The billboard (Feb 1910)

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rCBRUARY 1% 191CK Ttie Billboard 41 The Week in Chicago iCouiluued from page 7.) "MlM IM Uue iibiuMl MlngtBS bonon witij t:Ta Fiillun. yitmt ■«»WIHIIIifc»J » Looiae Cnn- slag tbrilt white i*» Willi. —onrt the (lag<<. ukl Bldmr OraM dU Mt bMt wiUi s part that Ml* taiio Httte cnMitunlty." At tktf SiatioiMil Tbeatre ttiU wwk. Vaughaa mawr b pivlwf in St. Elmo. Tlila piece waa newUr MM « Ihi Oiite ^liMin aad ww SAID AND SEEN IN OHtCAOO. ' The melodrama thia week, oflcred at ae BUiMi ta Go-Woa-Oa Mttewk, Sai CMriir. Wa utiaHiM H .— mMchU* iBtmst wUk Mb iMllitte aad trwe atmoapliei*. ^ Ralpii T. Kattezliv> otberwtM known an "TIm Ooe-Maa IVaat,' Ixwidea doing Uie pnaa work Ar the Kllfflt A Gaasolo attractlooa and tbva- OM and tlu MarrlB Ttipatre baa rvccnujr ad>l«d Cba Broadway T%«itiv. Eaat St. Loula. 111., and tlba Newon TtieaLre, Logausport. Ind., to Ilia already long Hat. Beald» all thla Mr. Kvt- tartng tfUa ua (liat be U ttic (eoeraJ rrpreMii- tatlvf or the OoUi«e, Mailowe, Pcople'a, Acad- «iV mjoa. CrIterloQ. BroMclwar and Nclaon iSatree and Mte MarvlQ Stock Co., Tbe Oeotgr KUmt Ptajent, Tbe Kllot and Omoio Stock Oo., The ratal Waddlnc road cnmneny and the llante Ortaio road ceapanr. Mr. iMtiarlac baa dw nkiB 9 ttt OMcat* idtaa «r tk« nTLoala ne ezeentlra ataS for Bjivn Obiadltr'a M0II7 Uar OoBpaar. now ptuIoK at tha Wkit- aey Open Houaa la aa follom: lelT D. Bent- atela. boalacaB oaaaser: ChaHaa BlDBadarr. pna itnNMtatlw: Jm« Wall. aUc* Ulaa PauSaa nedadck. wbo haa baaa inter- anting the leadlac woown'a role la The Vuartt fceUlc, now cnnent ait tbe Qrand Optra Honae, left the company Satwday ercnliw, Jenuanr aO. to ivtura to her haatiaad. F. M. Amtrewa la New rock OUf and lead tbe life damestlc. Mlaa IVcderick waa only recently marrletl to Mr. Andrews, and It la aald that the many ap- pealing neeaagea and the lore of her hsitMnd la «bat took her back, rxw the eTenlng only tbe ■art aba Mt Taoaat waa aaeumed by Mlaa Baanor Ollbctt, bat h> now being Interpreted *r Mte Seleae Joboaoo. ♦ Ufa. Oarrtl IMknaa, Maj- DcSooaa'a aaolLer. ihyzuted at tar banab Bar to bare bet* aacMMtaL _ «a MHw a* 1MB .irtii Mnan U^irilk Mtai mwm tta MM. nta Una It witt MS to CUaam an Taaiinar aoB la ba IwsMd at the _At <ta C;ytB» TbaaM thla waak U coirtat. ■wwattr^a HiiiBiMai. Ilr. Altaic ICmtIm Ik Uw Ml* of Mmm Brairalw la aMkta«.fMnaiad at- Monta to iM UaMir oC tba biiUinuiaMllUana Mat caoprlM Ua rMkt^fbr «ka ««*fe aolr. Jb. qoffuK, mtp laat wak^MMnyad tba baad-aoff May fj.tta ibialljiy, Tgfiiib. la tbte Uberty. My Tom-Bagr Olrl la prerlng an altfaetloa ar eitrit at the Academy of Uaale. wkwa It la being rapsbly bandM ^ tka raaldit plaiata. Tbe TIeniiMa Opaca ODOipaar hara trtaafmol "ba SIcci Ow Kellermelaler fNm tto SIccfeM Theatre to tte Globe. whtTe It will remain f< weeka. Mr. J. B. Brown, wbo booae. aaya that It la not their make tbe Okihe the home of miii that It cocDee In In the r^^vitmr way. It la aald that I.MW clergymen wlmtaacd Il'e ratUM Bnater. at the Olraple Tbaatra on **—' T,,,, nia*5a waa Md w»r- ■men^ ChlMaak - ■ In onlrr to preTea* the baUdlac of a nirkel theatre on Forty-«eT»n«ll atKWt, OB IMTOperly »d- MbIsk the Kenwood Clob, It ta aald that the atah baa mniuued the iwoperty for »22.5(X!. A bivblng party waa vaiT nearly held at tbe raiy Theatre laat WMk,H.aa aaaMWt a(. a dla- aualoB an nahrr bad- wHk a MRf* afar Hebeu Ma aegro held. ♦ , Weber Bra*., who control the Ck>lnniboa and Auamhra Theatreo were recently again In OanMa with tha law oo aecount of tbe apresr- Elf Jaaii>blt>e Sedgwick, a fnurreea-yair-old appearlait at one of thfdr lioneee In a f- na iwata of tha Heme Booae recently had .a Mara wbcn It waa a b ieoee m ' at about i^^Mk laat Svndajr ntmlnii that the bout- ma aa Cia. It U MM that Itatber mtdila booora riMmM be awaidad Cdward Onneaa. a ataat of ala fiat and ate and oavhalt toebea. 'SS&!' ^ PomMa. wbo kMatealhr nrtd It (a aald that Baar Htahl. dnrinx tar Bnaent Mgagement at Fowna* la Tta Cboroa Lady, will C" citra pcrfoimaiMa for tbe benedt of Ma Ticttma of tto Paila tiaod. , MMaiaoaa btariac tto llkaaaaa of Abraham ♦ ^fclM af tbe loop tbeatrrs recently ftled a MI la tto Oirnlt Ooart. aaklnn the rity to ra Mraln from callaetiBC tte t1.M0 llrraaa wbteh waa ta a meat artlaaae*. "nie -JS". S™ Mam. Mwr. Anatrian ft Piatt died the MH far tha Mhmlng: Metmpoll* The- •5* On., who eoatiOl tba Ooloalal. and kfeVlrk- Theatreo: Araneemeitt Oomiwny of llllnola. wta eoBiTol Powera' and Itia IIHnoU Theatre*; DiniBgliain and Oonivir. eoatrolUnK the Sinde- bakee Theatre: Ooct Tlieatre Oo.. nrand Oro-rn Ok. Ottoat Nortliem On,, contmlllng the Great N'ortkeni Thealn.-: I/iSulIe TLi-atn- Co.. controlling the rriuceMi 'I'heatrf: CbliuK'i Opera Houae Co.. Otyniplc TheiitTK, Garrlck Ths-atrc and the Whitney Opera Houae. Uemben of tba cbapaU of tbe lntcr-Oc?au Wedoeailay. ♦ Frank Browning, a Chicago tbratrleal man, wu reetntly tbot la PeKtaalcUe. Mtai. Ifr. Baranlw^ Ita Haw waa tia«alia« arltk WMt- con a mot~ During the absence laat week. o( Mr. Joe SImlth. wbo waa buay attending the Initial per- formancea of tSav n*sw show for Ibe PrIaceM Theatre, mmi-ly Mian Nobody From Starland, hli Vamiilre dsncf nnniber In Thi; FHrtlna Prlneeaa/ now curreot at tbe LaSalle Tbeatre. waa ably and gracefully pecaeated by Mr. Harry Pllcer. who ta a well-ka0wn and popnlar mualcal conedr danear. under tte dtanetlon of Mr. Mort Blntar. Mr. Pllcafa. .taMUtlOD of Ola beaatlfid. and altboogb .^aiHMaaal, by no meana Tnigar daaea, waa laailvat tgr " ence In a. soit cardial, laaaaii and bim hia Jaat aniaoaai Mr. ~ ~ ' the compaagr mat t^mt^lar role. ♦ Ml>a Claire Claartreau, formerly aaaodated trlth Tbe Flirting Prlnceaa Gotnpanjr, at flia La- Salle Theatre, has been given aaa at .'Ifea JlMI- Ing parte to tbe German operetta, at ttb WoSa Theatre. Dee Kellermelater. ♦ Tbe Bray too Maanfaetnring Cooipany. of Chi- cago, are placing on the market for epeela) WaabliatloD Birthday pcrformaocca. a act of alMca depldlng tbe life of Wublogtco, wUch ta aceoapaaied .by an antbentle lactarc. ■ti. auMCir fw LnlM IMMaaSal, —~ ^gjt waa lTr Ha ai«MM ttat Ta» niaaaagii Amnscaaaat Cumpaar waa ra- cently InearpaMtad la Ohicaca ftr tifim ta aa- lasajB JMigljIhiajttlial ■aA..^MHMiKt 9'!% Leatr. A falae Are alarm caoeed by the leaking of a aprlnklar on the alxtb floor of tbe Bnab Temple laat week, nearly atartad a paaie, ' women In the aodlence were qnlted al eonrlnecd ttat — tff an wMhaat The Week m Ne«r York (Oootlnned fron page 6.) NEW AM9taiUk41I drama l^ a by Joba Bli Roae Dr. Obeaael ........ Loala Florloc Jacqoellae Noel Laroqne VIelor Parlaaaid ........... McrlTcl Maria Belene Raymood Florlot.... Clerk of Court Pretldent of Oonrt ... Fontaine .. ValOMrIa .. aC tbe Jary OAST. ,. Chrlatlne Bleaaing L. Bocert Liyttoo Bobert Droaet .'Dorothy Donnelly BotM'rt PaCton Olbba Malcolm Wllllama Harry O. Bradley w. B, Deany CtafiM E. Veraor Detardra Doyle Cecil' Kerne ' William Elliott .n...;....Frank Wright .........Cbu. C. Brandt B. S. Htgflaa John HcKca THE STORY. BrleOy, tbe atory deals with M. Loula Florlot, whose wife baa left him for another man. Ah- aent tvco yeara. h«-r lorer dead, abe now returoH to tH-£ foivlveDvaa and to learn that hor llttN- Mon bna bt-i-D near death's door. She pN-ad^ to be alltjwed to aee him; the huahand la deaf to her entreatlea and turns her out Into the streets. So much for the pralogue. When tbe la aait teen, la caapaar with a raacallr a4TwtBNr,.ata la a dcnv nod, aa attar inebruiab.. a i w awi H . ■ fmSm - SSSHa. At aome mooMiBt In faa lat nU a ant at tar earlier position, and htr companion. ««anlviag with a pair of eoafldence men. il 11ii■lail M blackmail the hnsbaBd. In a atruggia la pi*, rent him from carrying cot thla dealgn, abe kllla him. In arreeted and brought to trial. There her huftbnni]. now tbe president of a French court, and on tbe l>encb by lavltatlon of bla coUeaguca, to hear bla son make a maiden speech In criminal defense, sees the woman, and gradoally comes to know her, while the boy. still ignorant of bla relationship with the priaooer. drllTcra an Impassioned addreaa In htr btbalf. Sba la acqnltttd, tta aon Oaally learaa wto ata and dia dies while to raakaa an hilaK In bto father far a laat wmfM tuumm. ■ Tto cUbhu «( taan la rMchtd aa tta bogr alnkst weeping, beside bla mother's prostrate form. There are aercral tender little acenra, one In which the wretched outcaat, telling her fortune at carda, acea another woman alKiut to commit the aame folly aa her own, and trlea to dlaaaade her from It. Also, there are rarloaa episodes of comic relief of rather an awkward kind, but at leaat of aome use In llsbtenlog tbe otherwlae grim tale. And there la the force of contraat and Of Irony, notably In the scene toward the end, la which tbe son, atlll Ignorant of the exact attuatlOQ In which ta baa played a part. alvfB hha ta nata a 1 tbtrt la tta fracnent at a ia*n atair. A clergymen's matinee waa gtren a( ' Tta Watcher, at tbe Comedy Thtatte, * Mabel Barrlaon and Harry Conor will appear In a new piece, called Luln'a Hutbaad. Skylark, a mnalcal by Henry B. Barrla. Bdward Aheleo baa and Oompaar. Jaa Robt-rtsoM. hrotbi r of Fecliaa. Will pNaent, next aeaaon. lu tbL- iicvrloccs. Tta Paailag of tbe Third Floor Back. Mme. Mosarla, who fainted fonaanea of Kleklta, baa rtcoee r t d . tta par HOTEL ViaORlA COR. GURUniBUREI STS., - CHICIBO. FIREPROOF RATES $1.00 AND UP Modern in every respect. Ezcelliiiit Cafe in connection. VICTOBIAHQTEL. Props., E. B. Carr, H^r. WELLINGTON HOTEL CM. man un. * wum nu mtm. RAXES 91.00 AND UP SlSOtOOO apent In ImprovamanU Visit the famous lodlan Gsfe. Ihl Mm IImIh%' Colored aelwa aad maaldaM, twa aiora ahoiwa that do i»t coafllet. Itgltlmata coneaaaloaa. Bare for aale or trade, Statne Turning to Life, com- plete, all In good packing caaea. Including por- Uble cabinet. Addreaa OEO. H. PBOOTOR, Dubach. La.. Teh, 7-U; Bara:oa, La,, I4-U, SB NO won MCHOLAS POWER fiOMPW To HwOld WiieCoinll^idliM Operator, not B^ciimen-'—— UyniamMtalm^rlD, LIBERTY BELL CHECK BOY MILLS NOVELTY COHPAIY, Mllla Building, CHICAGO, I LLe THE AT LOffiipY COMIjKini xpic W flMMir >V>r Camlral Company. Can lonta or book In gcod territory. Sober and reliable aad OAM DBUTHB TBS OOOIM. A^MMM »MnX," EXPERIENCED MOVING PICTURE OPERATOR Electric or ir«a. mnj tnak« machine. B««t of rcfcn-ii.NHi win t. :. i ■ ,i mactiln«. FOR SALE MJIItarr Band Organ aad Motor, and 2a> palta of Stalia, WUnloiw aad Bl ctardao a. allnto aood repair, caaap. MHDI I>> ttXTT, tadfaaa, ga. FOR SALE HOT AIR BALLOON In good condition. A new paracbnta and a can- non attachments Tta patachola la worth what lalaoUDflke "116 JIT TILEir' and hare arranged with tta manager to place open time on any big nnmbcra from the cities or elaewh.T>- fi.r full \M-.'k -.r t^\'iit -ss-t-f-k ED. T.awTnu Mgr. XTni«u« Theatre, Crookiton, Xlan. lay now. 43 Inch handed ntakea, tboioaghly aeasoned, 14 cents each; Feb- ruary price. pr.ART. VAM, MorthTille, H. T, FOB BAIX—Colombia 30th Oentnry Phonograph with 3 doa. records, htta and a tand. Will take (35 u told at once. K. I'MU—ltur, lU Xbn ibaat, at ~ toait, Ka. FOB SAX.E—Waeon Show I ^oparty at a bar- Saln If taken by March 18. Alao aet of high Ire laddeia and Condcrman CVrrta Wheel. C, A. WnoX, Baneroft, Xlch. nUES—A postal card gcM It. Ur ISIO UiU of magic, mysterlea. a ^ . - . UlnaloDs, new acts, eta, Vaw Btdfard. Mass. Tta stsrted . ■■INDBPBNDDNCa BOAD,** The OAMNON Camata makes 8 flnlahtd photo hot tone In one mlaota, n adp to wear. Any ona can ItaiB tta boslneaa ta abovt M mlaatea. Iinpiin starts yon In this big monty-maklaa I/*III0 boilnaaa. Thla Indndta a complata £lU—— ontSt. conalating of WONDEB CAN- MOM, titpod aad aoppllas for making 400 Oalabad ptalo bttttooa. Extra bnttoa ptatca. 11.00 paa anadiad. Kztra silt fraatta. 11.25 per aroaa. Write te-da y for oar tna catalog. ORXflAM TKXXOTTrk (X>.. Sept. 110, <]hloa<o. m. Wa an- thf orlxinatora and largest manufactoraia of iiuttxnatlc cameras In tbe world. Platea for all Cannon Uaciilnea aad one Inch Bnttcn liacbiaaa, 10.90 ' l/X» far 1,000 tr lo: laaa than a l.«» eta, a loa r IB eta. aad |£i0 a IB eta. a icol' Hoonti.' tXBO a 1.000. baetlantr -38 eta. Ws alao wmd S dtrale plac ft wral a a wit h y onr ord er for platan. . OUT BASS noio nmx oo., Vm-nm *, Halstad t., Sept. L.. Ohlaaga. n. HALTON *. JAUHMaSr ■Ito Foopla with tta tt m _ MS lA BAUX BTBXET, raattrr aadKall Ordar Dsparlatak blow. Itadlaaa Streat. CHICAGO Sond for Illusion Cotaleguos WANTED Sotar BOW CANVASIIAN aad A» SMTTANt MM HOpTUR.. ^ Wagon Show ocpeiienee, for Ai. > F. WhMl«r*s Shows. Address Oxford, FSu SPECIAL WORK <HI - Dted & Oards IL CLBKidML iL WATCH THIS SPACE We have a Novelty for you tbat win interest you. It's great. WOODWORTH & CO., 907 Walls StrMt. Chicago. WAirxEI>—l-laso Player for eaodeellle. Trap Dmmmer. Wa bare a al«a pletnra thMtia W. Ta.