The billboard (Feb 1910)

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rURUARY 12, 10ia Xtie Billboard 21 STOR IES OF F ILMS Synopses of Dale awl Prospective Releases by the Various Muwtacturers at Home and Abroad—Nature of Subject* Length of FUm and Date 6l Release. TUK SAMABITAN'S UNIAnWP (Coacdj: fklMwd r«lin«iy T: l»Bftb. MS f»«tl.—nor- tmtm Oraem had cams «w«j (rom th* booa* ud ■•ft fear Boocr on tlw tabi* to brr borrr. Ot caon* tb* caboiD bad kurd UuM* talaa ba- fen. ao ka oallad a paUeamaa. Bat Jack ii« that *a aalght ntan a>d laaaad bar lUfgant ka la bnttaa ta Tlatt itm aoA tba Bald •rta aaasacfd hta riac la aaaa etbar tbaa bla laAT a( tba taxL Jiia datea a klaa M ra- ■Maaat. bat aba nna lata tba anna of Jin. WVlataa It la bla alitac^ln-liw, actlat aa ■Si «• lb* (Iri'a dar oat. Tbra Florpoc* re- toiM tba mooar In a Itttia note, vbleb tx- plalot tba Don-pajiDent. aiut lack la coaipcllad to Irata. Latfr be meet* her ta tba park, ■ml In bar taninr Ac trlppad and fall, as Jack aculn sets a cnanea to taka bar hcina In tba ml. Sbe bat to let Urn call and a«k abcot tba tnjarcd ankW. and ba ptoflU b7 tba oppoi^ taaltr !• w>8 bar baart. ♦ CICUSTIAI. VRNOEANOB (Comrdr drama; ivleami Vab. 10: len«tb. »tO ffct).—Tbooii- •0& 1« a dob bore. One* b« met a btshwaTuan anil tx aar* be got tba b«at of blm. Be baa t>«*o telllns about It rrer atoce, and to teat hi* eoamfe anew bla frleod Brana feta blm to reRioT« ooe oC tbe booaebold coda of a Chl- OMf f«aill7. Tbompaon perfanna tbe feat, and ntum tba Idol to Iti owner hj rxpnaa. HI* boalDcaa card la naed tot tba ezprcM card. It bappeawl tbat tba Calaadal ft«a wboaa t lb* Idol wa* *tolea. la a daairr la Mali, arlU noapaaa'a addnaa, l aUawa hiB I UIVIKO BRABTS (Cbmcdr: releaaa Feb. 14; Itactb. 600 feet).— X yooac atitbor write* a eteqr and a love letter doea not pl««ae blin. Re write* a sew letter and tba old ooe Batter* ta tb* floor. Hbi alater aeca It and alatakea It for a delated propoaal. In bar cxeltenieDt abe dmpa It. It ic found by tbe butler wbo plaeaa It on tba table. Tba tnoaeKeepcr tbinka It la BMaat for fear, la bar asdtMant abe. too, dnfs It. aad It la tfeM taken ap by tbe maid, na sraear bar baa bf*B alnr t* apaak. bat aba la now and raaa aC t» taU iba cook. Tba anieal of tba pellrcaaa on tba feaat pt*. aaala tba fall tale, aad tba aald. tea. dropa the letter. Tbe DeHeeman picka It np and boad* It ta tbe cook aoppoatac aba bad dropped It, Sba tbhika be ineaaa It and embracea bnn. Ha t*lla bar tbat ba dll not writ* the letter, bat that be wlahc* be bad and tbey ratlTr tba eacBseoieat, retnralnc tbe letter to the maid. Sba **ea tba nocer'a bog* eootas and horriea to meet htai. Natarallr h* la annrlaad, bat la entirely wQUnff to batuine cncacad eran " et wHte tb* latter. Tbe .butler ~ - - «af: Harold t* tiia aMMi^ aMiRi.aM at laat the Ibooih ba did net VITAOBAPa. TBI PAflBINO SHADOW (Druna: releaa«d PebrauT S: lenstb. WO r^et).—.V aen mirrlea acalaat bla father'a wlzbeo the cirl ot bla choice, and la aecocdlasly diaownad by the garrnl. Oa Obriatsaaa ere we tec the aao. It wif* tad baby In their banble booie. Tlie deeldea to make hia father ~ Meant aad Wee It nader coeer of aUht. BMcMay tba «M booM, be tatat* tbroagb tba the ponce, aad «kt« tbey azamaa tba ptaa- trale fonn, tba tatbar Sadlng It la bla too. •arpHae slvco wmy to ao*ala^ aad ileapalr. Tba too la takes to a boaplul. Later bla father TMta biB, txploret bU aoo'i forclrrnnt, aDd with tbe younx wife and baby, wbo hare Juit artlTtd aa tba acene, a happy recoadUatloa ta TRB UPB or V08BS (Part IT.: Biblical ttaiy: released Feb. IS: lea«th SOS feet).— IMa SlB commencet with tbe trene of Moaae leadlac the Ctdldrm of larael from Ktypt. aleo ahowtnc tbe mlraclea of tbe pillar of rlond. which prereata Phtrtob't tnny frou fnllowtas tbe cnoarn pe^il*: tbe march thronxh the Bed Sea: tbe tall of the manna; water con- ln« IVirtb from tbe rock: and tbe battle wtib lb* ABalaUlta: tba MBANAT, ° AVIATIOX AT ton AMOBUBB, OAU. < ocatloaal: rdenae ffbcaaiT >•: leastb. —A aba tbOTtlBC tba ——" mtrhlnea la acttoa teuuaa atat*. ♦ BAara Ptaar tooth (Oaaedy. r»h»nai/ l«; lenatb ).—Baby LlKblhead'a f«l a tootb. lb* lifbtbead telepbonea Mr. UsMbfod at blt.aflc* to coat home ImmaiU- ■tely, bat t're* no reaaon for thia nndoe haate. Bat Robby tbloklaf aometblnc aerlaaa baa happened, batrlaa out and balla a man drle- IBC a tlelfb. Tb* man TOlanlaer* to Irlr* blm boow, bat tho aMsb I* npaet and Into tba taow ceea Ugblbead. Re Jnmpa Into a taxL bat oaoMtblac I* an tag wllb tb* Btcbtanr. to Ss It Llgblb*ad'a > lamaaata. Ha tadtatata la paAed o« by aaolbar wba frarplaa witb bin, aad batb roll la tb* nod. Llahthead atartt baow attat, bat la arreated. Two frlenda happaa alaac, and Uabtbead to then permuted to maka ex* Claaalloat. All af them now ran toward the Isblbead - bom*. Into th* boot* tbey raa. wbea Ml*. Ufhtbfad, wllb tbe baby la bat rraia. adrancvit toward her hnabaad smlllas, ti'lllac blm tb:il the babrV rut a tooth. Then Ughthead falla falnlloc Into Ihv arma of tbe law. TlIK OUWBOV ASl> TUE SQUAW (Drama: releaae rebmary li>; lenctb. ).—Tom Blp- ley, a cowpuncber, wIok tbe hatred of Jim Blaaaea. aaolbcr cowpuacber, wbm b* defeada UsbUbotba^ a ftattr a«ww. ttoa tb* la- BolU *C ■iBgaM.^aaa fbw daya later. LI■h^ fcatbar tota t* bar ptateetat'a eabin aad pra- tcnta biB wttb a pair of morraalaa. In rt- tma, Taa glTta ber bla alz-abooter, adrlalac her to ana It If Blmpaon acain annoyed ber. Later Slmpaoii eneoontera Blpley, and tbe two flgbt on the brink of a privlplce. Blpley la thrown orer tbe cUff. HIa rld^less bono aal- lopa away and la aeca by Uctatfearher. She reeocDiaea It aa tbat of her frlead'a. and fd- lowlDg Blpley'a trackt, loottca blm. and belpa blm to bla cabin. Shnpaoo, waltinc for an o^ paetaalty ta tbaat Blaly. la near the cabin. Wbcs fia cbaaca aliia a« HSa. bat LIcbtfMtbar. wboSaa^taa eratcklag Urn, Brea ber weapon, aad Slitpaaa faBa dead. OmpUottona follow. Blpley and IJgbtftatber leare tbe acene. Blpley'a l aeolta t, coatala- lac an empty abell, la faoad near Sloniaaa'a body. Tb* aberlS atarta a chaaa. PInally Tm aad the aqaaw raaeb tba booodarr line of two eooatle*. when tbey ai* aaf* from tbe iherlir. Before cnaahiir Taa aolbblea a aola addrtoaed to tbe ahettS, wfalcb readt. "Tba aqnaw kffled a car, aad yoa teow It," Tbe ♦ O, so SICK (Comedy; releaae February :!3: leoieth. >.—5fr». Watt reeelrea a meaaaae from tbe prealdent of the Zola Mlialonary Bo- rlety to attend an Important meetlnf. Mr, Watt beca off, pleadlnic llloeat. Finally Mra. Watt learea. and Mr. Watt call* lb* boya tocetber and thay Indnlce In playlnr aoktr, alao mlzlnc cocktails. Saddenly tb* ben itaga and Uio. Watt want* to be admitted. She baa mlaaad tb* train. Watt baa a bany Idea. Ba dothea aU bla friend* In frock coat* aad baa tbtm Im- pencnate pbyalctana. ttowtns their other dodt ont of sicbt. When Mr*. Watt la admitted •be floda foor doctora around John*a bedalde. all mnch worried br tbe patlent'a cooditloiL Bat lira. Watt aoon ae«« throufb the nae when abe dlacuren tbe t«*l (annenta of tbe **pbyalclaBa.** and route all ci ttam oat ot the booee. Then. accordlAS ta ~ ~ ' tlnoK. abe admlnltfis to bar hand a doae of cod IlTcr OU. THE WINNINQ OP PATRBR (Coa*^: I*- leaar Pebnury 23; leiwtb, ).—JObmy Arwiatroor. a tiaodeoaie athletic yqnnc clkap. wanta to many Petty PrttUxne, iBt Papa Pettlbnoe won't approre of the match. Aea the two youor people decide to elope. Bat Papa beara the oolae, toes to Fetsy*a roaai and diacotera rTriythkut. Peti:y haa ae- acted Johnny In a el tatt. bat Mr. Pettlbeaa dttcoeeea blm tbera aad tbta telepbant* far thr police. Bat Many cat* as apportnalty aad pathta Pap* badOr Mo tba deatt. Wbaa tbe paHra arrive PaM_j8 diagacd aat aad ear- OAOVONT. (Oaarte Klatna) SBBTANT PBOM TBB OOUMTBT.—(OOaMdy: laleaaed FW. 8: lenctb. 808 ttct). Uaty. the IMW Bald, baa Joat arrlrtd fttNn tba eooatry, aa her appearance tsdleatca. Mr. Lowrtae*. tb* matter of the bouae. brtnta homa a He* Miatat to be cooked. Utry hta trouble wMfe tba an- ratei] cnutireui and tecordlncly pHAea It oat of the window. Bat tbe emplojrcra overtook tbla affenae. Mary U then rleeo a aalt of dothee to ttkr to tbe tailor to be preatcd, alto tome mooey to par for the work. Mary mtatakea a benrar for tbe tailor aad alrea tttm tbe anit and tbe maaey. aad la then banded a receipt. The bettar tot* oa bit way lejolefaur. When the emptnytc* leant Of tbla. Mary It dlacbarred. SVnUD OUT op COnSr.—(Drama: Tel***cd Feb. 8: leocth. 4IS feetl. A beantlful yeoac married lady toea to a prominent dlrorce lawyer and etateo her rate and teta him to take It la hand. While (b* It telllnt her trlerhncet, ber hnstwtid calla the lawyer np on tbe telephone, tiTlat him the name Inatmcflona. An Idea occor* to tbe lawyer, tTtberln^tb* lady Into a io*a oa tbe rifbt aT bla aOce, ' om to bla «flee taatadlately. tbe lawyar jplaaeaSStn a Park, dacid* ta cordlasly. tbey relcaaed Feb. 13: t«et), A faity «t all there la la tana a atar attracHao, Ac- a bas^rae*. each competltar belw tlad op to Iba seek la a bit aoaagrMCk. gj^djjgj^bijjta^gajyg^ <rnt Bitk TRB OAVBL Feb, IS: appraatBato ^ ta f l k . ^iS^Rt). Mr. Fraad* la a yoosK maa or ivekleaa aad •ttrar. aflaat bablla. Re haa repeatedly borrowed mntuT from hta wealthy nncle. Mr. Freeman, aolll tbe nncle, tired of bla nephew** actlona. tetoae*. point blank. FrancI*. anaerrd. drawa a rerolrrr eo Mr. rreeraan. wbo baa hta back turned, bnt. on reconatderatlnn. pnta It back. Mr. Fteeman. bowerer, ha* wltneeaed tbe act In a minor. Then Mr. Freeman wrltea a sate, neala It and (iTe* It to bla faKbfal aerrtnt with Inatmetiona that It la not to be opened nntll after bla death. Then the acene cfaaatea. Ur. Frcemaa la dlteorered la bla booie, tbot dead. A eoroocr'a rerdlet daeldca death by enlelde. Suddenly th* aermnt remembem the note. Opening It, be flnda that Mr. Ptc«maa expected death at tbe handa of Prancla. It la farther atated In the note that a motloa-plctore camera would be found la th* aafa, contalslns a ■iB «B wblcb wooU ba faoad a Bkatagnphle latatotiaa at Bkaeoas'a mtader. na a tiitnt takaa aot tba aegatlra Stat, baa It dmlopcd. aa^ aa a ccanit, glrte inatmettoiB to briag Mr. Fttaeia to a certain plctore aboar trbara tb* SiB waald b* *zhlhlt*d. Tb* tbeatn la mea tba SlB la tilts ta (Oaaga Klcbia) COALB OP PIBB.—(Drama: rcleaaed Feb. •; lenctb, 073 feet). A poor peaaant boy. whoae mother la lylag aetloBtiy III, eodetTcca to aim a few peaoMa by ^aytog aa bla mandolla. Ba attneta a crowd tt paaaaata, wbaa a. loagb fdlow, riding a male, patting by. caBa blm. Tba paaaaata give etaate and ctiaitia* tbe aalalaar. A goodhearted ftmar daddta t* adopt the hoy, after Tialting tbe boy^ aiek mother. Hie male drlrcr. not fergMtlng bla ponlabment for mlatieatliig tbe boy. bow bitega a barrel of gunpowder and placea It on the atepo leading to the home of tbe boy and bla foater parcata. Ttie fnae la too abort, tbougb. tnd tba cxploalon completely blinds the muleteer, bat doea no harm to hia Intended rlctlnia. Staggov log away In agony, tbe wretched man Is about to fall over a precipice, when the boy •elsaa blm. leeda him back to tbe cottage, aad laraala bU IdestltF ta Up ta. Ifea saiiiiii ot hb Ihattr vatati, mSTimkm afik.'ae Sre opOBblakead, ♦ ▼SDnriAN ISLBS.—(Scente-traTeloanea: re- ' Pcb. S: apptaalmata leagtb, 283 feet). ■bjMMMMiUM gBBilU* aBaBM dC Taa- EDISON. THB UVlNOSTON CASE.—(Deteetlre *tory; relcaaed Feb. 8: lenctb. SSe feet). Mlaa LIt- Incatou, dangbter of a wealthy man, la found dead la tbe Ubrary of ber home by tbe batler. A paper knife tbroagb tb* heart waa tba cant* oC ber death._ A fa ■ una dataeUTO, — Caiefnlly ba when bla eyaa fan iqmb a ^T*t with tbe aid of a nagaUytag gtat . linger srlnA ot a maa aaea It. Oao br aaiL TarbMW article* an caUtctcd—a bauaaa t or flowera. a riding crop, a torn piece <tf paper with a lore poem written upon It. and a blood- ataiaed paper knife. Hogarth calla together all tbe membera of tbe famtty, the glrlt flasce. aiMl all the emplojea abont the bouae. He an*- pecta John Hadley. tbe gardener, and hja aoo. Late that night Ida aaslatant. Nemnan, brtnga the two antpeeta to blat. Tba faibtr can sot ba abaken, to Bogara laabaa tk* k*r late a rage, wbo aprlaga to bla faaC bla baad taUlag upon a place or ealeat aa tba table. Qalckly Hogarth f i B t T ia tba baad flam tba datk. The marfca tally aad tba aon la baadcuttM, Wbta tb* mtn- aclea are allpped on tbe boy th* father aprlngn up and Is wllUiw to eoafeaa alL Jamea Hadley. tbe acB. has faoea la lor* wltb Mlaa Lhrlngaton, the baVUv M the hoy on with a mild flirtation, imtll one day be openly coofeaaea bla lore. She atrlket the boy acroaa tbe face wltb a riding crop In na ftther'a pretence. The old man fol- lowed Mlaa Llrlngatoo Into tbe library, entering by tbe bay window. A qoaxrel enaoed, daring wblcb Mlaa Llrlagataa teok ap tbe paper fcalfe sBBBtlataa. ake - atartea to dilve tbe gardener troB tbe rooa. tripped, and feU In aach a way thtt the paper knife found Ita way to her h e ar t. Tbe old man waa bending orer tbe form wtien bla aon entered tbe room. Coorlnced that tbe girl waa dead and that bla father was the mnrderer, he ataggered from the room, gratptng the curtala ttr aoppart. Tbe canfcaaloa eaded. tbe old aaaa iB akaBr«a.llaa ta.feig feet when, clutching wUtlf at tk' tSlt^ b* MBi orer tba table dead. - ♦ AN BQDINB BBBO.—(Draou: releated Feb. II: ICBrth, 723 feet), Doa Poltno, tbe edactted bene, la alMiaed by a groom. He la ClTucht In the act by tbe owner of the borae, who knoeka tba man down and dlachargea blm. In a spirit of tcTeage be teta fli* to the bam. Tbe bene tbe barn fat a blase, releaaea blaiaelf from the ataU and aaeea hi* companion* la tba ati by releialnt tbta alM, All»lia tbt fetlsiB out. be rtaga tk* tM kA aaBhg M|» extlognlah the •r* to A QtlBEN OP IBK BDRl.ESQnE.—(Com- edy: releaaed Feb. 11; length, 200 feet). A cheap burleaaoe abcnr cOTaea to a little Tillage, aad out of pure mitcblef the Tillage blllpoater baa paated eoe ot the '■qncena" oa th* bUlboaid aaat «o tba ckatch. Tbera la cooatematlOB aaaag tk* HiBlalai «*Hk*n ot tk* caaamalty. Oaa ot tk* •OMll kOlB ot Ik* plajr. deplctlag a typical i Mil ea q ae girl, tana lato tka kaada of aoae ehlldrcn. As eld aplasts takaa tb* pte- tote away floa tbcm after a lectBO, ao tbe children plaa for revenge. Tbla aaaa apiaster la lored by a deacou of tbp' CtMh BM tbe ehlMrcn'a rerenge toma oat ao aaaaaaaoB tbat tbe lOT* affalB Is broken off. SATBD PIK>M TBB TIDB.—(Dmau: laleoaad Peb, St: length, I.OOO feet). Dick Boilay la diacbarged aa acbool teacher and In hIa place' la appointed Tom Bortoo, wbo baa alao a u ceeeded la wlnnlilk tbe tore of Oertle WInina. the piottltat girl la tbe rlclatty, tnd of whom Bnr- 1^ waa eery macb enamored. So Bnrley plana to be rerenged. He aenda a note to Bortoo to Btct biB at the teathore. Bortoo goco. deaplla pleadlnga, tnd In the flcree hand-to-hand Sght which takM place, we aee Tom the eletcr. when suddenly one of Barton'a trtenda rendeee Tom naeoaaelaaa wltb d Mow orer tbo bead wllb a plec* at tlmbar, Ta eltae* aB traeea of goBt. tber place Mb wbe<* tba tlda, aa rtaing, win carry bla out to eea. In tba Beantlme. Oertle, fressled at th* loag ahaenc* of her lorer. tell* the marahal and others of her fran. Tbey commence a aearcb. meet Bnrley*a frlenda wbo. under tbreata, coofeaa. Gertie makea a apectacniar reeetie and ta the aabeequent acene we ae« Buriey aitd bla companlona being led tbe court, manacled, aa xymi. happy and embtnce* bis mother aad his gmiat? (Otattaned oa ptga 82,k OUR PROGRAM For llwWMlcFcknuiry? Shipped from New York Satorday, Felinuury 12 The GhUm's Dictor A dramatic story of the results of a physician's too close ap- plication to Mb piofessioD. Monday, February 7 WrWi Die Together, Love! (Ra|e«h & Robert). A ha ntiia m v o ttu^fti oT the attempts aiid FUatt interfer- ence wifli tiwWaiw Iy w ml a' de- sire to dfe togeliMr. SMpped from'New York Thonday, Febraary 10 CA980N'8 A CIHLD OF THE PRAIRIE A story of "little Sure Shot." and ber p i oiWB S irtA gunand bow. We want you to SEE it. KNOMKMMfcitfc. tIIIIIK it oiwand iiira iByonr <xder. Mottiiftyy'Fdbimy 7 THE GOOD DOG (Cines) A . tale of apet doK; liis sale and the good fcMtuiie attend- ing bis dog-like desire to re- turn to his old home. THE FILM IMPORT AND TMOMG CO.