The billboard (Feb 1910)

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22 Ttie Oillboarcl FEBRUARY 12, 1910. G1<EA T SPEED MEET (Ud at DmrmI> Wlibi Fnudc Bk^ Won die Wcrtaii Chjiinpinnfhip and. a Pune p( One Hundred and ■- - ..■^-'•■at OWAtEiF UL S KATtNG. Br OD* at - th> snadeat and moat sneafdl abfUtlaaB oC tip»«tepptn« glTca la CUcaso by UBitcjitB IB ■Mae tbne. Miu IMIa and QcorE* Habonry a uc ei t daJ In wlnnlnc tbu emit held ac UadlKn OndoiB, Chleaco, Walneadaj' erra- Ins. Jaooarr 24. Sacmitfal Id all cootesta ittietlwr prcUsdnaiT cr ilnal has ma4e tbem one of tbe moat popalar eoople* on tbe West Sl<1e. Owlntf to tbe fact tbat tbrlr conatatent wtnidnt; baa aeimowkdecd tbnn mperlor to Ibaa* wbo frequent tbe rink, tbar hare flnallr bean baxnd from paxtielpat1n( Is aar (ntnre ennta, bat luaiiiiiih aa • cran-l iMl cootrat la to b* MU at "*''** ~ tat all ffold medal vim Mad tbair autry irtU.:>», HOB wiNr cHjOinoimHip. • luiaiuallmaX .— tte Dnqonoe Caidnn. S. waa won bf lot Bo*. iMHal taw rictat vSi aad two tblrtai .Ertoiinid Ij .Biotiind'l^ar. ««n«.I'S5i.^ "SSS* — - Mnta. two llnta: AL Bot*. Of Ihdotb. Are palate. tw» aaeooda and a tbird. MM bv^oe bi tbica bnts; a ooa-and-aiw-baU ■ila. WOD by Roe In three haeta. and f^Bl? ana. woo trj I^iuT In one bea t. Time. 14:«. T^fg pointa were counted for flrati tvro nflttta -frond, and one point for tbiid. . ▲_.Wir I for tndonr ukatinc waa cataltUaMd IB tt* ^* —»^a lf mn» raca, at dUOi. . . ... MUTB R AW NOViBPL Wnilam A. tallnqaa. tba tancr rtOrr skater. «M anaattd tn Kana* City. Jamiary 24. on « camdalnt ptefpcTcd by Mra. InKenta I<*ncaa- tor l«t»«»iae. of St. Jnoeph. Mo., wtio chanced Mii witb blsamy. TJI Dnqne w». It la aUCIRd. ■aftM to Mi». Minnie Anderson, of WlB, ^tVaaa. at police headonartera. Kanaa a Oltyj. T an nery 30. La Drntn* told t be coort b» bad ~ a Umtt firan bli formar wtf*> in mCKINO UP. I d li ng la ptektnr op ont faera In tlw ■nlfc«»nt." tn tktt^Vmta In a letter to K MnbMfd^comtaK tmOkUhomt City. ^SmmtT AHeaa. of <ba Aodltortnm Btnk here li fWmlBB np a rwdnK tommament bnt baa not mt date. Tber* are aome pretty fart bojj ost there, too. Eeerytblnc looka rood—mtiai bettar than laat aaaaon. In tact." WAYNE GARD EN R INK, DETROIT. Detroit. Ml<*., Frt>. 8. Tb* areatert roller tkat'nic mret *Ter held In the Went came to an end Thniwjajr cTpnlnx Fehmarr 3. at the Wayne Oanlena Boiler BInk. Detroit. Mich. Two thooMod P«>P'« mixk Bacon, of McKeeaport. Pt. d»» at * fleld of. At* other co^featanU In tba Bnal tw^ mile race for the Weitttni ebnmla^Up. nj* t pniOT or S1B0. Prom ^tnitl* flnUi tba ttiS* w»i» fnn ^MCltMWt «■« ■W ■^syyarff'tg'ssw *bi«b .t«««i tto»» laadm wwn np In a bnnA nnt n the laat lap. when, like a flai*. Mr. B^aa forced Wa uay to tbe front, and won tbo conteot by Kiont Arc fret. Bb tloie for tM mile waa ■:4n 1-a. Prad Tyrren. of Cblcaito. waa aec- ■nl. «»<1 Bollle BIrkhhner. of Colnmbaa, third. 'Tbeiie beinc tbe drat three Wnncra. they were ratitlMt to compete In the flnal twoHnlle net on Thnmday erenlne. _ ^ . In th» M.cootI race of the aailea. WcdnaMay erenlnc ttia hoya did not mate aa good ttme ffilMwi'a «fM :'fbe ti*t t« cone ondar tbe •livi. nk-MM fce "Jhe mile wni «:5m. Cbaa. MrOaMby. oSmwm. w bo waa aaewid., wwiM bar; made iMaaa mmr Intareatlna badit not batn Hut be allpped on one of tbe tnna and loat comrtderaMe amand. Mr. UcCBrtby U new In the rartnif Hne. bnt firom the apeed be dla- pIiiTwl In the meet hate, bo la certain to make aome of them boitla In tbe fature. Jeaa Ca- rey, of Wvomlne. Pa., waa the nert man to follow, roaklns the three wlnnera In tbe aecond **The flnal cooteat waa polled off before one Stba laraaat COT^ eaer ar« Uk tb e btotoir tS i**r>l»e arlnnen a* tbe_£«t and aee- «■« afrm amted tb« flnal on Tbnraday ere- alna. wblrb waa two m'lea. for tbe Wfatcn cbamplonnblp and the pnrae. Pro.n tbe tinte wHd Bill fVtnonn. the well-known ban player of the Drtmit rinb. wbo acted aa starter, trad tbe pUtoL ootn tbe Bntah. It was a race wen worth afeimt. and one that wni be remem- IWfe<l for aome time. After the fifth lap. rrank Baron took tbe lend, and the apeed be ibowed waa marreloDa. He contlnned bl> lead to tbe wlnalmc the cjwmi" — bla appearaaea is 5:40 1-5. on a twdre' lap track. The first mile he mitde In 2:47 flat. Rvd l^rrell woo the aecond prlae money, and Jeaa Carey waa riven third. Ur^ Hanmao, who baa won many ctiam plomUpa at Cincinnati, St. toula uA Obt ca«o In 1M(^ tall white ' ~ coald not of bhn. As K preliminary to the flnal race. Manager Shea arraDKed a one-mUe nimilnr race between WUl Kolsel, of BDlIalo. N. Y., and Alt. WU- cox, of Elzeter, Ont. l%e Ontario champion, KolJiel. won by one-third of a lap. bla time ^elIls 5:39 seconda. Henry Thurston, of Lock port, N. 7.. who made his appearance here dnrlnc the raeea entertained the crowd each eranlac witb many ot his fancy akatlnc atnntn. a bis bit with On andlaaea. Jlatt- agcr Shea made the tanaik tbat tta -akatlnc meet Jast bdd waa tbe baat aad aioat aaecMafDl ever held In tbis eltj ar atate. and nakea a (ood fatnre for tba laidbv came la Detroit. The conteata areie dean and wen foostat, to thp delight of many preaent. and tba abore mentioned lads made a rood tanpraaaion with the mana^ment by Kenticmanly eoodnet, and are a credit to tbe profeealon. It la Mr. Sliaa'a Intention to bold tbe worid*a dtamplooihlp racea at Detroit the latter part of Mardi, dnrlog wfalcfa time WlUIe BlackbDm. Ftank Bacon and BoUla BItkbhner would like to meat Haday DaaldaaB aad Bamntoo. both ito of toe wocM'a cbampiondiip. of the teama are flyera and tbe racu bad the larse iDdlcDcea in aa uproar durlDC tbe entire race. Por the first three mllea It waa auybody'a race, but the excellent relaytna of Iturke and McMahon proved to be an adranlaco for the Bridgeport boys and they puIltKl out ahead, wloolng in the fast time of 1S:S7. Tlieae two teams are matched for a return race and It la one good bet that tbe team wliulas tbe next OMat win stea any taaa la tba East tba race aC'tbalr UfST . Prteedlac tba flre-mlle race there was a one- mile ao*ic« raca between Artbar Lacia, of New HsTca. aad lack Wblte, at BiUseport. The Mew Bavea man winninc by Ibrca net In tbt- faat time of 3:1Z Theae hoya put np toe faateat norlce race erer skated In tbia state. And both are la line for tbe amateur championship, which will be polleil off at tbl» rink later in tbe aeaaoo. Sn the nieaotlme, if there Ih an amateur In Cou- aaetlent wbo thinks be can beat either of these let him step out and get his All. FITZGERALD'S LETTER. JOUET HAS TWO PAST OIBL iiKATER&. Since Utaa Mary lllckt.v. of the Armory Rink, of Jollet, was defeatciJ b3- Mlaa Alva JobLKon. of Sana Bond Blnk, at Anrora, another girl akater baa been dereloped who It U clalnn-d la aomewhat faster than Mlaa illckey, alao from her town.- Tbe akatar referred to la Helen WalkcBwlia. wba baa defeated bUsa llUfccy at tbe AnM0 Biak. la a balf-ailla laca aad alaee that lime baa been nnable to acala de a wa a tr a te her rapeiiorito' by tiebut onabie to a tcuie any mott> racea wito Mlaa Ulckey, imlera abe would akate for a pone ot $2S. Mlaa Walkenwita doee not want to Inlura her amatcor atoodlng and dalma aba is willing to race Miss HIckey at any time and for any prias bat will not race for a money pune aa tiria would pat her la tbe profeaalonal daaa. BQsa Walkenwita attended tbe Aurora racea tbla week when tbe Western Speed Skaters* Club wns racing at tbe Oollaeum RInk and was alao booked to rmca aoaie local girl akater. bnt when toe time came for her opponent to ap- bis RINK ATTRACTIONS in tlM SkatenP Route cards, use the blank below. ghlp new at tba Wane BUik dmteg Maitb, He hai^ at jnaaDt, thice of tbe fastest lady afcatan la ne stoto sndcr bU management, wbo baea aancal **!*»**" *'■'■ In Michigan and Oblo bafofa tba Wayna Bacaa. ■Mg^^miiga I aad Rayea HAVES BROTHERS WINNING. Idckey Hayes and bla brother. Walter, noir form s xelay taaaa kaowa aa tba Or— ~ " — tacfeay waa tamady tba paitavoC bat aa pair a^t aoaa ttM tmg, a . took wttb Urn Ftuk Bg—gI kllHrjIiiik^ritr. Latar Xoekey decided t» — and, as a lonlt. tba tMa Is aoir In ezlatenca. Harry Burke. Lnckey's ex-team-mate. Is now racing witb Bart MeMalMMi. of Brldseport, Conn. Barke aad bla partasr tactd Caekay Hayes and P^a afc -BWW rt ,. t t U m t^. 9m^. wtantly. tbe ftaMMaaad g«r«fialw bgr a la» and a balf. After this race Lackey doubled op witb his brother, and tbe two proceeded to engage Cbat- fleld and CBonrfce. of WatattmiT. Clam.j ' flTe-mlle iday raca for tba " Waterbnry. Tbe Bayea ' one lap. Tbe ibna was Id: On Jannaiy 2L at tba Hareo, tbe bratbera tbe week, deteatlns Tela cbamplonablp at Natr Bar ftro-flslla erent, V tance to IdtlBM, abead of thalr oppmeata, s dla- a lap RACES AT BRIDGEPORT. wnile Burke and Joe Barton, toe faat Brook- lyn team of akatera. were t>eaten to a flTe-mlle team race by the Yankee champlous Bart Barke and Harry McMahoa at tbe Park City Btnk, Brldg^or^ 0»no.^T ^ias d a y^jMU^ S6,_ to_tha adtar tba nsa ifta waa mUdng aud — DWlto bad to retnm to Idlet, dU- WI2(S AT AUBOIIA. 11.1. Skatos' Club of Chicago, ot Pred Tyrrall, former relca. aad Prank Xal- of <ba Wrttan Skat- JOBnayad to Aonra witb uatets laat week and befopt tens, Ing twelre amateiw ooe of toe largeat crowd that erer attended races to tbst town, skated two prclImlDafy and one flnal race, in which Bwv BadMr, tbe faataat amateor In tola past at_Jia gaOBlfy. earrtm oir flrat bonora. wttb JabB'IWk, Ssasad, and Hairy Ulkkelson third. The race was pronoonced aboat toe beat erer aeen by Manager Itubcns wbo baa promised tbe lK>ya anotlier race In aboot a mootu. 'nie Orst beat was won by Cbattea UcOarthy. Uenneiuiy aecoQd and Magdefeaael, third. Tlie time was 8:10. TlM aeccod beat proTcd mora totereatlog as Hemy Becker, wbo flnlsbed first, wsa banl pressed by Jobn rtnk and Bany lilkkclaon, wbo flnlsbed.sbont a toot apart. Xlma. StOd. la aet at tw« mllea. uaaaesaj waa took toe lead and held It fOr nearly a mile when Becker jumped to the front and waa never beaded. Hennessy, who was asaured of tolnl place, fell on toe last turn snd Mlkkelaon. who was rlsbt behind Lim, took third place. Time, 8:31. Dnrlag tbe Intermission, Pred Tyrrell, now akating professional races, gare an exhibition of aprintlns In a iaalf-mlla and negotiated the diatanee to 1:22, which la conrfdered good for sncb a small track. Manager Rnhena wig tba referee. Prank Kaltenx the atarter, and Jole Andcraon aad Oirla Kraeger. indgea. Screral big attractloaa .barn b««a booked tor tbe Anrora Rink la tba «oml«r week, tbr anUa will render aeleetleoa Sbtarday and Sundajr afteruooua and evealnga. Uanagar Hubeos baa a ■katlog rsrulvsl on his program and, witb Val- entine rime (Imnloit near, baa bucked * Isrse party fiir Petiniary 14. wbieh will outshine any- tiling ever offered to tbo rink patrun* la toat town. CITY CHAHPI0KBRIP8 IN rEBRCABT. Wbat prontaea to be tbe grvsteal rtrslry foir ebamidooablp bonom In the history of tbe nrilsr racing game, will take place tbe a afo a d week Id February, wlien the city cbampleoablpt wlU xlart at Edgcwater lUnk. Tlie diatauec to lie •kaled at the north sliore sksling paUce will bv the balf and twti mile. Inlrrcsi then will bo transferred to toe aootb aide, where Uansgtr Pried, of Sana Soucl, has the ooi> and thn-e. mile •cbamplonslilpa. and laat of all cornea Btr- errlew, with the tbroe-quartar and tba Ore- mlle cbimplouiblpa. Tbe. Idea of dldrtbutlog tbe cbamplnaahip raeea all over tbe dty la to id«e all tlie skaters a cbaare to shine on tbeir boas rtobs aa .»<d|:, as entrrlDB tbe other ereata aad rtcrftrlaB polnia wbidi will girr them an optwrtnoMp-Ja try for tlie Jo,ie^b Keane kirlas cup. wbtcb-WB lie a challenge cup and mnat lie won two tiaia la taccrasloo In rbamplnnsblp eveoli. Ten mednia will tie awarrled. tbua giring toe flrat ten -blglieat men a cbaoce to emtHema that will tie tbe pride of all roller akatera. At present. chimploDshlp bnoora took aa though they will go to Henry Becker, ot the Weatero SpM-d Skaters' Club, who hsa hm winning emy raca all orar tba dtp la tbe last tw» BMaiba hp laisr taaislaa, Rowevar. otl>«r akatera aaeb aa ralaMr. ne a amon t Melarr. Cad- aoa. Hiaaiaip. Pnnk aiMI Mlkkelaoa. ara lookatf npoa to glea Becker a cloae roo. la Uaieb, tbe atoto cbnmplnnsbiM will take- idsre and too monto following tlie Weaterts ebsmplnnaliilp erenta will be mn off probabt,T In Chicago. la tbe State and Wettera rare*, rinks In the territory curered by tbe rule tor- emlng tbeac eventn pLoitld s^nd In their «ntTle» and bare toelr good akatera train In time ao- tbat ereiy town where there la ■ rink located, wHI bare represralstlTea on band and make lh» aflkir tlie moot aocccaarol eear attem pt ed, . . BINK NBW8 nUHf BUllN. aras fOcctd to doae Ita doors Isag rrtalir opcatas time, due to as arbltb Is preseated ereiy seasoa aad moale lorer aa well aa roller akater. Tbe event was the anonal party glren by tbe Ooort of Honor drill team, witb Hecker*a cHe- brsted band of alxty pieces, and assisted liy tbe Elgin PIfe and Drum Oorpa of twenty plecea. Tbla event la no donbt tbe moat aoccraafUl of the year, as shown by ttie crowd In stteodaaec. due to toe moaical adcctlons arhlch sre tbe tiest. Tbe Oonrt at Booor weal tbrnagb tbeIr dlf. fstont amacaTna la tbe ddU IIb*^ maslral se- leetkoa bp Reefcet'a Band. aahlMHaa by tbe Plfe aai Drum Oerpo, aad a staeefm akatlnc oaaflaat. Aaatbrr atttacttaa la a akatlaf raral. «a be held la Mraatjr.. MaaasarAMrlc* BECKER WINS AT SANS sonci nnoc Skating probthty tbe beat race of hli career and ahoutog good lodgment, Reary Becker, of the We^era Speed SkatanT CInb. s b awad bto true form laat Priday at Saas Sood wbea be captured tbe tbrer-mlie Mratdi larp hr aa wld* a maffglo that tbe other sksters aerar bM S cliance after two miles were skated. In tota r^ee such good akatera as Melarr. Palmer. Pesnmont. OllllrkaoD and Be«d wef* entered aad altbongb all of theae akatera bad done all their akatins oo tola track, they could nr.t orrrcomr the speed of Becker, wbo lapped Beaumont and came within twenty feel of doing the aame tolog to Palmer aad Mela^r. tbe other pkatrra baring dropped oot on account Of tbe swift pare art by Becker. TTie featnre of thl« rare was thai tbe track record, which baa atood for two years aad waa auda by Stuart Oaraer In 10:30. waa lowered by tbla ipefd mirTel, Becker, to 10:11-44. tbas abowias wbat a. woaderfnl parfnmaiKe tbla rseo was, lat st sa t aealsvad uaoad Palmer aad Melair. wba- wara BrtkM^ y sp i talely finr list lip dM PalOMr fbrga to the front and beat Helaer by a fnat. Preeedlns the toree-mlle amteb rare, a no>nce nee waa nn, nfteea alirteia lined ap for the race and only two flnl.hMl. The raeo was woo by torn Carlow. Time. 4:OT—5*5. Manager Pried abn bonked a ooe-mlle bandlrap race for elaaa B afcaten. this rare Ivlng woo by B. WltU witb a 30-rard handicap, nenrge Scbwarts. tbe aeratrb man, SaHbtBg aad W. aiaMbisMM- BBOKBB- ni ma Skating to tbe aame (ana Ibat marked bis perfotmancea a* Sana Boocl and at Aonira list week, Henry Becker retorai-d to Ulrerrlcw Blnk Batorday and Sunday and capliira.1 both of tbrae racea wblcb were of the bamlleip affair. Becker was tbe arraleb maa with rank laJ Hrngat and had to orrreome «oaia oC tht haaill. cap men VOO yaida In front of bla: and.. «nbr managed to nose '-ot some of Ibeat MVS-a^ faat sprlttrlDg In tbe Inst three laps. The races no Satiinlay a)ia\eed aome of tbeoe lieglnners akatlog faet, anioar tboee lielllg Kmrger, Crlmetix and Smith, tit race was a two-mile bandieap, aad oo Sitnrday was waa Iw Becker. wHb Pnak seenod sad Hengst thiN. to tbe faat time of B:Sa. Oa Sonday, Becker caaw iMil back aad rrpraled artaalad tbe aame Uid a( a mm,. BmM flglaMM second CHICAGO SKATES are RELIABLE ALUHINDH HOIXEK Our new Model "I" Skate equipped with zyOn. red fiber wheeto » Jm belt rink ihate tb^^hw erar been BHHmfMtured. Its strangOi log in HM WfHe fgp ortalog. Tells Ikmt to «pante«takB.W« canyafUlliBB'efflDlr dop- idtn. We ara the largest maniifaeturers of rink and sidewalk •katas in the West CHICUiGO ROLLEB SKATE CO.* - 1123 Washington Blvd.* CHIGAOOb ILL.