The billboard (Feb 1910)

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FEBRUARY 1% IMft Tlie Billboard 87 BOOKING PARKS Har* you a gooH outdoor act ikat 70a iriDt tlin« for 4tDrlDS tb« coailns aeftBooT Write. We bart parka all orpr me couotr/ itrnrtidlDg 00 oa to rumlah thrm wrXtb at- irariloBa. NorrltlM ot all Mrta ar » In da- BANDS Uto maka a aiirclaltr of bookinc BANDS, mt can k«>«> 70a bony la parka oa our clr- (•It IB tlw Middle Weat. 01t« lonrtat price and vHtv qolck. PARK MANAGERS W» coa kaaii • frw aat* parka alarinc ih* Koailac aMann. TrII M •sartly wbat jno wait a.' iriT* n 10 M ud foa win nt ■b» iMl maurw aakera. W* b«ek NOTiii\n — PAWOf and OUTDOOl B00KIN6 AGENCY 606 LVIIC TMEATIE MM^ aNOIIIUTI IT STANDS TO REASON Hut a firm making A SPECIALTY OF AN VOITICLE CAN aoER THE BEST ARTIQE THE BEST PRICE WE MAKE FEATHER FLOWERS ONLY Amuice araaon'i supply now. Illustrated QitaloKuefree. OcWITT SISTERS, oricinatoramnd makera of HUE FEATMEB nmas, mt w. 48* nn, wmo. SEND FOR THE Catleiir KiK's Catahc HARRY L WEISBAUy. 366-362 E. VadltM St., S. E. Mr. MwkM A MmHmn Stk, CMICAea, lU. • IneandMcent Lamps UNILE THEY LAST, AT EACH Bo<tad dnr or froatrd at Ue, Cniort^ lampa at 7c. UTBTT SUCXMO O0.< CHAS. R. COOK. Sr Inc. Oiigiaal Oerignm and Builder* lACPM DIPS AMD MUER COASTERS CHUTES Aad an Pmrk Amaroivota. Bnlldvra at 4V.Md 9ttt>t>llM. Oflle* 4k at. VuUdalphU, Fa. Carousels c w. pahku. O. W. Parker, of wbom an excclleat llkeoeaa •PS***? "VP^I'* t>««e. waa bora In Grlam- Tllle. III.. Id 1804. In 1860 bla pannCa remu'od to DlrklDMn Counlr, Ktoaaa, wher* they fe- »ld»d aaUl 1878. wheo tbey look up their abode layajr Cinntr. Kanaaa. Mr. Paikrr'a pnrrota "5»««MB» tbe pioneer •ettlen of a new and ■awyteillil eaoatiy ud die anbject of our akMd; espcHcMed aU thn TMaaltndea of fron- tier life «tM MaM IMtem mwiliii anea with. ■HmmUik tt tSit and <lr<M(bl, frMhappnm, ty d w u. vralrie Area and the ntimeraaa other t katiu ea nbleli in tboae dera calord for the atate ot bla adoption Uie inbrlqaet of "Bleetlinc Kaasaa." The Brat fourteen jeara of yonoe Parker'a lite were apeot on KaDaaa famia where wnrk waa ahondant and tho ordinary |>Ieaaarre of eslxtence eani>|>lm>ta« by their abaence. In ISSO MTlac r e ac h ed the mature axe of alilpeo. he eoachMM) that be was not adapted eithor by natni* or laeUaattaa tor the anHiMit and bno<r- (hle araMtlM tt aa asrlniltDrlRt, ao bldd'.aa ratMPcn ta tka di fHfes at home he made Ma way to t tn eaa Htm arat year In AMIeaa waa apeat la lyrfBemlaa aara add >*• aa aa coaM '^^S* **>* ••<*<*•' was mMm la ex- caaa of flfly cents par dap. Hta flrat te ii t iue IMW tha waa made la 1881 at lAM til rlnred nt tbt mnncT^MklaK paaribOlttaa of a M(h atrlker. wbleb-he tben aaw oo the atieeta or Abilene foe the flzvt time. After e(«nJitdet- aMe Degntlatlnc be imrteeded In aninMnc t half teterrtt In th!a atrlker tor (14.S0. eeery penny of the ixtrehaae price beinsr borrowed from eonOdlaic frlenda. , rortna* fantcd bla talUal Tcnton sad with- la a jNfk .fea ma abk^la wt aair atav hta SLOT MACHINES Beat offer lakea 10 Mllla Owl*, floe condition. *• »• VZLaOW a oo.. M aieer at.. Okieaco, lU. —: ■TSEZTKKH : write at noce for oor Hat of "aellera." WHITESOH COICPAIIT. MO £ajt )Udl»a Btreat, Oblcaco, m. .MONKEYS. PARROTS, aaa an ktada of l>l RMck and Bnag Btitt* for yaiUL a tlaata. «k. 8 year " la the earlr dayi AMIeaa was the aortbera headqnartera for the Texaa cattle trada aad waa one of tike wtM apota of America, tte moat pmmlnent drlzra beinic the one who roold draw flrat tod Mionf stralirtteat. BelsK brmwht np In thia enTlrnement and harlnc an Inborn In- atloct to turn bla knowledae of people Into a anorce of rerenne. It waa bnt natnral that his BTTt more atioolil be tV pnrrtiaje of a ahooflns rallery. HIa drat KaMery waa eooatmeted In 1WQ. operated aneeemfnity fnr a abort time and flnall7 dii|ioaed ot to adrantam. Tartnoa raterprlaei were cBcnsrd in nalU Ibp year ll«2. wAeii ba p^p^baaed bte ^mt ntcrry-vo-K^uixt. vera aarr tbn Ma earlier fatrestateeta, pmrrd Utblr mraacnltrv. bat waa ■ crude affair tmuiiaied with the ridlaar gallctT of ttm pieaeat day. n* bnowle4(e ralnad fram operattas thIa n>eTTT-P>-r«iad ccanaeed blia that better aia- cblnes cooM he eoaatracted and wltb tkia end In view be beaaa the maaotnetape of merry.go- rmioda la ISBS aad baa alnca made tbta a leadlnic feature of bli eztcgatro manahctarlas plant In Abfiene. In 1M>3, reatlzlna tb»t an ordinary merrr-ito. mnnd fell abort of the reqnlmnents In a rUtng derlce to be n«ed with camlraj orranlxatlnoa, Mr. Parker tamed bla attention to the prodoC' tloo of aa Impnvred type of porta Me marfila* and erotred the "Paiaer Jamplax Herat Cbat- Ca-All" tba Ban* belac taken ftam tba old w ord. "O amaaer* aad bdaa aaHwjed ^ Ike Uke bla rMlBK dMtm, tkr Paifetr Mittaa leal flattertea are Ittwara thrnocbnat the coo- try aad are iknt uuKaow u la fkireica porta, oar* eral of ihem baTlmr been aMpped to Spain and ntber (orelpi eoaatrtes dmlBK tta paat f»« iDOQtha. To Binboant leaderw It la peebape aa the owner nt the Parker Shown that C. W- Parker 1« nKwt famlllaT. HIa flrat cam!»al or»«nl«- tloo waa laonrhed to the year 1902. ThIa waa manared by the owner blmaelf. In ]{KG. lOA^ aad IRA! and rained ahnoat lartaat popnlarlty ni aeennnt of the notleenhle ab aeiwe of mnaele d a acera aad other ebjertlna^le teatnroo whieb certain tba a W. Parker waa so (rent that another tnaipaay waa pat aa the rood la the aommer of mot. oBder the name of the Great Parker Amnaement Oncopany. both comp&nlea belnff leased to eapattle manaaers and Mr. Parker aat- lafTlnc blmaelf with a reneral aoperrhdoo of theoe eooipaalea and derotlna the itreater part of hla Hme to bla manQPactorlmr Inteirata which wen then hcftaatnc to aaaaaic co l oaia l Two addlttooal cantral lannc^eJ la IMM. bartnr been bam eomplaaa dnrinir the year IPOS aad both prored hl(hly •oercaaNL At the prrtcat Mae llicre are tint fnor cnmpoa l ta ^eart aa the Parker name—The Oreat Parker Slmwa and the O. W. Parker Phors. Tbciv tear w mi i n ie s will be pnt oat tbia aeaaoB In praetictliy new form and Ilka any other oraanlaatloa owned by .Mr. Parker, will he npum tatlTa of atl that he thlaka a ctmlTal eoapaoy abnald be. The Parker factotlea at Abilene ai« the lanmit In the world deroted ezclmdvety to the mannfactnre of amnaement derlcea and win he remored to Lrareawortb, Kaa., wbne a tiz-aac ^ract^^l^jsga «njjpg*'*Jg'^jyjj'77,f}^^ BtrMtaMI*aSS9%S^lllaBa Ibi ia ab ia l. wBI bo nt modrra dndaa and coaatrnctlim aad will he a (Teat addltloa to LeaTenwarlh. The ra- mnral wHl he made dnrlns the pr ra ent year and la dne to the tart that AMIeoe lacka prae- ttrally all tba ■dmntasea of a rainoftctarlnc CARNIVAL NOTES. 0€0. W. RoOlm -ts bnlMnnr « new thr>e-tlnK iralwd wild animal abow. which H hooted wltb tb« Hethert A. Kline Sbowa far the ataa —. A new Ma RU Ptrrrla wheel to Waa baWt ly Jflw KM Srt^a^ fcr Oa ** »• The Little Russian Prince and Mr. R. Btibi are laybic off thia " " 1na .OanOral la K. T. Bapopori .wflr tnppir bean la ~ ~ of aeraWia fir TO LEASE I OAKWOOD PARK Kalamazoo, Michigan Kalamazoo, the fastest srowiar city In SOdilgaa. po^latlon «var 50,000, made up of hlgh'pald mechanics, all gooi spenders. Park of 40 acres, with beautiful natural girove: the only-place for picnics within a radius of 10 miles; one-minute service on the Company's modem cars, maktsf Mp. ftom heart of elty in law than 16 minatas. iMsast. most baaatUM natural lake la an fiie lake region: an exeeptienal site for chntes; spacious boat house, newly equipped, ready for use. Modem Casino overlooking lake, elegant dance floor, stage and auditorium for vaudeville. Water and light famished gratis by company. Vaudeville ' aaadar. sMac iha aa^ al Mwea far tba Oiou- l«m»^ln ttr Mr flM attir. mn Imm for ane to - - MicbiEao United Railways Co. OWNfER AddvsM all Inquiries to Gmsiiirllaniigttr, * Kal«in«zo«»( Mich. " TO'OKTIilONTOM Streetmen's Goods and Novelties FllpM' TH«— : -- • Largest House In America We aend no catalogue and ship no goods to con Have you got our 1909 catalogue. "Hie big one? Cane Sack and KnlfO Board Men. B IK b Pttch aul Flah Pood Oprmtora, Street Fair and Oamlral Workem, Tlarallac Madldne Ane- Wai Ksgaik Lfaraa in America. N.SHURECO. CHICACO. ILLINOIS om BTsoBO unc Jewelry. Watct)..*, CBtlef7, ranea. Sllrer- war.-. Taokfe Nntlooa. Noeeltlea and Xtierlal- tleo la la» rtoly. OMrk asMsiB la ataW iia n y. tHy Ooada PamMea^ Leo. •ber and R n h h e r Qfrtda. Biioka and hoil- reolra, premium a AO da. AdrertNlaa enoda. Pair, rarnlea] and rirnlc !<ti|i(>llea of all klqda. WANTED Lone Bill's Wild West aid lidiai Congress SEIimN i^b-^EN-CAR SHOW. ARENA cowBon ABs ema. sopb spmrERS an amx sbotb. tuok xttls aks kioh BOBOOl KOBSE8. BtJCKIHO HORSE RIDEBS AHS BTZ m THB OWEKS, khux t hbow - gmiTTHIBO SUnABLB YOB WHS OFFICE XXQAT ASnrSXKR. AOEHTS. 10 BUXPOST. SBS, TXCXXT 8KUZXS. TICXST TAKEBS, TALKERS, ABEHA AaVOTTBCER. WORKING DEPARTMENT BOSS CAKVASMAB. BOSS SEAT KAB, UGHT KAH. BOSS TKAIK KAB, T.FHa, ASStSTANTS. COOKS. — TER8. BLACKS -ITESABD IB ALI. SXPAUJIZBTB. FBEAXB. UUUUU8 PSOPLZ. 8VA CHARXEKS, BAO PITNCBXRS. PTOCR JXTPT,^ DAN cm O GIRLS. FAT PEi KOOETS. FENALZ MfPERS'lBAXOBS. ABTTHIBa HEW ABS BOVEL. ASROPLANK. PARACHUTE OUbdPKI*. AND aaNSATIC NAL rRKK ACTS t to Lot on Parcantaga. Pianty of Space for PrivllagsstlMt will Got tho Money. State all In Flrat Letter. C. F. RHODES. lOe MadlMh fljjL. . CHIGA ILL. 3 Paafii Baaale ita la i ~ Sample lOfe IRISH POST CARDS BbowlBC S3 diaerrat alewn roeertnc all parta of Itvlaod. aoeb oa Caaclia, talna, Lakaa. Cbnicbeo. Blatorle Rnlna. AMian, ale. We line of WaablBCtna*o Birthday and St. POST 0AX08 of all blada. OELXBKATIOB, Pat Catalapae FBRB, Wa faiJWIIalLSII^Ps iia i iuiait B. . OEVHB urn jOMiTOK