The billboard (Feb 1910)

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FEBRUARY 1B10. Xtie e ill boar a 47 PaatagM, 1 SEATTLE—Population 800.000. I,SOU. JotiD Cort, m»t. I Alhimbr*: cap. 1.T0U. mgr.. 1 Grand Opan BMMt Mfk l>1 Barry, nsr. ___ ■ cay, am. Oart BvltarZ ; cap. l,aao. Alrz. ' t lUJaaHe; cap. 1.700. rrtnk DooacBaa, agr. a Sur: cap. I.BOO. R. T. 8haoDa% agr.- 4 Lyric: cap. 1,000. HeuT LnbaUHk' 1 SrnKANE—I'upulnllon l.W.OOO. StaktR, mp LdfiO. C. n. Mucblman. mgr. ] Aodltoriom; cap. 1.700. H. C. ITarwariJ mitr. 5 !lpokaB»; cap. I.6SO. Cbaa. W. York, mgr, a <i^bfm.:_a|Lj<<9.^..i^]«^ S Rnplrc: rap. 4.10. A. A _ "S Vantasra': cap. I.SnOk-'VL & 1 TACUMA—Popniatlua I ~ BanM. S raMagca^; cap; UMb W. 'JTnMM .1 jSmr: cap. 1.400. t. j. Riier. WEST VIRGINIA. 1 CLARKSTinnC—l-oijuUlloa 13.000. Oraod; cap. I<uu. Cbaa. BIppla. io(r. S ihli-on: cap. -too. rrvd Pickett. m«T. S CaARLESTU.S—ropolalloo M.OOO. Hipp.; cap. . C. E. msr. 1 rAIBMONT—FopnlatiOD 12,000. Orud O, M^«a». K. r»it—^»gr. I QLSat iKAK—FopalatlOB S40II. Opera Uonir: «ap> tM. J. R. Gnoaiac. mgr. t mWm* rppnUtloa *jau». Haaaalt; rap. 1.3W.' W. l~ Frc4«>kla«. mgr. S mjoa: rap. TOO. J. A. Parker, mtr. a BUNnNGTON—Population 28.000. HontlnC' ton: call. 3,ono. J.i.- OaliHfi, oiier. 3 l,^ic: cap. SOO. F. BaUlnjctoo, mrr. 1 KETSER—PopDlatloii 8,000. Mualc Hall: cap. 7S0. T. D. Lrpa. mgr. I II?>fBEBPaBT—Populallea 1.300. Opera Rnnrc: cap. tflO, Or. L. & OfvIM; msr. I MANNINOTON—rtfriatHa MM. Open Rooae: cap. SOO. J. M. Bamrk, msr. I MAKTIVSnURn—mialatlmi IO,ma. Central «ap. 900. Wm. B. imn. incr. a liV-al: rap. SSUL Dbvck * I'utre. autra. 1 MOROAXtSwK. Pap^atlaa U,M«. iiilakii: cap. I.TOO.' a Ojiera lloa mrr. 1 NORTIIFORK—PopoHtloo 10.000. MaaofUc; can. 4<iO. R. R. Roberta, msr. 1 PHILIIM-I—Pnoolatloa tMO. Optra Boaw; cap. TOO. W. O. navla. 1 SMITHFIBLO—PopalatUm cap. aaa. I. B. Jokaaiaa, mpr. t ■MftMV IlAB-PBpaUtloa _1jm. ttai: «a». 1.0M. A. B. SThr W iawt cap. 6001, Ft*d ..I WRRTOX—PopalaHaa T.OMt. «wt Wt>rin A KdwiHta. 1 WHRRLINO—Ponalatloe SOOO LSMI. B. I.. Meorc, mitr. I TliaMa: cap. J.soo. C. A. Pelalar, mgr. i Oraad: cap. I.OM. C. A. Frialcr. a^. . 9 TIrtaHa: cap. fOO. Oe«. Sharer. Mgr. 4 AiiaBat-cap. i.2(io. B. w. Wiitia^ ■•C.- WISCONSIN. I ANTKy>—Popolatloa 8.000. New Opera Holue; cap. LXiO; John Banna, msr. I APt-LKTU.N—rofwlatUa 1T.« 1 awSk tMSSji , W aaa e ; cap. 015. A. R. Kohn. I BBATER DAM—PopDlatton T.OOO. Odeon; cap. 600. Cbaa. C. MUler. mgr. I BBRUN—Population S.OOO. IJkcacr Ok' H.: cap. 000. C. M, Dodtoa, t BEUIIT—fopntatraa 15.000. f^' R. H. WllaOB. mar. I BENTON—Popalatloa t.OOO. Opera Ronx; cap. 400. J. B. l«Tla. mgr. 1 BCUI.INGTON — PopnlaUea 4.000. Opera Ilotiae: cap. EOO. John P. GUI. Bgr. 1 CRAXIMIN—Popolatlon 3.900. Opera H< rap. 023. O. B. Prrlmolb. aij 1 roA I — " 1 fm% mi CAO^^pidaaaa tklllMI. BaaiT IWirle; rap. ijga P. B. Habcr. agr. 5 Idea: cap. fOO. O. J. Wollnt. aigr. S BIJoo; cap. SOO. W. K. Smith, mar. 1 OREhJN BAY—I'opnlatlan ST.OOO. Green Bay; <-■!'. 1,'juu. J. B. Arthun. mar. a Ttinirr Hall: cap. 800. Mr. Tutuer. m«r. 3 nijoa- cap. TOO. H. C. Daafortb. mar. 1 JANBdVIIXE—Popalatloa 18.000. Myers; cap. l,aR4. P. L. Uyers, mgr. S Went Side: cap> SOO, J. Coonora, oigr. 1 KENItSHA—Popalatloa 18.000. Biwda: cap. 1.50(1, J. O Rbode. mgr. a RUoa: cap. BOO. P. J. O'Rrlaa, agr. t LAOXA— Tapal atlaa TMu Baigaat'a: cap. aML • WMtSkoT^Sr^SR . —. Blr«ler«ta»dt Bia a. . _ a MANITOWOC—Popolatlaa t Ufi* . OaaUL A. nana. mgr. a Orpbeam. A. Enalra. aigr. 1 UANSTON—Ponalatlon 3.000. Opera Ilonac; cap. 4S0. W. A. Qrlmmer, mgr. I MRN.tsilA—Neenah Theatre; op. 1,100. W. I. ilrefne, mgr, a UlLVTADKEB—Popnialioa 380,000. can. I.SOO. R. w. VlaaT. mgr. I Alhambra; cap. ZMi. R. n. BehDC, 1 Parldaoa; cap. 1.000, 8licmiaD Bros.. 3 Blioa: cap. MM. J. B. lleree, • Sbahert: Ja*. J. O'Brien, 1,«00. A..S..jrrlepd, 8 PLTMOtrra—Panalatioa 8.000, PlTmeath: I. OrrvkOb mwt, Optra Baow: Aodl, t BMHMJRTON — Popnlatloo 6.000. tw taa; cap. TOO. D, D. Dabcr. mgr. 1 SDPBBIOB—I'opalatloo 4S.000. BUoa: 830. C. A. Hkelcker, mgr. 1 TOMAHAWK—PopnlaUon 3.000. 0| cap. SOO. O. A. CUrk. mgr. 1 WAnUB—Pepalatloa lAOOS. MMl . CL 8, Cone, agr, WYOMINa 1 CBTBKKB KMaUtlaa 18.000. Capital At*.: cap. Iji*. B. t. SuUe. agr. a Atlaa: cap. 6B0, Tkoaaa naaraay. 1 URAMia-FMBlaUea t,(M». . flgm cap. aw. U. C. Root. agr. 8 Lrric: cap. 200. John Maoea, agr. S n. K.: rap. 230. Prrd Caaaraa. agr. 1 SREBIDAN—Population 7.000. Ktlto O. B.: cap. 000. Klooell A Haney. B«n. -S BMa; cap. . Jai. Klladt. affw CANADA. ar.iiBBTB, X OOCTAX—PapnJaltOB 82^088: Baplm; capi. 8M. M. Kjrle, agr. I BlUH RIVBK—PopaUtlaa 3.000. High BHar; cap. iSIS. Harry Keliaa, aar. 1 UrrHBRIDOE—Popniatloa 10.000. Bonka: cap. X>n. A. B. Motila, agr. 1 MACLEOD—Ftopnlatloa 3,300. Towa BaU; cap. 350. Addreaa BBITUB 1 nciNIR—Popalatloa 4M: cap. Ml P. A. V%acberean. mgr. a ORBENWOOO—Population l.SOO. Andltorlom; cap. 40u. T. W, laae, mgr, 1 MUYLE—Popniatloa 1.4UU, ModCT Ball: cap. 200. J. W. Pitch, mar. - . I NANAIllO—PopolaUon 10,008, nMMSP; cap. 200. C. h. Cola. mgr. 1 WBl wiy Pwalailia 7.0001 Bilaia Oi H<: . capu aaiL 'Maastad. agr. 1 BCVBUTOKB — PopuatloB 4.0M Opan Booar: cap. 1.000. B. A E. Tipplag. agr. 1 RnasL-tNU—Population S.00O. Opera Homo; cap. A4A>. Cba«. D. Clark, mgr. 1 VICTORIA-Popnlitlon 30,000. Victoria: cap. 1.100, E, R.,Rickrtt». mgr. 3 Grand; cap. 500. R. Jamcaoo. mgr. 3 Paatagca*; cap. SOO. B, ShatTcr. mgr. 1 wmXIPEO—Poimlatloa 188.008, Wlaalpeg: cap. 1.300, W. B. Lawrence, mgr, HEW BRtTNSWICK 1 rBEDBRICTON—Population 10,000. Opera Booae; cap. 1.000. J. W. McCready. mgr. 8 Rl>iu: rap, 400. Cbaa. Staple, mgr. I UOXCTON—PaaalaUoa 14,000, Graad O. H, UOai taolB it.- Wlalai; I ST. WARNING enal Kratis will rent theatre or large hall to be used for lecturing pur- I win rent aame for two weeks or balance of aeaaon. Will pay hifjhfut rent, win also foit aqjraHdhun-aiaed theatre or hall incaty«raiibaili%asl isMMltopBffc out fonrle ctuw a a . I will also rent any large store hi central part of ci^ Hbtt cas lie ranverted into hall for lecturing purposes. This store must be extra large, aon or teal estate agent who secures for me any theatre, hall or large Btoie,j are the cans* of. ENAL Ciinii—itlftir AotticnB or aame^ I will pay good LOW ratCBD e nuk crmrs CH'CAGO. ILL. I HaO ip, 908, XtkL Aaaia Ooatta. bm. JOHN—INHiolatloa SS,00U. Opera Boom 1 BT, rap. ],S00. H. J. Aiideraoo. mgr. 3 Orpheom^cap. 600. T. J. O'Rourka. m 1 W001«I0CK—PavalaUaa SwOOOi Bajdta aRwnmmLA» a 10,880 T. A. fldl. Alcxaa- ; caBb 800. Oraad O, t.SS0, MOVA 8C0XIA 1 FOB* 3UBIOX—Popalatloa *— — — ' T. K. j|rM8. OMTABIO S anam—ponalatlon 13.0881 BM 0. O. FMIllpa, mgr 1 BBAXTFOBO—Population 23.000. H. ; cap, l.aoo. P. c. Johnsoo. 1 BBOCanrUiE—PopolatloD lO.onu. Opera Uonw: cap. 1.000. F. I. RItchll. mgr, 1 COLUINGWUOO—Popolatlon ti,uuu. Graad O. B.; cap 860. A. R, A. Barrett, mgr. a Lyric: cap, SOO. A. R. A. Barrett, mgr, BAMILTON—I'opalatloQ 73,000. Grand; cap. 1. TK3. A, T. Appleton. mgr. 3 Benaett'a. A. J. Appl,^toa. mgr. KINGSTON—PopaUtloB »,000, Graad; cap. I, 5M. D. P. Braalgaa. agr. a Oiiikiaai. cap. . B. McTiaagklia, agr. 1 lAXnoX—PopoUttaa an.000L Onnd O. H.: cw. MMl J. D, a Braaatt^: cap. 1.W0. S. _ NORTH BAY—POptdatlon 8.0081 POO. J. Haaxa. mgr. 3 OTTAW V—I^opnUtlOB SS.O0O. I. TOO. C. S. Gieening, mgr. I PORT ARTHUR—Popnlatloo 15.000. Ljcrnm; cap. 1.200. S. Tanly, mgr, I PETERBUROUOH—Popolatlaa 20,000. Qraad cap. 1 JOOl J. -J. Tataer. BMrr. a Batral: cap. 408. M. Pa p n aa A Sooa. agia a Priaecaa: cap. 390, S. Coon. agr. 1 ST. CATHERINES—Popalatloa 20,000. Oraod Opera Hoaae; cap, 1.000, H. Staart elah. mgr. 1 ST. THOMAS—Popniatinn 18,000. Orami a II. ; cap. 1,300, W. Derine. mgr. I STRATPORn—PopolaMon 17,000. CAP. 1.400. A. Bradenhencer, mgr. I SUORDRY—Popolatlon 4,000. Grand Opera Hoaiw: cap. 823. Joa. Wtlaoa. mgr. 1 TnRO.S-Ttv-Ponalatloa MOlOOOi. cap. \jmit^ Ik a. ~ 1 Royal aigr. a Oraa«. iiM^^S^aU%p. Albert: caph Xa868l A* J. a Sbta-a: cap. l.aM J. 3 Jlajaatle: cap. 2.088.^ W. Lealle, a Agaaaa Btraet: cap. .1.400. Griobi Aaaaa- aa a t Cow. agta. ' oilTwSS?' •■Miaint a Caaaa:: cap; ML ^ MMa AMaaaaa* COu agta, 8 Variety; cap. 80O. Oriflta Aaoacmcat Co.. cap. TOO. . eai., lan. J. Orairkek aar. 1 PBBNTICB-PainastloB 808. ..fV.- 400. B. U, Snolia. a a «AC<INB—PepaUtloa 44.8081 . . 1,100. n. M. Nye, mgr. . ±™lna: cap. 800. F. R. Stafford, ngr, I BnntBLANnER—Popniatlon ASOO, Oraad ~ Hooaa: cap 800. Raaaoa * Taylor, 1 SHRnoYOAN-^VaMMIaR cap. Is^lk .W. naaM>: 4 Gaiety: cap. 1.400. Tboa. B. Beary, 4 Star: ca|k l,aoa O. P. Blair, agi ftOBIBO 1 ITUl,!.—Popalatloa 13.000. Talbot: Geo. C. Talbot, mgr. 1 MONTRBAI.—Popalatloa 450.000. Bla \ leety'a; cap. 1,800. H. Q. Brooka. mgr, 1 Princeaa: cap. 2,200. Oeo. Mcl.elah. I Arademlc; cap. 1.800. A. Charlehola. a Praaeala; cap. 3,344. P. W. LaQalf, mgt. a MnttaaU cap. 1.8ML. Oaa., Oaanaaa. aagr. a B e aa a t fa i ^n, WXi:. Saab. F. MkoU. mgr, mgr. cap. 1,300, cap. 1,600, 1 INItlAN H< 1 MOOSE Rooav: cap. 800. J. D. 1 MOOBOMIK P opal a Haa ' Ma 4nk o*a. a. — L. N. McBrta^ N READ—PapalatlOB e; cap. 1.8001 A. J. I JAW—PopalatlcB SSh^*^- "WPS vfRnr FOR PRICES SPECIAL'RJI rHEHDERS©H-AME5Qa%g^ PHOTO GELATINE PROCESS PORTRAITS Saperior to be«t pbototnpbs; they do not fade; alwayi retain their original Mft and dJitlaet eolor and graecrnl. clear ooUlnee. 100 portraits, 8x10. 810.00: on monnta, Uxl4. (U.BO: 1,000 Pbeta- Gelatine Post Car4a, 83.00: apedal alia pordalts (or lobby diaplay. Sand 10 centa (cola or atampa) tor Talaable aamplea. BMTOI « SPOOIER CO., he., loon 810,1133 Broadway, MaYaCMaT, NEW ESiFIRE SHOW Wanta good sketch team, song and dance people, jogslinir. Trire, tnpere or any acta aoltabia for amaU rallnad ahoir. Mnatclaaa of all kinda ta stnagtbea band and webcatia; tboae doiac aa a Z. MBIOBBIHI.' wn^^lnM'nk. Ml a^Tirbaaflr. **X Xm8 Xa«r, T4. ^WFlMtMon with Oulelm«p BANiaUKI. iMte VaiMte^ M GINGINNATI. 0. (Copyilgbted.) WILL CROWD YOUR THEATRE Send yonr order to BMOU THEATRE (Bijou 61d«.}, LEWISTOWN, MONT. PREFAID ASBESTOS CURTAINS AND f1BEPR€K>F SCENERY Why not get the begif SOSHAN 6l LABtDIS CO.. two Great Scene FwintiiK StodiQg^ Chlrg^o, UL. Hats OMlc* 4I7«419 S. CUatoa SC On nt AT LIBERTY 2 Show Net Oolwg OiMt BANDMASTER Comet, <k>uble flute and piccolo; swell repertoire of music, all lines. Can ftmMi band if required. E. C. Jems, 177 E. Fifth StP—t, Obwqo, Wow Yopfc." WMtbd-Seonie Railroad and Riding Devices AU sorts of Conceaaions that are popular and real money-gettoB an wanted. The only park in ci^ of 100,000 population. 50,000 ta draw from.- Liberal terms to rig^t parties. Write at ooee . Royal HIppodroma, im ari hmA Slmts, Riiiidliig, P«» "SO