The billboard (Feb 1910)

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ruRUARV «; ma xne Billboard 61 8IDE SHOW. PAINTINGS, a Bock, Th mo* 'lilniA°'araw''Cbte«co, lU. - P.nkcboll Art Od., SSOS N. tRh. Oaali*. Neb. E J. HaydcB. * Ctt..' IM- IH M d i w y. BrooklTn. U 8. Teat * Awa. Co.. SS-IS H. De^Ulaca, Cblttgo'. 111. SIDE SHOW SUPPLIES. VilM*. 8 Ooctwtu PUn, Mmtk Gmt- Ammnn Boiler Blak CUnco Boiler Skit* BlTtf.. Chlnso. III. M. C. Benlejr, •nt Samuel Ur. Mm*. SLOT MACHINES. KUafaetaran of asd IMalni ia A. J. Plftwr * Co.. 434 2d ara., Ptttaborf, Pi. Ljon A Beilr. 20e Wibuti it*., Chln(0. lU. Mltla NoTdt/ CO., Chlciio. D. B. Marie OOb. VU» M. Wtttcn trc, Cb'go. BMM»k WMUaw 0».. OarlaaaH aad Cbleifo. SLOT MACHINK SUBSTITUTE. cur. SNAKE OiKALSRS. tjtutu, Saa Aatoolo, TM. fcaaka Co.. Baa Aatoalo, Tex. Saaka Bkna. B6x S7S. BiewnaTlUe, SONG BOOKS. Odaoer. 11T Park Bow. H. X 284 WiUlam at, tttm ~ ' 240 B. Madlaaa at^ .S OMO. SLI DES. MM. TltMiafk Oa^ IM Maaaaa at. N. X. a Cbleato nloi KxAaai*. 46 Jiekaoo BM.. Ghl' cate; Onaba; Daarar: Salt I^ka CUr: Bai Ptaacteco. Onwford, O. T., rilm Exeb., 1401-S Lwwt at.. St. UmJa, Uo.; LuolarUI*. Ey.; Nair Oftoaai. La. H. * B. Flbn arrrtca, 300 Mcnadaock BIk.. Cblnto, Laaomle PUm Serrlea, 186 Lake at., KranTllIr. iDd.; Neb.: Silt Lake PortUBd, Ore.-, >iMIMI^"4|Bii; DM.! pes, Mao.. Can. tiAa Bkore FUm * Sappir Cto.. S41 Sapertor it., Ctorelaad. O. i Mjk * C^, 64 B. Mtk at.. PbUadclpIOa. Pa.; r & BSd at., N. T. CltT- at.. PUUdtlpUa. Pa. SOUVENIRS. * qa. lU nnk arc. Cbteaco. ■.-a Siwi BS BowctT. Saw Wk CMr. SPECIAL SLlDBSi rer AU PaipilM. "■^VlM'.mk- Co.. Kedxle RIdf.. CMc^ik SPIRIT GUM. K aicia Coaaietlc 0»., IS02 B'way. N. "t. C. STAGE HARDWARE. 'X.' K CIlBitf. S4T Salloa at., Sytaeaie. N. T. tTAiBE LIGHTING APPLIANCES ••t llejekja Bteetrlc Co.. 900 XT. tOtk at.. Kew Toefc City. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. > » M «a a l Bteraecra^^h Co.. SOB 57th at.. Chlnco. STREET MEN'S SUPPLIES. Tor 7air FoUoweri. S°*-..'^"S«» * tSo.. »04 Locm .re.. St. LooU. Daeto Soap Co., 32 Unloo Park Place. Chkaia. HL gaacta ftrke. 1778 Poit. San Frandaco. Cal. ••ntai 4t Macilaoa. H».ioi K. MaAlaon. Cta- •^ttent^Jaawby Oa. lU W. BIk aL. KaMaa LftIb Bna.. Mm.-BHI^:M. "- r. c. laad. O. Otto tepfilr 0».. JTO W. sath at., N, h. P- Poj^ll. Waakeaao. III. Oo^«4 N. 8th It.. St. Leata. Mo. Si ■" '^'^• JPO MadUoo at.. Chleatti. in. JS?a.. 83 Boverr. New York City. Ca.. IM PraaktiB at.. ChleacaL III. ■oiala Baaaa. m B. XadlaaarCh'ge 'aMaan. MS B. Maa aaa. CMcagaL ^7n»ig^»%5k^a!^ii .^Mg ra. tiULKiiM^PWr^^^ Oaannat Ooi. IS4 B. SMh at.. New TaA CIU. TATTOOING SUPPLIES. Bdw. E. Browa. 12SI Market at.. St. looli. Mo. TENTS. Biker A Lockwooi), Tth and Wyaodotte iti.. Kaaua City. Mo. Oolamlmi Tent A Awn Co., ColDmbni, O. Caral*^aoai« Oa.^ SOT Orlawai* at.. Ka>- .a>a.Cltlt ._M» _ _ ^ ■ ^ ■ ■■ —I a. Mite alHi«. C. Oaaa ft OoL. Daliait. ^ •. M. Kerr HIB. Oiw. MBT W Lnahhaeab. Oortntttna. Ky. Matray 4k Co.. Tnc. AM MerldtiiD at.. Cbleaia. noaiaaa ft Vaadlvacr. 816 K. Pearl. dnrtBaatL V.-&T*Bt ft Awa. Ca., 33-a N. DeapUlaea. TMlBiKTRICAL COSTUMES AND WIGS. B a awlii i g BeaBB* ft (MHa* Oe.. CaaCa. O. THEATRICAL COCTUMIt. W"- Beck ft Bona 0*. aB-M" BiaBlli Place. . ClDclBnatl, Ohio. A. rarr-r. SXI Walant it., St. t.oala. Me. THEATRICAL LUMBER. Mta OI U iB i ae Laaibar Oc. Lumber and BawarA Mita Ckkagak in. ^^^TNIMTRICAL PROPERTIES. H. V. TICKET CHOPPERS. BrUW..'ta6agt! lLB! ' l»r TICIJH^ P.R1NTERS., ARoa Ticket 8aM' Natlaaal Ticket-~ Beea Prts.- Cl Staadaid^lton TIGHTS. ft. Well. 78. n-ooeter »t.. S. TOY BALLOONS. Ca.. 4ff' waaB'at.. V. city. in A. Well. 78 Wooaler it.. N. Y. City. B aa M l IB Mfc- Co., MI Woodlaad aTe., Cleee- lini, O. niiTa&-1M4 Cbl, 8X4 N. Btk at» m. LoaU. Uo. Blaifr Braa., as B—itty. Xaw Terk City. Wi ati iB BaiBala Umm, SR & MalWana. Ch'co. : TIIUNKlb Briber TtaafeL tt- PMIadcir— " B. B. ft bore. TURNSTILES. OtOfaalla Bna. ft Co., 1«B0 B. 4th at.. Oreen vaie. m. Wcatera Unlfam Co.. 914 Oaik at^ OMcasoi. VAUDEVILLE Paclflc Coaat Aaiaaeaieat Kaaaaa Cnr. Ma. WATCHES. N. Sbore Co., 230 MadlKio it., Cblnso. Slofer Bra., 82 Boicery. Ne<r Yctfe City. WIGS. ■aMTy aaB TUeat Kaaka. WILD ANIMAL%MAIJu£ Pntsam'a Pet aad WM lalwri VashlBStOD at.. BaffaK X. T. Loola Raha. 248 OiaaB a*.. Xaw-Tt WIRE WORKKMP Keaeh. Ot a taa I «ne% B. 1. Mardi 6ras Pennants! VZW 0BLEAH8. LA. XOBILB. ALA. rEHSACOI,A. ZLA. VATCHXZ, MISS. XABffA. ZLA. We haaa ta atMk t aaJy tor prompt ahlpawat Peaaaata to the olScla] colon for the tbore eela btatlwia TbcM renaaata wtU ba tba beat aellefB makers at tbe Ob abort taar awa deelsB. «a sire tbe exdoalee. We alio carry a complete Uae of Camlral aad Mar dl-Oras NoTTltlei; alao Onarrttl. Postrn. Slip- pen. Whlpi, Caoei. Blow oati. Fit rasa, Balloooa. Bobber Goiidi. Bead and China Not* It lea. RUDOLPH BROS., uo 8. Fi.'ti St. PgtLAggUmA. PA. SHOWS ■ WANTED il Show, oae cood ninston Sbow. Merry-ca-roBod. at bissaat Oaaaly BUr la Mtone- »ota, Sept. 15161T, Steele County Fair. POR mHT FOR 18IO Piedmont Park Winsta»Sdsna.|i.& 40,000 People. NACICJANS VEiDMONTPOMES FlTC la aambcr: 3 tldlac doca. Tbe beat tnla- ed tioape of ponlea In TaadeTlUe. Maaa«aia aad aaenta take aatlca. Addresa WX. K. fT^T^T. 8H W. Bayatta Bt.. Baltlmoia. JM. A,TI-AIWTA. OA. REPWnrS CONCESSIONS Row beata. ihaotlas (lUery. ttatbliK. daselac. aoda (ooatilB, and H^jga.tiL' tSy LiBLiaaloaa. Apply at once to J. BIUB*. HMe & a* * Bo. «, Atlanta. Oa. '" - " '■ ■- T B^. LOlN D-O N- LOOK HERE PROMOTERS itt xrar BBm« and addreaa and sacb news oC jiiar plaas tbat Ton DEBfONSmATOSS Shdiiblton wUl want demonstratora. If yon an sood sptal. wa onsbt to taava jour name aad addraaa Booth decorators are la detamnd. The Vood Show 1910 are going to be held In all parts of the United StatBBk by readiac the Amerlran BeraracB aad JFOod JoonaL If Ton want to place their producta and Frod JoomaL THE BEVERAQC A FOQD PUB. CO. MS ELM snuncr. aO. $ ■YOU can SAVE- YOUR MAGAZINE $ OUR 3IG 4 comwmKnem \ WILL ENABLE YOU TO DO SO ■ The BUIboard McClure's Magnrine Each and eveiy ene of tbem for BM i^oie year. 0>b joafafBBtitT BIG FOUR J "* OFFER! ^•^^ • $1Q.OO Actual Value Review of Reviews ) Ail For > OWE ^•"f YEAR] ipenlen 1.50 Our Prio»HS6.15 LJEIRE you have an unbeatable combine of literature, including * * The Billboard, your favorite newspapa-, the Review of Reviews, the aeknowledgtsd authority on all matters of national and interna- tional import; tbe Woman's Home Companion, the foremost pwiodioal devoted to the interest of womankind. On September 20th. "Woman's Home Companion" assumed its final regular pnce of SI .50. Tbe larger and better magazine and the increase in price have beoi indocBed duiii^ the past year both by old friends and by over one hundred and fifty thousand new readera. And McQure s. the br^htest and aap|Hertortbe"lackai|dfirtion"inagaziiiea. Thii witriilrw ato the pubbsbfis. Vot solid worth and sterling merit it- cannot be sur- passad. Your aooeptanoe assures you of maximum magasioe value for the fewest dollars. REMIT TODAY- If already a aubacriber to any tianwaTkei ' ' REMIT TODAY the "Wa FOUR," your anbwirip-