltS Bam aad Baja*. muslcjl act, good: Jdl* AMB^ a. aad d.. poor. Jan. 24- 36; bnaiaaaa fUr. BUOU (J. A.Te*gle. mgr.) MovlnE picture*. 6TAE (U. lUehanlano, aigr,) Uortngplctures. WUQQR THE BABEJTMOBK (Joo. Oarr, mgr.: Sodlnl Circuit, K. A E., baoklngM) Jaa. 20, Gertrude Perry In Grauatark. a pleasing performance well staged and in eaiialtle banda; ble bnslnesaL Jan. 23, Corlnne Saell !n Tho Only Law; a good performance wltneaaed by a l<oor house. Jan. ZT, Tbe GlngerbriwI Maa: Feb. «. Tbe Third Degree. TBB VAODBTTB (Rnaa Braa.. mgrs.I Contlonooa motion pletnrea; Bood business. THE UOIJNR (R. Taylor, mgr.; Cbamberlln. Kindt Clrenlt) Jaa. 84. Paid la Full; play weU ataged. good 1 iimaaai naj anaf buHlaesa. Jaa. ad. EUIa BraakV'inWav Wat Concert Band: SO. 6t. Elmo: VM. d. ASonttt In I'bey I.ovcd a I.aasle; «. The OM Oa«a tl «at 13. Tbe Beggar mncv: 27. Tho OM buB Ih* Mountains. THE GRAND. Coatlaooa* aaltaa plctnres: borne dolni; good biiainv**. THS FAMILY iR. A. Sodinl. mgr.: Sodlnl CIrcatt) First bait ot week tbe 241b: George aod Geenlak ncrobats. good bounding table acrubata: Sta.. Alder, Ulaitiated song; Dunbar and Tanwr, clniny and ■aany act; Howard Martin, alac- Inc and ewe u t i fe dancing, some dancer: Ana- tin's Animals, excellent; motion pletnrea. HT. rABBKT.,—NEW COWLING (Frank J. cowling, mgr.) The Man on the Box Feb. 3; local talent 7: Tempest and Sunshine 9. KASION.—MARION OPERA HOUSE (E. B. Clark, cngr.) Moving pictures nnd songs we^k Ian. 22: good rentras. ROLAND (C. F. Ro- land, mgr.) Vogel'a Minstrels Jan. 29. ROCX ISLABD.—THE ILI.INOIS (R. Taylor, miCT.; Chomb^nin, Kindt Circuit, K. A E., tMoLIng^) Jan. 22. Paid in Full: play nicely staged and In omnetent bands: small hoiu*. T1 lut . WAivi.n** Wav- — * - — * hIaw — Wnman'a Way: pleaalag atajr Ihr. anwil nenae. XT, RMIa 23, Just lover* of inelMrama; snw, mvom. «, 1 nronk'a Military and Concert Band; The Man on tbe Box: Feb. 3, Tbe Time, ths Place and tbe Olrl: 7, Alice Yorke in They Loved a Ijisaie: 2S. Tbe Girl from the Moontalna. TUB LYIIIC (Mr. Pnliou, mgr.) COntlnnons molloa SIctnie*: Geonce W. Townsvnd. Illnslraled song; olng good bnalnrs*. THE FAMILY (J. P. Ouinn. mgr.: Western VaulevUle Asao.. book- ings) First half of week the 24tb: Tbe FWa. Mnslral Hoilgea, hlrk-clasa maslcal olferlog: Miss Hilda Orth. niiutrated aoag: Braale BiowbI and Os. la When tbe War la Over: Alvo aad Copeland. comeily bar act: BI Tsm Ward. cem*.. dian; motion pletnica. Laat half of week: Qer- trude Shipman and Co. In Wanted. A Cft*k: Tiiacani Brnth.-rs. battle-ox Jncgten*: Mrs. Mae Richard Casey. Ulnatrated song; Chct Wllaoa. favorite comedian: Ralph (Hark, nntnl bsndst; and motion plctnres. 'THE BIG BINK (George Work, mBT.) RoiitT .katlog attemonn and eve- ning*. Jan. 27, second match race b>-tweea Hattr Stela. RlTerrlnr Park Bink, Chicago. I Cob IMam. Tri-Clty Cha mo loa. Daveonart. — - ~ » sfcatlag party. THB Iowa. VMw S. ■MOMSi ad* I , ;» Week ot Ctiaoaair la The BOOCrORO—GBAND WEBA BOCIB MNb Backett. mgr.; K. A B. booking*.) Qt a w •a paan «.) .