The billboard (Feb 1910)

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S8 7tt« Bill raBRUARV n, itw. MANSFIELD'S INDOOR CARNIVAL. IfaiUFfleld. O,. exp<«tK to Iiave oae bis w«ek, Van-h 7-12. irliea tbe citr band will five in in- •loor carnlral or tzpoaltloa. Great iilan* are be- inp made for tiilM 4^ftlebratIon. Tlw Mj^atlnc risk In wtilcb tbe bic time iclll bold furtb U ooe of ibe larcesl In tbe state. One of tbe feitoies sf tbe week will be sn Illuminated rlsbt street pOTJe In wtalcti tbe merciL«nt* all will tun PARK NOTES. FemradTa COresoB) Mr Buminer re- MCt. Th* Oaks, i> bdnc oreetenled and aap- |4lffd with mmMf new f*«tnzec A tnndaocn.? •aaaicr tteatn I* one of tbe maitr pcw tUiita to ba coBameted. and will have a aaBttac ea- tmtUr of 2.509. Dreamland Park, I>eGa.nir, in, "wlII rD aboat Mar 1. nnder tbe masateawat of E. Baker. Impn w e iu e n ta are now beinc made. LANSING PARK ABANDONED. WANTED Fmt ml f MNCis . TRAINED WaO ANIMAL ARENA LADY AMIIIAL TIIIU|iim.fcr Gitaap of five leopiuds. 'fDurniniM, two UamwidaiirBi-HyfarM. LioiM. and t wo Bi-Hyteida. Putting on seven bi^ Arena Acts next seanon, makinf; it t)iL- l:ire<'»t am! most complete Trained Wild Animal Show in America. AU Animals guaranteed safe, ati I do not put tiaioen in «ith man eateiB, like some so-called showmen. I was bora in' tkn bwinMr and' 1 kniMr what I.amtloii%. Yeariy engHgementa. WIU. BUY OOOO BUCKINQ milX. TH E ZOO, H«rrisbttV|* P»n n. THE FROLIC -IS THE DEVICE Of the NOVELTY MACHINE COMPANY. THREE MOTIONS. None of thcan violent, yet thrilling enouda to draw cmacity bu8incs8. Speed not at any time violent. Thra« Ridasfor the Prica of On*. The First Frolic operated Siiccassfully last summer, anilproved itself Extraordinarily Profitabla. 'We continue to build the CIRCLe^ SWING and to sell new or second-hand ones. NOVELTY MACHINE COMPANY. YORK. SIG- J. FERRANTE And his talented organization ot FIFTY ITALIAN FOR SALE-^LUNA PARK FIFTY.SECOIID.iyip HALSTCD 8TRECT9. - CHKCJIiaOli ILL. Foiirtli seastm. Situated m the heart of the city. Trans- pcMtatioD unexccBed. 500,000 populatkn within a. of CM BNk. For full paiticiim a d J w wl UM aM - cKin.a Now Bootdns Seaaon oT Ml*. XMrect ail communications care The Billboard. 907 Schiller Bldp.. Chl- AT LIBERTY Leader Violinist experienced in ▼raderllle and all other bos- latai; CTttBwt IfbrarT- of mnalc Address na. B. HOB. Un E. SSd St., Clereland. Obis. RALPH W. DeHAVEN it THE OOMEDT PL^XUTT LMt RMB, TUra Fkw AUCEmilTHEY I MICHI6AN, rUI OOld 15 acres land; Fine Grore: two Oote] Bnlld- faiss In cood coodltloa; fnmlabed complete; enrrtlilnc neeeSBarr to besln tbe aeaaon; eot- tase leases par <2S0 ner rear: large bam: Mod Ice Boose. Located ain nScs asotk of *- * ■ - fiM. tfitf .a»^|i » —— ^toPiSJalrijSS? A. O. wii'i'mgaWj Vam Wtrt, Ohio. FILMS FOR KENT Complete lertlee, with Book Slide*, MsM lOd Poaters. in oaa shipment. Write for tcrma. HUDSON FILM COMPANY NEW YORK. - - N. Y. Pftlnter who write. 8UtiDf Btlaix*. I ROLL TICKETS "THE BIG TICKET AT THE SMALL PRICE" Your omi qoecial ticket, any printing, any colors, accurately numbered, eveiy roll guaianteed/WCCIAL PRICESFOR THE BIG ROLL TICKET: 6,000—S1.25 20,000—S4.60 50,000—S 7.50 10,000— 2.50 25,000— 5.50 100,000— 10.00 Prompt shipment. Cash with the order. COUPON TICKETS, 5,000—<2.50 1x2 STOCK TICKETS—SIX CENTS. Get the sampled. NATIONAL TICKET CO., Shamokln, Penn. BIG MONEY INCUR pel. SOAP-^o" AGENTS B mmp and toilet articles. Tbcj wlH Interevt yaa. Osr adTtfttataff th TalOJible premluoiB haTe tbe flash asd valae tbat r«t tbe moaer. them. MAKE GREAT SOUVENIES ^OB SHOWS. CARNIVALS. ETC. Mcney getteis for ca&rajt&^rs mnd fak??-s. One yoonc man cleared S1,008.S8 In 0 tDontbS vtralgtit cm a boane to hcnis^ cmvaBs- Ar*- ■vcm dofnjr mn wpII ? If not. m^nA pottal today.* We win tT*rti yoc tcrw. E. M. DAVtg SOAP CO,. tC8 Unlcm Park Conrt. Chlcifo.^ OPEN FOR THE SUMMER Tbe Wakahama and Otora iapanese Troupes O. NAMBA, OPHSISTING OF 7 OR 4 PEOMX Will Arranga to Suit. 1227 E. 71st St.. CHICAGO. ILL. SEASON 1910 NOW BOOKING THE iX)MBARDO SYMPHONY BAND ■.•-■*" and OPERA CONCERT COMPANY ; 85 instrumental and vocal artists. G. B. liOllBARDO, Director; E. A. ManagCT, Steintray Hall, Chicago. (Six we^ White City, Chicago.) StTHlMl iKtitONrsI SomitMic DoHeI AnYoiOi? "HeBcdKip*" ratoBt Applied for. A paCset bk PsaelL Bed robber flalaksd. A eloas dcpllcata of tb« famooa tl-SO Bad B warf. tkst ywm eaa sail at tfcs msat popolar prlc*. and make bis predCa. bampto br mail, Uc. THB ""KWOT- CUa. MOtWUrOM OO., mw., UO B. Kaana tU, Okloaaa. BoaiaUli« saw iMlai. vatak tor It. mmmd aaM a^ •■e^ aidMiMrt^ WafMMaiH aM ibM Bemv tM« aay C^teBn*** Wrw, P^atB*a«l>—^taal»*<*f.^riTa 9 iiarw^M. GET BUSY! If you have goods to sell to Park Managers, tell tjbeifi all about it in the next issue of THE BILLBOARD. It wiU be diled F(di>ruary 19, but will go to press February 14. In this issue will be printed a complete list of all the Amusement Parks. This list is printed every year. AU the Paric Manageis know that it will appear next week. They will all buy THE BILL- BOARD- to get this list. If you have something to sell them advertise it in wis issue. Thegrwillaesii. WeHaYe the Best Adyertiscr Yet Inveiiled THE CALUOPE For Greuaea, Showa. ] Floatiiig Theatres, Speeiahiea oT all Idada We have sold them to advertise even Seap andEalracU. THOS. J. NICHOL A. CO., S. E. cor. Paari and Ludlow Straets, Cincinnati, O. TOB nnm •riHit ueat. to*ao. »-n wans, an polea: nasd two mooths: ■rftsM* Air day or olsbt dMnra: price, SSA: win aUp aa sacclpt of t29; doQ't write snleaaMi bna tka ■oair r " Addrm BABRI ElCHBr Uad -Am. Calm, UL FOB SAlB-SccMt ta Onat presented by KlBca, etc. IL. , Padlock Bscapa. for »M tuk; ^ " Art. as Haadenff and WANTS SHOWS C'ntmHas «( all kinds. Ueny-CO-rooad aal ntber ridlOK devices. We espeelslly wast vafr, dcrille and Conntry Circus. Oo un ss li iaa, M a week; otbera, aaoal pricca. Bboars aMsat ka*> tcim and (oai na fHalik AHMSi IVOM.a BHZBHAB. nil noli. A HTW GHZ FOB 1910. It brnt. tbrm ill. Oct tbs B*« (smt. Qrest- «st c:oiey-makcr erer InTeatad. 's Gombinition Shuffle Boird For Pdrks. Pairs. CnmlrsU »n<l Indoor Amoae- mcnt. W. 0. KAVvnro AxmsiixirT a oob* STBOOnOV 00., Barars Baaak. Kaaa. Wasted AnimBl or Hamaa. nUami," 221 Mecca Bldg., 34th and State Sta., Chicago, III. WABTED—Tbrcc me n of 40 per cral. T. Ok good addrtaa. . £aak Bsa U*. Pay Ok-