The billboard (Feb 1910)

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ao The Olllboard mnuAiiv 12, 1910. ttoar Who 1 . --- - - - .^-^ IfPWj. ' latdr wpF^" — Pnrbii. tnhmiutcr: And wife, bocut curaa Fzvd Stooe, rissff stock ■III iHiit bo» bostler. Howard Damoo. of Ct ' U tfT a . feos ^a^«d u mxiMs^r of tlie ^SaSM rrport for rtnty in ■ rrw day*. Jobs (FocviaDsta) FMej- wlU be snpcrliitai- dEiK of stock, wbleb. hj- the war. to la es- eeUcnt condltioa. aod wttb tlie npwly mad'- ta m m. tniniiiCB. cCe.. will add cicatlr to ttw ttrt anh or tbe atrnt pandc. Jim Wllwa. fonMzir at tbe Mm ~ " cAmiiVAL:^«oirni9. GEORGE BREIER. To the Profession OME m Hix or A jor ride MDt. Orttt for ab^ or donblr. CHOBUS. Tittle, tattle, rittlr. rattle, Bloo-ilitvilanK. SpcnIiDC In an aoto with a rrry ioVy fans- Tittle, Uttle. rittle rattle. PiMae don't tdk to • An BVtamdblle, and a man at the wh^^el. Br Oolly! for me It wlU 4o. Sand !■ late luuciaiu for eogr. '<M. S. ANIMALS - It shrv* OS plaaam to | Mi ia»ut beiewUn a fflant n a c€ O aa ta a Br a l o, at tba Qneen Cltr Biiaia>tn|t Owiipiiijr, Otocnaati. Sb. Breicr to e maa oC tetcklas paaooallty «k]cfa pnbablr aecamts la a lance lu c aaui e for kls SDCcess in deallniEs (always fair and honor' able) w1t|. the profe^oa, amon^; wUcii he has a wide acitnatntancc. Tbf Qn<-e3 City EnjtraTinjt Oompasy to la- Db>c • D<-w booklat.«aMatotav < their woik which tMI fe* to aated nk Kijncat. JDon't Gcit a HALLBERG Economizer It TOO want to. squander money In ezcrMtant electzlf bins, BUT If yoo are on the JOB for aH thae la in It. TALK TO HK. Aak abODt mj Fllckerlaaa M. P Tnarhtna, 4.000 c p. are I amps. HLECTRA P fa k 1# a b a 1 carbons, apot Uffhta, ax baast fans, aibea- tos cablea. lenses- Mloccd azmonnc^- m«nt Slides, and ■n kinds of np plies. Writa fo^ N& IS. I. H mSEK. 30 Griigneh in lEW TOM. HANDCUFF PICKS A set of Hatidenir Picks to nnlock any hamt- saff; cxptanatioss with pick, of this wooderfol et; ptlce. t3,00 per set. BIRDS and REPTILES TlfiERS, LIONS, LEOPARDS, PUMAS, TAPIRS, YAKS, BEARS, LARGE MONKEYS, animalB of aU qpeci^. HORNrS Z00LO6ICAL ARENA, SSo^ or Denver, OoL NOTICE Brownie & Co.* Piesentlns THE WAS n OVZR wm b* known bstesftar ss THE BROWNIES ft CO. FM Stereopticon Outfit Complete witli ealdom or Ume U^t attach- aicnts; also eleetric are lamp, rheostat, switch, ashestos leada. cable, all ready for a (how; •^Tetythlns aooil as new. Coat $80; will aell for tSS, and ship C. O. 0., fillips oC ——- tios. a xAsum. a w. auk at., «. t. oht. HLM SERVICE An mSm mad maugm nleued «lii«e Jaaoarr. 1900. That mmw do old worn out Junk like tbm •o-called Film BxcfaaDgc* hftsd 70a. $15.00 to $2S.OO ptT "n-eek according to age of featnre film. B*iin(*r», lltbos., »on(i Blidfn, PTTX* JIT'S nut. EXCHANGE, (Old R.e'.lE>:!o"), »00 Z. SSrd Btnet, ocr. 2nd *tr., Kew Ycrk City. Tli^Cmi Book for cuwwco. at Divml vorftm. fskcn. MdKtnr vrorw ■Dd mmll ordrr mn. Fall oC a ebw — thai KM tb* Bonn ifomsias.etc U onb lis wvtcbt IB voM. Wr1tt«»br M ^ ■liiiPMBii nni ■ir»nwri WTT ~' ■•■■awBMBM- raKla XAeiCIAV SUFBLT CO.. pMaidaacs. B. I. AHAY WE HAVE iTI HUT BIG AVIATION 16. ^Airaaiiiiii at Los An- ■ (LborUi, approx. 600 tot) with "Baby's First Tooth A .CHOY THAT WILL START A RIOT SF-LAUGHTEII^; (Length, mpfnat^kif,) nsmvELV MB flii^^ kstern 'ini^Cchiirboy aild die Squaw'' .. 0>ngth, approx. 935 tel.) Bead the descriptiana In other oolnmns. Otdar Baaanaj Postan fraa faer niai Zaobaaffs. .. Write fa* '■_ \vimn wiiii Miiciw i ii to Ui hxHi Vtth. itnef, CliUlO, lU Week of February 14th PARIS FLOOD THE MOUNTAINEER BRST AMBRKMi ncnnus' EVER MADE. New York City, N.Y. EXCLUSIVE FILM SERVICE All American films and the best foreign makea TRULY EXC LUSIVE AND INDEPENDENT Exhibitors' Film Exchan^ 138 Third Avenue rhoB* 3775 New York City. RHODE ISLAND UN IN 8iMIW« F ILM RENTING COMPANY OR Right service Exclusivo Indepondent SenriGe SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. SONG SLIDES. Phone, Union 2268 — ROLL TICKETS — "LOOK THESE PRICES OVER" 10,000—$2.50 25,000—$5.00 50,000—$6.00 100,000—^.50 Quick shipment, accurate numbering guaranteed. Cash with onier, no C. O. D. COUP ON TIC KETS. BOOK TICKETS, STRIP TICKETS, RESERVED SEAT THEATRE TICKETS and CONTRACT& Let us quote you prices. Write for aunph*. ROYAL TICKET CO., - Shamokin. Penn. ASBESTOS GURTAINS AND FIREPROOF SCENERY WI^^ not crt *• iMBtt S09WAM A LAMMS CO.. Studio*, Chicago. lU., Halo OMe* 4l7e419 S. CUatoa St. EkUblidtad DiTHtliATiOliAL mil COMPANY 110 W*st 34th StTMt. NEW YORK Dealers In FUma, UOTlu rtctoie Uactali nuiS lOR 8AI.B—a. 10, 13. aa« fI3 per net. I OUR KPSCtALTY—A-1 niaa st 3 csnU par and Sauplles, 8onc SIMea, AnneaDcemeai SMaa, Oat- lOR 10, 12. and (IS e*' i**!- Oa*-PlB ■illaia MstM— CIRCUS MANAGERS, TAKE NOTICE Side Show Manager at Liberty for Coming SeaioD Nothing Too B(l|| or Top SmaU 9 Will take same on per cent, or stni^t salary. For the past two seasons have had my own show out playing State fairs; previous to that I was aausUmt manager of the WiJIaoe ade shows. Addraai all mail •J. NEWTON CALLIS, aPT.SelUUer BMo.. —IIXEDICIME XENII— OMaIn prin-s od IIitIx, Oil. Heap and Bam: prices rlKht anil fair Irfatmrnt; plenty of pnper. TBX-ATINB nESIKDY rOMI'ANV. .'(21 Mill Slreel. rinrlnnstl. Ohio. TZHTBILOaUIBT FIOtlRES, IIU< k Art. Mar looctim. llrcnna. Lniiellea. Wax l-1(«r*s. Baa- nrni Or.-nn Whto 8irlaib waall MTO. fr. !!• I-. Mnrlillio. F^llnM. SIMM. «|A W. «> SHAW. Victoria. Ma. .