The billboard (Feb 1910)

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FEBRUARY 12, ma Time Olllboard 39 WuiJiU. Billy _<wioiy <l!Wiwt..l» y..Ori«« n., Wmm. Tom (Colnaibli) flb UMil <WVbeam) ETunTlll«. Iml.. , . ■ vv<~id«. W. J.. 4k Cf.UUt0m Mwm Mli. N. v.: BnVato .14>l*, Wart*. AU (IMA Tmple) CUn«o. WUmSu Fnf-. Bean * Oo(s (Music Uatl) Lew- irll^Mr* OsMdr Vaur (Mojeetle) DsUaa. Ita. WilKkf*. n* (MeKetlc) CaajM OMf^ Ool. W«l«er Twine (Caelno) Barllngte^ Yt.. T-»: (■■aim) St. Albens 10-12. n'liinrr'K Cockatooe (Poltjr) Chlckaidn. Okla.: ii;ifirl<-i Outhrlo lS-19. Wli"-1>T Slatera (Arrailp) TMmla, O. Wiikaliinii Troupe (I<yrtc> Dej-toa, 0.: (Hip- l>Klrom<!) Ilnatlageoa, W. Va.. 14-19. Wri:rrit. Ilunrc. A B«oc Dietrich (mppodro<n*) netcland. O.: (Proclor'e Stb Are.) ^. Y. C. U-IO. Warne. Eth«l IT. (Joel Calma) Jfanuatllo. Cu- Wallecaw mOr Otftgt llw i l li l ll , ▼«.; (Elllc) BNOMkt 14-tt. Wkli.-bead A Grtcnoa iVam AapMM|- tm Am-' gtin; (AoifTlcan) San DIcfo IM^ WkrrlMe, T*e (Uafnmenirln**) H, Y. • C; )l>oU's) Seraotoo. Pa., 14-10. WlUlans, Ctaarlos (Palace! Sbrereport, La. W>»li<.T Btoe. (Slat St.) Clileaso. Wllwa line. dVonett'i) Ottawa, Ont., Can.: (Bmwtt'al Ilanilltoa 14-10. Wcndi A Woo.1t Trio (PoH'a) SrTaateD. Pa.; (Bpimett's) Montreal. C!an.. 14-10. WItt'a Girls from Melodjr Laae (Urpbtimii Ug- den. Ctah. Wlacbcster, n^|lfejeetlc) Butte 14-ia. ■atl. 0„ U-tt. . T Wec«bl«. MAatt ft Ml a tb e g * I IIMt le) Haa>- taa. fn.: (Majiatte) O i lm iiirM-lft WUIIMW * Mcnr (Btiiw)) AOaata. Ga.; (Grand I AnsusM 14-19. Wltnan Brva- (GraiMl) Sacrasutnrto, Cel.: tGar- rtckl StocktDO 14-10. Walioo'a. Smaar, Aemeraid fTiiinili) Tt, WajiM-. iDd.; (LttIci lym HaMe 14-19. \Vei>t>. Horace. A Co. (Majestle) Oallaa. Tex.; (Majestic) Hoostoo 14-19. nrrlcoal;. Fted (Otpbeam) fortamoatb O.; (Hippodrome) Cbarlestoo. W. Vs.. 14-10 Wooila. Lew (Priacent Winona. Minn.. 7-9: (BUool La Croaae. Wla.. 10-12. Wells. Lew (Ifarr Aulerann) Loalarllle, Kr.: (Otphesm) Meombls. Tenn.. 14-18.* '^riin'lJl'^SR/ l S Sic" * *"'«*«5 (Orpbtimi) WMMsidew SSSL * ncks (Mala Mi.! Peoria. WatertHUT anik - A-.-flMMir "fMM Sfcw Ba' III. I.. 14- nbe«l.-r. Una (Malesllc) GalT«stoB. Tex.: (Miimiic) Beamooitt 14-19. W.ltoo. Frrd.. * Co. (Ma)r<iUc) Mlbraokee. WIIU. Xat M. (Orpbcnm) Braokln: (Albam- hrd) .V. Y. C. 14-19. Wormwood's. J. n.. AnhnaU (Uajwttic) .Mad- Wis.; (Uaymarket) Cblcaco. lU.. 14- »anclB» Oom (Onmeiun) Mlnne- ■jMlto: (OipiMmit Kansas Cltr. Mo.. 14- ^S.* * .<'t_ «>n*eom> St. Paul. Minn.: (toteoB) XlMMMlto .M-ia. Wjrtoff. Wnt (PaMsTT^gUaM^ Alta.. Worli Jobs W * aUateU Kln«sleo (Xalestic) Mllwankee; (ColoiubU) St. Luoia I4-1«L Wllma. Geo. X. (S. * O.) Loe Aswelea: <S. A ^C.) Salt Lak.. City. Cti, M-Wt^ YooDc, Lena (Winter Hiiilm Tl» BaiMlls Toons, De Witt. & SlstCT; OravK X J • Xpw Bniinwlck 14-19. Yankee Quartette (Orphcom) Canton. O lojmjcr Brw. (Cnndl Mlwnila. Moot.: (Grand) Pocatello. Ida.. 14-19 WJjDmi Tin (Grand) Donara, Pa-; (Star) ;«>JJ:^^Apra^(BlJoa) Aaa Arbar. Wch.: PERFORMERS WITB^ BUR- liESQUE COMPANIES AtamL Menla: (Jocr Corner GIrla. 4 8— Qwrtctte: OoUese Olrls. if¥^ A ft- Bwadwsjr Gaiety Glrlt. Mm * Prtm: Bnadwar Qaletj OJrU. AlTws: Pat WMt*>a Oalatr Olrla. AlTln Bna.: LU Ufteia. Americao Acrobats. Six: Ltd Utters. AnI MOe.: Oay Uaaqoeradets. AillBcioo A-MoMtc: OoUea Omk. AJjarettaSjTtaee: Jttttr UUes. {JE**?" OgSS roar: Blea * Barton Ool Happylaad. Adama. I«w. 4k C«.: Star Show OlrU. AnderMia ft Beynoida: Star Show Girls. SlvT'rS!!^- = Broadway Oateu Qltis. ■Uoa Oenrdy Trio: Watsoo's 1 ■■□ajk BsjTDond: Dockllngs. wj«t * Belle: Coantry Girls. ■tow* Daadoc: Columbia Bnrte*iu..„ gya ata. May, Models: Colombia Bnrleaqiieta. ■•»f<«way CbBcdy Foot: Orldoal Merry Maidens. Bells. UnslesI: Parlslaa WMews. 2f*'^ ^ l^* Oooda: Banway Qtrta. BU^tt A o-Brtea: Miaa Maw Task. Jr. Burke. Joka ^.ttmt Rarrows, JaaaaUaa Olrla, " Burton Burton A Jordan: Rceeea* Sbow. "urki- A Carter: llp<-rrs' SiMW. gonlen. Zono A lUyda Bros.: Serlbner Sbow. nnaiisa Trio: ScMbner Sbow. geniard. Murrr: Cherry Blossom*. Bobannon A Oor».y: Ilaatlnirs' Show. aua.Min E.. A Co.: Roae Ulll Co. gsjtmv KdwarJ: Wataoo's Burleauuera. «»Wai4 A MannloB: Oosy Corner Olrla. 5?™* * * Terre: Broadway Gaiety Olrla. gSjSeli A Cooper: Ud Lifters. S*"".„I»o*»»by: Lady Boccaacers. Clipper Ooaedy rwir Oil—M* 7^-*^ Ciiro.-T, PattI: Meny MaMnia. Comtney Slaters: Bebnan Sbow. *>>oper A Ecltler: Wine, Woman ai CooP"- Jamea B., A Lucia: Jerssr c^Utos *nawin: Taiftc* DoaO*' 1 - WJf 'PMlW> V;"".* Comedy Quartette: Empire Borleaqoan. Col ions, The: Jolly Olrls. Collins A Sherry: Irwin's Gibson Girls. Carlisle A Peny: Cherry Blouoms. DjrIlyB, J. Betaard: Gay Manqueradeia. DaT(s A Hasletan: Wssbloclon Society Girls. Oasla. Geo. ■.: Pat White's Gslety OUlL Damaal A Pan: OMkllngs. Dabl. Masda: bwta'a Majesties. D aaia i sa t . Msndltb A Macsoa: Itwin'a Majea- Oabaaa. Prank: MoDlIn Boos*. DeDpaey, Jobn J.: BIca ft BMM Oow Ei',?".*_Pf"= Yankee Ooafl* OMa. . Doff A Walsb: Knickcrbockaia. Dore A HiBoa: Imperlala. Dooclai, Washbaro ft Co.: Sam T. JlMfe^ MMHr. Oe Mnihs, The: Paahlon Plates. Dlxoa. Jim C: Star Slunr Glrla. Eafan ft Aostin; Olrls From HspaalMrt. Early ft Lalght: Century OlrU. Emery A Nodlne: Pay Foster, EUlott. Belatr A Elliott: T Panell, Cbas.: Lid Lifters Ftecmao Bros.: BentzSantley. PaytaUe: Dnckll^s. Pkr * BsUaoder: Irwta'a Msjestlra. rutr, fllmtaa ft Boooer: Moulin Bouse. PUt. Ocrtnde: ProHcaoaic Lanba. Pox ft Draw: Maidi Oraa Baaatlcat. Facaa. Merrick ft Tbarston.: Inpariala. roataloe ft Temple: Empire Bark~ Ftaaey. Frank, A <^: Trocaderoa. GIlBore, Mildred: Washlnston Sodatr Gibson A Banney: Sam Deiere Okiip- Grant A Cstlln: Pat While's GaletT Gray A Graham: Boo Tons. Golden Troope: Fade and Follies. Goldmao, Abe: Century Girls. Grand Opera Sextette: (;olden Crook. (Sraham A Fraley: Rose sydell. Gaiety Comedy Trio: Rom; Sydell. GraoTllle A Mack: Cherry Blossoms. Garden ft Sommers: Girls From Hspoylaad. Held. Wilbur: Sam Dexere Show. Ha a s on ft Bonet: Lady Bnecaneera; , Htrcoart, lYank: Cracketjaeks. Hayea. Oertnide. ft Osw: Hickman A^ Bestley: Ph Blitoo. Marsle: Parisiaa Huested. Sadie: Yankee Herman, AI.: MardI Gras Holden A Barron: Knlckert i o ck st a . Hill A Aekerman: Fay Foster. Howe. Sam. A 0>.: Rlalto Rooodrrs. Harrey A Cnrtia: Haslincs Sbow. Imhof, Coan A Corlnne: Fads and Ftdllif*. Iceland, Frederick, ft Go.: Dainty Dnchess. James, Croix A Mackey: Jersey LUles. Janaen. Ben. A Co.: Broadway Borieaqpeas. Jerse. .Vl^ene ft Bsmiltoo: Dslniy DaAiaaL Johnson. Cba>. B.. A C^o.: Fashion ItetaiL Johnsoa A Buckley: Babemlaiu. Kirk, Ethel: Star and Garter Show. Kelly A Bartlett: Bon Toos. KeUlnoa. EUkt: Inrln'a Majesties. Kener. J r t Oa, DaMc: ColnaiMa Borlcaqnera. Kedcr ft Bm^mtt M^rr MaMeas. Kaafaiaa ft SawMfot MoidlB Boaae. KMb. Ott Broa. ft Nteholsoa: Baae SMelL Kennedy, Brsns A Kennedy: JoOy Gliia. Lyons A Crane: Screnader*. LiTinfston, Mon7, ft Co.: Star and Oartcr Lewla A Orsea: Pat WUta>B Gaiety OMa;: Lee Sisters: Tiger LlUea. Lake A Sterensoo: Boo Tons. Lewti. Sam: Broadway Bnrleaquen. Loasler, BUlle, A Co.: Irwtu's Majeatk*. La Harebe, Frankle: Gay Masqoeradets. La Toska: Merry Maidens. Lewis. Andy, ft C^: Mardl Qna Beaatles. Lrarlrt. Abe, A 0>.: Sam T. Jack's Show. La Teols. Mile.: Irwin's Glhsoa OMi. La Belle Troope: Dainty Dnebea*^ • Lcnlie, Etea: Fashloa Plataa. Matta ft Thaapaaa: VaablactoD Society OMs. MBIer * TMptat: Fat Vklta'a Oalety QMs. Mair ft Beaaa: Bablaioa Ckaaaa Mann, Sam, A Oo. ^j fA^ , Bap. Mosketeen. Three: TInr Mobler, Martin A HanSI Macks, Two: Lady Bnccsneets. Msrdo ft Banter: (Tosy Comer Olrla. . Msoae ft Lererioc: Cocy (Corner QttliL Msrie, La Belle: Craekerjacks. Macks, The Scotch: Gay Masqaeraders. Melvln Brae.: Gay Masqueraders- Mtnatrel Ttm MocslaK. Noea aad KIsht. Marlon, Daaai " * ~— Mnaklkl ~ Lamba- Mellor, Edith: Cberry Bloasoan. Newt:omb. Blancbe: Roae HUl 0». ' ' ' Noble A Brooks: Vanity Fair. Nattoaal Four: Jersey LUles. NIMo ft Spencer: Psrisisa Widows. Mfwaama. Pamooa: Mardt Oraa Bcaatlc*. maadamaa ft Whiln: Star Sbow 6lsla, tPllaal Bkaa, *_ . _ _ Pcytaa ft — , A fcaes,' Pttrels, Jimmy: Century Girls. Prerest A Brown: Meolln Boose. PsttoQ A Earl; Wine, Woman and Soait. Pierce, Ben: Parisian WIdpw*. Ptcry A Elliott: Rimsway Olrla. Ptikard A Minnj-: Runaway <3lrl8. Prince A Vlrslnla: Knlckirbockers. Pelot, Fred A Annie: Hist!n(S' Sbow. QnlfK A NIckerson: Frolicsome '-"nlf* Rice A Cady: Star aad Garter Sbow. Rawsoo A Clare: Boo Tons. Reed-St. Joha Col: Tiger Uliea, ~" - - — ^— - — - tGnHmi^m Boyal Toklo Japa: Raymond A Re Pmnat ; J , Raymond A Smitb: Blaltol Rosa, Frank: IVoeaderaa. Smith A Cbsmploo: Wsshlnittoo Society GlrN Ssnber. Harry: Renta-Santley. Sbobert Mnalcal Quartette: lesquara. St. John A Farrell: OoMen i Strooae, Jsck: Oolilen Crook. Swsa A Bantiard: Golden Oook. SalTsnis. Fire: Behroan Show. Stnbblefleld Trio: Wine. Woman aad Soog. Sbappell ft Bennett: DreamlaadJ Seyons, Tlie: Yankee Doodle I Schoeowerk: Jolly Olrls. THek ft Trixic: BeBt»r Tyson A Brown: Merrr > Torbya. Tbe: Tiger Ullca. (Omtinued on page 43.) Broadway Bar- A Few Left CARNIVAL GOUiT THE JOY GROUND — —OF WESTERN NEW YORK nr B17PPAI.0'a C'UITUt. More ttiaa half mUlloD TlcIultT popolatlcn and tbooaands at Niagara Falls atG{)or» excarslooJsts to draw from. The biggest amusement under- taking Id Western New York since the Pan-American. Operated with energy, Intel- llgeoce and (almesa. No Ksmblins, oo (raft, no boose. Has patranaie of l>est ele- ™»nt- E»erytblna new and up-to-date- 23,000 feet In Industrial Exposition buUdins- Larg eat acenic Railway erer bolll by L. A. Tbonpaon. OABMITAI, (XIUBT 0PEM8 MAT t4th. We ban loeatlona left tor only tluee more blgh- cnde attractlooa. Write at oneo to A. C. Wl LLATS, AmuMment Manager Carnival Court e01-fl02 Mutuail Ufa BIdg., Buffole, N. Y. 6) ^ V- At Liberty for Coming THE BROWN FAMILY Doei'Bom Acts Above tbe Avera^te. Comedy Slack Wire ThBt te'dear away from all other acta of this load, THE BROWN FAMILY. 4i:jS Hamilton Ave. (CunmiinsvilK-), Ciiiciiuuiti. Ohio. THE ELUSES Readers Supreme ^laVandenDe. WANTED To Girrespoiid with Good Free Acts for Park NOW BOOKING. RIVERSIDE BATHING BEACH COBCPANY 921 State LOb BM^ bL A. AUBN. SM*y bdiHwpoli^ In^m NOTICE-Shows Bookini^ South GlJOmONE park; SHREViPC^^ 80,000 draw- Wants Jlnslesl Comedy and Opera nanpanleSk Wonid entertain Idea of Stock Open, cbsnglnc twice weekly. If yoa bare tbe goods, write at once, (ItIoc open tkne aad wltb fall deaertntiaa. Alao want small Band tOr concert work In nark (or aaason, saWeet to ~" AX LIBERTY To accept cnsaceroent for Uie > Two Experienced Side Show People Oeorce Oram. Pnneh, Ventillaqnlsm and aeneral InaMa Haea a baaotlfnl aet of chin — ~ Nii*Mr> BaadltM, ( Miwfrsl ArtM. STAGE MABOWARE pioiMiio iorr BQUiPMi 8TCCL CURTAIHS • For Af«y Sti UiiElniiiitlKliKb. Wanted, Immediate Communication with Higli- . Glass Musical Comedy Cfomitany. 16 to 20 peev^ witii view to three to six wedDseqgafBBCB^ fUhcrMluy or Seating capacity, 800. live town. Addieas, W. N. HEGBERG, Btonvlll* HoM. MoMI*. IBITIMTE SUBSTITUTES HI SUT lAUMIES DRIFTERS. ATtdmON from ^00 to «300 weekly. W* MIB'Bl atMtm. Bewl for yOgtoiL ^ ^ Big Chewing: Qum Offer lw\'«ry Park Maaager, Concessionaire. Caiidj Man or anybody selling cb a nln gam, abould send ns 30 centa In stamps for sample box Goldrn Eaele Gum (100 sticks.) It Is to yoor luterrst to la- eeatlsate this bartiiii. THE TOU3DO CKEWmo ODTi CO., 404 Uon St.. Toledo. Ohio. —I tOU) UF REEL TICKETS TRIMOUNT PRESS (i7 4LB\N\ ST. BOSTON, MASS. Send for Samplkia art4 Prtcas