The billboard (Feb 1910)

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8 xtie oiiit»oartf THE CIRCUNG WAVE For the amall ftmoont of capital rcqotrvd. Is tli« mtwt prtidtable Ijsrntment. Th» ffrhlrat tihl moat popaUr amosvoirnt ridlBS deriec la OM. EuU7 and qoleUjr aet op and takrn dowa, iBBxpenalve to op«rste and to trauport tnm place to place. Operated bj raaollize cnstoe. Brats 80 pebpte. Utulc b7 c/Uoder pUao or ocsaa. Mow Is the time to place jem order. Catatene^adce end te etlmonlala on appUeatlon- AXItlZAeX * sum, Patnitera sni Role MaB- atMctBtm, BptiBSTtUa, Ezi* Co., >nr Teik. AUTOMATIC MOVING MOOTING GALLERY AMD RASKBAXX. NOX'EL/nES > price list. WM. wmmXOi, Xcr., ' nOsdelpUs, Fs., IT. & A. THE LATEST MUSIC tFOI PUTER m EUCTRIC PUINS \ IN SPOOU Am ENBUSS MU PRICE, 50 cents to $1.50 Par floll 60 pieces so hew evory month that they are old by the time others fmdoM them S«nd for CataleguM and Bulletin* ' ' ; . UNITEILSTATES mSXiM,^^^SSSkS^ CAROUSELS One of the (reeteat ajsnaeineiit rkUtis dcTlces aad naory- (rtteis. fUOTO.SO le- e^ts at one fair. <Z30 ta am boBia at another- (400 In one dar In a park. As- ottarr carried 28.003 pel nit I a at ere atreet talra; n.28S.- TS.clear praBu Write for new 4S-pase cat- alogne fnll- of facta, flSSRS and pboto- rrapba. Ell Bzldsa Co.. Box ~ - m. HIGH-CL/^S THEATRE LEASE PR SHARE Very beat. 000, rapWr. far SOS as plelelr nnqncatlootflty .om In Sootli' *T.H*WirRA THKATHF. Hoastoa, Ti ^W |jKia UI«n_ JB .brat a fcew town HANDCUFF PICKS SILVERMAN JEWELRY CO. 702 PENN. AVE, mTSBUBS, PA. Home of tbe "Pittsban CM* Bhv.'*..GUdWBe abcot Fet>. a; aa«d tor ; WASTED—A alnfle mm. « a l ii UU ie lalhrar enilnrvr; most gndefatand M a b—Inr aa. Warn 9lS, rain or ablne.' Apply MMOWWnn AMUUf* CO., ggw State St.. CMea«o. HAKE MERCHASTS PAT TOQX BZR—Tliree Idea, tliree colore,. any twenty-fire wocila eacb yoa want, and complete directions for making tbem yonrarif at home' for 3c i-acb for. a dollar bUL MARVKI. SUDE CO.. Mlnneapolla. illnn. WASTED—^A. high-grade man who can sell ahoe polish to the trade and to coosnmera from as adrertlalnf wacoo. Moat be force fu l taUcer and be able to entertain a crowd. Trarel dtlea and BtiT tawaa. Etna «ppgrtnlt7 tar aaa able lltllNtlinBlif Maned for ten cPBts aad il tlcnlara of bow to nUr XAnC XTTSIC. kSAtac (Dept. B) Damille, HL ATSMT ZTLXS FOR SALE—33 Reels In perfect coodl- tloa. »18.50 a reel; Suns Slidn *&M-aad per aet; aecood-haod Ediaa $75.00. UAVER SILVKBMAH. Bolldlnc, Piltsborg, Pa. PATENTS SECURED OR EEE SETUBV- ED. Free rvport aa to patent- aMUty. nioatrated Gnlde Bouk and llat of In- eeartooa want.^ at-nt free. VICXOa J. ETAB8 A CO., Waahiagtoa, D. a The Chair In Are Lookhig For. Do not gdi in your ndml Uiat this Oiair is aiq^tiung like the ordinary reviving diair so exteumrely advertised. This chair has a i< iuUmM and a Mlf-r%btiif riuM. It is fint-dass watk tiovHigh out and weighs a hslf more than tha revolving chair and is indestructible. iplaaad IMIH Othsr aiMty-«aralac DtvlSM. AMUSCMEIIT OUTFUnn Herseh«ll-Splllman Co. TiieA.R.MILNER SEATING CO. NEW PHILADELPHIA, OHIO. ''The New Atlas'' wB mH yoo -wby. 32 inch......$10.00 34 " 10.75 36 *• i..... 11.50 38 " ...... 12.25 40 • 13.00 THE BELBER TRUNK & BAG CO. No. 1641 N. Hancock Streot -> PiflLADELPHIA, PA. mOOOHANII- CONES M UN WHIS This machine ia entirdj automatie and ia set up and guaranteed. Cones i - lowest pnce. Popcorn ball and fritter machines, etc. THE TUKNBinX' MFG. CO.. 469 N Market Pla«, Columb- Mbviii^ Picture MachlneSs CHilS^MsSrEBUM^ Um-oI KAMSAS'CnT. HO. MOO. for 0«r RUBY AND GREEN CLASSWi^ Suitable for enfftmn^ nsmes. We also have s fine line of IVORY DECORATED WARE American Glaas Sps e . Co.. P. O. Box 428, Menaea, Pa. GAMES THAT GET the MONEY Ooa BaH«na> Baos, DoO Bsdfcs. Ponds, Ab OHuir Wbeek^ Pin4>owd Tables. Isnanese Bo»6^ Tables, Water of TndB, Base Bsn HoDiiv Bowd. We M ~ ~ ALAMO PARK —SutN 1110.« Tmif Ti The only Amusement Park in City of 40,000. For^ioiannlion, address, G. K. B.4RT0N. Cedar Rapids. Iowa. ~ VauddvUis Ms—Ibft Qriflin Circuit Can uae a few more experienoed road or field men.'' Have plenty of time with short jumps. Boohlatf Uflice—Variety Ifcsatra BalMla^, Toroato. Canods. Wanted-For I. H. Boyer's Jesse James Show lloaiclaiia of aU klnda; Clarioact for Band and Orcbeatra; two Tromboora. one doobling tIoIIs pra. liencd: .moaldana dosMlas atafa sl*eo prefrrcoee; tbs Uneft fqulpiied car abow on road, Dcrer [Inaaa. Sre.iMrs witbnnt rtnalaSi. oar .record: waat ba able la iola on wire; no dronka. Addreaa - - . WMi ggair. tit Jtt. W iaaas t a.iSt »»W1sii..lS| all is Cheap TMn Chairs latelr Vaa'SnateUa Soltable for amall theatre and moriag picture abowa. We carry theae chain In atock and can ablp Immediately. Secood. band ebalra, alao afMllin for oat *t door nae. Ad S. Vm fL B.. a raai. wmSn- TUBS CO., ton greaa St.. Boetaa. UO fifth ATeane. POP-CORN FRITTERS MAKE BIG MONEY MS T«»Oalar taHarbaiia. (S.tS. Kew^ algaa aad a balf-tooe cut made froo yoor pbaU. Catalos and price llat of halMooe cnta tad aamplca af letterhead de algna for a 3-eeal aump. — ,T1jre 00.. Oar Omtm. MAGIC Haxtdaaa* Acta boUt. atacad aad bookal. Oat- ad taformatlon lOe. laelode eitra dim. f« 'Bdwarda*- Magic Migailne." EDWAUS ■tnat. BaCala. X. T. etc. DBS UOINBB. IOWA.- nUI AND SONS SLIDES FOR SALE 01 RENT Plftj ntU. eorploa atoek. le to Je par fooc Klegaat eosdltloe. WOl aend aabtect to axan- InatlOD npoa receipt of expreea chargea. Sog Slldea, with moale. $2.M per aet. 9ni tar lUM. Film and Song Slldea rented at lowaal prtcaa the Snath. Write for paftlealara. t. O. BOX >•*, Baw Oriaaaa, la. CABINET PHOTOS~-$2.50 per 100 Send Toar oesatlra to print troB or a pbote ta tan. TstBta- Hsrtajg^or Wlta Pfeala rOB >AU—EdiBoa BtUbWOQ 1.100 ft. PaaaloQ Play aim. StaKlaaa. trareUos wagooi. P. 0. BOX ITS, MtoUla. EEOOVD AjrWAI. rOOB^HOKZ SHOW Maaoolc Trapla, Trenton, ti. J., Man* lac Bpaeaa (t nuaint foot, 9 ft. deoy. lUO Iboaaaad free tlckata throogb BaUU Orocnr Awn. Ke wbeaU or gamhllng. P. O. Bex lOS, Tri'iitBB. N. J. MAOIO—Uaadreda af bargalaa la new tricka, adrancod angle, lalad mdlaf acta, aaw ••- capea. handcaSa, lag iisaa, cab) Bel a. real h.Tjv Me, Get ay «M0. roa Silt-llwiMwlcsl ijii rjrt iiyias