The billboard (Feb 1910)

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40 Ttue Billboard PURUARY 18, 19ia ACTOtf OP t9D«y ANP YBSTKR- DAY. (Coatlnaed Tbeaco to California, ■caaasor-artoT, a ad suci his last tvfo >eara. -n-Iictt tronbln orertook bhn. CoDtemiKirary Ustorians nte Sli aom of thr ■ foremost of American and (M fanate rvprcscotAtive of t3ie scbool of acting. On NoTcmlm 14. 1893. McCttlhmsh appealed at Albany tm a twoefit of the flnam's wldowa aad imiliaiia iccttSas for tba oc ca al o a Bbaaana onMca: tte xccaipto ncra «288.«Z. B* cod- tlaoaA lot tte mt at the week, appeailDE as ~ ' Ilk nm Liove Chase, and Duke H ooa y i n ooQ, Bntfns in Jnllna- ' nd (^larleB DeMoor in The Robbers, leeelpts on the week of (1,300. Mardns and Corlolamis -were the two MltS IB wUcb McCnllonrb excelled. On the foBBcr I flnd tbla notice In an old namber <it the Boston DallT Advertiser: "In bis Imper- sonatlon of Cahis Marclos Mr. VcCnllangb may be said to bare met with the blgh expectations Whicb bill bren fonnod by all wbo saw talitn In yir]^iaa. He looks and morea almost an Ideal BomsL-i of the ancient type—wltb tbc salt •Bd feearlog of one betaoglDg <o of cob- Vieron." _ WllUam 'Winter wiete at him as MIows: •*I> lisar and la Ottade—«s la Ylrg t alns tbe ~; qnalUr of UeOdtanch'* aetint was ^ and iMantifal aincerltr. His splen- Dj- self-poised n a t ur e a solid rock of tmtb. wbieb enabled Urn, tluoasb rears of patient toll, to bold a ftndfaat eontie orer alt the cbstaetes tlut oppose, and amid all the cbattvr that KKsalls a man wbo Is trrinc to accampIlHh anything grand and nOble In art—bore bim bravely op In tboee gttht cbaractcts. sod made ' Mm, In each of them, a stately type of tbe .aoblllty of the huiu&ii ^oal. As tbe Moor, his pcctocmance -was well-nlgbt perfect. There _ a Uttle fantastic indeed. In the that he used; and that Ucmlsh d by the display of a wad beast's «■ tk* back of OthelWa nbte. Tlie ten- et Ikat sort «r omsmentatleo. howercr, mat It nay be l»»mal wllh the bartmric •lenent In the M oo r li to aoncst tilm aa oeeOfDl of anoeoraneca^ and Ibns to distract reaard from tila experience to hia acc ea aorles. Bnt the spirit was tme. StapUctty, arced almost to the extreme of barrenneaa. wonld not be out of place In Othello, and McOollough. In bis treatment of the part, testified to bis prac- tical appreciation of that troth. His Idea of Othello combined nHnlj tenderness, spontaoeons magnanimity and troattng devotion, yet witbal a TOlcaale craond«*ra oC paaslon. that early aad rtaatly d lii i lay ed ItssU aa capable at dellr- {db . aad oagonnulble tempest, nis method kid tha calm aovenent 'oC a Mmner clond. In wtnr act aad weed by erhlek tfeto was abown. JPte latcaHy aad for Immediate, sdeqnste, laiae and ovfrwhelOtlng response of action to MDOtion. that performsnce has not been anr- Tbere were points In It, tboosh, at the moAslTc serenltT of the actor's teu- nt now and <ben deadened tbe glow of end depreMod blm to nadne calmness; aovetlmes recovered too suddenly and folly the tempest of emotion—as at 4he ago. "Give mo a llvlnic trason le was not eoooah dellr- > aboat «ke nbO aadlhe head- «nar trad, ooa* yMUtd to ilfd fMUdgi, Sua mood and I or It wen loaMiiNnbly pathetic . Xhase two eMWmaa of despair. "O. aow fotevor.' and *Ba< It gtoosed heaven.' eoutd not be spoken In a manner more abao- hitelj b.>nrtbrokfn or more beaatlf>illf simple than tbe manner was oBed by blm. In bla •bvloua thoai:h rllent suffrrioff at tbe disgrace and dlsmlasal of Caulo: In tbi* dazed, forlorn agony that blended with bla more active pas- awn tbrooabpat tbe scene of lago'a wicked coo- . qnast of bis crednllty; in bla occaaioaal qoick Nlapssa Into blind and sweet fldcUtr to tbe old belief In Desdemooa; ht Uh nnqoenrbable tenderness for ber, tbrongb tbe dellrlnm and the sncrlBce; end In tbe tone of aart, TOmavtIc affeedoo—always spiritualized, nerer aenaoal— that bis deep aikt loving sincerity dlffnscd thronghoirt the work, was abown tbe grand onlty of tbe emIiodimeDl: a onlty baatd on <tbe shnpid pusalon of love. To hear that actor say tbe one suprcnif line to lago. 'I em iMKnMl to thee forever.' was to know that be nnderstood sod frit tbe meaning of 'the character to Ita minutest dbre end Its. ptofonndest depth. "Ihere were, tooebee of fresh and aptly It- Inatratlve 'boainess* In the enconnter of Otbello «Iago. In tbe great area* oC tha third act. gasping stmgi^ oC faae helgbtaned the enet of >he Uoora fnry. and Jbe qnlekly snp- ■rcsaed Impnlse end yell of rage with which be fl^ny boonded sway, made an admltalrie eSect of natnre. In tbe last scene HeCnllongh rounded bis performance with a solemn act of ftscrlflcc. Tbere wan nothing animal. TWH^ing barbaric, nothing insane, in the alangbter of Desdemona. It wa« doue in an ecstacy of ins- tlce. anrl the atmosphere that snrronnded the 4ecd was that of awe and not of horror. For the character of King Lear, MeCnlloogh ■cased the Imposing statiira. tbe aatosal Iraty. the gnat raaek at eaiee, aad the ■an tenderness that are Its baalt aad eqnip- ■ent. N4 actor of I«ar caa aver aattafy a .Bathetic lover of the past aaT'— ^ a greatly alfectloaate heart, a —albeit the Intellect most be a regal mind. Within that eraad able fanase of shattered royalty tbe inaa mnat be noble jnd lovable. Nothing tliat Is pony or artlttclal can ever wear the InvestlTnre of that eo l o aasi aorrow. UcCnnongb embodied Licar am, from the first, stricken In mind—already the on conscious victim of Incipient decay aod dtnolntlon; not tmt ready to become so. la a subtle apprehanslveness all about inee of the king la all tbe earlier He dlSUics dlmolatade and Tagnely dlaaater. aad the ahaanrar looka an alalog appeal to laeo. *< aha's dlstayjO^ud he loav_^ Jtha^yw^ ah o n t 8%ert the destiny of woe that Is darkly fote- ■kadowed ta Ida condition. McColloagh gave the iovectlve^as they ought to be given—with tbe hnpetnous ruah and wild fury of the ava- lanche; and yet they were felt to rome out of agony aa well aa oat of passion. Tba patlioe of th oaa tremeadona paasagea Is in their chaoUe diapioportico: in their laerlcssneas and tack of g we i muent; Is the evident helplcsaneaa oC tbe poor old man wbo burls them forth from a. teeulng heart and distracted inlnd. Ha levea. and be loathes himself for loving; every Bbre of bla natore Is In faon-lflpd revolt against each lack of reverence, gmtltode and atf-ictlon toward sneb a ntooarcb and sncb a fatber as be knowK himself to have been. Tbo feeling that McCnllougb poured througb these moments Of splendid yot pitiable frenzy was oTern-helm- Ing in its Intense jrlow. and In Its •towering and InccsuDt volnme. There was remarkable subtlety, also, In tbe manner In wtUeh that feeling was tempered. In Lear'a meeting with Gooecil afCar tbe cniae yon saw at once tha brokoi eoodltlea of an aged. Infirm and men- tally diaoidned naa, who Iiad already forgot- ten hia «m». tmlhia wcada. . ■We'll ao ao araga aae one aaoOHK' la a Uaa to arfOilkwah gave ita fUl deqaaaee of abject mooIhfliWaa aad feiion ^eolation. Other denotementa oC snbtlety were seen in bis sad preocenpatlon with •nemorles of tbe lost Cordelia, wline talking with the Foot. 'I did Im-t wrong,' w»* never more tenderly siwken than by him. They are only four Uttle words; but th?y carry the crushing weight of eternal and bopeless remone. It was In this region of delicate. Imaginative touch that IfcOnl- lough'a daramatlc art was specially pnlssant. He was the first actor of liear to discriminate between tbe agony of a man while going mad and tbo careless, volatile, fantastic ooodltlon —afflicting to witness bnt ao longer amalslag to the Inaatle Ulaiiiilr aC a man who liaa aet> nally lapsed iato oiiAwH. Mwlk nntat— whose Lear le math eatoDed eClaa by per- sons who evidently never saw it—nuMk aa he did wltb tbe port, never even fhlatly saggested ■nrh a discrhnlnatlon aa tbat. ■To one sltltnde of I.ear's eoodltlon H Is probably ImposslMe for dramatic art to rlae— tbe tnood of divine pbDoeopby. warmed wlt:> human tendcmesa. In wblch tte dased bat 9eml.coascloQi> vlce^rerent of heaven moralises over boman life. There Is a (rrandenr In tbat eoneeptton ao vaat that nothlnit short of Itm rareat laspkatlon of ganlns can rise to It. The defldendes of MeCnUongli'a Lear were found In tte aaalyalB et that part of the perfonnaaee. Be M the tMiit of Laar. tlie roraMy. the breadth; bnt aot an of either the exalted la- telleet, the aomnr-laden expeilenee. or tbe hn- aglnatlOD—eo gotgeons In Its disorder, so In- Onltely psttaetie In Ita mls<ey. "His perfotnanee of Lear slgiully exeopU- fled, throuRh every phase of passion, that temperance whlcb abonld give it smoothness. The treatOncnt of the curse scene. In psrtlc- vdsr, was extraordinarily beautlfnl for tbe low, sweet and tender melody of his voice, broken only now and then—and rightly broken —with the harsh accents of wratb. <>entieaeje never accomplished more, as to taste and pa- tbo% eiian Id McCullougb's nttcrancr of 'I gave yn all« aad 'VU go vrltt yoo.' The rallying of the brokaB Mrlt after that and tbe tnrUc ouHiu r at . IHI not weep.' had aa appaUIng ef- fect. Ttie recognition of Oordella was simidy tender, end tbe death s<vne lovely In patooe and solcviin and affrctlnir In tragic clfanax. •"nnwiirhmit Othelln sud KInK I*ar McOnI lough's pmven* Merc Keen to be cnrbod and guided, not by a coltl and formal design but by a grave and sweet frentleness of mind, si- ways s psrt of bis nature, but more and more developed by tbe stress of experience, bv tbe reaetlooafy snbdnlng Induence of noble success, aad by tne.delatte rouselooaacss of power. He rnond ne diflcaltr la portraying the misery of Othello and e( Lear, baeanae this la a form of mlaerr tbat Bows out of lasoenition of the heart, and not from tbe more aoblie weonda tbat are Inflicted upon the spirit throogh the Imaalnatlon. There was no bioodinc over the awfnl mysteries of tbe nnlvet*e. nor any of that corroding, haunted aloom tbat comes of an nrer-splrltnallaed state of snlferlng, longing, qoestloinng. doubting bumantty. Above all things else, OtheUo and U-ar are baman; and thr bnaaa heart, above all tblnga else, was tbe dOMlB «r aa* aotiKV . CHICAGO MUSIC NOTES. (Cbatlnned from page 0.) The executive committee of tbe 3IMa Tbacb cr's National AsaoeUtloa reported «a Ita leeent election of olllcera for 1910, wbldi are as fol- lows: President, Rossetter G. Cble. Chicago. III. (rs elected); Vice-President. Prof. Leo. I.ewls, Tufts College. Masasclnuctts; Secre- tary. Francis L. York. Detroit. Mich.; Treaa- nrer, Ralph L. Ilaldwin, Hartford, Conn; Ed- itor, Prof. Waldo S. Pratt, Hartford, Oonit. It was also given out that tta^ant-MMiaB of the AssodatlM W41I bTSJTJF^SSSSlt^O. In Roeton. Haas. The Ohlcago I*hlitaarm«ale . Oreheatra vrtll aaalat Jflaa Ilande ABen, aex« Bandar, ta bar iaaMprateOsB aC the Tialcgi ef SaUna. MlBa Allan haa haalahed all fear at belac aiiaoadar- stood, SB she was. r'ellmtnair to her frat ap- pearance at tbe Andttorlom aeveral weeks ago, aa she has been convinced that the tnude lovara of Chicago appiaelato ika aitiatle ralae t^ har dance wiihaK aar iNBtkai " the I mpr eaa l ee ttat It la a hlbltlon. ♦ Grand Opera, as presented by tbe National Grand Opera Company, at tbe Great Northern theatre. last week, wblcb closed their engage- ment In this city, was as folhnva: Sunday evening. Aide: 'Monday evening, Rlg- oletto; Ttiesday and Friday eTsnlnga. ranat: Wedneeday matinee. Loela; Wedaaadar aad Katardajr araalaas. Oiimaat —"— — On tbe Bosslter register the following>names appear for the paet week: Pete ILiwn'nce. Florence Greedon. McKInley and WIswell. I>lck Miller. EgRleston and Smith. McGlnnts Broth- ers, tfarlnette Trio, Bunc^n and Alcer, Morgan and Tbampson, Bell aad Forbea, Sebabb and Uehile^Tlea and Stada Vaff " Irving Berlin, who Is responsible for tbo nui- slc of such popular numbers as My Wife'* Gone to the Country, Wild Obernr Rag, My Dream of the U. 8. A. and Next to Your Mother Wbo Do You Love, was In Cbicaso last week to fnrtber tbe succc^ of hin l(itc<!t effort. Next to Your Mother Wbo Do You Lore. His hradooarters were with Ms publlslier. T%d Say dCT. TUs vraek tbe Apollo Club of tbla city eor acted the drat presentation of Roth lieture aa Anerlean andlence at the Orebeetia Ball, on Feb. 7 aad 8. Rirth la the latest sehlevcment of Scbnmaaa. aad as aa all-star east will sa- slat la the iatnpretailaa, .thia petfgnunce la " " " ■ kr CUetae anale drelet Among tlie songsters of Chicago who ar« using the Ted Snyder bits are the following: Ropble Tockcr, I'oll)- Moran, and tbe teem of Bnaaell and Ward. Tber all MMCt MCCeaa with Xlddle on Your Fiddle, aad Ait JiMater^ Ixing Meudelssoba Tme. Mlaeha Ekaaa. at the Oreheatra Ball, gave vielln iatatpie tatlons of the old masters, in wMch he was vibrantly authentic, and tbe Clear, daia-eat tone of Us Instmment will be Iwg^ l i M iiB ki i I d Madteeaanwd la ;tha haatts of On accOBBt of Itlaa contralto's, ance with the this dlJ. ~ tlval Mit lato la the HoUand appear- la The Orlflaal Mewahen QaarUlte are (ea taring TM llardai^_llaBl to Year Xetho Wonldn't —--^^^ John Baxter, of the Boaslter atsff. recently ^toad^^^jJWM ta., He Ia_Bow aalBS_rd ♦ Kinch ' and Vyne have several weeks of WeeteiB time .to play, thw opcaiiuc at Qraad In Btne. ♦ Amoog tbe callers st the Ted Snyder Cbl oflfcs laat week ■ — Bay rago I ntlly Pretty To-nr-' are McFariaBd. Dalo and " milmi. Trio. The Zlegfcld Theatre will turn Its bo<ue OT' T lo several musical concerts, when It It will rcsnme Its theatrical bookings sneh aa have kAMS^eMMa - - - . BoMtil and Waid I Wiab Too Was My «ns, Mother Wbo Do Yon Lore Is On the Heather. ♦ iQCrame pntent w to Make Yoa Ibelr act Liore, aaTwhaa tbe BMan ♦ i!F'?'J?IV^*'''.4<l<'i>< 't the Casino, bsji Two BUikB. banjo artists, are playing Wild Word comes to oB Chat Phil AwsHs, ■arvad same time witk the Bemick bonie, baa taken up qnarten wll^ (be Shapiro people. Beby Qrand Mlltan Wall, wbo was formerly eoattected with Bob White and Ted Gnyder bas been en- gaged by the House of Cbrlstopher. ♦ -J!SRJ'*..J'*«3 »«2«'"« M«»«' Weiss' ballad. Coppinger and Wblts, tbe Irish sketch team, are using Black Byes and Boale, publlsbed by the Tliompsott Mosic Company. la Ika City . aa^BM Ip.'MHr. ' tr OhtB. U« Felsfa Let Georgia DO It la htlBV Hid by Miss Laura Roth, who (BpOrtl (kTonHr aa Its drawing powers. ♦ Slg. Joaeph FV-rrente It In Chicago booking Mrfcaand ■acdena tor hIa ItaHaa Bead aod tir<h<8lfB« ■ ■ . ■ (fBrlea. Sidney Stone, an EngMah eomedlso, la ns Ing Harris' Down Wnerr' ~* " Grows. the Watermelon » yelat » psM« a. ana_I«ad„ey Tomorrow ktMK IHgtOied Bjr wvok - ia htr ■et. aim MJdgc caMhM]|-«in iMtwp'i the Feist library with It* Randerisad. - The Three Kellys are utlDa Cktia lB gk n 'l War Out In Utah and Happy Rag. - ♦ The Bight Komikal Xlda tarn added Ue FeialSi Bed Baa«:tO'''tkilr.atl.;.. . SOTBS FRO)I THE M1IRI0 HOURE OF LABOIMLB. Julian Bltlnge is meeting with nnnsnsl Suc- re** With tile following songs, which are pah- llshed and restricted for Mr. Eltlnge In va*. devllle: Sbo Never Oocs Into the Water. Ia the Days of OM.. B M Bjah d w arlraa IMS. OIp der tbe Homy Utm'tm twrnHmtilvlMt « Mystery. Two Instramenta] n pmbws publlsliol by tht Mnele Boose of Laeoanle, for both bsod and nrcbeetra. written by Harry L. Aiford. well- known music aTvaager aiMl cnnpoeer In Cbl- aatitled flaeUM, aad the Imp March. Ike Primroae Fsor ka«o ahoot BBlatad ever the flainTaa4 haea taatariac it ■ — ♦ Tbe American NewKboya' Qoartette have added to tbetr repertoire the Halleln]ab Dance, slao Jo«t Let Me Prove My Love To Too, pob- lliihed by tbe, Motle House of I^emmfe. Their Valeaka aaratt Jost Let le ft .. Prove My Lovo Tie Tea. ha-theHosle Boose — a ijaetaltr wrlttea "'^^ Me of I.aeamle. Jieintio OiTl LaevHBle. pwiMBBt «f the Maale of rjiemmle. left thr New Tath Febmiry very Imoortsnt matter*' TBgardhM the ITonee of Laemmle. also Ma dim Ra.vmoad A. Broa-ne. for many yean aao .jt tbe moot pramlnent sona writers of the fan* try- Is now otie of Ibe st'ifT of tbe Vn«le HMIB of T,aenimle at their New York olBee. George Van'x Minstrels luvr started to fee- Jho lldMalik ~ ▼etaadle pie, all llnea; TIallB. lead aad arrange, CUrinet, Tuba, Bariton*. Slide Ttainboae; those doubling B. * O.. partner apaa l a l t lsa py a t s rt ed. Bepsr- toira two-car teat akair* ' .Stia^r* Reliable people odF addnia SIEtT 1 BIO SKOW, lake Olty. Fla. Electric Sign Wanted! Reading "Oiphenm," or "Ihaatre;'' k u il wWI Deaerlbe tally la Ont letter aad aUta lowirt priee. Vaadaellle Acta Caa oaa at aay Uaa, good 8. or D. acta: mmit be leOasd. -Bend opea time and iaat prueraui. aae* yeor stamps_lf yoa can't deliver tbe Booda. OBVEEUm Tux- Ins, KUIatato, Ohio. Theatrical Supplies ta MINIATURE RAILWAY Bxtta locanatlre: alao XO.. ST PBIVZLEOES TO LET, seaaoa 1»10, at Triia- per's Seashore Resort. Merry-go-ronnd, mnet be a Rood nne; Concessions, Photo, Jap Ball, Nov- ellloH, T[-i' ('renin ronci*. or anT small CODCeS- sloiiM. V. TKIMrtn, Oceao City, Md. : SLOT MAOKIBEB : We have on hand and for aale, at greatly re- duced pricea. second-band weighing acalee. nro. p«sy^^s nd_elw trls.j|MMl«. Jrttr ' Street, St. Lonis, INDEPENDENTlii^^ W« :B»nt N«w Films; Hsndls All ths l.«sdlng Mskss, iMtli FOREIGN. Beautiful Featurs Ssrvles. WRITB rOR ff>IUCEl CINCINNATI FILM EXCHANGE 214.216 waat sth str^^^