The billboard (Feb 1910)

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Ttie etllboard puiuf ARY u; uia Sb o nu of FfluM (CoatlDiied from pace 21.) BACK AMONG THE OLD FOI<K&—Drmau: i«l«—H Feb. 37; lenctb. 1,000 feet). Blchud Itanpla IcaTM Ills simple co uiHij boat snd Us wnstiT nractfeeatt. Nellie Jlocsaa, to eoanlete Bete TietaclMiB. and extras piadala Mm KIoc a( the Pit. Olck'a parents aad MI vMt him. tot they Una tbcr ate only a ■■r oat wsldera- tlCB and thex so back to their coaony home. Tbmt crakis Dick calls on his city flaneee and ■nds he hfs a rlTal In the peisoa of John WU- seo. ' Tbey Qnarrel and both leare the borne. Bbortlr after WUmoo im found de>d. and Dick Is accnaed and found ^Utr by tiie coort. A year has passed. Tbe fatiier. seated by the tlreald*, feeds In the paper tbat bis son wan Innocent -mad tbat the s^Ity person bad coDrtT>s^, and Ab next mocnloc finds father and mothrr on ~" ' waxMo betac him back home. Two daya BIrtii il is back asalh to stsrt life orcr. U-^l^lffm, tm, «o welwe hia. and the ♦ cm. or 1H>SEN.—Sammy (Jlaatxlck I to Aaerlcs. learing food parents and bis to make bis foftnne. After msnr ImparCaat poaltloo wUh On, Jfriiis HaTlng aaved bis ~ is aooo aide to send for his Tbey sre married and j'u eovtarer sires Bcbccca a posltloo aa aald in the atoce. Sammy's falthfnlsess almost sets Mm In bad when EVank Weston, the jDBlor partner, fears Sammy's orer-zealoos methods to please will result In tbe dlscorerlns of his tm- sempnloos actions. A few nlgbts later, Sammy, beli^ snspldoov. conceals himself. snd, cnre enoagh. In comes tbe jtinlor partner and C«l«tf. bis flanrt^. Tbt? safe Is opened, the nysxj drawer op<Qed, aad tt sbare of tbe dla- ■noods (ooe. Weston leares a s<>te infomlns i Urn to Callov m n- French " ~ In tiaa, Wlnalow glTes Sammr a start for and opens up a clothing store on the ■BWSy. Tbln^ do not move fast enonfb, so flamnxy bums a few rmg^, sprinkles a few with water ssd pnts oot a sIko, "Fire Sale."^ Tbe Idea pmres Its ralne and Sammy and Rebecca aca asw in a poalUon to retnm M tbalr little SI. IDES Managers of Moving Hcture Theatres write us about tUs. We pabfiBh: "Molly Lev," FMriotk^iaidi Song. .*^On a Monkey Hon^moen," posed by real five monkeys. "Blue-Feather," Indian Love Song, *'He*8 a College Boy," a riot wherever sung, "Kitty Gray," Ballad. "Red Clover," New Indian Soi«. Then an Hie AimbI eflfiorisof Soott ft Van Altena. THEODORE^ MORSEilVIUSIC CO., 1367 Broadwa5-, IV. Y- ACTOPB4MR. THE CLOWN'S BIG MOlllSXT.—(Diama; re- - Wtb. 2; lenstb. 1.000 tet). Ike stoay •' I j aaloiw r €t • Iwali jl n het^U stes a dtcnBstaaoas artth Un wife and that Us iiffe is d MSt f lt blm. trite neetres a letter from ber sister, '■and Is a coorlct, asklns her aid In sad Implorlnc ber not to tea her Tills eaoses a aeparatltii. Hie coo- rlct escapes from prison, bnt Is again arrested at his wife's home. A week elapses and the ctiild of Tbe separated couple Is stricken 01. The doctor trils tbe wife that If the father wishes to see the child alive he must come at eoce. Tfarowins aside ber pride, sbe foes to hia apartmenta. Bnt her bnsband baa left to keep as appointment with a famoos clown, who is playlBC an eacaseatent at a pieaatoent walla far 1 lir an InL alaas Ite aHar a« thia potat. aaes tka Ib txaoUe and knneka tbe rtabaian Tim be Iman bom bis arlfe of Ida child's ninesa. They return to her home to find tbe child rsrlnjt aod crying for the fsanoos ^wn, whom sbe had seen at a matinee the week before. The clown Is asked to come, which he doen. with the resolt that the ferer Is broken, snd hsppy explsnstions follow, which - - - - his BISON. IBE TEN OF SPADG8. OB A WESCBBM RAFF12.—(Draasa; rrieaaed Fab. U: lenctb. — fact). Aas Hajarard atcals « iiia si nd akaat to be stiBav m fiir tbe vBtate. wkM B(b ChBdm. a wcutkF eatUt borer, iattr- eadss and aaeea Ua life. Harward. ateppisc feewazd to th^nk CAnrehUl. takes s card, tho Ten of Spsdes from bis pocket and tearing It la half, sires half to Cbsrehin. who bids him tWLSuu e. As time panes. Cbatrhm meets La* dUe Hsywsrd. dan^bter of Jim, and fsHs la lore with her. Bnt sksId Jim HaTwaid is at his old tricks, this time attempttns to rob tho home of Bob Cborclilll. oot knowing that his benefsctor U his intended victim and tbe oa» who has also aroa tbe heart of his dausbtar. Up<si helm; dls ^mei i -d . Bsyward renders Cborch- Ol naoonscloas with a Mow. Jim snd his pais and sag him. then caitr UB_t» lh« —t- m, srhere they sear c h Mb pda are lighting a ~ aian aad oorcr •» their ota^ Mm Si hdf aC « end. tbe Ta a( Spite, aad ^ P. Jim. ttrtm «rCll?iM^1&a°pwes*'iaM ♦ DESK'S CRATITUUE.—<Orsms: ro- Feb. 11; leogth, — feet). Toons Deer, ttoad end IwmiJ. Is s^icn asMe ttoA ■U. Tonne Deer, to show Un snttt- seUaee and slTBa It to b«. ^ it «■ bar ma* fharrear'tU A fMr days lata; tiaa ladtans kid- eaw sl>rs UtUe daasMar and h(ia« tho t so '^ " ' 1 ' Tsaaif Dear reeosalaeir tho Mack* aad Towa to letam ae child to Ita modicr. the aaothar «e hIa plaa. ESSAXAT. THE MEZICAK'S Phbk at: Itwth. — feet). 5m ha la cnptarad Cor WAIVTED ! F^v'Oi^sstoniEil ^ TO Rnidiicers and Camera (lood M. R Perfarmerse » ^ ><^AND OPPORTUNrTY lor FIRSTjCLASS people with die comiiig film MANUFACTURERS of AMERICA. NO EXPENSE will be spared to PRODUCE THE BEST PICTURES in the WORLD. Get ■ the GROUND FLOOR QUICK. No SUN ¥iaJM CO ANTI-TRUST FILM CO. FILMS FOR RENT Ail the Veiy Best Foreign and DomeoUo nhm pMi^ eheaed weekly of oil mokeo oonotontly reody for ohlpmont ANTI-TRUST FILM CO. 77-79 SoHth Olark St., , III. teieased ' I Th* MetlogrMh Motion Pictur* Maelilna la A Wondap. And wlU IMCBKASB TOtm BUSINBBS. It projects rLICKBBlXdS, nUDT and WONDBBrUUiT BRIU.IANT pletotsa, ba* patantsd IH mlasts rowind tram msin crank, rarolrin^ msaasines, solooistlc firo- lau sC shatlOT. etc., not fonnd in other ms&iacs. WIU. WBAB TWIOa AM liONO. a H. D., of Keokok. Iowa,writas—"Uotlofraph MAmtM A BM BIT and BOBIMBE8 IltCBKASED WOMDBBFDI.Lf/' V. It F„ of Chlean ni^ wrltss—"Uaed erory day for aeraa asealba aad nor <»■ nSst roi bxpaibs," two reera. Baea eperat ad all 9. J. K.. 0( itiag MjtfadMgh aaaUr atltau far elivtrie ilglrt. The BEST MONET-MAKER ORIGINAL COPYRIGHTED PICTURES INTERNATIONAL ; , LIGHTWEIGHT r. \ S5000.00 CHAMPIONSHIP K >• BATTLE f ._^| • T»«« It TMt aiMCSIOt ' «AiioHAL 5POSI1NC Clue • ' lOHOON CNCLAND rte 32 W3S * (OStlSl lOlCMI w l;SOI R tNCIINn Rill S SUMMERS D DI -T T riCHT PICTURES 1% I I I EVER TAKtN I CHtCACO riiM riCHANci and jomn'hvom< If yon want s wlnalnf attracMoa, one tbftt will crowd yoor bousf- and get the money erery p<Tfarmanre. write tor ow low realal leraia for the bnnMttiKBaM Wata ieo wtm. oBxcAoo nut anuMB. B. aidv. Far Sah-^Sm VUk tn Bate Late Song aides, ie aaod eondition, at £.60 pa- Kt| including munc. NOVEin SLIDE GO.. Mew Yorfc City TlM^ BoyctB' D t reawy lelto joa oke